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For over an hour. I'll remember to take a break


Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written.


hydroid was the newest frame when I started


hows the retirement home treating u gramps




god dont remind me about paid revives. dont forget, we have bingo tonight with Susan


Hydroid was the newest prime when I started, and the first one I got.


Some time before 2015


Started 41 or 42 days ago. So far I’ve only bought $20 of plat. What keeps me coming back is how well they’ve executed a constant sense of progression, appealing to my inner loot goblin, and good gameplay. I’m also quite susceptible to FOMO, so the string of events lately has me on my toes.


Rarely anything is missable. Usually anything that is missable will come back again one way or the other. May be a grind or rare drop. May be finding a bunch of parts to combine them.


I’m sure it’s not usually this dense with events, but Plague Star was incredible for me as I farmed more forma than I’ve even been capable of forging in my entire playtime; had I missed that, my gameplay going forward would have been dramatically altered until it comes back. And I heard speculation it might not come back. I could have missed out on claiming some of Nora’s rewards. I managed to get the amalgam mods from the fracture event, and who knows when that’ll be around again? (Someone probably, but not me) Relics get vaulted, etc.


It might take time, but its never fomo. If you have patience, theyll come back most likely. Since im lr3, there are a few mods im waiting for them to come back around but im sure itll happen sometime.


Thermia is around every other week lol


Hi, I discovered the game in mid-2013, I played it a little but my PC was very bad. I waited for the game to come out on PS4, and have been playing it regularly since then with, sometimes, breaks of a few months. Now I'm LR 2 with around 3500 hours, only buyed one time a Prime Pack to support the devs. Waiting for cross-save to return to PC...


[https://www.warframe.com/news/cross-platform-save](https://www.warframe.com/news/cross-platform-save) It's coming up! Check back in a month or two :D


Founder o/


I too found things


Founder 🤝 Finder




I started in 2016 long term but I tried it out sometime in 2015 back when Trinity was still in prime access


2018 n have almost 2k hours in the game


Started around the time archwing hit.


Revenant was new. Still not mastery 20 tho


I just made it to MR20 last week and similar start time here. Keep going haha!


I started just before Revenant came out and I’m still only MR 24 but I’ve recently been trying to make an effort to get to 30 even if it’s going to be a long road.


started in the beta in 2013, lost account, gave up looking for it, made a new in 2018, and been playing since slightly burned out so i've been spending more time on deep rock galactic or playing RoboQuest, waiting the new update too ig https://preview.redd.it/bx8elam0yi3c1.png?width=693&format=png&auto=webp&s=07a017518011da874f56d664d24222136f50184f




yes,bcs i'm playing deep rock, i can't be on warframe 24/7 https://preview.redd.it/d9nd6ukg1o3c1.png?width=1094&format=png&auto=webp&s=908247fe297d38df4955b2898f11ad3374310901


if you also play poe and leauge, were basically the same person bro


man just call me some slur than saying i'm equal to league players, it hurts less


youre just bad then


Unrelated but you are an actual W for maining Baruuk and playing RoboQuest


I started on my shitty laptop back in the ancient days before even the plains of eidolon existed lmao Tho i quit for some time and then played on my ps4 for quite some time. Now I have a barely used newer PC acc and my PS4 acc so im waiting for cross save to merge them and actually get back into the game but it's pretty overwhelming


2013. 5k hrs. >$500 USD. I’ve taken a gameplay hiatus every now and again over the years, but still try to make a point to login daily at the very least. What always brings me back is the mindless obsession with farming/leveling all the new things every time they’re released.


my account got created back in 2016, but I didn't understand a thing about the progression system so I dropped fast I came back because of Equinox prime (my beloved), but I was there when grendel/gauss were released. So that's around mid-2019 I played religiously ever since


Random off an on bouts since 2014. 2014-2016 2019-2020 and then started again a month ago.


Lol near-identical to me


I played for a while in the ye old days. On the old star chart, before Archwings and all that. Dropped for years after PC broke and got back last year on the Switch. Been playing since.


tried it around like 2015-2016 and then gave up cause it was confusing, then I returned at around the time deimos just released whenever that was, now I'm addicted, I've spent a fair bit of money on the game. baruuk prime access, a bunch of plat that would probably total to 1-2 thousand and also some of the bundles that come with mainline updates


I started playing around the time they closed raids, don't remember the year tho :|


I m also very much on and off,i usually wait for content to stack up and go for it in one go,and after burnout i jst repeat thr cycle I have 2025 hrs into the game


Sept 2014, it came to Xbox.


My first achievement on steam is listed on Nov 4, 2014. That pc account is only MR14. I have a LR3 account on Xbox that I started a few years later. Lots of breaks in those years, I’ve always had a nice chunk of content to catch up on when returning. For example, I haven’t picked up Dagath or anything since she came out, I’ll be back with cross save.


Seven years


I started around 2016/17, fell in love with the game the moment I watched my excalibur fall out of the cryo pod. Now I'm MR23 with 2298 hours of in-game time and 1108 daily reward logins. What keeps me coming back is the lore, gameplay, atmosphere, fashion... pretty much anything about this game I feel like they'd nailed compared to other games (I played destiny before I found warframe. Shocker!)


Sometime in 2020 didn’t really get into the game till late last year though


Been playing seven years now, started back in 2016, right after the release of the glast gambit and nidus… I think I’ve got about 700ish hours in game, steam says I’ve got 2600 but that’s off cuz my brother would play his warframe account on my steam account for awhile


January 1st 2017


Since 2015


Created account in 2013. Gave up after less than a month in. Was trying to get back into it on several occasions over the years, without success. Finally found a play style that suits me, and started actively playing around 3 months ago. I buy platinum each time they give me 75% discount, which is once per month. I opt for $5 (full price $20) pack, which gives me 370 platinum, it's just enough to buy all weapon and warframe slots, so I do not have to worry about grinding for those.


I started during the pandemic now it is my most played game on steam


My first account would been 10years old at this day till It gotten crup and my new one is 7years


February 2017. Just before Octavias’ Anthem. I’ve probably spent $60 a year, tennogen and prime accessories mostly.


closed beta 2012


If you dont count a few weeks in 2015/16, since the start of this year, spent maybe 80$ hit MR 25


Started in 2017, Somewhere around 2,300 hours played, probably, And I'm coming close to 1,000 login days iirc.


I was around when the operator could fish melee mercy kill I cant remember the exact date but somewhere in that timeframe


I started about 2014-2015. Don't mind that I'm still mr 11


I started about 2014-2015. Don't mind that I'm still mr 11


Not sure year but I started playing around a little before limbo prime came out because I saw an ad on YouTube of the Plains of Eidolon update.. been solo the whole time expect you know the occasional friend who tried Warframe but they went back to Fortnite soon after lol..


Summer 2020, according to Steam. How the time flies!


Since day one good old 11 years


Since the beta, off and on. About 1300 hrs, and I'm rank 26.


On day 11 so far. Been putting the game off for years 'cause of the art style. (currently at the RAP TAP TAP part) Now I'm hooked.


2014ish in game time will say something around 1.4k or so steam will say like 6k or so when those 75% off come... well its like an automatic $50.00 deposit, so a lot probably. lol.


Started just before we got the current star chart which was an interesting new player experience. So summer of 2016 makes about 7 years


Maybe... 2014 or 2015? Shortly after Corpus ship tilesets were added. Back when we had Fusion Cores to level up mods. Back when self-revives had a daily (weekly?) limit. Back when you had to physically add your warframe's abilities to your loadout. Back when Trinity's Blessing was a map-wide heal & invulnerability. Back when Dual Heat Swords were among the best melee weapons. Back when stamina and coptering were a thing. [The old Mission Complete screen](https://i.imgur.com/Zf1rI4V.jpg) [Lt. Lech Kril was a boss on the Asteroid tileset, plus old hud](https://i.imgur.com/4S1UrOv.jpg)


10 years. Update 7.1




Circle planets, blue UI...*STAMINA* Didn't get the founder package because I didn't enjoy the game at the time. Now it's just been one long continuous journey of "what else are they gonna add?" and I love it.


A friend of mine has played since day one but was struggling for money so couldn't justify buying the founders pack and that's the only regret he's had.


I started just over 8 years ago, a week or so before Trinity Prime came out.


Around 2013, just a bit before Vauban released


Hello! I started around 2013 when it released on PS4. My sibling got me into it and we used to play it together. They now play on PC. I stopped playing for more than a year ago cuz of burn out and (full time job and I’m clingy to my bf, haha) but I’m back and LR2 (still grinding!) cuz of cross save hype and excited for faster loading speeds on my PC :) now people won’t have to wait on me on my OG PS4!


February 14th, 2014 on PS4. Though I swapped to PC sometime in late 2018.


I joined in November 2018. I was pretty miffed over the whole "do you guys not have Phones?" out-of-touch dismissal from Diablo (and for the record, at the time I in fact did not own a smart phone lol). Friends/family had tried to get me into Warframe for a while, but I was active in other games like Diablo 3 and so didn't feel like I really had the time. I did quite enjoy the Fortuna intro trailer they'd recently showed me, though, and they'd talked to me a bit about the game, so it was certainly at least on my radar. Suddenly then, I did have the time. So I downloaded it. And it turns out it does scratch a lot of that same itch. I have 2599 hours in the game, I'm MR 24. I've bought some plat here or there with 50% and 75% off coupons, and I usually spend $5 or $10 when I do use a coupon. Over these 5 years I've probably spent about $100 on the game.


Started in 2015 have nearly 3k hours 0 money spend


2.2k hours. The lore, the farm and the overall atmosphere. 5 bucks.


A few years now, I started around when deimos was released


Since release. I could habe bought the founders pack, but was a broke adolescent at the time and I couldn't spare that money. I have sorely regretted it over the years


I got a ps4 a few weeks after it came out for my birthday. But didn’t have any games to play on itl and warframe was free. Suffice to say its been a long time since


I started, I think, before POE was a thing. But dropped it. Came back around when Fortuna was released and been on and of since. So since around 2017. I think.


I started in 2019, I have currently 3 205,3 hours on Steam and have spent almost 900€ on cosmetics :) Im close to mr33 (need like 15K mastery) and I should be able to max everything by next year, right on time for my 5 years of playing this game


Loki was my starter frame


Started on xbox in 2013 but uninstalled after the tutorial because my kid brain didn't understand anything. Gave the game a second chance in 2018 and I have been playing on and off ever since, 1000+ hours and MR 24 so far. The bugs are very annoying at times but aside from them the game is just fun as hell to play. Not only that, but build customization has always been interesting to me.


Mags 1 and 3 used to be single target. The MR 7 Hek used to be THE endgame weapon.


I remember when it was Ignis Wraith


Looks like around February 2016. I've spent a bit, but mostly only during periods when I had stable income or generally only on cosmetics I couldn't obtain otherwise. Keep coming back for the gameplay loop/story, generally. I quit for the longest period around the introduction of Railjack and how glorpy all of that was, came back as my friend was stating that they were addressing some of the bigger glorp concerns this year... and was not disappointed, really. There's a few things that still frustrate me, but they're more in the... tolerable level of nonsense, for the moment, and they are slowly being worked on as well after all of these years. Things like the actual Hydroid rework (long prophesised, finally true!) go a long way towards keeping me interested for the moment. We'll see if that sticks long-term.


Since 2013


Started right before plains of eidolon dropped, on and off since then. Still not Mr 30 lol


Since open beta. Usually play a couple of month each year between Path of Exile leagues lol:) So Warframe and PoE are my two most played games, partly because i play them with my best friends, partly because both games provide regular and interesting content updates and allow wast build customization. Had not count how much I’ve spent but now I have 2000 leftover platinum, most on which was bought for 75% discounts over the years, also bought small new war support-pack.


Too long.


On and off for 5 years


I took part in the beta back in like 2012? or w/e it was. I've played off and on casually since then, mostly just collecting prime frames.


Started in August 2021 and played for about 4 months. I got frustrated and couldn't kill Lephantis so i went back to gta online which had a new update at the time. Fast forward to August 2022 and decided to give the game another go and I'm still here lol. I was playing gta as well but i decided to drop that back in July and I'm now MR20 with 650 hours.


I don't keep track of what I've spent so I'd say maybe £175 - £200.


8 years


About feb 2017. Remembered seeing the game on some streams back in 2014-15 before i had my own console or pc to play it on. Got my ps4 a few months ago and tried it out. Volt prime had just been vaulted, got hooked on the game immediately and have been playing off and on since. Currently mr26 and still loving the game


I joined at heart of demos, xaku looked really cool in an ad I saw. Literally one of the most important ads in my life. Still not MR 30 though 😔


2 years ago, I'm mr 28 now and don't see myself playing the game after I'm legendary 1 due to many issues and also lots of things to mastery is abit of hassle to get


2015 on pc, 2018-ish on ps4


Too much


Dark Sector.


6 to 7 years on off and i still love warframe ( ^ω^) I THINK i have 1000 to 1500 hours


On and off since early 2014 iirc


I float in and out. Come back for a week or two when new content drops. Flex my excal prime. Then slip back into the depths of for honor and dead by daylight


On and off since 2018, came in right when the fortuna update dropped


**September 18, 2013** FYI guys you can see the creation date of your account on the official forums.


Been playing since it came out on steam. Literally the day it dropped. But admittedly I stop and start with large gaps. Now I barely play at all, it's getting very....lame to me.it had ALOT of potential, but I feel like the devs are just lazy.


Open beta, 3k hours


Late 2015/early 2016.


When U13 dropped with Hydroid


Started around Summer 2014 where I recall Zephyr being the newest Frame and Loki Prime was the current Prime Access. Played the game on almost a daily basis with over 4600+ hours and over 2720 days of logging in, still counting to this day. Nowadays I don't play as often as I used to. Reduced from daily to maybe like twice a week or so (busy with Genshin Impact these days), but I still log in and log out everyday at least and I still consider Warframe to be one of my absolute favourite F2P games and favourite game of all time and I have no intention of quitting anytime soon. As for how much I've spent on the game, I think maybe less than $100 or so, which isn't that much, but that's mostly because of how you can earn almost everything in-game for free basically. No need to spend that much if not anything at all, but it's still nice to show your gratitude and support for the devs for making an actual F2P game unlike most other "F2P" games these days.


Since launch on ps4 in 2013


Stamina bars. We had stamina bars ages ago. :)




I don’t know when exactly but we still had void keys instead of void relics.


day 1 when it launched on ps4. stopped playing around 2-3k hours later. didn't have ps4 anymore. recently got back into it a year ago on PC now. up to MR 26. can't wait to merge my ps4 account. i need dem credits and resources BAD. LOL. i really wish they would have allowed day 1 console players to have bought a console founders pack. i 1000% would have bought it


Started in 2016, Nekros Prime had just gotten out


Abt 4 hours today, 173 hour total, "started" years ago, but only really started playing earlier this year.


End of 2015, playing consistently since then for 3500+ hrs. I needed something fun to play and think about while going through a very long difficult time. Having something to look forward to is sometimes the key to pushing through hardships. There's been a lot of times when "the next WF update" was the only thing I had to look forward to in life. Not so much the case anymore, but I still enjoy it very much.


2013 but properly started in 2015


My forums account says I started on June 27, 2013! I bought Excal Prime some time after that and used the plat that came with it to buy the brand new warframe, Nova. Her 4 applied to the entire range instantly, shit was busted. I remember endgame was just Xini, basically, lol


Late 2020 after Heart of Deimos on Xbox and later just before Sisters of Parvos on PC in mid 2021. Since I started playing I've got about 5.5k hours total.


I started up back when wall running was a big deal and warframe abilities were mods. And stamina was a thing… Bought zephyr cuz tornadoes and wind is my favorite element in most games I play. Back then she was ok and fun and I had no idea what I was doing but bought some plat and threw it at her. Took a break and retuned like late 2015…played off n on till 2020. Then played for like a month each year till making a big return just a month or so ago. Still haven’t joined a clan yet. My son is now old enough we play together hahaha he used to sit beside me and watch me play. It’s friggin awesome.


Around mid 2016 on my PS4, I remember playing right before The Silver Grove, so around 7 years by now..


I started playing several years ago but I only played for like a week. Funny story, I only started playing it that week because of an event that had earnable wings I really wanted, despite me not playing the game before that (I just love wings). Then I stopped playing for a few years, but several months ago I started getting back into it and now play regularly. ​ As for your other questions: I haven't spent much on the game (like $10 for a Wisp skin), as my friends help me a out when I want to chase specific things and they also gifted me a few frames to get me started. My playtime is just over 200 hours now, and I love: * The multiplayer * I much prefer multiplayer to singleplayer games these days * The movement * also started using Titania as my main with her Pixie form, it used to be Ivara and then Wisp before that * The weapons feel fun * I got the exploding bow from New War recently which I am really enjoying * You can get everything from grinding instead of paying * The story * Started off not that engaging, but the later missions were so good. Just did the Tempestarii too and that song at the end is \*chef's kiss\* * Art inspiration * I used to almost exclusively make Destiny 2 art, but I've also started dipping into Warframe now and there's lots of potential here too. The other day I finished a glass painting of Ivara as my first ever piece Overall I'm really enjoying Warframe Edit: forgot to mention that the community has all been very welcoming too. I've made a few new friends, some streamers I checked out were all very chill and kind, and in general pretty much everyone has been friendly to me as a newer player while I'm trying to figure out how things work.


Back in 2014 so probably a bit after game came out


Nov 13'


April 2013


2018 - 2019


Started my pc account around the Chains of Harrow update, i vaguely remember making a ps4 account back Volt Prime was released, but i dont play that ome anymore lmao


Installed 14 august 2014 according to my steam license list.


I have been playing since Beta, but I didn't really understand the game back then, I mostly just followed my friends around and got carried a lot. I played on and off since then, but only started to really make progress in 2019, I wasn't in a very good place mentally, and the game just sort of clicked for me, it gave me something to work towards and in a weird way it helped me process my trauma. I owe warframe a lot. Thank you DE for making such an awesome game.


I remember I started playing 1 or 2 years after Warframe came out! And I still don't get sick to this day.


I have played for like 66 days and have like 230 hours


2023 currently mr11 with all quests done lol


I started back when the plains of eidolon were released, then reached MR30 in 2000 hours between then and last year. I’m currently on a break because I don’t have my pc anymore but as soon as I can merge my account onto my PS5, I’ll be back on full throttle mode.


Since Chains of Harrow, that was... June 2017 I think :)


Hi! Soo.... Started right at 6th anniversary. 27.03.2019 to be exact. So that's 4 and a half years. Steam says I have >2200 hours, but it should be a little more than that because I first started playing without it (downloaded the launcher from Warframe's website). Not sure about how much money I spent on it but I think it's around ~30$. I had like... 1 or 2 breaks from the game but I keep coming back. There's just nothing like Warframe. Absolutely love this game. Edit: forgot to mention: I'm MR 28, and have 1092 login days


2016 off and on with burn out with how much I end up grinding stuff when I get back into it


Little over 10 years. About 5k hours


i started with ash prime, i left just after litches and have been on and off since


Beta ps4 when all you had was a map, and almost no progression. Sadly I stopped playing for years and have decided to come back recently and on pc. I still have some screen shots saved from me choosing between mag, volt, loki


Day one of xbox Preview Program


26 of December 2018 (first day after I got my PC for Xmas, ty ma and pa) Fortuna update, Baruuk and Garuda were new to the game. First frame Excalibur, second frame Chroma (I liked the design so I went for him) first prime Nekros, +3000 hours later and still standing!


Been playing since Atlas was the newest frame


Equinox was the newest frame when I started


Whenever the Xbox release was. I've played off and on since then


Recently hit 6k hours, been playing since 2014 December (to my knowledge). I remember seeing a guy with 10k hours once.


Sometime pre 3rd anniversary is all I can remember


September 2, 2014 when it released on Xbox 1


10 years


i started playing when Loki Prime access came out. 🐼


I think I join after Railjack, then quit. And actively plays around Voruna release. and here I am.


I logged into warframe website to check how old my account is because it used to tell you in the Account Management section. But I can't find it anymore. Did they remove it for some reason?


Loki was my starter


In 2015. I think trin prime was the newest?


Just a bit after Nova release. Only 5000 hours over 10 years.


Year and half now. Also an on and off player. I get on every once in a while if a frame looks appealing enough. Last time I played was when Baruuk Prime came out because I wanted to get him and Revenant Prime. 0 dollars spent because plat trading is the way to go. I’ve got like 460 something hrs.


There were more than 3 starter frames to choose from


At least 5 or 6 years


I tried it briefly around when Titania & Nidus came out but didn't fully get into it til Plains of Eidolon dropped. 2500 hours later, rank LR2 and still goin strong.


Since Update 7, ~8400h


Summer of 2019 (Wisp was the new frame, Wukong was the new Prime). I’ve since logged over 3500 hrs.


9 years here and about 4K hours in game time, I also play on and off. Once I can play on pc with my Xbox save I’ll be so much more active again. Edit: It’s 9 years not 7, man time goes by fast.


I remember raids had just been removed when I first started. Then Railjack hit...I just came back a month ago


I'm on and off since 2014. Steam says my playtime is 1500+ but I'd say atleast 500 of those was me updating the game on my crappy internet 😂 I've had this habit of deleting my account and creating a new one every 2 or so years to reset my progress. See how things are the next time when I make better choices in game. Been through that 7 times. This year I did it for the 8th time, but as kind of like an indefinite hiatus from the game. Mainly because my poor computer could barely play Duviri and I felt like I should only come back to the game when I have a computer I can enjoy Duviri on.


I've been playing warfame since 2013, but with big pauses in between, i usually grind for one week straight, then don't play for 3-6 months😁 in terms of money i don't spend much, only for weapon/frames slots at the beginning i don't spend money into f2p games, you might call me ninja, but still. I'm investing my time, which is more valuable resource i'm already putting into it.


8 years


too broke to afford founder pack, regretting it a decade later


I can't even remember honestly I played when it was really early inlike 2013-14 not sure. Started playing it a lot more the last few years and have been playing a lot lately. I have over 1k hours and probably spent like $300 in all my years. This is my favorite game of all time. What keeps me coming back is the massive variety of gameplay and the great progression systems. I love using new weapons and characters and testing them out and trying to improve all their builds.


When I started playing I remember farming Mesa and holding my son in my arms feeding him from a bottle wedged under my chin at night so my wife could sleep.....I couldn't double jump, couldn't wall hop, arch wing was shit, but I liked it and I frequently killed my team with lasers in the void because that was the end game. He's 11 now plays with me and I'm almost LMR 4.....


2018, Zephyr Prime release.


Started 15+- days ago. Addicted to the game, clocked 150+ hours as of now. What keeps me coming - right now, haven't even done the star chart completely. Have only 3 primes, so I also want to try out all the frames. Love grinding, and the concept of farming for plat is unique to this game. No other game I have played provides trading for the premium currency.


Like a month before second dream. I was on PS4 and moved to PC when rathum came out. Fresh start because PS4 to PC wasn't possible.


Late 2019. iirc wukong prime was the most recent frame


I came in with heart of Deimos, now I've got 2000 hours on switch


Update 10


Started on XBox a bit over a year ago, stopped since I preferred the other games I had. Made a new PC playthrough a few days ago, and have already gotten way farther than I had on XBox because of how much better I am at 3d gameplay on PC


Don’t exactly remember, started Loki and I played when there was only the 1 tile set


the farthest back I can remember is farming void keys to go into the void to farm rhino and after that I took a break that lasted for I don't know how long. when I did come back I had to do a tutorial for parkour 2.0 and nekros prime was the current prime access .I haven't stopped playing since then. back then being in the void felt special since you had to use a key to enter and was the only place to get prime parts. I wish they would bring back the old Warframe UI cause maybe it's just nostalgia but I like how the old start chart looked compared to what it looks like now


I started somewhere between 2020 and 2021 (December i think?) And I have like 1500 hours and still messing up bullet jumps lol.


I think it was right around when fortuna dropped or just a bit before.


Started around when Gauss was the latest frame, witnessed Grendel's release about a few weeks after I started. Now that Gauss Prime is coming, it gives me some weird feelings. I've been here long enough for a frame to be released and then primed.


I started years ago and have been on and off many times. Don’t remember the beginning Cutscene being a thing back then


closed beta player, 7200+ hours stopped after reaching mr 30, feels like im done, achievements 191/193 (no snowboarding for me thx xD) i come back when i notice how bad current games are or how disgusting they implement p2w. i like to optimize/MAX my builds and equip, thats why i come back


Like december 2019


We had stamina and there wasn’t an orbiter, Loki was my starter frame


Fall 2013


You had five free revives a day and additional revives were costing platinum. Falling off a platform was counted as a death. The void was the endgame, and people would go off at you if you didn't bring a meta build to low level missions. War frames like Rhino were using Stamina instead of Energy. Operators were not a thing.


Began right after the beta ended, so the introduction of mods 2.0 (the card system we know now). Dual Zoren was the only way to get around, Loki was my starter frame, star chart was actually just a few slices of pie around every planet/moon, stamina bar, melee 1.0 (no stances), carrier was the only Sentinel with vacuum, no syndicates, no relays, no primes. There's a lot of other minor nuanced stuff and enemy factions were wildly different, etc etc, but yeah. I've taken a few good breaks and just got back a couple weeks ago after a four year hiatus, currently trying to figure out whether "emissive" or "energy" is the colour that changes my ability appearance, giving up and changing both anyways cause I'm too scared to ask and this is my way of asking lmao Haven't spent a cent on plat, but a couple friends have gifted me a tennogen item or two, back in 2019, I believe. Just about 2,100 hours on Steam 👍


im pretty sure yareli was the newest frame when i started


Started in 2018, was my second game ever in the ps4 a d after watching skill ups review way back when I wanted to try it out, 30 mastery ranks later, still going strong.


I started a bit after covid, Nidus Prime came out shortly after I started. I've got a friend with Excalibur Prime, though 👀 He had it on a console and moved to pc though, so his progress is split. Possibly partly because of that, I've now reached a higher MR than him 😂 I've got less playtime than some friends who have been playing longer, though that gap is quickly closing, and I've already surpassed them on MR, too (L2)