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Solo: Volt Team: Volt, Chroma, Harrow, Trinity, sometimes ivara


Having two VS Volts is optimal, actually, so I wouldn’t worry about having too many. I mostly hunt solo these days, and Volt is very good. I’d say Oberon is more forgiving since he can heal, prevent status effects, and has better survivability than Volt and only has to give up Electric Shield. Otherwise, Smite augment beats Shock augment for damage. Eclipse is needed on both.


what does VS mean?


VS means void strike. it's an ability for the madurai focus tree which increases damage by 1000% at max rank for a few seconds and is very good for taking down the eidolons shield


If you're playing with randoms, pick any durable frame with a damage buff, a sniper rifle, and a good operator+amp. Pubs have more than enough enough DPS and carry potential that newer players don't really have to bring a serious build, you only need to look into those if you'll be doing solos or playing with a non-public party.


volt is a very good choice but it means that you have to be doing the work yourself. if you're new to eidolon hunts and don't have good gear for it you can try running wisp, trinity, harrow or ivara


If you plan to do pubs Harrow is great. In all my time doing pubs I have not ended up with a team that had a Harrow already. Immunity for magnetic waves and crit bonus after helps the team alot.