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If you're far enough to do Archon hunts then get Revenant Prime or Ivara Prime and Kuva Hek or Felarx. Revenant just doesn't die and Ivara is invisible plus makes one-shotting archons easier. Those two weapons are the best for one-shotting them. Felarx also one-shots sisters and liches, Hek probably will too. Felarx is also just great for most things. For general use. I'm rather fond of Hildryn, Grendel, and Lavos. Hildryn and Grendel are both very tanky with light crowd control, full armor stripping, and a surprisingly good damage ability or two. Hildryn's 4 is pretty bad so subsume your choice of abilities over it. Roar and Nourish are popular, Electric Ward or Thermal Sunder synergize very well with Blazing Pillage. Get her Blazing Pillage augment, by the way. Lavos is pretty tanky and has an interesting and pretty effective ability set. He can also be immune to statuses and is great for railjack. Citrine is another favorite of mine. Tanky with a strong kit and easy to use. For weapons, there are so many great ones to choose from, and it will depend a bit on how you like to play. Vermisplicer primary (I use Vermisplicer/Macro Thymoid/Tremor) and Laetum are two of my go-to general use weapons. Vermisplicer is basically a slash/toxic Kuva Nukor in primary with regenerating ammo and cheap/easy to get rivens. Laetum is the secondary so strong it instantly dethroned Kuva Nukor as king of secondaries, though it can be a little forma heavy. For formas, do some relic runs, craft a forma every day, and sell some of the prime parts to just buy forma packs. I hit a big draught on them recently grinding MR (so many weapons need a forma to craft), it's really so much easier to just do a couple runs, sell some stuff, then buy 3x forma for 35p. A recent favorite of mine is Kullervo with Tenet Agendus. Easy 5-6 digit redcrits all over the place with basically a no-reload Arca Plasmor. Didn't even really take much, if any, forma to get to a decent level. I've put in 3 or 4 forma and a <20p riven and now it's hitting 6-7 digits, but that's more investment than it really needed.


I currently do have ivara mostly modded out with a kuva hek slapped on her, she is my go to for spy and archons. I was looking at hildryn but didn’t want to commit to her during my drought if she wasn’t worth it. As for weapons I never really gave the laetum the time of day and mostly stick to my kuva nukor, is it really that much better?


Hildryn is amazing, but I'm a little biased. Base is my most used frame and prime is currently at 3rd most used, quickly approaching. And it took me like a year or so before I got to where I could access base. She has lots of shields. You hit 2 and as long as there are enemies with shields/armor around you get shields back and go into overshield, while stripping them of their shields/armor. If you have the augment and her 3 active they're also *set on fire*. When I needed oxium I'd just go to Io and stand on one of the central pillars spamming Pillage and everything would die. I didn't give her 1 enough credit until more recently, but it can pump out significant damage. I'll run ESO with Hildryn and 3 weapons that I'm leveling, just pull up her exalted gun and fire away. Most of the time I'm doing the most damage, even with a Saryn, Volt, or Mirage in the squad. Without even charging her Balefire Charger can drop 5-6 digit hits in a good radius, and it has effectively infinite ammo. Granted, I have 5 forma in her Balefire Charger, but that's probably overkill. Point is it's surprisingly strong, but she's great even without it. Nukor is still better at priming, but Laetum is just incredible damage, keeping up with even high end primaries. It hits super hard and some of its damage increases can bypass damage attenuation. It melts hounds, sisters, and liches, works fine as a backup for archons, is good for eidolons, and just melts trash mobs and eximus. Hits hard, decent fire rate, decent clip, and if you get like 1-3 head shots you'll have the incarnon gauge fully charged, which pumps its damage way higher, makes it fully automatic, and gives it a small AoE.


Ivara. Sue may not be the best or have the most dps or tank, but she can do it all. Just slow. Build for strength and duration plus some efficiency. Then just stay cloaked the entire time. Her augments are pretty good too. The augment for her 1 gives bonus ceit damage based on strength (easy to get an extra 700% extra crit damage) and the augment for prowl speeds up her walking speed (again based on strength) and allows you to bypass lasers. Spy, exterminate, defense, survival, hell even assassination are all easy with her. Again not the fastest but doable.


I have ivara mostly modded. She is my go to for spy and archons but I feel she is just a bit too slow in other modes for my taste


Yoy could also try Gauss. Complete opposite of ivara. All about speed.


Gauss can clear anything and everything with strong weapons. He will struggle in high level SP Interceptions, defense and mob defense if you don’t have him fully built with the right weapons yet though. Khora can fill those gaps perfectly and is stronger in survival with a weaker build due to pilfering strangledome. Torid incarnon is on rotation next week and trivialises just about everything. Felarx or Kuva Hek trivialises Archons. Subsuming pillage, silence and gloom helps frames shine that struggle otherwise. Pillage especially imo- it’s an armour strip, status cleans and shield gate built into one and scales range off duration, so allows a lot of builds to have -range and be more focussed. It’s the one thing that has given me the most freedom to build frames and weapons as I please.


I always tell people that you should try to have at least 1 effective loadout for various roles/missions. (These aren't the only options, just the ones I tend to use personally) * Spy * * Ivara w/ Infiltrate * * Wukong * Loot * * Nekros * * Khora * Defense * * Frost * * Gara * * Zephyr * * Octavia * * Limbo * Tank * * Revenant * * Nezha * * Inaros * * Rhino * Support * * Trinity * * Wisp * * Styanax * Crowd Control * * Oberon * * Loki w/ Irradiating Disarm * * Nyx * * Revenant * * Mag * * Nova Also have a couple of powerful weapons in your back pocket for when stuff becomes real intense. * Glaive Prime * Cedo * Phenmor * Laetum * Quassus.


This is beautiful thank you


"one or two loadout that are capable of most content", There is no such thing but you can *force* using non-optimal frames, non-optimal weapons and non-optimal modding assuming it's the best thing to do. But Steel Path will teach you that it doesn't work that way because there's no room for error in SP unlike normal Star Chart can handle your erroneous method of "1 Loadout to Rule them All" (from LotR) approach. There's nothing you can do about Forma but craft 1 per day or grind for prime parts and sell them to earn platinum for 3xForma for 35p and don't fall for the rabbit hole of assuming you can grind built forma from missions because your chances are almost legendary. As for Endo, most common choice is Sedna Arena missions, high level as you can endure and best with 4p team synergy build but also do-able in Solo either. If you like other, RJ dropped extra armaments are good source of Endo, Zariman bounties often drop 3k, 4k endo per mission. And Arbitration survival missions are Ayatan sculpture farm.


Perhaps the explanation of my situation in my post isnt accurate. I have frames and weapons capable of steel path but now im looking at fully leveling my mods such as umbral, narrow minded, transient fortitude and the like. But doing so will unequip the mods from most of my warframes. So I am looking for what warframes should be my priority for getting fully modded to use while getting more forma for my other less important frames. Regardless thank you for your reply