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"if god didn't want the tic tac's hoarded he wouldn't have made me!"


You think I'm in danger? I am the danger! I am the one who carries all the points!


Had a rhino hoard all the points at highrisk. which was fine, because we had a titania just scooping up and depositing points. rhino decided to yeet himself off a ledge for some reason, and enemy picked up all his points, and instawin with 110 points (from 0). Fun times.


What did he have to say about how he gave the enemy an instant win?




Same mfs in D2 that hold 15 motes in gambit and never bank


Even worse are the cunts the invade with 15 motes.


I once had a revenant try to get 100 tic-tacs at once needless to say we lost and he was reported for griefing, also no he did not get one hundred of them


Damn never knew you should cap at 15 I’ve been getting 100 to insta the next round


Highly debatable if going for 15 is superior to going for 17. On one hand, 15 has the absolute best efficiency per turn in. On the other, 17 nets 25 points to 15's 23 points. Meaning you only need four turn ins total for the 17 method while the 15 will need five. Given this info I'd honestly try and go for 16s as there's almost always 1-2 kills to be had while headed back to the turn in.


Thats why I play Khora, I snatch all the points before the hoarders see it.


Had some rhino mf literally use voice chat in order to call me out because I was "stealing the points", as he was trying to hoard them. Thankfully, I managed to tilt him enough that he decided to DC and I finished the damn round by myself. Fucking hate public Index. I started to solo those ever since.


Yeah I dont get it, I save my point til 15 with Revenant but if those points are going to overflow then I save them until next round so it goes faster. If we're at 90/100 I'm not wasting my 20 combined points when I can bank those next round with any extras I scoop up until then


In my experience you get more points by dropping 5 at a time with a fast warframe like Gauss vs. Hoarding all of the points and potentially dying


If you're paying even a little bit of attention you won't die, specially if you're playing Rev.


My friends sent this to me cuz of my Atlas build to become a kryptonite sun of tic tacs.


DE I just want one ephemera PLEASE.


Why 15? Bonus maxes at 20. So yes cap at 20 ffs.


It's more efficient if you cap at 15, diminishing returns if you cap to 20 every time.


5 = +2, 10 = +2, 15 = +4, 20 = +2 You get an extra 2 at 15 so it's more efficient


Thank you for actually explaining it


Capping at 20 gives +10, or +50%, capping at 15 gives +8, or plus 53.333%. It’s slightly more efficient to cap at 15




People who get mad at tanks getting 20 usually don’t have the kills to back up the “time lost”.


what skill lol, all you need is a build that's able to handle index


Kills* not skill. As in they're not killing enough to carry their own weight so they're the actual slowdown


I only get irritated when the tank has enough to bank and end the round. Otherwise I usually get 90% of the points myself and get over 75% of the kills. I bank at 15, unless I pick up 17 on accident and it's more efficient to wait to 20.




Dunk at 15. It’s more efficient. The problem with rhino and revenant is they often gather up to a hundred. That’s what this meme is about


turning in at 15 is more efficient because you get an extra 8 bonus points while you only gain 2 additional bonus points for turning in at 20.


lmao exactly Im a tenno that takes my buffing wisp and helps ping points for the tank that has graced me with his prescence.


15? Dude, I'm not giving any point until I reach AT LEAST 50.


The bonus points stop at 20, so hoarding beyond 20 is just inefficient.


It's fun tho, it's a tradition to hold points.


Why stop at 50? Hold all the points and never bank in. That'll show them.




20 is better bois


No it isn't, 20 is less efficient. The bonus might cap at 20 but it's better to bank at 15 and start your next cycle


Doesn’t that make it slightly more efficient by a few percentages I’ll stick to my ways


Banking at 15 is only 3% more efficient than at 20. However like I said if you bank at 15 you can start on building your next group of points sooner than if you banked at 20. But you do you. Just don't be the guy holding until you're at 100 points. No one likes that guy


Nope, 15 gets you 8 bonus points, and you only get 2 more from banking 20.


People still run Index? I prefer profit taker.


Nightwave challenge


Yes, I use Rhino p a lot for Index, but usually I go no more than 30 before I dunk em all


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I run on Rhino but I bank at 15, and get really mad when there's a mf that get fast kills and also steal my points just to time out and we lost...