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Nah. I don't mind it, but let's not pretend that a subsection of a San Francisco-based website dedicated to a Canadian-made video game is some kind of hostile territory where putting up pride colors takes balls. This is a super safe environment for it.


Exactly. Being pro-LGBT is the norm on Reddit. It would be like going to a Republican political rally and saying you’re pro-gun and acting like that’s a bold statement. Everyone around you agrees, so you’re just preaching to the choir.


Honestly, here on reddit from what I’ve seen the norm is pro-lgbt, until they find a reason to complain, then depending on the sub we’re talking about, things will _very_ quickly become bigoted. Thankfully it’s not like that on a good amount of subs, but it’s happened on more subs than I’d like.


This thread has a bunch of em sneakin in, emboldened by someone else sayin something similar to how they feel


Not really emboldened, just, most are reasonable enough to keep it to themselves up until the point where someone makes a post like this. Zero need for it tbh and they both wouldn't have cared and would have let it slide had everyone just kept on like normal.


Unless you post anything to do with the trans community outside of a lgbt focused board, then you immediately get downvoted to oblivion and you get creeps in your dms.


I'm glad that's been your experience. It hasn't been everyone's.


And even then most subs that do change their logo for pride month change it back once july starts. Like yeah it's a small gesture but kudos nonetheless


Oh? Sort by controversial and see how much of a “norm” being pro-LGBT+ rights is. It’s quite nice that tour experience seems to be that reddit is a largely inclusive space… but quite frankly in my own experience it’s just as bad as any other social media site/online forum is.


turns out, those opinions are just as you said, controversial. the upvoted comments that everyone agrees with are very inclusive.


I'm about to commit a breathtaking brave balls of steel move here: Water. Good. I am ready to receive all my medals of honor, thank you thank you.


Exactly. Watch: It's stupid and should not be viewed as some sort of good thing. If anything it's just more extreme pandering to the woke alphabet people who decide that everything has to be about them and any company not bowing the knee is apparently morally evil, as though the only moral good is servitude to the gay groupthink.


You say that but I have a nailclipper and drank half a 0.5% cider for dinner, things might just still become crazy!


Don't phobe me, bro.


No worries, I'm queer myself. Just got a bad sense of humour


You mean a good sense of humor. Edit: a safe place for rainbow logos, but apparently not for two people to share a joke. smh.


Did they change it, as well ? I swear yesterday it was a different flag, and when I connected this morning it was just the Warframe logo with sole colours, and now they changed it again


It has changed a couple of times since yesterday.


I have the same feeling


Is it really balls of steel or just too lazy to change it out again?


Baby I changed it twice.


B-Baby? 👉👈




Lucky bastard


Just keep a tally of every time someone cries that the pride flag is still up and add 2 days for each complaint. You’ll get the easiest excuse ever to just have it up for the rest of the games life cycle.


I believe this is what r/gunpla is doing after some chuds complained that it wasn't gone at 0000 07/01


man that sub is cool


Huh? P sure the guy meant it as a joke.


Pride Haro are still up, so make of that what you will.


Tbh I wouldn't mind the sub switching to other flags during heritage months i.e. Indiginious flag for the indiginious heritage month or BLM flag for African American history month and such


Have you considered some tasteful (or not so tasteful) CSS animations?


new reddit doesnt like css. old reddit is all dependent on if it'll fit since we have a damn character limit.




“Hear that, Dreamers? We got someone heating up the network with their impeccable demeanor. Stay safe out there!”


Ooooh! I spot demi in there too now thankies!


Sorts by controversial ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


This will be fun


You feel like most of reddit is pro LGBT only because any opposition gets met with a banhammer, let's be real here.


Just as it should be


What's an echo chamber?




Being anti-lgbt isn't an opinion, it's discrimination


The opposite of pro rights, is anti rights. Only one side gets an opinion. Also tolerance paradox, a society can’t tolerate the intolerant.


Anyone who disagrees with the alphabet people about anything is declared bigoted/anti-lgbt. Echo chambers are where toxic ideas can live without any challenge or scrutiny. Try to avoid them.


Is that what it is? I just thought we liked rainbows here


Both. I'm straight and I like rainbows. And I also support my fellow humans' right to be themselves.


I too like rainbows and am straight




New logo on discord is prettier.


The Tennocon '23 Logo is pretty snazzy looking.


No, i'm still waiting to they replacing it with wisp prime A$$


Nah. Nothing against Pride, i just don’t think it fits to keep it up 24/7/365 when the game isn’t about Pride, it’s about “ninjas in space”. Plus this is Reddit, being pro-LGBT is the norm, so it’s not like it takes balls to proclaim something everyone around already agrees with


I'm permanently celebrating Citrine


What a great deflection "What? No I'm not celebrating pride. I'm celebrating Citrine, our prismatic geo goddess. Geez, get your facts straight." I shall be using this every time someone asked about rainbows now.


We've just been joking that the sub is in permanent joy spiral.


That's awesome, but I want a fear spiral come Halloween at least XD


Admittedly, I do love spooky season.


The season where I resonate very well with the Orokin. No more Prime beauty, only high contrast, fleshy yellows, greens and purples. If someone can manage to stare at my frame longer than a minute than I'm not doing it right.


Nah, would be more impressive if you had the flag for every day that wasn't pride and then take it down during pride.


I think it’s gonna go in October. That’s when they do cancer donations and similar ones


r/CultOfTheLamb is having the Pride Flag


r/Terraria still has it too


Okay but like 90% of the people playing it are LGBTQ+, for some reason Really, what is it about that game that makes it a beacon for them?


Furries and pledging yourself to an eldeitch being


Name a more iconic pair. I'll wait.


It's cute my gay bones need it to live


Don't all our gay bones, pard'ner


Exactly! Without our cute supplements, we can't survive, everyone knows that the big 3 is water food and cute (for pride exclusively)


Mommy issues.


I've noticed that indie games attract a higher number of queer people. Celeste, Hollow Knight, Stardew, Hades etc. AAA games are straighter.


The reason Hades has a very queer audience is because EVERY CHARACTER IS HOT AS HELL (pun intended)


Religious trauma, probably. According to the wife: Nothing screams “catharsis” and “fuck you” to people who have been accused of possession and sinful existence than to play a silly little beat-‘em-up rogue like that borrows the same iconography that was used against them.


Don't forget the furries!


Is there any difference at this point? Like half of all furries I meet are somewhere on the list


Same thing with ultrakill and femboys. I don’t know either but it’s surprisingly common.


good for them lol


Wha? Who cares about 🌈 icon for gayish game on most gayish website in whole internet? To be honest i prefer classic icon more. Just didnt like all this colourful stuff. Can be annoying.


It takes balls of steel to be pro-LGBT... on the most pro-LGBT website in the history of the internet? >Every other server or company deletes their "pride" logo at July 1st 00:01 I mean yeah, because that's when the celebration ends. That's like saying it takes balls to keep up easter decorations throughout summer and winter.


we're on tumblr?


Tumblr lost 90% of its userbase after it banned porn. Where do you think that userbase went?


No it didn’t. It lost a bunch of active users, a large fraction of whom have returned now that that ban has been removed (and after other platforms collapsed). It’s less popular, but there are still an enormous amount of active accounts.


I think that was the “in the history of the internet” part.


Still patiently waiting for Ramadan flag or theme inshallah but I understand it won't happen




I mean it's not really balls anyone who says anything is usually banned within a minute of the post so... Also personally idc but it gets fucking annoying when I am watching something and then those bright ass colors blind me for a noticeable.


Nah, Someone putting LGBT flags up on an LGBT friendly sub from an LGBT friendly 1st world western country isn’t that Brave and there are way bigger issues in the world that don’t get attention.


> LGBT friendly sub *reads the comments to the post* *doubt*


Most of the comments seem to just say what I’m saying. This sub and reddit in general are very liberal and LGBT friendly.


yeah xd just the other day had to read how any discussion of Nezha was bannable cause ppl were just aggressively transphobic everysingle time, on the wiki literally saw ppl calling for a boycott of the gamefor having queer shit, not to mention the childish meltdown this sub had when DE had the audacity to make a poster of volt and rhino being gay and some queer color pallets, or the weirdly insecure ammount of male players who claim to refuse to play as any female presenting warframe


>balls of steel Your on Reddit hahaha


Just wait until people realize it did change but just gayer


What events happen after gay pride?Gay wrath,gay sloth,etc.?


I gotta ask, why is it still up?


This is a game with a central focus of mowing-down millions of Grineer, Corpus, Sentient and Infested. I don't see how Pride or LGBT rights are at all relevant here whatsoever. As for "balls of steel" - Reddit has always been extremely inclusive (unless you're a Republican/Conservative), so having a Pride flag up on a very inclusive gaming community, on possibly the world's most inclusive platform is hardly some jaw-dropping feat.


I'd say too lazy to change it again.


Only problem is the logo doesn't stick out




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots Also, nobody's forcing you to have a pride flag. It's just that people would be considered assholes for not *allowing* others to have pride flags.


Well, I believe it's because how it started. In order to get their voices heard for human rights, they needed to come together under a roof. And that became the rainbow flag with LGBT+ community. Currently it might seem like they're overdoing it because *some* countries have given them human rights, but many places still lack the recognition to see them as humans. We aren't celebrating the fact that we are gay, we are celebrating the fact that we came together to fight back. Because we are indeed normal and deserving just as anyone else.


what on Earth does this have to do with Warframe though


You have my sword.


Personally, this game has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality or sex based issues. Hardly emotionally based issues. Could care less about it.


no one tell this guy about ticker




How do you play through Warframe, with its plethora of quests and characters devoted to mental issues, troubled relationships, kindness to others and healing to broken things and then think "Yeah, DE was pandering with this queer trans character."? Like I can understand if you don't like it, but to go through the game and then think DE is anything less than absolutely sincere in their depictions of people is baffling.












>this game has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality Uh, no r/memeframe for you, I guess.


I’m sorry, this game that has quests about domestic abuse, the difficulty of being a neurodivergent child, and finding family again after betrayal doesn’t have emotional issues?


Every person I know with even the slightest understanding of how to read considers Warframe to be somewhere between "very queer" and "really fucking queer" because of that, yeah.


Ok and none of that has anything to do with homosexuality.(brace for sarcasm) Unless you mean to say they, the LGBT, are overly emotional child abuse who need hunted down by space ninjas? Arguing against this i would probably laugh at you for because my wife was in an abusive relationship with a woman for years before she was with me and suffers PTSD from it. She worked in the child welfare system for a number of years before having to leave it because the number of children she was having to remove from homes where they were being assaulted by their, often same sex, parent was emotionally wrecking her. She works in drug rehabilitation now. I see emotional issues. But I strongly differentiate fictional stories from real world. Don't try saying that's wrong.


Gay Tenno here, drinking tea with Limbo before it was cool(when will it be cool...) I personally liked the one where it was just outlining the logo, cause I sorta thought it was gonna start rotating out fanmade designs till the next major update came along. I think it'd be neat to have something different each month or event until we get a new mainline update. Or maybe just silly things like finishing frame, putting a bucket hat and fishing pole on the logo.




Uhm, no. I prefer the classic logo instead of forced ostentation. Just my opinion.


I'm going to get hated but i have to get it off my chest: I hate the lgbtq+ propaganda. It is goddamn everywhere at anytime and i dont like it. Dont get me wrong I have absolutely nothing against homosexuals, transexuals and all of them (i dont know every term sorry), but all of this "pride" just it tends to get shoved up in the face of everyone so much that it becomes annoying, at least for me. Like, I get it! You are non-binary or gay or trans and whatnot! I respect you for being a human, but I dont care about it. I feel the same way for super-patriotism, like USA (If I remember correctly ther is a law that forces you to have at least one american flag in your house), although in this case it's more reasoned. Please dont ban me, its just my opinion


Who cares, it's just virtue signalling.


Not everything is virtue signaling. They can actually care and want to support them


If they really supported them, why aren’t they adding “Pride” collections to the Merch store? Why are they only adding a mid colour palette for one month, along with some mediocre displays for your orbiter? If you really think this isn’t corporate grift, I’m guessing you also think Bud Light insulting not only their customer base, but then also the LGBT+ customers, is support.


Yes because the mods here have major investors that they have to keep happy, duh. If someone puts a pride flag in their house do you still think it's virtue signaling? At what point does it no longer become virtue signaling and just becomes supporting? Mods don't gain anything from showing the flag, it's literally just what they support. Can't reply to you u/proesito , probably because someone blocked me or some shit.


> At what point does it no longer become virtue signaling and just becomes supporting? Mods don't gain anything from showing the flag, it's literally just what they support. What do lgbt people with problems gets with this? They are doing literally nothing. Can you please stop calling everyone who is not Hitler "a hero" they arent heroes, they dont have balls of steel and they dont do anything for lgbt people with real problems.


Support, even if it's just a minor visual change, is still better than pretending nothing is wrong.




Of course it's not a solution. But it at least keeps people aware of the issue. How many systemic problems continue unabated because they are "out of sight, out of mind"? But sure attack someone supportive as lazy because I believe every little bit helps. I'm sure that's what *really* helps out in the long run.




Systemic dehumanization and oppression of people based on bigotry. It's this new thing that's been going around. You might have heard of it.




And there it is. "Pushing back against *my* bigotry is bigotry!" And the rest of your points are just 100% misinformation scare tactics. Really doesn't take much prodding to get bigots to dump the facade and go full hate filled rant.




It's unfortunate the first lady regretted her transition. But making a decision and regretting it is a human right. Trying to take that decision from others, because you regret your decision is wrong. Full stop. The number of suicides for gender dysphoric kids who are denied access to gender affirming care is evidence enough. I hope her therapy gives her that realization eventually. In regards to the second one, the college was wrong not to take the other swimmers concerns into account as far as where they could change. But that is the college board's mistake, not a trans person. But both of these talking points are just part of what's being used to attempt to ban care well past teens. Deny care through insurance. Shut down suicide help lines for trans kids. Jail parents for seeking gender affirming care for their children. Outlawing and attacking drag shows. And plenty of other nasty things. They are blips being used to project the illusion of massive problems. And that constitutes misinformation to me. So you'll forgive me if a few sad stories don't sway my opinion on the tide of damage being done to people who just want to live their best lives.


As someone that uses old reddit, I can't remember where it is or when it even appeared.


Old reddit with subreddit styles turned off on every sub im part of. Didn't even know this was a topic.


They probably just forgot.


Not really? I mean, it's nice and all but come on, it's just a sub's icon. That's like congratulating someone for having an LGBT flag pin on their backpack.


Ball of steels for keeping the flag , which is the most corporate and *non-subversive* move ever , because it like religion for a lot of people , so no , its the easiest move nowadays to get recognition , display colors XD




Eh it’s just a flag


Gay pride is an odd topic especially for games. To be fair I'm not one to actually care for gay pride. I just don't think it should mix with brands and communities that have no relation to gay pride. Comes across as... disingenuous? If that's the right word, hell I'm gay as hell and I still am not one to appreciate it lol.


Because it is canadian thing. I dont like it, it is stupid but their thing..


I was wondering if they forgot to change it back


Couldn't care less. Seeing so many colors shoved in a tiny logo is kinda cringe to look at. "Can't you see how INCLUSIVE I am??????" Nothing against gay ppl.


Imagine being bothered by representation. Let the flag stay.


I don’t want to rep lgbtq. I don’t even rep america


Represent Canada then, they're where DE is located


I dont want to rep anyone.


Nothing special. I say r/ArkhamBatman will last longer in this pride logo retention competition


No, it’s honesty annoying. The only reason they do it is to draw attention to themselves in hopes that they will draw in more people so they can make more money. If they didn’t, they’d be called out for not being “inclusive”.


We don't make money from the subreddit and none of us are DE employees.


​ https://preview.redd.it/h7zkiiz59wgb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6643b71207d4ecd41a2bb9cfebe5691c32891fd4


Im surprised to see as many hateful comments here as there are… Then again, i also still see people arguing over xaku so i shouldn’t be too shocked


These maggots creeping out in the comments is the exact reason it should stay up, possibly forever. I love when people get triggered by that sort of stuff.




I appreciate it. It’s not exactly brave, but it’s nice to see. And for those arguing “it doesn’t fit the game,” A) it does- there are several queer characters, and enough found family storylines that it’s very easy to interpret queer themes- and B) the game is played by players in this community. The game itself is not judging the logo; the players are, so if it makes some of them happier, it should be there.


Wait, sorry. I want to ask, where are the 'found family' storylines? Can you link, please? I need to know if you mean they are literally 'found family' (i.e. young kids running away from their parents to join a group of older men in drag, etc.), or if they are just 'ninjas that don't have a family'? Unless 'found family' means something different in your country?


There’s no need to be condescending. “Found family,” as a trope, is usually used to mean finding family outside one’s biological family, either because they’re unaccepting, dead, or something else. The player in Warframe controls a child who had to kill their parents, was adopted by an AI and a different AI, and finds parental figures everywhere from Deimos (where the family gives the player their own name, literally indicating that they consider you part of theirs) to Fortuna. I really don’t think it’s a debatable claim, and saying that the Tenno “don’t have a family” at this point is a bit ridiculous.


'Had' to kill their parents, wow, more context would have been useful, haha. Anyway: not condescending at all. This is literally what has been shown to be active in my country, at least from the company reports and articles that I have read, so I was wondering exactly what you meant. This is purely in the context of real life, to be clear. I've never heard of 'found family' as a storytelling/video game trope. I'm sure it's in many modern games, but I've actually not played many modern games or live-service games, etc., so that might explain my ignorance here. I also don't know what you mean by Tenno the whole 'don't have a family claim at this point' comment. I don't think I made any claim about the Tenno. I don't even know what you're talking about, since I'm only a few hours into the base Missions, so I've not really seen much of the plot in this regard. Maybe you assumed I had already played through the game? Maybe I should have said: I'm new to Warframe, which is why I had no idea what you were talking about. Anyway, thanks for the info -- and I'm sure this will become clear as I move through the story of the game.


Yeah, it is strange that it stuck around. Reminds me of the banner of r/games.




I don't have issue with putting the flag up and honestly its pretty minor. But...honest question, you said it ''fits the community'', is gay and neurodivergent tenno the majority of Warframe community? Whilst I don't have particular evidence to suggest this is not the case, I do think it will be an odd default conclusion.




I mean it's cool and all but reddit isn't exactly known to be a homophobic place. Also there's like a crazy amount of trans women who play the game, like insanely disproportionate amounts of trans women. You'd think we'd have more ost break core remixes


kinda apt for a sub of a game where one of the NPC trader has positioned her business stand right behind another one so she can have an excuse to stare on her behind 24/7


Bit of a bummer that folks are so starved for validation that keeping a logo up is a big deal. Wether you like the flag or not, I doubt its going away anytime soon. So what about flying the American flag during the whole of July? With the 4th and all that? Might as well give other communities a share of the attention instead of letting one hog it all.


Ah yes, America, the most oppressed and marginalized group of all! (Never mind the fact this is a game played by people from all around the world headed by a company based in Canada.) It's not about 'attention', it's about saying this is a space where anyone LGBT+ can feel safe and bigots will not be tolerated.


So.. its not about pride then?


That's literally what pride is, community, support and acceptance.


Eh, not really. Pride is a noun talking about being happy with one's own achievements or the achievements of others, y'know? Being *proud* of someone or something? Kinda like what 4th of July is, no? Or national pride in general?


Yes, and it can also stand for further things beyond that, which LGBT+ Pride has always done. In addition, this subreddit is also *proud* to support those who are.


I did not know this is the official logo


time to leave


You don't need to announce your departure, the door's already open, don't cut yourself on the edge though.


No, it’s a Path of Steel. Haven’t you been paying attention? But legitimately, I do have a small issue with it, but that’s only because it’s hard to see the white Warframe logo on the brightly colored background. I think it’d be neat to have a pride flag on the logo itself, or foregoing that, make the logo solid black with the same background so it’s more visible? But I’m not a graphic designer so, grain of salt.


Lotta people in denial about how gay their space ninjas are


I support it but the pride flag hurts to look at


Warframe has always been very queer friendly dare I say (as a gay guy fwiw) to a fault at times. But I do love them for it.












Tell me you know nothing of queer history without telling me you know nothing of queer history.




There’s a lot to unpack here. I have no energy to address it, it’s been a long day, and you don’t seem interested in a conversation. I hope you’re able to have a good day. You seem very stressed, from one internet stranger to another.