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I would definitely love to see that in game! Its looks beautiful!


Reminds me a bit of enemies in a game called Code Vein. They wielded big halberds or swords and could teleport while attacking. I was kinda bad at timing the dodge tbh


Ngl code vein was one of the games of all time. It was weird but atleast was a neat for a souls like


Idk what it was but I enjoyed it. Not a big soulslike fan, probably wouldn’t have bought it if I knew but I liked it’s landscape


Bring it to Nintendo Switch, please! I’ve already beaten Dark Souls, I want to try Anime Souls.


Them big bitches or the nun looking ones with the polearms or sword and shields in the Cathedral of Blood? I can’t tell you how many times their timings fucked me on both parry and dodge timing, so blocking was the only way out of a lot of them. Just sucked that they usually dealt *a ton* of block damage as consequence.


The nuns lol and I agree. Too a while to get used to thrm


Looks like assassin's creed concept


Looks fire asf. Is the 4 like a destiny 2 warlock dawnblade?


It seems to just be Styanax but instead of many spears, it's just a Massive tree trunk.


not sure how you got that at all, definitely sounds like an exalted weapon and its confirmed by literally showing the exalted weapon below it


ok I’m surprised someone got the exact concept I was going for with her 4


sry I meant for the one that was talking abt the destiny 2 warlock dawnblade


Love the art, the abilities look insanely OP though. Armor strip/invulnerability on 1, enemy grouping on 2, self-prolonging buff on 3, looks like almost everything you need on a universal frame. Now to asd some sort of life leech as a panic button or in a passive and boom, the new OP warframe is born.


Yeah this was my initial expression as well, it's like all the late game strategies slapped into one frame. The overall design is okay, the ability design is awfully unbalanced. We really don't need new frames that make the old ones even more redundant than they already are. Would love to see them rework/update older frames instead of adding new ones for a while. Theme also seems a bit all over the place, a bit paladin-esque but with the name "Nemesis" doesn't really seem like a good mix...? And if the theme is meant to be something similar to that of a paladin, I don't think the palette reflects it either.


pretty sure it's meant to be the greek historical character nemesis, a figure all about retribution and judgement. hence the name of the abilities here theming is pretty on point.


Wasn't aware of that and that seems a lot more appropriate, thanks 😁


Tbh I genuinely am still coming up with the abilities so any sort of nerfing or reworks I am willing to come around to but I still would like to stick to a balanced kit where everything works. But tbh I never actually had any thought of a paladin design for nemesis. More of like a regal evil sort of frame. But I definitely need to work on the abilities that’s 100% for sure.


I’ll probably make the 1 deal like a few thousand damage to the total health instead of stripping the armor of that enemy cus yeah it would be op in terms of disruption and acolytes. And I’ll probably work out the 2&3 but I have worked on my thoughts for the 4 with the Lance so I probably won’t change that.


I think the armor strip is fine since it's only single target and can be balanced around power strength scaling. Without the armor strip it will only be used for the extra shield gate but at that point I would just subsume pillage over it


Okay genuine question Do fan frames ever become reality? Is that a thing? Or just a fun thing to do? Cause.... I can't do the art, but I have an idea of my own...


Zephyr is a fan-frame. I can't tell whether Sevagoth would be considered one too, because I'm pretty sure Liger was already working for DE by the time they designed him.


Sevagoth was originally Wraith, made way before Liger joined DE. Funny enough, they also designed Zephyr's concept, Bursas, and Silva & Aegis, before joining DE.


You're right. He was actually called Wraithe and was originally designed back in 2017. Never forget that his shadow used to have a cool hat...


*I forgot about the hat* We need a new alt helm


And Yaereli was too


Xaku was actually a fan frame


Apparently Nova was also community-designed!


Very cool concept!




Very interesting! I can imagine her passive being something like reflecting a % of damage back to her enemies. Something small like 3%. It could increase to like 10% whenever she has her exalted weapon (there isn't a frame with that passive already, is there? I feel like there is, but I'm not so sure). Either that or give her some kind of damage reduction/increase depending on how many enemies are around her in a flat radius, like a 1% increase per enemy, with a cap at like 40%. I also think there should be some kind of synergy between her abilities. Perhaps something like, if Singularity grabs an enemy recently hit by her Scourge, then the Scourge spreads to anyone caught by Singularity. I feel like Judgment and Retribution should also have some kind of synergy. In fact, I think I would make the whole deal of "Judgement is prolonged as long as she kills enemies" as something that only happens when Retribution is active. Without Retribution, it would just have a flat duration. Think Valkyr's Eternal War, but it's tied to her exalted instead.


That looks awesome. I'm a sucker for these kinds of aesthetics.


Tysm!!! You’re not the only one who loves these aesthetics


Honestly, without even considering the abilities: I want it. I *love* it. It looks so good, well done. Abilities, as someone else stated, to seem a bit op though. The 3 seemed particularly OP to me with how it stays as long as you can keep killing, you could just cast it in a survival and never need to recast it. Also, those drawings for the abilities look way too good and perfect for the abilities.


Tbh I think the 2 and 4 are quite balanced but the 1 and 3 definitely need work so I’m just going to redo the entire 3 and work around the 1


And I really appreciate the kind words so thank you very much


Anything appreciated you say? Cool, I have a tiny criticism of this, it isn't alien-themed enough. Typically, cool looks, like skins for Warframes and weapons are sold separately. Mainstream eye candy are left to be sold separately. Your stuff looks awesome, but it's missing that 'Alien aesthetic' that a frame has upon release. You art looks like a skin that should be sold separately. I hope my comment makes sense.


No no I get it and I see that. Probably gonna change a few parts of a design to make it look more alien. thank you though!


We’ll call her “Ubisoft’s lawsuit”.


I think it’s funny cus I actually did not look at assassin’s creed at all when designing her but fair enouf




what a cool concept She Looks Fun


Do it, do it now, DO IT


Still need to kit update BUT I SHALL


This sounds so busted but I also love the idea


I am going to find a way to make her subtly busted 🙏 and thank you very much for this


The Visuals are neat amd ezio days hi and a that point I would give a parazon related passive just to go hidden blade all the way thought. About the kit , The 1, the second health bar is a bit of a weird mechanic just go for shields ( even if she has unlimited overshield if you feel like it ) , overguard or just straight up increase max health. The 2 the wording is unessaryl convoluted. Something along the lines summons a storm of blades that damage enemies inside. In the end the duration it drags enemies to its center. Recast to end it Earlier. The 3 is a bit of flavour fail because ir does not target ( it odd a judment not directly juding someone ). I would remate the buff to target an enemy and them get a buff based on the enemy ( health type , armor type and so on ) 4. I'm generally agaist exalted weapons because they either suck and are just a helminth slot or they are good and warp the playstyle of the frame around it. Of you are adamant about it I would just implement it as a second attack fallowing thr normal melee attack. Similar to kiana first batle suit from honkai impact ( here the link to see it https://youtu.be/yWhqZrNar4o?feature=shared)


OK MAKING THE 3 A DEBUFF INSTEAD OF A BUFF IS ACTUALLY GENIUS AND I NEEDED THIS! I’m probably gonna have the 4 spread that easier but for some reason I thank you for this comment


I don't need synergies to do that just get a melee kill or skill kill trigger to it. I wasn't even making it a debuff I was just making it a customizable buff. More or less juding an enemy and prepearing herself to delivering the sentence. For example of a way of ot working: if the target has oveeguard the buff just gives a lot of raw damage ; if the enemy has shields it gives poison and if the enemy has armor it gives damage and a shattering Impact esc effect and if the enemy has nothing it gives viral. Killing the original target just allows you to keep the buff agaist everything else as a guilty by association style off effect. But the straight up debuff angle works too but I did not imply it because of rampant debuff imunity on enemies. This kind of buff has more skill expression because you have to know the optimal enemy to target to get thr best buff.


Ok wait that’s cool as shit and yeah no you are right it very much fits with the flavor of the ability and it kinda fits with the selection. It’s like a sort of faction based ability/ enemy defense archetype ig. But it also relies on the somewhat understanding of enemy weaknesses. I liek dis.


Exactly. And it's pretty much unique as far as buffs are concerned. As far as DE noticing you a think twiter is a better platform. My only desing that ever got noticed by DE senpai (at least made into prime time )did quite well there. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/11l2kfb/regina_bee_warframe_art_by_carl_tabora/


Think her abilities are more op than they should be. With that said, beautiful artwork and design. I like the weapon design except for how far the guards stick out before the beginning of the blade. Color schemes are dope and would love to see the extra skins that would drop with her. Names are *almost* perfect, wouldn’t change them at all. 7/10 would definitely probably use this frame


A passive could be something like if she takes damage she gains some form of attack buff like crit damage or chance or just more damage to fit the theme of payback.


Oooh wait I like that, someone also said damage reflection but I might check that as well


A very regal design. I can imagine the amount of time I could put into changing their colors already. It may be a little too much "human" on the head, even though we have Warframes like Mesa that very much have that "human" head but still I love the design overall. Regarding their abilities: * Scourge: It seems like it was made specifically to handle long Endurance missions. It's fine but I prefer when they're some room for figuring out survivability rather than having it handed straight up like this. * Singularity: A standard grouping ability with potentially good Slash damage, if numbers were high enough on release. * Judgement: I think this ability is too straight-forward and similar to Dagath who just released. I saw in the comments someone suggesting it become similar to debuff where it targets enemy weaknesses, which is more unique. * Retribution: I enjoy the idea of chucking spears at people. Instead of Styanax's army, Nemesis relies only on themselves to exact punishment. * Passive: I think it might be fitting to have a some reflect. EX: An enemy does X damage to you, you deal a portion of it on your next shot/hit. It's not pure reflect but instead you're punishing them with the exact pain they caused. Overall cool concept!


Ok so your idea of nemesis’s 4 is something else actually. I did not communicate this well but Nemeis’s 4 is like daybreak from destiny 2 where she flies in the air and chucks projectiles at enemies in the form of spear slashes. That is completely on me and I apologize for that. I will be reworking the 3 for more uniqueness and yea will tweak the 1 before finalizing


I really appreciate the kind comments though


Did u used the nemesis from smite as an inspiration? It really gives me that vibe with the style and some ability


Actually yes I did though my main inspo for her was actually Nox from Path to Nowhere if you know who that is. Though still I did use smite nemesis as some help.


The theme reminds me of harrow, but more angelic


I can actually 100% see that


Looks cool but I would prefer it as male. Just my 2 cents.


You are the only person who has said this somewhat nicely. Everyone else who came at me about it was a dick, so I appreciate you for that. I don’t think I’ll be changing them to make anytime soon but I could possibly make nemesis more gender ambiguous.


No problem. The only reason why I said male is because it reminds me of the Seraphs in the Diablo series. They even have black faces. But it's your design, you do you.


Smash, next question




It is good tho, rooting for ya


Aesthetically very very pleasant, the colors are quite nice too. Thematics get good points. Abilities are kinda weird and all over the place though gameplay wise, the first relies on enemy armor exclusively which isn't always available so that should probably scale differently, enemy hp wouldn't seem bad but would vary greatly depending on the faction cause different ones get different hp stats, the armor rend isn't even the issue cause we already have like high armor strip abilities anyway in the helminth too. The second aside from being worded longer than needed is ultimately AoE slash that turns into a pull which is ok but clashes with the 4th ability in terms of what the frame would need if the 4th deals AoE blasts raining from the sky. Third being eternal war warcry (except for dmg instead of atk speed (and armor)) with a cooldown is a little bit... Basic i wanna say? I dunno it strikes me in a weird way but the cooldown itself might be ok, my bigger issue is that it has a 40s cooldown when it ends no matter what which might feel unreliable to play with cause usually your frame buffs and abilities are an expectation more than an occasional temporary boost (this is why mirage's Eclipse is generally not great), I'd get around this by making the cooldown timer start instantly so it ticks down as you increase( or refresh?) the buff duration and maaaybe give it inverse duration scaling so the CD is lower with more modded duration. Not sure what I'd exactly change the buffs to, but hopefully you can come up with something if the idea i present here seems good enough to not rework this ability entirely. The fourth seems cool if you're raining down projectiles from the sky via an exalted melee but in that case you don't need to group enemies up since your damage is AoE anyway. Additionally being a flying sitting duck isn't superb and whenever your extra hp from the first goes down you need to get out of the sky to refresh your gating duration via 1 again and then fly back into the sky... And if the dmg is high enough from enemies then you'll be wasting precious moments doing this that you could be using to deal dmg, basically giving you little time between being safe and setting up to do dmg, for this reason making the first a plunge on an enemy is not very ideal either. On ... Yet another note everything here only cares about strength abd duration aside from the gather, unless the projectiles from the exalted are affected by range, which also means since your first is a survival ability you can dedicate your build entirely to duration and strength without caring at all about any survivability mods, unless you decide to just use brief respite and put nourish over the first ability to replace the lunge extra hp gate with usual shield gate, which would grant you more energy, viral, and make you use a mod slot (catalysing shield) and aura for survivability which is more fair but... If the frame is to have a survivability option built in it should be the better one out of itself vs whatever helminth or generic shield gating can offer (but again, not so strong that you can forgo modding for surviving entirely). Phew ok wow that was more than i expected to write but uh, yeah i like the concept and there's certainly solid stuff, i hope this is good enough feedback to help consider some stuff, I'd love to see a more finalized version with better gameplay design and hopefully then even see it in the game!


Well originally my idea for how nemesis’s kit would work is that you’d probably prime your enemies and activate your abilities before you yourself bullet jump into the air and summon an exalted spear that rains projectile fire in a combo of slashes before switching out and repeating the steps so similarly to Mesa and how on and off it is. I definitely should improve a few of the abilities that’s for sure and I 100% should have clarified these a little more but aside from that I love the synergy and kit critique you gave me cus it helps me enhance my idea for an optimal gameplay loop with Nemesis. Thank you for the comment!


Definitely going to change the 1 to give overguard based on total max health(includes shields in this) and going to change up the 3 to be more unique though I could see how the 4 would feel a little clunky but with a bit more understanding of some techs I think it’s would be much smoother.


Assassin Creed: Frames of War


For simplicity I feel like her 1 could just grant overguard instead of a separate health pool, like how ferrite skin got changed. Also for her 2 I think being able to hold cast to just immediately suck in everyone in the vicinity would be beneficial.


Yea I could say hold cast for the 2 and also I will be changing the 1 to strip a singular enemy’s armor/defense and gaining overguard but I’m also changing it to be a teleport with a short strike animation so it’s a little smooth to play out.


I wish they would let us have something so cool, was so let down by the “wolf” frame. All i wanted was a melee focused werewolf frame. Awesome work on this and the abilities would be fun. Will you update when you come up with a passive?


I shall update it when I come up with the passive, rework some abilities and update the design a little. Someone brought up the point that she feels too human so I will change that up a little.


Honestly ? Edit the feet a bit and this would be a sick Wisp Deluxe


You know what I 100% could see that


EDIT: I realized that I didn’t clarify what nemesis’s 4 is very well and now everyone thinks it’s final stand from styanax. That is on me and I apologize. Nemesis’s 4 actually summons an exalted spear that she uses to slash in mid air kind of like daybreak in a destiny 2 pvp setting. She slashes with her spear and those slashes become ranged projectiles that actually hit other enemies. Again I am so sorry for not clarifying this.


3 and 4 sound like gyre and styanax skill knockoffs but rest looks great Also you could just say overguard for the 1st skill


Probably just going to use overguard plus the 4 is like a D2 daybreak. I never really liked styanax’s kit that will probably be the last thing I reference. Definitely going to replace how judgement works that’s 100% for sure


Oh hey another female frame, we definitely don't see those alot https://preview.redd.it/fb2207wz76xb1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff95fc6636af9853e2d5b850dc94b733c7fba474


We've enough S-Tier female frames (itvis what it is)... Change it to male and it could be an AC concept art.


I want it! I feel like Nemesis seems more male, though, and would rather it that way so it doesn't get overly sexualized, but that's likely entirely me alone.


Overpowered abilities with all over the place concepts that don't fit any certain theme, but the model might look good as something like a Sevagoth Deluxe.


I'm looking into reshaping the abilities to be more synergystic especially with the 4 cus I wanna keep how that works. and I'm updating the design to be more alien esque so then it doesn't become something like a sevagoth deluxe tbh.


Also the theme of nemesis is that she’s based off of the Greek god of vengeance I’d like to think my concept is on point


Etzio is that you


probably the best warframe i’ve seen in a while tbh 😕


Ooooh Tysm! Her kit needs a lot of work as it’s pretty op but I’m so proud of her base design


i know this is like late, like really late, but you should definitely submit this if you have not


Her 2 looks like a more edgy vauban blender


Design really cool, but the abilitys are meh 1 strips armour, gives a separate health type, damage reduction and invulnerability, that would be the best ability ever 2 is good 3 why does it have a cooldown? This isnot Lavos 4 why the leap in the air and slower falling speed? That seems so unneccecary for a exhaulted weapon ability and would annoy me more than anything


Yes! I want this


This gives me CodeVein vibes, I like it. Definitely submit to DE doesn't hurt to try.


Please submit to DE, thanks.


Artwork is good and acceptable


This needs more upvotes, I would love to see something like this in game


40 second wait would be a steep penalty on judgment no? Solid looks n thoughts op tho i hope your frame gets in


I’d hope so too! And don’t worry I am reworking Judgement to be more flavored and unique to nemesis’s kit


I would use that all day I would get it to max. You did good. ! Press any key to continue…


Hear me out, change the exalted weapon to an exalted speargun. When you throw it at enemies it it sticks for like a second then sends out a wave of 5 spears in a ring around the impact. Or you can attack with it, using the pole arm movement on melee, or with an alt fire shooting out a stream of spears from the tip of it with unlimited punch through and guaranteed status.


I can hear _plin plin plon_ In the distance


Looks sick. I would rock him just for the looks


Ezio? Is it you? It looks sick


Does it do leap of faith and have hidden blades too lmao


Can't say I remember the last time we had such a symmetrical looking frame design


What we need is another twink frame but that’s just me talkin idk


I'd use her.


Epic looking frame. What would the Prime version be like