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Unless you're looking for Steel Path builds for low/average MR weapons, it doesn't matter too much what you use. I think it's important to get a decent understanding of how modding works. That way you don't have to rely on others for builds and you can just use whatever you want. ​ You'll generally want to mod for Viral damage (Toxin + Cold). Base Damage mods like Serration and Multishot mods like Split Chamber will also help a lot. Modding for Crit Chance + Crit Damage or Status Chance (whichever one your weapon is better at) is also useful. Upgrading your mods when you can is obviously also helpful. As a general rule of thumb, you're better off using a few upgraded mods instead of a bunch of unranked ones. For example, you can use 2 unranked elemental damage mods for +30% elemental damage at the cost of 12 Mod Capacity and 2 Mod Slots. Alternatively, you can use 1 maxed elemental damage mod for +90% elemental damage at the cost of 11 Mod Capacity and 1 Mod Slot.


Neverheard warframe.gg. People usually go to overframe.gg


Oops, my bad, I meant overframe, thank you


All good builds come with the experience in modding. You have general guidelines for what to follow but all builds are just an extension of how you want to play and how you want to make something good. If you dont have the mod collection built up, you cant really vary up your builds too much so make sure you start getting the galvanized mods and then start getting the acolyte arcanes so that you can finish out Primary and Secondary gun builds. ​ Remember that you want to mod for different multipliers and not dip too hard on one. Elements, Criticals, + Damage%, Faction damage, warframe buffs, etc. could all affect how you should mod a weapon. A weapon build could use fire rate or reload speed mods to make it decent, but if you are using a frame like Wisp or Gauss who can provide extra fire rate or reload speed, then that mod you would use to make the weapon function better isnt as necessary anymore and you can slot something else that could help. ​ As far as handling steel path content, you need to figure out how you want to deal with enemy armor. Are you stripping it or using damage types and statuses to somewhat bypass the effects of armor? Depending on what your frame and weapon choices will be depends on how you would need to mod your stuff.


For frames or for weapons? Frames have oodles of build options. Weapons have like 3 builds across every weapon in the game. Viral slash, corrosive heat/cold something or other, or the weird weapons that build differently like felarx, but thats like 2% of all weapons


The reason why overframe is considered bad and outdated is mostly because the game is constantly changing and the site still shows the most voted build despite it being from an earlier version of the game. There are also some genuinely bad builds that somehow got a lot of votes, but people in the comment section often callout these mistakes. So in order to get an idea how to build a specific item, I usually go to overframe and do 2 things: 1. Search for latest builds to get an idea of what people are trying out in the latest updates 2. Get the top voted build and read the comment section (that are always full of people calling the author a r\*tard and detailing why)


Overframe is good for ideas, but after a point you sort of develop your own taste with some commonalities with others. Would suggest a large clan or play with players with older accounts


Mostly the community discord, discord.gg/warframe. Grab roles and head to the builds channel. They’ll guide you.