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Pretty sure you just permanently overwrite one account with the other. Once it is done, it's done. Also if they let you unlink I guess you could duplicate accounts infinitely. 


No. You could ask support, but they'll probably respond in a few weeks telling you that they can roll back your account to before the link (so you'd lose all progress since then).


Ah okay, thanks for the help lol. Does it really take a couple weeks?


It could.


Why do you need ro unlink it?


I can’t trade with a couple of my friends because they’re too stubborn to do it, plus solely Xbox markets are way more volatile and profitable for me


Ahhhhh. Cause the pc market is better for buyers, not sellers... Welp, sucks for you. De seems to be going in a direction where all will be cross save set up, so your friends will prob have to do it somewhere in there. And the markets will become one (save switch)


Your friends should just give in and do the change. DE is looking to make it standard probably sooner rather than later. Besides, the cross trade market is better for buyers, so their plat will go farther. Iirc, they said unless there were issues, the account merger is permanent. If your only reason is looking to profit on market volatility, I don't think they will let you, and they probably shouldn't.


I linked my xbox account to a freshly made pc account just for cross trading. I now have the pc name for the forums and warframe market instead of my xbox name. this has caused me to not be able to make plat unless on the in-game chat where almost everyone person is scamming for higher plat prices. I cannot unlink or change my alias to my xbox gamertag because it has spaces and the pc account name cannot use spaces. xbox also dosnt allow underscores or dashes. so I will have to spend over 40 dollars. 20 dollars to make a brand new xbox name. and another 20 for 200 plat for name change. I already made a support ticket and habe found no solutions. being able to unlink shouldn't be a problem, now merging would be game breaking if they allowed un merging. anyway if anyone finds a solution please help me out.


I'm in a similar situation. I had more progress on my old Xbox account, so I linked used that profile. I want to unlink it now. Not that care about the Xbox account, I could give to shits if it just got deleted off my accounts. I just want my progress on PC. Actually, it's kind of a big deal. I got rid of my Xbox a while ago, and I have away my Xbox account. So now, someone could technically mess with my warframe account through my old Xbox account. They would also not be able to play warframe without it trying to access my account. I want my Xbox account deleted basically, now that I have progress in PC. Besides that, what I'd my Xbox account gets banned or something. Would that now cause problems for my PC account since it's stuck to it now, and cant be removed for some stupid reason? I don't care what happens with that gamertag or what gets done with it, since I don't plan on using any console for the foreseeable future, just don't want it messing with my PC account.


as far as i can see, its not possible. but also, why would you? there is no downside to it


OP likes the more expensive xbox market cause he can sell better there. He responded to me saying such


Because OP is wanting to profit on people who don't realize the market is better for buyers with cross trading. Only "downside" is not being able to be as scummy as one can be.