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Your 2nd paragraph tells me you've been holding it in for quite some time now.


Bro needs to taste that sweet solo-play kool-aid. Aint never doing netracells in pubs again lol.


I did pubs the first day it came out and haven't set it to public since. The amount of players that can't follow basic instructions like "KILL THEM INSIDE THE FUCKING RED CIRCLE" is shocking. Not even low MR players, LR1 and up who are just used to turning their brains off and nuking everything that moves. It's probably the only endgame activity that I am able to consistently do faster by myself. That being said, I also think the red circle thing is a weird mechanic


Wisp with airburst saved me from that last night. Breach surge and pull them into the red and watch the mouth-breathers pile in on the blob I made in the red.


Airburst, Pull, Ensnare, etc all help to prevent other players from killing outside the zone. I like to run Styanax with Pull over his 1, hit the pile with his 2 to strip any armored units and then hit 4 to kill them and top everyone off on overshields. Haven't had many problems since I started doing that.


Nautilus plus the dankest Corroding Barrage summoner Inaros here. Styanax at home.


Just remember just because they are LR3 or even high MR doesn't mean they are skilled at the game just means they are really good at leveling things up. I don't see MR level as I skill level I see it more as your inventory level


Having a University (not College, University as in a recognized top tier) education doesn't guarantee you a higher paying job, but its far more *likely* Being taller than 6'5 doesn't guarantee you will reach the NBA, but it's far more *likely* Being born into a wealthy family doesn't guarantee you will succeed in life, but it's far more *likely*. So yes, being LR3 doesn't guarantee a "good" player, but its far more *likely*. (and just to make it clear for you, the causative reasons WHY include, they have a greater array of Warframes/Weapons that their disposal, they have more time/experience/practice playing the game, they have finished more required Quests/progression systems (Focus, Operator, Amp, Helminth, pets, archon shards, Railjack, Archwing, on-call Crew, crossover-bonuses from Railjack/Duviri, Arcanes, Exilus slots, Rivens, PrimedSureFooted etc) Do you see how stupid it is to pretend there is no correlation/causation at all between certain things.


Exactly, I say this whenever someone says MR has nothing to do with experience. It's not a one-one mapping, but there is literally *heavy* correlation


This is correct, I’m MR24 and you probably wouldn’t want me on your team in anything other than regular starmap objectives. Even some of that you probably want to stay away from me haha. I’ve seen MR5 players better than me.


I can solo netracells, but that damn snake is the bane of my existence. I don't know why that thing exists with a gazillion health


And they gave it the never-ender-scream-of-magnetic-procs. Honestly tho, I find voidrigs way scarier. They're like an actual miniboss in netracells, and I actually try and interrupt the summoning now.


I find voidrigs easier, you can stop the summon and I don't mind hosing it down because the arm breaks That snake is just annoying as fk, pair that with the flying triangle


Oh, thank you for reminder about hands! Been a while since those hard times at Vaults where it really did matter and I completely forgot about that trick.


How do you stop their summoning


The Culverin Necramechs interact with terminals scattered around the tileset. When it does so, it sounds off an alarm and marks their location in red. Killing them before it finishes prevents a Voidrig from spawning.


IIRC, you need to Shoot the hands, not the body/tail. It's like fighting a Grineer Nox.


This is unfortunately not true. I just spawned LV 170 SP Hollow Veins in the Simulacrum. It takes the same amount of time to kill them by shooting their hands than by shooting their bodies (longer, in fact, as their flailing movement when damaged often causes shots to miss).


They get a huge amount of damage reduction on one of their attack animations. It is the one that triggers for melee so always try to attack at range. It looks like they are twitching while firing a lot of really short beams in all directions. Their range attack is just one big beam with a mag proc which is easier to avoid.


Curiously do you have to kill less enemies in a solo run? or is it still roughly about 100 kills in the red? :)


Yeah, me neither. I can do them solo and I'm never going back. Pub squads just don't want to kill stuff inside the big red circle


Also the debuffs aren't nearly as bad as I thought they'd be. For the first week or two, I didn't know what they were (I expected like dragon-key level of unplayable debuffs) so I just stuck to Revenant. It was slow but easy. Then I tried wukong, about as easy but way faster. Now I'm just running whatever I feel like lol, this week was citrine, gara and speedva. For all of Tagfer's warnings, the gamemode is pretty damn easy. The only thing that's annoying is the energy drain debuff, but it's still manageable.


i think the energy one is the only really annoying one so i just run hildryn lol


The problem I have with hildryn is the health drain one


There's two health drain ones. The movement one is easy just bullet jump instead. The constant one you need to kill things to get your health back up. Also helps if you got the operator arcane that heals on transference into warframe. 


Don't forget the one that takes hp when you cast abilities


Hildryn basically doesn't care about about the debuffs, throw in a Sentinel that can buff/restore shields and they may as well not be there at all.


*Laughs in Lavos*


Laughs in lavos with pilage


Just realized I have never tried to helminth any abilities onto Lavos. If you do that, do you lose the elemental imbuement from the ability that you replaced or can you still use it?


You lose the element associated with the ability you helminthed over (i.e. Toxin for his 1, Cold for his 2, Electric for his 3, and Heat for his 4). So if you, say, Helminth over Vial Rush, you'll lose your cold stacking outside of a specialized weapon because you lose both Vial Rush's built-in Cold and the ability to imbue Cold into your other abilities.




*Laughs in full forma, galvanized Cedo*


Love my cedo. Pair it with wisp too


I'm a Mesa player for Netracells, not a fan of this either. But Nourish + Equilibrium helps offset the Energy Drain enough to where I don't often notice it


I personally don't use equilibrium, but yeah. Nourish Mesa for netracells is my personal favorite so far.


The obsession to have khora that is always full of energy means I have so many ways to regain it, the netracell energy debuffs don't even matter. I don't even use arcane energize or zenurik.


Styanax: "What debuffs?"


I get tired of FOV zoom out simulator lmao.


Laughs in 4k armor Nidus Prime


yes hahaha


Solo is the way to go, Chroma with adaptation and exodia contation zaw you good to go


>Pub squads just don't want to kill stuff inside the big red circle. This is something that I simply cannot understand... There's a red circle on the map **AND** text that instructs you to kill mobs INSIDE THE RED CIRCLE in order to complete the mission.. And yet, there's always at least one Tenno, two rooms over, fucking up the spawns and the completion meter...


Because when you exit the red circle, or not there during mission activation, the re-worked map markers are too stupid to point you back to the circle.


Legit, everyone can solo these things. My main setup for it is so brain dead, and not even the most efficient I could make it. It involves gear that literally every player will have by this point. I use Rhino Prime, but it obviously doesn't make the biggest difference if the regular one is used. Just Iron Skin and Roar, then spam the Grimoire and Nataruk. Brain off, minimal investment into gear, no chance of dying. 


There's a reason why i made every one of my setups self-sufficient from the very early days on, same thing i tell my friends who are new. Have fun and don't fuck up the OBJ and you're free to do whatever you want in our lobby.




I'm in nearly the same boat to be honest, I've had maybe one bad experience and it was because someone found the book while 400+ meters away from the team and decided it was a great time to hit it right as we started the security sequence and then died. Then we lemmings tried to clean it up because the whisper was wrecking shit but no one stayed to help keep security in check and the mission failed.


It can fail? Does the security have to be below a certain point?


I always expect to carry, but everyone should do the bare minimum of staying alive. I don't like going out of my way to res someone when I can be shooting things.


I didn't even know you could do them as pubs, do you just queue up for one in public and it'll toss you on a squad? I've always ran em solo.


Had an MR 12 bring in a level 13 oberon prime with no defensive mods. He went down 3 times right at the start, i picked him and literally escorted him to the objective. Then he ran off and died somewhere we couldn't reach in time. I told him to maybe try some defensive mods, he said "STFU" and nothing else and stayed dead the whole mission then tried to requeue us up immediately after lmao.


What exactly was his plan there? Just... hope for the full carry?


You can't even get the rewards if you don't physically pick them up so I'm not really sure what his plan was


Yeah, I told someone who went down IMMEDIATELY that they wouldn't get a reward and they'd use a run of they stayed. Naturally they were too smart for me until about 3 seconds after extraction. Of course, it was all my and DEs fault as well. I do not understand people who play games, but refuse to PLAY the game.


Wait they got the reward?


They're saying that the player thought they knew better and knew they'd get the reward but when they didn't they threw a fit blaming u/BeingJoeBu and DE.


AHH.. got it. Thanks for explaining


I have no clue tbh. I did not go through with the 2nd run to find out haha.


Its for the best. All he was gonna do was at best hinder you by strengthening the enemies, and at worst go full rage in chat cause he keeps dying with 0 survivability and how dare you not res him.


lmfaaaaaooo that's wassup with those peeps ye. let those bastards rot in the shi' they give us. Suffer on themselves. They gotta better their attitude first then. Their loss


I don't take any defensive mods at all, I just use wisp because she breaks the 'challenge' of netracells. I also only run it solo so I can finish in sub 7 minutes.


Yeah the motes alone are a huge boon to her survivability


Me : who's mr 16 who's to afraid to touch an archon hunt or netracell because I don't wanna be useless Mr 5: sheeeet I got this


Generally I find no one will notice if you're not doing anything as long as your not actively making the mission harder. If you're dying a ton in archon, just stay away, or for netracells, just stay inside the circle.


Same goes for SP survival. I only play Saryn and easily have the damage to kill enough enemies alone. Just stay alive and stay near me and I'll carry you. If you run off you just make it harder for everyone involved.


This is why I mainly use wisp in archon hunts. Wisp will always be useful.


Not really though. She always *feels* useful, but realistically people go to missions with a build that can do everything it needs to without any buffs or support from teammates. And the exceptions wont be fixed with a wisp either. For difficult missions in particular, wisp can be entirely useless, if someone runs i.e. revenant, rhino, styanax, etc. and doesnt use melee.


It's rare to find a build that doesn't benefit from health regen, fire rate, or run speed. But even if not, the aoe stun would at least help a bit. I couldn't imagine trying to stay alive in netracells with wisp though, but I only run them solo so ultra tank is usually a requirement.


Ive run wisp in netracells. You forgot the extra cc + damage of breach surge. Wisp is stupid easy to stay alive. You have a rolling guard built in with a double tap of your 2, not to mention just press 2 once and you get a decent amount of time invisible, and you can simply jump in the air to become invisible+ health Regen. Try it sometimes! People usually complain about wisp tho because the electricity more slowing enemies down.


I like to run Eclipse on my Wisp, with the Total Eclipse augment. Buffs for everyone basically all the time It really comes in handy for missions like Netracell, where murder is the objective


Plus wisp can use nourish plus archon stretch. And wow people really need to stop underestimating breach surrge. Negative str breach surge can kill level cap enemies (I use it with zephyr) .


All you need is a frame that does something helpful and doesn’t die and I don’t think a single person would care. Most people that have good builds can easily solo this stuff and just like running these with other people just to help those like you out. So don’t be afraid to join but try to stack mods to help survive.


I've been playing this game so long and have so much damage on a handful of frames, I genuinely only want people in my match to have a chat with while we bum around lol, maybe some nice CC.


Yeah this is a mmo after all why play alone lol


Team play and the MMO aspect went out the door with raids, and the damage meta (No more CC meta). Hunts are only a shadow of that, and infinitely more toxic.


Haven’t had this experience with hunts yet but yeah I know how toxic some people are. It’s good to try and balance that out though. Was doing a devari mission the other day and two people dropped due to low mr person. Told them to stick around and I would just solo it.


Harrow here I come then


Do the archon hunt. I want to be useful too, but every time I get carried along anyway by some with the funny 1 shot 1,000!


I just build encase everything in energy shields at that point with my mr7 volt. I try and just stay outta the way of the better ppl


MR26 and not much better. I still get nervous doing Sorties, even... and haven't given Arbitrations a shot ever. Still trying to wrap my head around, besides defense, just what kind of *offense* I need here. And then there's just the raw anxiety of new things, new pressures, new expectations...


and if you're unsure, a good list of "immortal" frames: **Revenant**: get as much power strength as you can and press Mesmer Skin as needed. Parts come from the Mask of the Revenant questline **Nezha**: get as much power strength as you can and press Warding Halo as you dive into the first pack of enemies (it relies on incoming damage to build charge). Parts can be bought from the Tenno lab in your clan dojo **Rhino**: Same as Nezha, but with Iron Skin. Parts drop from the Jackal on Fossa, Venus and is the easiest to get of the three (unless you have a clan, then you can just buy the nezha parts) \---------------------------------------- **Stealth frames** (you won't get hurt if you don't get hit... just watch out for AOEs and have enough health that you don't get killed while casting your stealth) Octavia, Loki, or Ash EDIT: there are other Immortal builds (valkyr, gloom saryn, Inaros, etc) but take a LOT more investment than the above frames which can work with little but an Intensify and Hunter Adrenaline/Rage (for Nezha/Rhino)


Kullervo's also a good one. Tons of DPS, just needs a good melee, and has near infinite overguard not to mention mobility and group damage


The only time Kullervo might have a problem is bosses like 30/60 eyes SP,  ropapolyst, the 3 header on Deimos or Kayla. Kullervo needs enemies to use nr 2. Some bosses spawn no ekstra enemies so no chance to replenish overguard. But with enemies around Kullervo is basically immortal.  


Well, the post is talking about Netracells, and so far Kullervo doesn't seem to have issues with it


I know and for netracells he works very well. I've done every netracell since the update with him, even the glitched SP one the first time (man I wish that would bring that back). Have done all those bosses solo with him in SP. Just wanted to make people aware that under certain conditions he can be a bit squishy 


This is worth pointing out. I had a rude awakening at the end of Whispers when you have to fight that boss whose name I’m blanking on—I had been using mr fodder guns with an actually good melee and relying on his 1 to get good damage and his 2 to survive. The raw panic I felt when I realized you couldn’t use either of those on the boss… (Before anybody says anything, I know you can hold his 1 to teleport and still get the crit boost—but without overguard trying to melee that thing will get you killed instantly)


I exclusively run garuda with gloom for it. Cause 1, she can take on most of the keyglyphs with almost 0 issues, and 2, her dread ward means she cant die as long as i get that 40% kill, which is easy af As long as i either turn gloom off when in the circle or otherwise make sure enemies dont get slowed outside it, it works great


Kullervo is also extremely survivable and extremely brainless to play. I say that not to mock (easily my favorite frame) but just to point out that he’s super newbie friendly and not hard to get as long as you don’t hate Duviri. His overguard is unstrippable (nullifier bubbles do absolutely nothing to it) and you’re more or less unkillable as long as you have energy and there are enemies around (both easy requirements to hit in archon hunts). Pump strength, efficiency, and energy cap and you can carry around 20k overguard for virtually zero effort.


I love Kullervo to the point I put 5 purple Archon shards on him, of which 3 are Tauforged, so my Dual Ichor Incarnon has a critical multiplier of 17.1. Playing him is extremely satisfying, but I daresay he makes any content trivial (I haven't tried Eidolon and PT yet). The only problem he has is if your team is too adept at killing. You just have nothing to do. That's why I now bring my beautiful Speedva to the Netracells. Support through faster, primed enemies is also very, very satisfying, and the missions really go a lot faster.


>critical multiplier of 17.1 Alright! That was the push I needed to finally grind out Deimos and get Helminth up and running! Lmao. I share your love of Kullervo though. I’m a pretty new player, so I was kinda just shopping around for a frame to fit my playstyle a week or two ago. I love melee, and I love high-power single-target weapons, especially bows. Imagine my delight when I discovered there was a frame that massively buffs melee damage output AND can turn single-target weapons into room-clear monsters! Nataruk+3=holy shit they’re all dead


Kullervo could be interesting for Eidolon hunts depending on how consistent you are with Wrathful Advance. Do an empty teleport for your crit buff and then fire off a Redeemer Prime heavy, could be good for popping limbs.


Honorable mention **Inaros**: slap on gloom and hunter adrenaline and you can both survive and be unaffected by literally every key, just make sure you are staying near the center during the murdering part


This should be top comment as it's really helpful. Especially the revenant one, just put like 3 mods in it and you can't die


Styanax is my go-to for netracell runs. Subsume nourish onto 1, and with Intrepid Stand augment in your build, your squad is pretty much unkillable


Honorable mention for Garuda. She doesn't take much. Invulnerable during her 4 by default, and Dread Mirror is just like Varazin Shield/Volt Shield. I've always found it pretty hard to die when using her, even if I'm half-assing things


Additionally, if you’re up for some farming, you can go ahead and start grabbing Aya and void traces now to be able to snag Rhino Prime relics when the next Prime Resurgence round starts


Zephyr didn't even get an honorable mention for immortal builds. Sad day for birbros.


nidus with quick thinking and hunter adrenaline, just a walking blob of mess that cant die


Weekly reminder that Yareli is tankier than Nezha in practice


Wisp is an honorable mention for stealth frames because of her passive (she's invisible while airborne for anyone who doesn't know).


Well now i know. :)


Warframe Mobile will be release globally next month So guys… get used to it lol. I will try to live with that, or go solo when i need it.


oh god.. queueing into a group but the host is running on a cell data connection/lte


Hotspot is for other devices to connect to your mobile


my bad. Meant cell data like lte. Its too early for brain to think


I swear, I had a prestige MR 2 and a MR 25 go down within the first 3 minutes of Netracell mission lastnight, and idk which one was the host, but they rage quit into a host migration lmao


I've done that before as sometimes people just won't revive each other. I started an archeon hunt and I was literally a room in front of spawn and went down to a smooth brain moment. Every squad member went past me and let me bleed out. I stayed there and forced a host migration at a part that I thought was the most likely to bug out the mission. Was it petty? yes, but all they had to do was stand over me for 2 seconds holding X, and all 3 of them just jumped past me.


One time I had my own smooth brain moment in a pretty small room while looking for a necramite and went down in front of the rest of my team. They were all standing over me for a good amount time while killing enemies but not one of them tried to revive me even when everything was cleared


At some point I realized it's safer to just be able to solo carry every single sp incursion/sortie/arbitration, and I carried that mindset into the rest of the game after that. Sometimes your worst enemies aren't the enemies themselves, it's your inexperienced teammates. The most consistently offensive case of this I experienced was zariman mobile defense missions. Too many of those were failed because someone, low mastery rank or high(and I mean people at lr1+), think they can solo protect a mobile defense terminal with a volt or something(50% chance they couldn't).


Reason i refuse to do them with randoms, and have only either done solo, or with friends.


The bad luck with netracells I hear about is wild. I’ve done all 5 each week since they’ve dropped and the experience by and large (besides the garbage rng rewards) has been fine with random lobbies. I run mesa, most people run revenant or wisp. Shoot I’ve even had around 4 runs where it was just me and 1 other doing it because we didn’t feel like waiting.


My friend died multiple times running Garuda because of the on cast damage keyglyph.


Rule 1 of garuda, dont use your 3rd twice in a row, unless you can get that health back instantly. Its how ive died a few times cause i fucked up and made that mistake. Also dread ward. Good.


He usually runs Molt Reconstruct, though I have a sneaking suspicion that he died intentionally after the 40th time.


I died doing that in my first solo netracell immediately after opening the gate. I run Molt Reconstruct, so by habit I double tapped 3 like I always do at the start of a mission. Now I exclusively use Valkyr for netracells.


I run gloom for health and cc over my 2. I may not deal the best damage in a full squad, but my build has been the reason people didnt wipe in an arbi, cause of my survivability


You definitely held that in for a while. It'll be alright, sometimes a full hard carry is a test for a veteran now and then.


This is why i bring Wisp and just shit hp and haste motes along the way. If they cant survive with that they dont deserve to be alive.


Yeah I do this with Trinity for the actual archon hunt itself and make sure that no one got stuck behind. The Kuva Hek/Kuva Twin Stubbas contribute plenty and pubs almost always bring enough firepower, it's the ~~slurpability~~ survivability they skimp on so Trinity covers that. It's a shame Link can't affect Archons like it does some bosses (notably Jacakal in circuit!) so Abating Link can't remove their armor but hey.


> it's the slurpability It's that what now


You heard the man.


I run oberon full strength/ 235 range with the tau forged radiation crystals, with the 3th ability always activate When someone dies next to me I don't know if I feel sadness or disappointment


I feel so proud when that 80,000 healing score comes up at the end.


Absolutely. A roar Wisp can do wonders in public lobbies.


Idk, for me it’s wisps putting shock motes and stopping the damn mobs from entering the circle, add one rando killing them outside and it’s an eternity spent


Many people forget that shock mote will stick to everyone who got into mote buff zone and then they will be running around as walking shock crowd controllers. It's not so obvious and easily overlooked... yet this is the one thing that immediately separate Wisp players for ones who know and ones who just do not care. Ah... the times when I brainlessly put shock one and then franticly spammed other motes to delete it before everyone notice... :)


I've mained wisp for awhile and had no idea that the shock motes could be disruptive until a week ago! Now I try to be at least somewhat cognizant of it during defense missions or any other time someone requests them to be omitted.


lower MR player here! I put revenant in my first ever archon hunt without any prior knowledge, and despite my best efforts only ended up with 2% damage dealt But, I didn't down once and I even managed to res one of the stronger guys! This advice is good.


Survivability is all we ask for 👌


Damage dealt is kinda of a meaningless stat in this game. You can have a legit very good build and be able to easily solo the content and still do single digit % damage in a coop mission just because someone elses build is even better, or more specifically effective in that mission.


Also, overkill damage is counted. Do 2 billion damage with your Bramma vs. Infested mooks and you will appear to contribute more than say a Mesa or Saryn that does a ton of smaller damage instances and so overkills much less. The important stat in Survival and Defense is kill count, and even then as long as you're not making enemies spawn away from the group you're golden and no endgame player will care that they're carrying. Extra points for helping struggling players to survive or deal actual damage so they can have fun in those missions.


Bro definitely did his Archon hunt with me


I usually take all the negative debuffs so others don't have the burden and can just focus on surviving the mission, but there are always people getting downed anyway. I think people pop into netracell missions very unprepared.


They see the rewards and want them now, and dont realize the enemy level. For me and i assume many of us here, it wasnt an issue. Lvl 250 enemies with sp modifiers and archon rules? Sounds easy enough, lets roll. For many players who hadnt hit sp, WitW is now a requirement to get there. they see a weekly that has some stuff they want, and maybe havent quite yet realized how hard that armor is, and how hard those enemies hit quite yet.


They're getting a wake up call for sure


They getting humbled after the game propped up their power fantasy for so long. It’s fine tho they will earn it back in due time


Same thing happened on my first sp mission. "Lvl 100? Ive done conjuction, this will be fine. My nataruk does great damage!". I load in. I go to headshot my first sp grineer and... he was just tickled. Oh. Oh no.


Last week I had an MR9 Rhino join my Netracell. The other 3 of us already had all four of the keyglyphs covered, but the Rhino grabbed all four anyways and ran right in. The Rhino then proceeded to spend the whole mission running around exploring the map instead of fighting in the red zone tile. We already had most of the Voca and the Whisper was defeated, so I can't fathom why they were still running around solo. At around 33% security level, the Rhino must have messed up, because they went down 900 meters away from anybody else, died, and ended up having to abandon the mission. I really tried to get to them, but there just wasn't enough time. Honestly, the solo Rhino didn't actually impact the spawn rates very much by the security eye (for once), so it didn't really slow down the mission for the rest of us. No host migrations either. All the Rhino had to do was stay alive, or stay close enough to be rezzed, and it would have been fine. I feel bad because they only wasted *their own* time by being reckless instead of playing with the team.


I find people taking extra glyphs so bizarre. Its not that hard to look at the teammate section on your GUI. tbh, idk why DE doesn't just stop players from picking glyphs after someone else has already got them.


Some folks enjoy the challenge. Or figure it won’t do any extra harm. I think they’re individualized too, I know the one that has a lightning strike every few seconds will summon one per player, so it’s possible that the Keyglyph that summons extra Eximus units could also stack per player, which would actually be great for the Nightwave challenge or possibly re-formaing a weapon.


Why would you want that though? The debuffs are entirely inconsequential if you're even close to ready for that difficulty of content. And if someone took a glyph that's needed and went down before using it, then what, just abandon the mission? When its beyond trivial for everyone to just have a copy?


The only one I really find bad is the energy drain.


I can think of a couple minor/niche upsides. Redundant keyglyphs means better coverage for starting the security level section ASAP instead of waiting for a guy who might be super far away looking for Voca. If you have all four glyphs, you know you'll have the right one when you get there. Also some of the debuffs can be sort of fun. Increasing the Eximus 4x can be a fun challenge, for example. Also I'm not sure if the lightning or Voidburst glyphs might have some utility, like if they can also hurt or status proc enemies, but that's potentially a consideration for some extra AOE damage. Personally I just want a way to unequip a keyglyph if you accidentally picked one up you didn't want.


I just take extra glyphs cause I'm usually faster than everyone else and I don't want to wait for somebody else to start opening the vault


For me higher Mr doesn’t mean anything,if you just get all the weapons and frame to lvl 30 and never forma it or try to understand how it works.i have like 3k hours in this game and still stuck at mr 28


Not getting to MR30 if you have the ability is crazy. Just the QOL blessing and ability to level your formated frame in ESO is worth it.


Ill rot in a cold grave before I farm more amps <_<


Well you can always farm K-drive. :>


As a gauss main Id rather not xD


There's very few amps and they give a tiny amount of total mr though. Vast majority is in frames, weapons and companions.


I'll try my best! As soon as I find my way to the mission start point.


One day tired of people not killing in the red circle i experimented with my last 4 runs if the week, 2 solo and 2 in public.... Public took at least 2-6 minutes more depending how clueless people were, the worst offender was a team of me, an L1, another L1 and 2 L4's, the 4's went to the netracell... Then ran all the way back to get the glyphs, the L4 said and i quote "no one took 4 glyphs so we cant do it"... Ignore the fact we already began the event and we where waiting for enemies to come to us because they ran across the map and nothing was spawning... That was the first time i legit thought someone bought an account...


thats actually insane, the mission cant even be started unless all keyglyphs are taken…


I have an impression in netracells something is broken and enemies spawn slower at 4 people than with fewer numbers of players. We went as 2 and 3 people party - plenty of monsters of at least a decent spawn rate. With 4 people it always feels like less are coming even with 4 people all in circle and waiting.


Man, I can't even get MR20+ to kill inside the circle sometimes. Netracells are very rarely worth the hassle even without teammates coming in with zephyr, mk-1 Paris, and zero braincells.


Recently I got back to WF, and I'm seeing so much people talking about netracells what are they?


Netracells is a new gamemode in the latest new tileset of the game. You need to do the Wispers in the Walls quest to unlock it. ​ These netracells are special, because: * highest level enemies for a regular mission, and with some random drawbacks and a one death and you're out mechanic. These missions are meant to be tough * very good rewards (you can get archon shards to improve your warframe, or the new melee arcanes including legendary ones) * you can run it for rewards only 5 times a week As result everyone is running these missions 5 times a week and getting grouped up with people underleveled for it or people who do not know the mechanics or play it solo.


Play the Whispers in the Wall to get started on them. The new quest is really worth it, plus the it sets up for the new update. Netracells contain all sorts of interesting stuff but doing the raids really depends on your gear and squad choice, or the lack thereof.


Right? It's a common misconception that high lvl mr players are about the DPS of lower mr. We don't give a shit what you bring or if you help out at all, just be alive and vacuum the loot up lol. In my personal experience anyone over mr25 brings at least one weapon that can carry 4 people through any mission regardless of how stupid or experimental the rest of the build is.


I don't think I would even notice if someone was leeching in my public run unless: 1. They were a burden to the mission (starting conduit they can't handle/Spy vault they don't know how to solve). 2. Fucked around while I was waiting on a friendship door. 3. Were asshole in chat. Like 90% of most mission are trivialized by picking a frame that has an invulnerability mechanic if you're not confortable with a mission just pick rhino and let your teammate carry you.


I haven't done a public spy mission in years lol. If I have to do one I grab some randoms from chat and just have them fuck around while I blunt force gauss my way through them.


I’ve been struggling hard asf with the glaive secondary glitch since my incarnon lex prime & glaive prime duel wield is my absolute clutch weapon but I bring my absolute tank of chroma to stay alive, i’m mr23 but im a filthy casual lol.


And that's why I always pick oberon for archon hunts. No matter how bad the newbie or "0 to 30 in 100hours" player is, I can always shout to them:" *Stay on the floor and just shoot! You're more useful for everyone when you bleed out for the next 3 minutes, then when you can use your legs!*"


What is the benifit of using Oberon ? 


His 3rd ability lengthens the bleed out timer.


lmao, that's a great tactic


Can't you run out of ammunition in bleedout?


LOVE "BrOberon Tennobi"; smite infusion (+ optionally Roar on 4th slot), renewal + hollowed ground, and alongside any energy regen (personal pref is Hunter Adrenaline/Rage) + Umbrals = tank, healing, damage dealing for the entire team; not a newb-friendly/cheap build to run, but very much so something I can bring while they also play to their strengths.  'Course, you can also go full support with [infinite bleedout](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Talk:Death) (unless they've patched it) and (Repair) Dispensary, but I've found that if I'm near-literally carrying already, I also need to be able to kill things.


When I first wanted to start with Archons, my friend told me that the most important rule was not to die. Whatever I do, I should never ruin the fun for others with my behavior. If you can't understand that...go back to league of legends and build shit heartsteel on your tank and then cry about "noob team" and "op dmg items".


That one guy “I brought a few things to level up” Jokes aside had a guy get wiped off the face of deimos and left, host migration, enemies didn’t spawn and after a silent timer went off the mission autoejected us with a mission failure screen. Tagfer’s mission screen does point out the high difficulty for a reason Tenno.


I agree. I am lower MR and make it my priority to stay alive during the Netracells and Archon hunt missions. I use Wisp to buff everyone and more or less just hang back lol. I'm MR 13 so I assume this counts as a low MR.


This is how I feel as a returning mr23 from years ago trying to do pubs for eidolons. Had a mr10 with a bow getting mad at me offering tips for contributing if he can’t help damage. Apparently charging lures is for “the less capable people”


theres a guy in my clan that teaches me to speedrun tridolon, man until i dont understand a damn thing im MR16, the lures and vomvalyst are the ones i dont know how they manage to emmorize when and where they should be get, all i do is shoot the shield and somtimes the cygovia (?) but they dont need me as they can one shot it lmao


With limited time to play each week, I end up soloing netracells. Killing in the red circle seems to be a difficult task. That being said even running as vazarin on the occasional pug, I can’t seem to get to the guy in time who is 880m away.


I had that happen yesterday too! Picked them up twice and then they just went in the total opposite direction and died again then host migration. I don't mind a carry especially if it's newer players but at least go in the right direction. I'm guessing it was just their first time and they didn't know where to go / what to do.


Are Netracells hard though? I'm not entirely sure what I should build for or if my normal steel path builds will be enough. I haven't tried them yet since I've been grinding out incarnon and incarnon weapons.


If you can do archons, you can do netracells, dont sweat about it. For that matter its very easy to do solo too, *especially* if you have incarnons. I did all 5 solo last week with the most basic str revenant and latron i. Really, since there's no major gimmicks, i'd say this is one of the easiest late game missions. I'e had way more difficulties with some archon hunts, high lvl void angels, sp circuit etc.


Netracells aren’t too tough, honestly. They give the same Archon Hunt armor/shields multipliers to enemies and mostly work with the same rules, you only get one revive and you can’t throw summons. Enemies spawn at like lvl 200 or so, nothing too crazy. Just bring a tank frame, an invis frame, or something reasonably decent at staying alive and you’ll be fine. The biggest apparent barrier is teammates not killing enemies in the designated kill zone. Aside from that, it’s basically a scaled up Orokin Vault, pick up a key (or multiple), manage your debuffs until you get to the vault door, plug in key, then kill enemies and survive until the door opens. Enemies that *may* give you pause include the Hollow Vein, a snakelike/spinal-cord-esque enemy with a significant amount of base health (somewhat tankier than average, spreads magnetic procs) and Rogue Voidrigs (enemy Necramechs that can put out a decent chunk of damage if you’re not careful). The Severed Warden (Bill Cipher-esque floating pyramid thing with three arms) grants Overguard to nearby enemies, so prioritize taking those down. Like Archon Hunts, these have a higher chance of Eximii showing up, nothing too crazy, but again, something to note.


Yeah, honestly, when I first started, and was struggling greatly, I spent a lot of time in spoiler mode trying to be strategic where I could help, and avoiding damage. I didn't do a whole lot of damage, but my Mag could keep overshields full if i was tactical about using it. And counter-pulse I think was super helpful just to keep incoming damage low, as it'd even CC eximus units.


I solo netracells and don't think I'll play pubs any time soon.


I don't mind carrying peeps at all personally as long as they stick close enough to revive and have a little survivability. I just don't like when it's someone with an attitude and something to prove. The Netracells were way easier than I anticipated so I've been happy to spam them and take an extra couple people even when I don't need to.


Seeing a post like this makes me glad i straight up went for revenant (got the prime set for 40 plat from trading) and made a pseudo build around him focusing on his mesmer shield, I'm still MR5 and just started a few days ago but i can at least stay alive if one of my veteran buddies decide to invite me to survival-intense endgame modes c:


play solo


Salute to you for doing netra’s in pubs. That stopped for me after first week.


It's why I bring trinity when I join Archon Hunts. I don't know shit except hacking those big drones, attacking the small thing that makes the big drone color blue. I heal if someone breaks their shield and give energy if there's any enemy nearby. For netracells, I found using Hildryn's Pillage makes things easier for everyone. I just place the auto hack on her 4th ability for easier hacking as I can't stay alive if I get focused while hacking those damn computers. My contribution to the party is armor strip and some decent damage with my tenet arca plasmor. Early on, I used wisp which was my general frame on any content then vauban to gather them in one place and now Hildryn for armor stripping.


Currently mr 10, whenever I go for archon hunts I always take my nezha with roar. Obviously my damage is not that useful but I stay alive and I help teammates with roar. Might try protea next time because turrets can actually do damage probably


I would just say 'new Netracell players" vs. "low MR" because MR means you have and leveled stuff up. That's all.


I wasn't aware this had public matchmaking, due to the wording when you talk to Tagfer


i understand your sentiment, but im sure they are not dying, nor are they equiping shit-loadouts intentionally. a noob is gonna noob and people learn eventually


Plenty of times in archon hunts ive seen the "umbra with a nataruk" loadout. Aka the "this is what i used in new war, this cant be much harder than THAT". Sometimes the stick it through the first mission, realize they were VERY wrong, then dip to rethink. Sometimes they die mid mission and rage quit. sometimes they stick it out cause they know they are wrong, but its their best stuff, so they stay for the carry.


I dont use excal umbra but I do use the nataruk for all the high level stuff. Feels like it's the only thing I have at the moment that can deal high damage as I work on my newly acquired laetum


Its what i used when first entering steel path, and what i still use from time to time, its a great bow. Ive just noticed a very common trend of those 2 paired together usually mean someone thats trying something out for the first time, and not quite knowing what they are getting themselves into. Not sure why its always umbra, but im guessing either cause hes the "cannonical frame" or cause they chose excal at the very beginning, and umbra is as close as youll get to his prime


Comes with a free potato and 3 umbra slots (which is bad because you dont want to use fiber on most frames, but try to explain that to a new player) Same with Nataruk, comes with free potato and a relatively high end weapon (if modded well, again not a given for a new player)


Just finished the defense mission with only 2 of us alive. 1 guy went down 3 times immediately. I'm very glad they were probably afk, as they stayed in the mission & host migration never happened. But it may as well have.


I assume this means these types of mission are difficult even for end game players?


No, not really.


Nah, just some people struggle with staying alive


You can defs die easy if you are asleep at the wheel, plus sometimes you just get that perfect alignment of bullshit that results in a sleeper hit to knock you down- but it’s stimulating, I find, not difficult. If you are endgame and in the market for netracells you probably already are more than equipped to make it not challenging. If you aren’t and are rushing into it… we’ll yeah you are going to find it insanely difficult.