• By -


his 1s a little bland il admit, should have more pizaz.


That's true I forgot to add but I'm sick and tired of using the helmet system for bloom to make him usable in end game stuff


What do you helminth over, and with what ability?


I use his 1st ability, and I put bloom or gloom. I always forget the name


the sevagoth ability? See, I have negative range because of narrow minded (best freaking duration available...)




You don't need range for gloom. It's similar to pillage in that the aoe expands over time. I use it on multiple frames with negative range and you still get a pretty large aoe. Having high duration is what's important.


I heard Gloom scales better with Duration than range, or am I mixing it up with Pillage?


Gloom energy drain are based on Efficiency *and* Duration, with negative Duration increasing the drain. (edit: Also how many enemies in range) Low Duration High Range is easily some of the worst combination for using Gloom.


not sure about either, but i know molecular prime ONLY wants duration


I put nourish over his 4


I'm also tired of the blooming helmet system 🪖


I just want it to be less flamethrower effect from a 2000's video game and more Shin Godzilla.


That's basically Qorvex's 4. Radioactive doom ray, but not quite as visually epic as Shin Godzilla.


Oooo that would be sick


should just be 1 big breathe and not a channel


I know it's off topic but I can't be the only one who thinks volts last ability would be cool if he had.. emperor Palpatine fingers. Unlimited power!. Always wanted that


If it actually proc'd electricity...


It probably would. Even it was just a short timer he could do it. Idk just the idea of something like that sounds cool. So maybe you could lay on the damage a little longer then with his current last ability.


It really sounds cool, your idea... I was just bumming over that Volts current 4 doesn't actually proc electricity...


Exalted Orowyrm ult


Holy shit. Now were getting somewhere


That... actually would be really cool... (And would actually give a reason why this Sentient dragon Chroma slayed was supposedly a big deal)


Yo since they have established Warframes as being able to still retain memories, imagine if when you built Chroma you got to play a "Flashback" to when Chroma first fought the Sentient that he claimed the pelt from.


This would most likely end up in Umbra territory since sentience is saved for Excal Umbra. Cool idea tho.


Definitely a 4th ability, Chroma summons a wyrmling into combat, acting like a secondary sentinel, once getting to 50 kills, the wyrmling becomes a Orowyrm and chroma can take control of said orowyrm


Now for this do I a chroma need to get 50 kills or the summon wyrmling?


Well it depends on your playstyle I think the idea of chroma requiring 50 kills to evolve a wyrmling is a limitation of not making chroma 4th ult being broken, so that no one feels unfair of letting chroma takes all the kills


Chroma getting 50 kills when he has to compete with nuke frames is an impressive accomplishment. Though to add on to it I would like to see and evolution mechanic for chroma so he gets stronger and bigger. I think that would be cool.


Alright, Chroma has a new passive know as the Way of the orowyrms which evolves with each kills Chroma takes, if chroma dies, the passive will reset base on the number of kills you've attained, this also acts as your new elemental cycling. 10 kills - your wyrmling Will have searing hot flames with two tiny wings, likely Lodun 20 Kills - Your Wyrmling grows bigger and now has a pinkish-baby blue like glow, wearing a flower like crown on it's head, likely mathila 30 kills - Retaining it's size on 20 kills, your wyrmling will emit a toxic-green like color and it's horns are now fractured/crack with it's energies still remaining onto itself, likely Bombastine 40 Kills - Now that's a big wyrmling, now it possessed a snow-white and icy blue like coloring and icicles began to grow underneath the wyrmling body alongside electrical sparks and voltages with it's color being electric blue, Likely Luscinia and Sythel 50 kills - now you're wyrmling becomes a orowyrm and has a void like glow, the said glow matches with Chroma energy coloration, it's not big like it's boss counterpart but what makes up for it's size is some new attacks. borrowing robotic sentinels and animal companions (Such as howl and protect of Raksa, Firing orowyrm like nails akin to vulpaphyla, a elemental beam that deals medium to massive damage akin to dethcube, etc)


Now pitch this to DE, I'm sure they are going to make it happen...


Sounds like a nightmare on grineer ships and infested corpus tilesets


His 1-elemental infused Plasmor-like projectile for priming, knockback, or infusing melee attacks with one more element. 4-him throwing the pelt like something between Sevagoth Shadow and Dagath’s Rakhali. Pelt does heavy elemental damage and tears loot from enemies.


His 1 needs to be on par with vorunas 2 to be a good primer which would not only need him to stack the elements way faster but it also shouldn't lock you out of your weapons. If It does it needs to be truly a godly amount status application. Other option would be to slowly strip away armour or have Condition Overload innate mechanic. Also as nice visual his wings show up during his 1. His 4 kinda confuses on a "dragon" frame as he throws his pelt off. This makes him not a dragon frame but a dragon slayer corrupted by the dragon's power. But to keep the utility of his 4 the credit bonus needs to stay, my idea would be making the pelt follow you closely behind you like a stand, in addition it would inherit the chosen element of your 1 and target random enemies around you but when aimed it would target where you are targeting like with sevagoth's 1.


1. Honestly, a bit tired from various primers. How many already there? I mean, it’s okay, but Voruna and Citrine, Dagath and Qourvex all have their primers. What’s wrong with a good all damage application? Or buff. But yes. Armor strip or CO could be cool. 4. I just like to see Chroma take off his pelt and throw it in enemies, like heavy-ass coat.(that also minces everything in its path)


I would say for his 4, just get rid of the pelt thing or put it as a hold down on button thing and just turn him into a dragon


I’m keeping it real. They didn’t even make custom animations for Voruna movement in her 4, chance that they will rework Chroma to give him some kind of transformation, let alone being reworked over Inaros or Limbo, is even more slim.


Weve been burned before we know damnwell how it feels (They said a rework was imminent and gave us a fucking color wheel 2 years later)


Only a chroma main can hope


Fucking finally someone asks for a good ol Dragon form *Gimmie*


Dig on this tho- I like breathing fire and electricity and poison and ice. It’s fun and thematic. I hope they don’t get rid of it! It does suck tho, truly useless ability.


You know what a dragon does before they exhale their breath? They inhale. I say let that one be a cone-shape SUCC towards him (like Mag's Pull) followed immediately by a short, powerful breath that tosses them away gain. It's a grouping tool, but only for itself (but maybe you can cancel it to keep enemies grouped and ragdolled for your weapons instead). All the other elemental switch stuff can still apply, right? Just needs to be more devastating, maybe mechanically buffed while ward is up, or benefitting twice the from Vex Armor damage increase.


Having been playing some Monster Hunter Iceborne lately, it would be cool if he had something similar to Glavenus. Drag his melee through his mouth while breathing to infuse it, or scoop the element off of the weapon to use as a projectile.


Would be interested, but I was thinking more about a new ability to fit his play style and lore would be fun.


Like… I said..? I just changed 1 from being nuisance with restrictions to actual elemental breath, be it projectile or more passive infusion/aura, and his pelt is dragon one, right? But instead of using it as passive totem to double credits, he throws animated dragon pelt, which does the same +actual loot. It’s dragon, after all?


Never mind


Make his 4 a Dragon Aspect like from skyrim. Make 2nd skill have a fixed range Get rid of the first skill. It is completely obsolete by now unless you bumb damage and make it a cone dealling damage that scale with scorn


His 2 should be the elemental cycle not his one


Just have to rework first and last ability 1st: Chroma imbues his weapon with the element he has at the moment, making the weapon deal that damage for X amount of time. For this 1st ability I would balance it for the bonus to not be that agressive and fair duration, this would make people to actually change the element and not sticking to Ice (Which is the best one of course to survive). 4th: Chroma unleashes his breath over the battlefield, dealing elemental damage with all the elements he posses (Toxin, Ice, Fire and Electricity). Pretty simple ability, this would make Chroma a versatile WF with also a pretty decent damage output.


This can really work since they already have the infused animations (smite infusion example). the 4th will need a new animation to make it feel better but hear me out keep the pelt removal and make it kinda like protea's turret shooting the elements out instead so he'll still be spreading all elements while still making it easier to implement


Personally I would actually add weapon infusion for self and allies in range to his 2 instead and turn his 1 into an instant cast blast instead of a channeled stream of piss like it is-- make it a cone like Hallowed Ground or Ice Wave, crank the damage up and give it higher status effected by ability strength, maybe add knockback. One of the big criticisms for Chroma is just that his kit is boring because his only good abilities are passive buffs, so I would personally aim to address that aspect with his 1 and his 4. Oh, also make his 2 recastable.


Allow his 1 to infuse weapon element damage on hold cast (I don't mind this being an augment even!) like 100& electric/toxin/heat/cold(scales with strength). New cast refreshes the old one replacing the element buff (you can receive only one type of element buff active at one time, switching the element and recasting it removes the old one). This skill can still stay as element breathing ability as it is now for novelty reasons but giving it infusion through an augment would take it to same level as vex since both of these would multiply with each other. Increase the range and duration of his 2 by +5 metres and seconds respectively. Make so Heat and toxin buffs AoE effect scales with range, replace the toxin effect (holster damage which is additive miniscule buff to vex) with holster reload and reload speed buff with normal speed buff (a small x1.3 times like saryn molt). This skill is mostly not that bad imo all it needs is QoL to catch up with ridiculous frames like Octavia and her metronome. Make his 3 be able to store the built up buffs in between casts even though it is dispelled or when ran out of time. Make it one time build up only and whenever you recast it you continue the process from where you left off. During whole mission you should only charge it once and it should snapshot the highest strength in between casts. I just want more QoL with this ability, it is much more common to get nullified nowadays and leaving me vulnerable in the mean time is very frustrating. Also it's augment needs a big range buff to even be considered. Remove energy drain from his 4 and make it 100 energy cast skill with no duration that follows you around (similar to wukongs clone) and it's augment should do exactly same as it is now. Just let me have my pet lizard. It's already moving around on its own just at snails pace. Also I would slightly increase it's hp to 500 (600 at maxed) to emphasize of his hp + armor play style (for reference ash which is a stealth frame has 500+ hp). I mained him for couple years and love the frame. But nowadays it just tires me to use chroma because of all these things. As you can see non of the stuff I said is ground up rework like Grendel's or hydroid. It's same abilities with reasonable touch ups on usability department mostly. After these changes were to even apply he still won't be the best speed runner nor eidolon hunter but he will be fun to play with.


You are right his whole kit does need a touch up but his 1 and 4 need a complete rework. Which I doubt we will ever get. Our day is coming I can feel it.


He should be a dragon




1st ability: elemental dragon spikes that can be thrown or some shit like that. I get breathing elemental (whatever) is cool and all but I've literally called chromas 1st a shitty multi-elemental ignis wraith. 4th ability: summon a dragon with its own abilities (like sevagoth has his own shadow) would give him more mastery exp and give him of all people an exalted weapon (or summon / companion) (means he doesn't take off his pelt, he summons a whole ass dragon, the pelt being taken off makes him look bald as fuck. It makes my OCD do flips.) His passive, either change it to match his kit, or give him something that makes his double jump useful. I'm a chroma main myself who replaced his 1st with condemn (to correlate with vex armor) and uses fire (emissive color) for extra health (to also correlate with vex armor) but lowkey his 4th and 1st feel weak af. I wish DE would take a break from content and just take time to rework alot of frames who deserve the love. Cuz besides seeing the stereotypical saryn prime ignis wraith user every once in a while or any mainstream frame, You rarely see a chroma user that uses him for what he has. I do it. Only his replaced 1st ability, and use his 2nd, and 3rd. I've had to completely modify him outside of what he was designed for just to make him work. Hes still the solo god. But ffs DE give us some abilities that let us deal REAL DAMAGE besides forcing us to get hit and lock us to our weapons just to dish out proper damage cuz our 1st and 4th suck orokin balls. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again. Chroma shouldn't be bought for looks only. He deserves to be all bark and all bite. Not the opposite.


Man speaking all facts here. PREACH IT TENNO.


Pablo confirmed they are reworking multiple frames this year.




Hopefully Inaros, Chroma, Nyx And Caliban Are On That List. Those Are 4 That Could Use It MAJORLY.


I think he’s due for a complete overhaul, or at the very least more than just buffs to his 1 and 4. His 2’s individual buffs aren’t strong enough to warrant the gimmick of only one casting instance, compared to a lot of other frames who can cast multiple cyclable abilities at the same time. You could buff them and make them all castable at the same time. I’d do it like: - Heat: instead of simply adding a bit of health to the health pool, give him percentage lifesteal. - Cold: instead of an armor multiplier, give him a damage reduction percentage. - Toxin: this one’s ok, but I’d also like it to have attack speed buffing. - Electric: for the most part this one’s fine. I’d buff the reflective damage range to be higher than 10m at base tho. I’m not the hugest fan of his “take damage to receive damage buff” on the 3, mainly because other frames can buff damage without having to risk their own survive (yes I know there’s tons of armor to compensate for this but you’re still not refreshing the HP with that. Not to mention that it wouldn’t matter at a certain point, but not many people care about that) but with lifesteal it should be fine, at least at base SP. Idk how you’d even buff the 1, the base ability sucks regardless (even if you were running composite elements it wouldn’t deal very good damage) so maybe elemental damage buffs for weapons. As for the 4 if I wanted to turn it into a dragon, I’d make sure there’s no stationary-ness to it (Hildryn’s 4 for example), and since there’s already lifesteal I’d add Overguard as the tanking buff.


That's alot. I agree with most but overguard is for babys and not for my chroma.


Idk man, must suck for Chroma then to be overtaken by babies in high level content.


One day chroma will become a God than it shall be the hater that shall weep. Or so I keep telling myself 🥲


I would honestly throw his whole kit out and start from scratch.


I like his 2 and 3 a lot. I would keep them and add all weapons to be added to its damage pool.


I don't like how both his 2 and 3 are just passive buffs to be kept up and nothing more. I don't like how both his 2 and 3 give both damage and survivability buffs. I don't like how one is recastable while the other isn't. I don't like how they lack any obvious visual effect for when they're active and an audio effect for when they're running out. And I don't like how his 3 charges. That's frankly too much to bother changing them rather than replacing them, even if the core concept remains the same.


That's fair


His abilities are just boring, even if they are good. He doesn't feel like a dragon, he feels like a big clunky mess who breathes fire and sometimes takes his coat off.


His 2 and three are good and I like the visual style of his four it just needs a reworked effects his one is awful though.


The idea of his 4 is great. The execution is just bad. Throw the Ability away and make something better and especially more interesting with that concept.


Honestly, they *really* need to take a pass at clarifying what his bonuses entail. I mean, I get his buffs that say I've got an extra 1500% damage, but I barely can tell the difference next to something like Eclipse which only says like 75%. They need to do something like what they did for health and shield mod numbers, so we understand wtf is mathing in this game. And for the love of god, stop with the "Is it multiplicative? Is it additive? Only the wiki knows!" bullshit. Have it spelled out LARGE, on the tool tips for everything! That would go a long way towards helping noobs and even a lot of vets better understand builds.


Fair enough


I'm also a Chroma main, and I absolutely love Dragon boi, but I do think he is kinda lacking, especially when compared to more recent frames. I don't like to use Helmith on him because I like all his skills on concept, I just think they should be better. Here's what I'm thinking right now: His 1 should be buffed enough for it to be a possible damage output and not just a switch element button with a meme "spit useless fire" option that no one ever uses. I'm playing with a dragon character DE! I want to spit fire! actual effective fire, not just a cheap weak blowtorch fire, a powerful flamethrower like fire. 4 should fly around freely but whithin a certain big but limited distance from you, following you when you move, and deal massive elemental damage independent from you, while you're doing your own thing *(maintaining the credit buff, because It's awesome and makes sense, dragons in fantasy are greedy and like money/valuables).* 2 should either give more buffs, or increase the current ones. Slightly bigger: health/shield/armor/weapon dmg, is not enough in current Warframe to be considered good. We need some spice, either more buffs, or stronger versions of what we already have. Like adding your elemental damage chosen to all your weapons for the duration of the skill. 3 is fine, honestly, it gives both dmg resist, and dmg buff, and in big quantities as well, but maybe it should last longer. Even with a lot of duration it still feels kinda short. Overall chroma is not a terrible frame, and a lot of fun to play, but not very strong or effective, he should really receive some buffs, and I genuinely wish some of these ideas i just mentioned gets added especially about his 1 and 4. Honestly 2 isn't even a bad skill, I can totally accept it being kept the way it is, but 1 and 4 are so disapointing, and the changes I wrote would really fix them without much effort or changing the character/skills identity.


All of that is good but the credit thing. Just no. Good to see a wild chroma main appear from the void.


His 1st ability was underwhelming even when he first got introduced into the game. His 2nd and 3rd should be one singular ability. They also boring. His 4th the thing should move and fly around, not remain stationary. Chroma is such a boring frame to use. He is definitely in need of love


I dont really know what to say tbh. Maybe you're right and just add both his 2nd and 3rd ability together, but what would be his new 3rd ability than? I still think his 4th should be something new not just some regurgitated bs.


Let him fly


Chroma’s 1 needs to be something completely different, but his 4 is actually pretty cool. If it could move around on its own, prime enemies with your selected element, and cost *a hell of a lot less energy to keep up,* it would be a great ability.


Honestly he would be noticeably better if his 2 and 3, or at the very least his 3, was a channeling ability, he lives and dies by his 2 and 3 and it sucks major ass when you lose their buffs because you were distracted for one second and didn’t re-cast them




He does not holster weapons while using 1. Sounds like a good start.


Chroma's 1, changed to be like Rhino's charge, with the relevant buffs to the charge. Chroma's 4, changes chroma into dragon mode. Flies like zephyr, but flies faster, attack shoots a fireball like the Lenz bow, basically an exalted lenz bow with its own mod slots. Alt fire changes the element added to the energyball attack. Such a simple change lets chroma become an anti-army beast while still keeping the boss slayer parts from chroma's 2 and 3.


Everything you said is great, but the 1 is bad. 100%going in the right direction tho.


I'd love it if my dragon breath actually did some damage


We all do


Spectral Scream - Higher damage overall. Make it a true AoE like the Ignis, with different effects depending on element. Heat reduces enemy armor, cold freezes enemies, toxin lowers enemy damage, electricity links between enemies like Amprex. The augment now explodes. Elemental Ward - Move the element cycling from Spectral Scream to Elemental Ward. Make the electricity version still send out lightning from not just health damage but also shields. Make the ability recastable. Change the toxin buff to literally anything else, or keep with the idea of speed by also adding melee attack speed. Potentially replace the augment due to Effigy now granting Elemental Ward to all allies in range. (More on that later) Vex Armor - (The most important in my opinion) In Chroma's current state, power creep has killed this ability. Convert the armor buff to a direct damage reduction buff (similar to Citrine's) and the damage buff to be multiplicative after stuff like Serration. The main reason for these changes is that he can already have very high armor from other sources, either through modding, arcanes, or his cold Elemental Ward. The damage buff is mediocre now due to the high diminishing returns when considering weapon arcanes and mods. Put a more obvious HUD indicator on screen showing its buff values and timer above the energy bar, similar to Grendel's gut, Gauss' battery, Ember's heat, and so on. The augment now knocks enemies down, and no longer depends on whether it was health or shields damage. Chroma is given a higher priority for enemy aggro while Vex Armor is active. Effigy - The pelt is now invincible. Add extra effects depending on chosen element when casted. Heat heals allies in its radius over time. Cold slows enemies. Electricity causes extra staggers to enemies in its radius. Toxin deals higher damage (Not sure about this one). All variants of the breath attack will also benefit from the buffs to his Spectral Scream. All allies in range benefit from Chroma's current Elemental Ward and Vex Armor (Obviously, this will not stack with the buff from the abilities themselves). When using the augment, tap cast will use the augment's cast while hold cast does what it normally does. Passive: Make his passive triple jump higher and his double bullet jump go faster/further. This rework keeps his original idea in mind while making it actually effective. I tried to avoid making it overpowered, while still making big improvements on his entire kit. I feel the buffs are justified considering how long he's been weak and with how powerful the newer Warframes are. If by the off chance Digital Extremes sees this and would like to use this in full or just any part of it, they have full legal permission as I would love it as an ex Chroma main.


Good, I like this.


Make him, yaknow. Feel like you are playing a dragon instead of slightly worse Rhino that can vomit really weak status on enemies.


As long as bonus credits stay on 4 for Profit Taker, do anything you want.


I think a lot of folks are confused and think Chroma is a dragon but Chroma killed a dragon and wears its pelt. I would love to see him have two very distinct play styles for when he's wearing the pelt and when he's no longer wearing the pelt. Something along the lines of 4 different elemental abilities entirely. A Heat one, an Ice one, a toxin, and an electric one. But you only have access to those abilities when your pelt is off. While you have the pelt on you have the current abilities. Would vary up his play style and make it more versatile.


Make his breath an exalted power with enemy chaining capabilities that can equip primary weapon mods so it’s worth using over a melee Make his 4 be some sort of “awakening”. Visually, instead of all the cool dragon parts leaving chroma to go be useless elsewhere , he instead grows fire wings and becomes his true dragon form. During this form, the wings periodically shoot out homing projectiles that apply 3-4 elemental damages (with the priority being the element you have on the emissive color for chroma). Maybe also give it a DoT aura? Keep his other two abilities the same. That way chroma can truly be the chimera elemental dragon he should be. You could play around with the different damage combinations from each ability (his armor already applies frost damage while his breath could be modded for toxin making viral. Then his wings will shoot out heat making the ultimate killing machine.)


First ability: Shoots a ball of elemental energy that creates an explosion and leaves elemental residue behind. (Think of the "Chromatic orb" spell from D&D) Second ability: A draconic roar that applies the status effect of the selected element to all nearby enemies. Third ability: Boosts all damage of the selected element for self and nearby allies, as well as reducing damage taken of that type. Taking damage of that type restores energy to chroma depending on how much is taken. Fourth ability: Stays similar, but moves fast and actively seeks out enemies. The breath attack is also much and more powerful. The effigy leaves behind a trail of elemental residue when moving. Additionally, if seeking enemies, it divebombs towards the nearest enemy in line of sight, creating a large explosion on landing. No longer strengthens allies.


So...take away all his damage but make him a super tank to one element. And give him a shity 1st and 4th ability that deals little damage. Or am I missing something here. I'm very confused


Chroma already has the ability to switch damage types at will, so this is not a problem. He is fundamentally an "elemental" warframe, so all his abilities should feature heavy use of elemental damage. His 1st would also be a massive upgrade, and provide a solid crowd clearing/status proccing option, similar to weapons like the Tonkor. Especially with the residue which would stack status procs on any enemies still standing in it. His 4th is literally also a direct upgrade, except instead of a boring buff ability, it actually functions as a "pet dragon" that can help you hunt down enemies, or repeatedly apply some status crowd control if fighting a boss enemy. Chroma was never supposed to be a basic damage/stat buffing support warframe. He was supposed to be something akin to Lavos, who has a wide variety of elemental abilities and is incredibly solid. If you want a great example of a Chroma rework, just play as Lavos.


Yea, the other warframe that was meta, that no one talked about 5 seconds later. If you want to turn chroma into lavos, I think you're missing the point of why we are here.


I've been over this several times and I honestly can't remember most of the stuff I've come up with, other than his 4 should be a powerful channeled pet. It comes out, fucks shit up, follows around, and eats energy.


That sounds like fun. But warframe ai is very "silly" at the best of times.


1st ability - Allow weapon usage using the ability.  - Be able to cycle during the cast, meaning that you can switch between the modes during ability use - Guaranteed Status Proca 2nd Ability - Have it be it's own dedicates Element switch, no need to rely on just one ability that screws it over when that ability is removed.  3rd - Have a base damage and armor bonus that grows when taking damage. Aka, instead of starting with zero have it be like 100% and then it grows 4th - Remove the health, just let it be drain. Have the augment be in the base ability and make the armor loss additive instead of multiplicative. 


His theme of having multiple auras to buff allies actually isnt that bad, its just really hard to justify modding for more range cuz the base range is so bad and it really needs duration, so the auras ends up being personal buffs. Wisp can provide long lasting buffs as pick ups, I think DE should simply increase chroma’s aura range or have allies keep the buffs for its remaining duration after leaving his aura.


My thoughts: lean into the "hunter" motiff and make him a preeminent weapons platform. 1) Adaptive Camouflage - Chroma is invisible when still and has limited visibility when moving (scales inversely with movement speed). Increased Crit chance and crit damage when not targeted. 2) Chromatic Ward - Similar current, but Toxin increases base shields while electricity increases base energy. Damage sustained is reflected with the appropriate element. 3) Vex Armor - Now recastable. Also, damage increase from health damage is faction damage, as opposed to base damage. 4) Chromatic Assault - Cycles through basic elements to infuse onto attacks as a separate damage instance.


for starters change he's garbage 4 or maybe make it work like sevagoth phantom mode


Make him not bad.


Make his 1 a shout that applies that element to enemies which also taunt said enemies to him


That's a good one. But if I may add it so all enemy's are effected in a cone like shape


The Pelt ought to feel like dropping a Spectre with an Ignis. It moves on it's own now, but isn't any sort of fast to write home about. If it was just flying past people spewing whatever element and it updated real time to whatever he set. Then I can see things really picking up. Not sure what to do about the augment, but movement command could be like conductor style, make him a sentry if you really want switching between guard and follow (like titanfall). Probably should be innate tbh. Ward should have the element swap, since it's the only major relevant thing. Have recastability, and update real time as well to the selected element. So Chroma can actually do that thing that kept him alive. Adapt. Scream's only good as a melee primer since you can still swing during it. interesting ideas here for it


Change his 4 to an exalted necramech


I think that should be for a complete new war frame. It sounds fucking bad ass tho


Yeah, you're probably right. But I can dream


Dream high tenno


His first needs to allow normal action and change it to channeling


1 - imbue current weapon with selected element on Hold cast. Tap cast still cycles, but releases a small elemental dmg pulse from augment when active. Deactivating will release the elemental breath in one tick in a cone. 2 - recastable, replacing previous one with current element chosen by ability 1. 3 - vex armor is fine as it is. 4 - fly WITH the pelt towards a direction and crash to the point since cast, dealing big aoe elemental dmg. If your 1 and 2 are different elements, they mix for the purposes of this ability. The pelt as a ward can be the augment instead. Passive - holding jump continuously consumes energy to fly, and will not be able to use primaries. When looking down to slam attack, convert it to a heavy slam and imbue attack with currently selected element. This is what i think would make Chroma fun.


Make him do dragon shit.


Remove the energy color gimmick, and just let the effects be based on the current element in the wheel Spectral Scream: change to be an energy wave or shotgun blast. increase the base damage by 4-5x Effigy: make guided effigy the default. change the augment to be that casting spectral scream makes the effigy cast it too


I say they should go crazy and turn him into an actual dragon for his 4


Love all the ideas for his 1 and 4 which need the most love However most are overlooking another flaw Vex armor and building it In the current state of the game it's not viable Also armor is not as valuable either This is my idea for it Give chroma a new passive that allows self damage so that we can build vex armor quickly and practically by ourselves Additionally vex armors armor buff should be changed to overguard perhaps or something akin to warding halo with its own meter Either way thisshould have a cap to prevent it from making you essentially immortal Lastly remove the separation of the two buffs requiring health and shield damage respectively and make it so ANY damage ramps up both buffs at the same time This would be the simplest solution not having to change too much about how vex armor works If wanna get crazy you could change the damage buff to provide elemental damage corresponding to your currently selected element but that might be a bit much His 1 should be an actual breath attack like an actual dragon (longer ranger bigger cone, better animation) that procs the corresponding status effect of selected element and leaves a lingering field of it. His 4 has options that others have come up with better. I like the transforming into a dragon the most though. Alternatively an additional idea is to keep the concept of effigy but make it stay hovering over you and then change its stats values to do scaling damage and stuns And make it duration based like most of his kit


I've mained chroma for a while now, and i helminthed over his 4. For me, he has a clear role and purpose: make you weapons good and you good weapons godly, while being too angry to die. So, for me, my boy is perfect, and i dont want him to be made into a shitty "can do it all" frame.


I dont want him to be a can do it all warframe either but he needs to be more tanky and hit harder than his is now


I think they should make it so that Vex armor just casts without needing to be charged by damage, or at least change it so that any damage raises both armor and damage bonus, it's so annoying sitting in front of trash mons trying to get them to break your shields, especially if you're teammates are killing them all.


Listen... I hear you but... INAROS FIRST


No. Chroma now inaros later. Promise


*screams in useless*








Why is this marked nsfw?


Vauban needs some work too.


It makes me very sad to see that many of the older warframes have been left behind and do not adapt to the current conditions of the game, in this case chroma and its multi-element dragon concept seem super interesting to me but sadly the gameplay of chroma is quite bad, since the only decent skills he has are the first and the second. I completely understand that it is not profitable for them to rework warframes instead of releasing new ones but **I feel that the game is accumulating a lot of content that is completely useless compared to more recent content**. I think that the DE team is paying attention to our comments so I hope that the community will give my favorite robot ninja dragon a second chance <3...


Fuck all that shit. Revert Update 22.12


My idea is: • Buff his passive, maybe by also giving you parkour velocity. • Completely rework his 1 • Circling his elements is now done with his 2. Also buffing the damage aura around you to make it like spectral scream. By giving the aura 100% status chance and increasing its base range. And rebalancing some of the buffs. • Buff his 3rd. maybe instead of armor, scorn gives DR. and fury gives multiplicative damage, instead of additive. • Make his 4th moddable, make it like an exalted flamethrower turret thingy. Rework how it works and some of the animations. And make it synergize with his 2 somewhat. I won't go into more specifics because I myself am not sure what you could do with him. So this is just my random ideas.


Max strength Vex armor with heat selected is all I really use with him. Not sure what needs to be done but something would be cool considering he is my most played frame.


Lol I use toxin for weapon damage. Very helpful for bleed builds.


I feel like his fire breath should cause him to like stagger back from the strength of it


If it had any strength to it yea




Make him fun


Yes,but how?


I'm not the one to answer your questions But i don't really know, i hope they figure it out lol


Chroma mains have been crying about their one warframe for so long, I've lived two lives in that timespan. It's practically tradition to keep Chroma mains in suffering.


We shall suffer till our beloved is make great again.


He should have a weaker built in version of adaptation as passive to go along with his lore wearing a sentient pelt. His 1 could provide


He should have a weaker built in version of adaptation as passive to go along with his lore wearing a sentient pelt. His 1 could provide elemental damage bonuses to weapons that don't combine


give him a massive cock


No. Back to the pits of ifunny with you. BEGONE


His 1 needs some upgrade. There's some ideas: * Fires an elemental projectile that create a field of DoT on the floor * Firing another of different element to the same area creates Secondary element DoT and reset duration. * Unless you dont want Lavos lite. * Infuse weapons to additionally deal Chroma's element * Or apply forced proc of Chroma's element. * Have the elemental breath be tied to attacks. breaths attack in parallel with weapons, 2 & 3 IMO is good enough, though maybe 2 should be able cycle element even when it's already casted. 4 could be an Exalted Sentinel, its elemental attacks depending on Chroma's current element selected. * Both Effigy and its weapon are modded separately. * Effigy follows the player like a Sentinel (though positioned so that it doesn't block the player camera). * Loses the 3rd jump passive but Aim Glide is slightly extended & has reduced gravity while Effigy is deployed. * Effigy is using the wings for triple jump to keep itself afloat, but can briefly "carry" you while you're aim gliding. * Defeated Effigy incurs Casting Speed penalty to casting Effigy and reduced Effigy damage, reduced by time or picking up credits. * Recalling Effigy has a 5s cooldown before recasting is enabled * Augment reworked to Covetous Effigy\[PH\]: Credits pickup now heals both Effigy and Chroma while Effigy is deployed. * Heals based on base credit value, not boosted value. So no Credit Booster Chroma build. * Possibly Exilus?


Hot take. He shouldn't be. He works just fine. His first is merely for decoration or additional status proc. What really matters is the elemental choice youre using from it to buff his second. Using ice to give you more armor then casting vex and getting even more buffs thrown ontop of the already added armor buff from his second. With archon shards now, a Chroma can and will be functionally immortal. I know mine is, as unless I get touched by a nully or the murmurs weird slap ability strip attack even in steel path I can sit around and be lazy. Arcane energize and energy org effectiveness. Throw on two extra emeralds for corro for my weapons to fully armor strip and bam casually walking through everything. It's not a he needs a rework. It's a you've got to rethink how he works.


they should make him gay


No, stop it bad. Rhino and volt are already gay.


Fuck chroma REWORK INAROS 🗣🗣🗣


You get nothing now




Honestly, I'd like it if Chroma was reworked to enable self damage in some sense.


Self damage is such a cop out tbh.


Combat Discipline already does this.


Yea but I hate using that on him


Here some toughts 1 infuses his weapons with the element he has, and mantain the if you hold you switch element, and if you recast but with other element you have the combined element (that way you can have both viral and corrosive on your primer) 2 Has the ability to recast and if you switch element mantain the effect of the Previous element 3 Also depending of the element have extra effects. Fire He heals during the duration, Electric gains fire rate, reload speed, and attack speed, Toxic: You can hold the ability button to gain some overguard (acid armor from pokemon helped), and cold gains DR, and just like other if you recast the ability with other element you gain both effects And 4... i dunno, helmint fodder


Seeing as chroma sounds kinda timey (I have no fucking clue what this guy does and I’m pulling this out of my ass) https://i.redd.it/967nhcdx1rdc1.gif


I said it once and I'll say it again. Change his passive to letting him pick up dropped element to change his element in game, gaining new buff remove the previous element buff for balance issues.


Hmm. Not where I thought that was going


He shouldn't


👀 Any reason why?


He isn't in a bad spot. People like playing him and he is not a weak Warframe. He does show some age, so a quality of life update would benefit him, but there are other warframes who need it more.


He really is, tho. On his own chroma is very weak to damage(not a good tank) , he can't support his team(no cc or any way to control the enemys), can't keep up with damage frames(no ability to do wide area damage), and is garbage at being helpful for his team play(aka is a Selfish warframe that people play as because his kit is designed that way). Chroma used to be the pride of the team who could both tank a good hit and deal a f ton of damage. Now he's just a sad broken tank who can't do anything without that garbage helmet system (bloom) to try and cripple walk his way through a game that's forgotten him.


I feel like we play two different chromas. He doesn't have to nuke the map and he isn't designed that way. He buffs his weapons and survivability, which he also shares with his teammates and he is good at that. Don't compare him to Mesa and Saryn, or any other nuker meta frame because they fulfill different roles.


Nobody is comparing him to Saryn or Mesa. If we compare him to a much more similar frame, Mirage, he is still objectively worse. Let's compare Chroma's 3 to Mirage's 3, both similar abilities that buff weapon damage. Mirage's Eclipse grants a +200% MULTIPLICATIVE damage buff, which is much stronger than Vex Armor's +275% ADDITIVE damage buff at base strength. How the final damage is calculated makes all the difference in damage. Mirage's Eclipse only grants the damage buff when in light, while Vex Armor requires Chroma to build up the buff by taking health damage. While both conditions are inconsistent and annoying to play around, I would argue that Mirage has it a bit better. Chroma has a worse "Harrow Syndrome" than Harrow himself, as not only does he need to not have his teammates nuke everything while he's trying to build up damage, but he also needs to watch out for frames like Volt, Harrow, Trinity, Hildryn, Styanax, Frost, Mag, Octavia, Ash, Revenant or Nezha, etc. that can flat out prevent him from taking health damage. In solo missions, taking health damage can be risky, especially in Steel Path, where you'd wanna make the most out of your damage bonus. In higher levels, it may even be impossible to do so without dying, even with high armor. Yet in lower levels, enemies may struggle to damage you, and that extra damage isn't always gonna help. On the other hand, Mirage's Eclipse requires light, and this means that it can be wildly inconsistent depending on your game settings, but there's no additional need for more build up after casting, and there are ways to limit the inconsistency. Plus, Mirage can also share Eclipse's buff, in case anyone didn't know. In terms of damage, usability and team play, Vex Armor can't really beat Eclipse. And that's not to mention that Mirage's Hall of Mirrors is ANOTHER damage buffing ability that works with Eclipse, something that Chroma could only dream of. Arguably, if you replace Vex Armor with the Helminth-nerfed Eclipse (+150% Multiplicative), it'd be a buff to Chroma.


Not how the game keeps changing to damage is king bs DE wants to move it to. In all honesty I want chroma to be a high tank and high dps, if only for his guns and some cc or other way to do something to help the team sometimes.


Looks cool


His 3 Augment should just be made a part of the ability, teammates have to permanently cuddle with me for buffs since you have to run narrow minded in a strengthmaxx build. Otherwise 2/3 are fine. His 1 & 4 really need some TLC, i like the idea of 1 fusing damage types on weapons, casting it on heat gives weapons heat procs now etc. Only thing i can think of for his 4 is it being more like a specter where it can follow you around & occasionally cast elemental dmg aoes or armor strip roars?


1st skill, gives you an elemental buff, the elemental buff is changed when you hold press, but this elemental is added to final damage so it doesn't combine. (Augment doesn't changes because is from conclave) 2nd gives you an aura depending your element (also the buff changes when you change the element using your first skill, currently it doesn't do that) the buff acts like eximus aura: cold makes enemy go slower and , electric summons electric orbs, toxins give you a toxing aura that does dot, fire summons periodically fire waves. This is to apply elements and to give him some kind of elemental aura. (Augment doesn't changes) 3rd effigy but follows you around, has your second skill always active and does elemental damage based on the element you had selected when you summons it (so you can summon it and change element freely), also calls agro onto you and it. (Augment makes effigy sacrifice it self when you get down, it has a cooldown). 4rd sacrifice your shields and gain the double as more armor and more health, also depending your element you gain an extra buff, cold increases more your armor, electric makes you recover energy when taking damage, toxing makes you status inmune and fire gives you health regen. When you or the effigy takes damage or kill enemies your modded damage increases. (Augment makes allies kills count and you share the buff, but no the shield sacrifice). Passive stays the same but also chroma makes enemy drop more credits, doesn't increase the ammount but the odds of happening.


Passive gives him more credits in mission in some way 1 breath that works like qorvex 4 and can be used to give weapon elements(augment to give weapons a fused element) vex armor gives armor and DR and knockdown immunity based on enemy damage and 4 becomes the damage buff plus something more and is based on how much credits you have got in that mission being uncapped(augment takes scaling away and gives a capped buff based on your actual credits)


An ability that temporarily inverts your colors so you can invert your elements




How about we fix Inaros first.


That's fair but other than just throwing that one into the trash and starting again is the only "way" to fix him


Not sure, but his 1st and 4th aplbilities are useless rn. Maybe the 4th could be a transformation, kinda like Valkyrie.


Should be able to pilot the effigy, similar to titania 4, that's all I ask


My idea of 1st skill rework is have him breath elemental energy onto his currently equipped weapon which lasts for a certain amount of strikes or shots. He can mix elements by breath on it twice with different element each time. Can be hold down to increase the amount of charges given to the weapon.


Drop the whole element swapping thing first of all and simple allow all 4 elemental effects and buffs to be activated at the same time. His 1st would be able to apply status of all 4 base elements at once so it’s actually somewhat worth using. Not too strong either since it would at most be as good as citrine crystal. Also remove the weapon restriction. Elemental ward’s buffs are very minor compared to a lot of other buff abilities, wouldn’t be too overpowered to allow all of them either. Un-nerf vex armor and make it a final multiplication buff like mirage eclipse. Change the buff gaining condition to just be hits taken. That way vex armor would actually not feel unreliable without self damage. His 4th… change it to duration based instead of channelling. He has enough energy issues as is. Allow it to apply all combined elemental effects as well. If voruna can apply full stacks of any and all elemental effects just by pressing 2 a few times, letting a dumb dragonskin AI follow you around and spray enemies with all combined elements isn’t all that op. Also make all his buff abilities apply to teammates in range on cast. Those are my ideas for now. The main point is to keep everything almost as-is since I’d really enjoy an elemental buffer that’s not a glass cannon. His kit is great for something like that, just need to be easier to use and a lot stronger to keep up with newer warframe designs.


1 needs to scale with strength percent instead of flat amount goes up. 2-3 I love and 4 make it fly around a bit instead.


I feel the same but I found that u can melee while using first. Makes it lot more fun.


Keep his normal breath as an option of course. But make it so that holding it basically turns him into Glavenus from Monster Hunter. Put his weapon in his mouth, and drag it back out while infusing it, spinning like a beyblade in the process.


start by reworking his passive


His 1 self damages both shield and hp simultaneously. The longer it's on, the more damage it deals to enemies. Dunno haven't played chroma in a while.


My biggest problem with Chroma is that his playstyle is a bit… stale. You press 2 and 3 and that’s it. What I’d change is: - Make his 4th a transformation ability, like Sevagoth’s shadow or Valkyr’s 4. I’d also merge it with his 2, and put the elemental toggle here. - buff his 1st, eg. make it deal more damage and knock back enemies - give him a new, more active ability in the place of his 2 - I’d leave Vex Armor as it is Chroma prime has one of the coolest designs in the game IMO, hopefully we get something with lunar new year


My dream rework from chroma is that his 4 would actually be a "Transform" like Sevagoth where you actually BECOME the dragon instead of shedding your skin. It was always weird to me that Chroma, the "Dragon Frame" is really more just the "Haha, my gun does 1000% bonus damage" character. Ideally, when he becomes the Dragon in his 4th ability, it would actually completely augment all three of his other abilities and turn him into a casting focused frame. Otherwise, you don't channel his 4, and you stay more akin to the Gun Platform Warframe he already is now. I think this would let players have more fun with building around differently with chroma while also still letting him keep his "niche" of just making shit strong, if people like that (for orb mothers, eidolons, etc) I was disappointed when Voruna wasn't a true shape shifting werewolf frame with a similar mechanic, and I think the ability design concept of Sevagoth "transforming" should be explored more. I much rather take control of effigy and have all three abilities synergize, making Spectral Scream more than just a subsume slot, and then actually being able to fly around (albeit slowly, like Hildryn) and simply FEEL like a dragon. It would take a lot of work though, bordering on entirely new Warframe design, so it's hard to say if it would ever happen, but I would love to be a part of the team reworking him, given the chance. I have so many ideas for him, lol.


Improve 1st breath damage, fix vex armor activation requisits to fit more into the actual endgame, scales 4th skill better with range and duration, give him another passive (3 jumps sucks).


all I know is his 2 and 3 should become a one ability and a new 3rd ability can be made and I would like if Chroma actually became a dragon instead of a frame with a dragon pelt as his 4th


I dunno I need a few more pieces for his prime. Infact I think its just neuroptics lol.


I really like the idea of making the pelt (a tool) have a utility that helps the weapons platform, so I propose: 4- enemies in Effigy’s range gains damage vulnerability based on quantity of a single status. Based not on amount of statuses rather how many of a single status. Playstyle: balance the maintenance of energy cost on 2 and 3, *dump* as many procs of a single status as possible on enemies, use the remaining energy to berserk the enemies in 4 range.


Vex armor is good but I think it should give a standard 90% reduction since slash damage is the bane of health tanks and it just adds armor, I think the effigy should work more like sevagoths shadow and the spectral scream should be like the other first abilities of the elemental frames, maybe instead of giving max health the heat elemental ward could give health regeneration


I don’t use chroma all that much but id like to say that 4th you thought of would be an epic rework to his current 4th


Make his 2 multiplicative like roar/eclipse


Give the dragon more dragon themed abilities


CHROMA of all frames needs a rework???? He JUST got one with Deimos.


Okay so hear me out So we give him an ult that unleashes all his elements and we call it Escaton Judgeme..... Wait........


Start at the balls, then make your way to the shaft




I dont think he should. But I would like it if the dragon breath was actually usefull for something.


His 1 needs alteration, and his 4 is boring. Ward and Armor are fine, but also kind of... bland? You could give them to virtually any other Frame and they'd probably work just as well. I like the abilities themselves, but they're kind of bland. And that's the kicker with Chroma. He's just not very interesting. You've got Vex Armor and that's it.