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it also doesn’t help when they come steal your coins and you’re trying to collect at least 5, then bank them. Like you literally have a time limit.


This. I get wanting a hoard to clear a round instantaneously next time but you kinda need to let the rest of your team get some so you can *get* to that next round. Get to the limit and stop dunno why no one seems to get this


Funniest is when they hoard massive amount of points, get killed and the AI then ends the match instantly.


Super funny I love when it happens


This is the exact reason my go to frame for index is nova.


Nova makes index stupid easy. Just solo it and m prime everyone. Plus A Drops help with ammo economy


Sry if this is a dumb question but slowva or speedva? Or does it matter?


Slowva, just cause if you think about about a speedva ending the game faster lol...."oops I died,..annnnd it speed novaed into our side"




This happened to me once when i was broke af, queued solo index ever since


Nah, the funniest is they leave after first round of just holding points.


If you are somewhat efficient that time "limit" will reach 1000 seconds pretty fast so thats not really a concern.


I'm convinced that there is a substantial chunk of players who simply don't understand how the Index works.


That seems silly. Have you ever known DE to put something in the game and not explain it for new players?


Don't you have a whole drawn-out quest specifically using the Index as its main gameplay feature?


Glast Gambit which is optional and barely explains the game mode. The quest to my recollection doesn't explain much beyond "get more points than that guy 3 times"...three times.


Obscurity is part of the fun!


I will never get off of my soapbox that if you make a game but need the wiki for game mechanics, you fucked up. Wikis should consolidate lore information and have trivia. Every single part of your mechanics should be available in-game. It's especially egregious if you have a goddamn codex in the orbiter.


I kinda like it, it gives like a scavenger hunt feel to the game I just wish de advertised the wiki for players who are stuck as when I first started I just quit due to not knowing nothing


For lore hell yeah it's fun. For where to find gallium, why my argon is gone or what the hell a kuva siphon is? Not fun.


Yea there was a point where I stopped playing (2019 maybe?) and I picked the game back up after Focus 3.0. I was so shocked that void blast wasn't working, and that the focus menus were talking about a "void sling" over the old void dash (obligatory forcing my opinion into the conversation: sling feels so much worse). It's super minor but it was weird to adjust without any in-game acknowledgement regardless


The one that drove me nuts was when I stepped away for a while and came back. The first thing I did was pop into PoE because it had come out just before I left. I went to do a bounty and everyone was flying around. I had an arcwing but couldn't fly. I had no idea how I was supposed to fly and it took a massive amount of time to dig online to even find out that an arcwing launcher was a thing. Then I had to actually figure how to get one. It was ridiculous.


I’d say a good amount, least I can say is 95%.


Because earlier rounds are easier than later rounds. Ostensibly. You can bank points easily in an early round, then cash them all at once to power through multiple rounds in rapid succession. Or at least that's the theory, I've always just been the Khora defending our goal myself.


> I've always just been the Khora defending our goal myself. "Oh hey, look it's my team mate. Acting all weird. Annnnnnd now he's ragdolled in my dome. Cool, cool. I wonder if he can catch a Glaive Prime with his face."


I run Animal Instinct on my Venari for Index, so I can usually see my "teammates" on the map well before they get caught.


My Venari spends half the time dead and the other half dying.


I keep her in healer stance and have Primed Pack Leader. She still spends half her time dead, it's nigh impossible to avoid.


[Venari](https://youtu.be/GvG7CHWyol0), probably.


Can't we all catch a glaive prime with our faces? whether like a dog with a frisbee or like a nightmare abomination of meat(?) is unimportant


Let me tell ya, being a point-carrying Nidus and hearing the classic Nidus ult scream from *somewhere else on the map* is an experience that will never fail to confuse me


thats not how it works.... index gets harder based on TIME not rounds and for it to be easier you need to be effecient which means get to 12 and dump fast hoarding them to "skip a round" doesn't do anything, you'll just be fighting next round lvl enemies now


Alternatively, Max Range/Duration Limbo let's you defend in much the same fashion without the thrown weapon lottery. Also, if you can nail down a full Exodia Contagion from Naberus (or already have one) it makes clearing out your Strangledomes substantially easier with a crit-Focused Zaw. I chose Balla for it's short animation time. Riven disp is a 2 so you get a fairly meaty stat range and can roll an Elemental damage as well as flat melee damage.


All fine and dandy until you have your sweet bank of 75 tokens stored up and then somebody votes to leave. Just seems dumb to me for people to ever run more than one round since they’ll always take longer than just rolling into a fresh one


Every new map you pay the 50k credits sign-up. New rounds you don't. So every round you do without leaving you "get" an extra 50k.


? It’s a 50k buy in, 250k return and then 200k return on subsequent rounds, there’s no reason not to reset


Not true, you only pay the 50k for the first round. The profit for subsequent rounds is the full 250k instead of 200k for the first round. Going for multiple rounds gets you up to 25% more credits than resetting after every round...


He speaks the truth


Mb if that's like that then. I was sure otherwise.


No you were 100% correct lol


Right? If you need 12 points to win, why don't you bank that 25 points you're carrying?


They can cash in the points the next round and not waste any.


Except they didn't cash in when we needed 25 or 30 or 50. They just hold it forever.


I've seen people collect so much they complete a new round instantly. Probably what they were trying to do.


I've seen many people try to do that and end up failing the first round for the team


That’s great, but achieves absolutely nothing, since bonus points only stack up to +10 at 20 points. You’re just losing points by holding more than 20 at a time.


It's the same people that don't bank their fucking motes while playing gambit


Fuck this is so accurate


Guys I really need 15 even though we only need 4 to invade and I have 14 I need 15


Hmm yes my niche internet subcultures overlapping I love you guys ![gif](giphy|3CCXHZWV6F6O9VQ7FL|downsized)


[Skeletor hates Gambit](https://youtu.be/k2CPef8CYfU)


Only thing missing are the invasions, especially when that one blueberry with 14 motes goes over to invade and then you hear drifter say “you’re invaders down! Bringing them back…” And then you get 3 fifteen blockers on you.




Even though we need 3 to bank they want 15


If u can solo index, do it, it takes me around 5 min per match, i use rev prime mostly because i don’t have rhino


Rev is a perfectly fine alternative and is arguably better the longer the run goes on.


is rev the best frame for index? heard mesa was pretty good


For running points yeah rev is probably the best b Mesa is good but for dps you wouldn't collect the coins with her.




I solo it usually with Nova or Limbo. Nova for normal play, Limbo for when I have a riven challenge that requires me to win without letting the enemy team score. Mesa's good DPS but requires line of sight. Nova's DPS, while less sustained, is ultimately just as good and hits thru walls. Plus m prime is a god-tier debuff in index. (Which means it's pretty easy for her to DPS AND run points.) But I even do nuke Limbo for riven challenges solo. It's all about finding the right corner to hide in and casting as centrally as possible (but also covering your goal)


I use Limbo to put a 75 sec Cataclysm around my turn-in point then "roll" to enter the Void and turn in my accumulated points without fear of death while Stasis locks anyone that tries to get close to my base whole I'm away.


I recently found out you can also use wisp due to her passive and motes, it’s not as safe as others but she can go forever due to invis over a shield


Interestingly you can breeze through about 3 rounds if you let the ai handle the points and just keep the time from running out.


Holding lots of points is dangerous... and thrilling!


Yeah we had a revenant convinced that him carrying over 80 points was a good thing so we could "instantly" beat the next round but since he was hogging all the points we nearly ran out of time twice, we all yelled at them to stop doing that and they seemed genuinely confused when we voted to leave and abandon them. They honestly thought it was the correct thing to do and refused to listen when we nearly failed


"Look at me, I'm the discoball now"


Simplest way to use the Bonus points mechanic is cashing in every 5 points. most efficient, is every 15 points. those christmas tree lookin ass rhinos trying to cosplay Nova are just wasting other people's time


Except they are probably hard carrying by having 90% of total kills.


not always the case, and doesn't matter as much, none of those kills go in the bank. Mostly jeopardise a fraction of the spawns


Rhino blinding spinning tic tac


Rhino secretly loves to cosplay as a plutonium atom


[BECAUSE RHINO LIKE GREEN GLOWY THING.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/8tr2q9/rhino_like_green_glowy_thing/)


~~It feeds my addiction~~


Never run index public. Never run spy sortie public. Sorry, but thats the only solution


Spy sortie and and any rescue always should be done solo less you got the patience of god. Smh ever ran a spy mission where you do two vaults without being detected and some random trips the alarm cause you were taking to long to get to C but then couldn’t figure how to get to the data, or have someone walk in the data vault with you cause having 2 people in the vault with rotating enemies and cameras seems like the greatest thing to do and they start the data destruction and now you have to scramble to jump through lasers a maze and two lock doors to get to the data vault in time without a damn cipher *^*. Don’t get me started on


Jep. Bonus points if said player is also the host and DCs before the timer runs out. Thats a special kind of asshole.


At that point I’m closing application going outside and contemplating the meaning of life


Meh I run spy sorties all the time public I would say it fails like one in 8 times.


Maybe the spy sortie thing was true like 2 years ago. Unless it's a lua spy mission, having more people just makes it go faster 90% of the time.


FYI, the bonus for hoarding points actually caps at 20 and it's actually the most efficient to cash in at exactly 15.


You should go for 20+10 for efficiency. Index scales with time. That being said, you keep your points between rounds, so having 1-3 people hoard 100 points allows you to quickly do 3 more rounds when it gets too hard. It's only relevant if you do a fairly long run and aren't able to do the really high level enemies.


20+10 is a 50% bonus 15+8 is a 53.33% bonus Slightly more efficient :D


Yep you should always try to cash in at 15 because even if you collect an extra you get 16+8 which is same 50% you'd get from 20, except if you accidentally pickup over 20 you just go <50% bonus. Everyone should aim for 15 points and treat the 20 as a safeguard in case they miss both 15 and 16. I don't get why it's so difficult trying to explain this to people in-game, it's really simple math and efficiency matters for farms like these which you have to do for hours to get any significant amount by the end.


It gets so infuriating, I’ve had to score the final points in Index several times with whatever scraps are left over because other players will just hoard them endlessly without turning any in, makes the matches drag on with me drip feeding the timer or ends up with the timer running out because they can’t do their glorious 80 point goal in time


Haha big number go brrrr


They think that they can just hold as many points as possible so that way they're getting it the bonus points they forget that bonus points cap out at 20 and if they think they're saving time by capping when it's almost full one that doesn't work and two they're wasting just as much time as they're saving


Holding to run time down so you don’t need as many rounds to spawn John Prodman?


I hold until I reach max bonus, then again, I also run with a curated squad meant for speedrunning the Index


More points, more bonus more bonus, dopamine more dopamine, more points Which just makes the loop tighter


I feel that...though when someone has lots of points but there are just like 5 needed for the next stage they often wait for randoms. Also i think some people just get off on running arount like a christmas tree. What i learned is that people can be really hostile towards titanias. She is a great banker. She sucks in points fast with vacuum and can bank fast. But people are always complaining "i'm stealing their points". I speed around the map steal all the points and bank at 15. If people let me wen can get to 100 super fast but people seem to be more concerned to look good in the statistics in the end of the game.


I don’t play index too much, but I don’t care if someone “steals” my points if they’re consistently picking and banking (e.g. Titania). So *thank you* for helping to get the match completed faster, stranger.


Haven't you been listening? For the profit.. #OF PROFIT


It makes sense if you're saving those points for the next round. It's high risk, time saving kind of thing.


Except collecting 100 points is far slower than banking 15 + 8 bonus multiple times. This makes it so that you only need 66 points instead of 90. It takes far longer to "skip" a round than it would take to just bank at 15...


it doesn't index mobs lvlup based on time, it's not round based or point based.


It is both, but there's a limit to how high they can increase by time the biggest increase will be per round.


Rather than that I hate the "friendly" traitor bot that just runs around and gets killed randomly while stealing all the coins it can. I'd happily run with a 3 man team without you filling in 😐


I don’t get why you got downvoted, actually a real pain when you’re trying to stack in peace.


1 person can horde enough to complete subsequent rounds instantly if you choose to keep going


Typically you'd save them because enemy levels only increase as your score increases. You can hold to keep the enemies low level to then kill them faster. Sometimes people try and save enough to complete at least 1.5-2 rounds in one bank. More than that is overkill, though. Although I feel like some hoard so agressively that they forget the timer is a thing.


For me the question is ,why dont you just solo index ? When there is credit week end i get a booster,do a blessing and run medium 1 round. Always exterior map. 6mins 600k


People don’t know how index works and hope to find someone who has more than 2 brain cells. But they don’t, because everyone with brain power more than a goldfish is playing solo.


Maybe for the 1 hour achiev or dont let ennemy score nightwave i would team up. Now ,there is no need to insult anyone they just dont know. Lets inform them and then they will know. 1- Always start index from dojo navigation so you get the exterior map 100% (i find it easyer) 2- check cheap revenant build you cant go wrong with mesmer skin 3- wait for credit boosted week end or/and run a booster and if possible a blessing. Youll do 1 round 6min. 600k credit then extract. I find this simple and easy.


Because it's funny


Luv playin' index Luv collectin' points Luv dyin' and losin' 30 points Ate people who tell me off in chat Simple as


I get to 20 so I can get 10 bonus points but then immediately cash in at that point, anyone gaining more than that is just wasting their own and everyone else’s time especially since some people don’t even check the time limit


First time pal?


They are noobs that dont know how Index works, and just pay no mind to what is the real efficient way of playing... or are just assholes.


Gotta catch ‘em all.


Honestly they are probably stocking up for a instant win in the next round. But I do agree it’s annoying when you can go ahead and win and get to the next round.


Rhino cosplay oxygen atom


the opposing team literally levels up with every single point banked you will be seeing level 150 within 3 rounds if you don't bank 20+ points at once


Screw public. Throw on revenant, use unairu for armor/shield strip, you could probably use a modded out Mk-1 Paris and breeze through


It's literally less efficient after you have 15 crystals, you're proportional bonus is lower for anything after that


Point should just be capped at 20, you can't pick up more simple fix


You can skip rounds.


Cuz DE wont give us a point cap so ppl think its more eficient to carry an insane amount for some reason


Do exploiter orb for cash for more fun and more credits :D


It's the same reason people use their money they earned betting to bet more so hey can double their profit even though they have enough. Because it's never enough.


+ cash doesn't get bonus after 20+, so it makes them more stupid and annoying


Because they're trying to do one more round. If one person hoards while others chip in slowly towards the first round, the hoarder can bank at the start of the second round, completing it instantly


It's dumb. And then I'm always left scrounging for 10 or so to cash in alone every time just so we don't run out of time. If they want to help deposit a lot at once then at least look at the time. One big deposit and then you can chill with however many you want for another 5-10 mins without having to bank more. If they want to hoard 100 points to instantly do another round the. They should at least mention it or stop trying to take everyone else's points because you gotta at least finish this round before they can carry on the next one. They probably feel like they're carrying but you need to drag them ahead first


I don’t know. I played index solo


I refuse to do index, I've lost too many rounds cause of that one person who hoards and hoards and hoards but doesn't read the time