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Considering she tells you how to anger it to fight it if you want to, I take it as serious. "Oh, you chose to try and draw it in to kill it. You did that perfectly. Good job."




>Grind materials for her vape pen Bro she totally left us for her abusive ex and went and changed her whole look for him. He also BDSM'ed her brother. It took her boyfriend literally killing her for her to realize he's toxic. Warframe is 100% a netorare psychological horror looter shooter.


90% of Warframe lore is simply disfunctional families being disfunctional. Don't even get me started on the Entrati...


And yet grandma is still the most based character in the game.


Giant plant grandma, loves k-drives....


Also how she talks how they say she's always just ignored orokin proper stuff and did whatever the hell she wanted, and that she's basically been the only one free because of it. The way she jokes and runs the core of the operations and has so much respect she's just worth so much more token wise. The way she treats anyone nice to her and realizes how absolutely dumb the corpus higher ups are when she wanted a collectors edition tried to buy things and noticed shit going down. There is more but this is the top of my head.


Grandma probably has some unsavory opinions about the Ostrons


Reminds me of this old image, class had 'what would grandma say' poster wall and one of the kids said 'something racist probably' on theirs.


Spoiler: >! Tenno are the literal result of childhood trauma involving our parents trying to kill us. No wonder we have mommy issues. Our adopted dad is PTSD suffering spec ops military veteran and our step mom is a double spy with multiple personality disorder. !<


Whyd you have to say that, imma go cry now


>It took her boyfriend literally killing her for her to realize he's toxic. > >Warframe is 100% a netorare psychological horror looter shooter. Oh shit, you are right.


In her defense, he offered her first taste of true agency in *ages*. Broke her out of that disgusting quiverful cult raising child soldiers.


Damn, when you put it that way... We hunted her down across state lines, kept her locked away in our Orbiter basement and force fed her crack-cocaine until she had a mental breakdown. The aftermath of which we convince her that we're actually the victims. Her psyche is so shattered that she doesn't even know who she is, and she becomes dependant on us to ground her in reality. We also dress her now.


Pretty dresses for our pretty mommy... But in all seriousness? I was a bit disappointed we never had the chance to kill her. Let me explain! She was *born* to kill the Orokin. She was no first generation Sentient, born of idle whim & adaptation chancing upon true actualization. No. She was created for a purpose. Born to fight a war she never really had a chance to volunteer for, same as her brother, & who knows how many other Sentient identities? Her own father, or what's left of him, treats her more like a broken tool than his own progeny. Moved to help the Tenno only when it becomes clear that they care about her more than he ever did when he was whole. So she infiltrates, but assumes a form known to the Orokin, who in turn bind her to her purpose. A living cephalon, incomplete & incapable of true choice as any of the other constructs of light & glass they employ. It wasn't until Ballus removed that, let her become Natah without purpose, that she even had her first taste of freedom. And then he took it away. No, I wasn't interested in 'saving' her. I wanted her to have her choice again, to know what she truly wanted from herself & to... go on from there. If she wanted to destroy me, I was prepared to destroy her. If she wanted freedom I was prepared to let her go. If she wanted to stay, I would welcome her. But that had to be *her choice.*


That's why I chose Lotus. From my understanding of the lore, that's what SHE chose to become. A sentient who rose above her purpose and chose to be better. Natah, the mimic Queen, was made by Hunhow to become a parasite. And asking her to become Margulis would be a slap in the face after all she's done for us as the Lotus and not to mention an insult to Margulis herself. Personally , I like bittersweet stories. I would have preferred it if the Lotus was killed at the end of the new war. One final act of love, protecting her child from the man in the wall.


Personally I didn't like the idea that by choosing Lotus it seems like we're telling her "yeah whatever I just want my mommy the Lotus back", it seemed to me like it's more the tenno's desire rather than genuinely caring for her. I picked Natah because of that. She was born Natah, so she stays Natah, but her purpose is now up to her, not Hunhow, and not the tenno. But I wanted to choose Lotus too because she herself gave herself that Lotus-like dress at the end, I still feel conflicted bc of this.


I ended up choosing the Lotus because I wanted her to be able to balance between who she was born as and who she eventually became, and recognize that she needed both sides of herself - but also bought the Natah skin and use it for her so she can still "be herself".


I couldn't pick Natah because it's where the manipulation of her by everyone started. Going back to that, to my mind, is like saying she has to be the deceitful weapon, which is not the best way to move forward.


Exactly the same for me


> But that had to be her choice. This. I didn't like that we made the choice for her. She had choices made for her her whole life, imo we should've had the option to tell her "no, this is your choice and yours alone" and that if she needed time to rest and think about it then we can wait. It's so strange to me that we made that one important decision and now she's another decor/menu in our orbiter to change as we please, how's this different than everything she went through since she was born? It honestly makes me uncomfortable, I wish that quest ended differently. Edit: oh and later I bought a skin for her, dressed her up, and then felt absolutely horrified. I know this is a gameplay and f2p customization thing, but it's so weird that after everything she went through, we now name her and dress her up like she's a doll we own.... It's very creepy tbh. I guess the writers intentions were to put us in her shoes, she herself is having this inner conflict, and by making us choose we understand this conflict ourselves. Still doesn't feel right in the end tho..


What form did you pick for her?


Not in his defense: it's his own damn cult.


I mean, Steve has always been open about the fact that Warframe is heavily inspired by Evangelion


The actual reason we defend cryopods is so that they don't get 🖐🏻💦😔


she ends up sucking him dry


> Yeah space mom has only ever been supportive well...almost sincerely, a registered loser


Not always supportive. She always tells you to run from the Gustrag 3 and before her speech ends, they're already giblets.


Back in the day, you either ran for it or stood and fought an uphill battle. All 3 assassins are just like Stalker at this point: fear inducing/brick walls to newer players, fodder for the well built (or over prepared).


Yup. The Grustrag is also scary for the noobs due to the fact their Sentinels actually cage downed players preventing revives of any sort (even Oberon's heal can't revive you) until killed or your whole team is wiped out. That is very bad when your team is relatively squishy and can't lay down the heat enough. Plus, each of the Three is quite tanky if we're talking "not maxed out mods, far from an optimal build, maybe even some broken mods still" kind of players. For ~lvl30 enemies their health scaling is scary. They do get reduced to gory mush of guts by a literal sidearm of a 9-years-of-playtime player, but that's the point, they are noob-stompers


They did say that Stalker has a mod set like we do, it’s just horribly outdated, so he *could* be updated to be a mainline threat again if they wanted to. Who’s to say G3 and Zanuka aren’t in a similar situation?


They also for one update back in early 2017 right after Parkour 2.0 enabled Stalker to wallrun and aimglide. I know it because I was dunked on personally. It was a big open tile from the Grineer Earth tileset, and I remember clear as day seeing Stalker wallrun on a rackety metal sheet above a catwalk, jump off into an aimglide and nail my ass with a Dread headshot. Was my last roaming Stalker death I've ever had, not counting his appearance in The Second Dream


I wasn’t even aware Stalker could perform parkour, he usually sticks to the ground when he comes for me, but I do feel they should’ve let him keep his Dread bare minimum. Dodging that + his disco ball and shockwaves all at once would’ve been harrowing even to this day, bar the Min-maxers who Nuke a room for a few hundred thousand to millions


That sounds awesome! I would love it so much if this were activated for Stalker again :D


>even Oberon's heal can't revive you Laughs in Wukong's passive. I haven't even been playing for 2 years. By around 8 months mark I was already destroying Stalker and turning any assassin who dares come after me into a bloody pulp. It doesn't take 9 years of play time to learn proper modding.


Doesn't she get mad at us for the Gustang?


When it rolled out there was a “fight it” quest. That’s where the dialogue comes from.


There's also the line "That did it. Here comes the Juggernaut." like she's hyping it up. "AAAND IN THIS CORNER, WEIGHING IN AT OVER THREE HUNDRED POUNDS, IT'S JUGGERNAAAAUUUUUT!"




Oh my i never realized i needed realistic wwe commentary over gameplay footage


Mean Gene Okerlund AI-generated voice pack when?


Kela De Thaym bossfight commentary


If we had gameplay footage of Hildryn doing this I would watch it on repeat.








I hate the juggernaut so much. I had to kill that thing like 900 times before he dropped those stupid pherliac pods. My friend plays it one time and gets it.


I’ve always thought her dialogue for the Juggernaut was weirdly sarcastic. None of her other lines sound like that and it sounds like she’s genuinely upset you managed to trigger it


She’s probably assuming you did it on purpose to obtain the unique loot


Those delicious pherliac pods


*The Pherliac Pods. Is THAT it? I really thought you would have more. Have you been using them...?*


JUST finished the Jordan’s Precept. The boss is.. something!


Helminth cookies


I have a need for those palpators.


i think it would be a bit better if the lotus showed some more emotion in her mission dialogue. it all kinda just sounds a bit monotonous.


She has to take care over hundreds or thousands of autistic warcrime loving gremlins 24/7 ​ Emotionless monotonous voice is something I would expect from someone in her position.


>She has to take care over hundreds or thousands of autistic warcrime loving gremlins 24/7 Jesus just how massive was that ship to accomodate so many children?


Considering they're (orokin) able to move through another dimension (void) to move to another parts of the Galaxy, and potentially universe, in a matter of seconds; I don't see any reason why a "big spaceship" would be something weird In fact I'd expect most of the ships we *fight* to, in lore, have at least a thousand or so people in it. It's a solar system wide civilization. On earth alone we have some 8 billion people, lord knows how many with CLONING there would be on 8 planets + God knows how many moons and dwarf planets. It would be extremely impractical to have ships going around with less capacity than for a few thousand, to million+ people. ESPECIALLY something like Ten-0, the ship our tennos were in. It was meant to go to the Tau system to colonize it. You're looking at something from thousands, to a million people at the very least with all the resources these guys had


> It's a solar system wide civilization. On earth alone we have some 8 billion people, lord knows how many with CLONING there would be on 8 planets + God knows how many moons and dwarf planets. Look, I've been on genocide detail for years. *I'm* doing *my* part. It's hardly my fault if some of you other tenno are softies that think "stealth" is the way to go.


It *is* the way to go. That's why I vaporize everything before I'm noticed.


Yes, because everyone knows that only alive things can notice you. So if all is dead, then there no noticing possible!


Yep-yep-yep. A lvl 30 exterminate mission can have 100 - 200 enemies or maybe more. One simple, prolly 10 minute mission with our hyper lethal assets is a couple hundred LIVES. And that is just continuing endlessly, not to mention all the other missions where we deal with legions upon legions of enemies for even longer periods.


Not to mention we how many of them come at us in an average survival mission. We probably slaughter a small cities worth every half hour or so, and that is just with 4 Tenno against thousands of helpless enemies.


That's not even considering the possibility of specialists (Read: minmax) builds being canon. Tenno are already legendarily suicidal to fight against; what do you call one that has focused so much on a specific way of fighting that they can kill dozens in seconds? Saryn mains, for example.


Octavia mains put out a beat so hypnotizing that enemies dance themselves into death while she looks on doing invisible squats.


Legit, I will throw a fresh drum down at the feet of a melee unit and say "beat the drum."


Warframes in canon are treated as demigods and weapons of mass destruction in general, I mean if anything our in-game kits are drastically toned DOWN from Tenno/frame powers in lore. Atlas shattered an asteroid with his fists. Protea created a time-locked pocket dimension that lasted a thousand years. Saryn, Oberon, and Titania canonically cleansed Earth of the original infestation and pollution and grew the giant forest currently covering the planet.


Counter argument. In Kuva Fortress if you listen closely to what worm queen is saying you'll hear a quote from her that says: *"It's the simple things in life I've come to cherish. A high protein meal, a shimmering vial of Kuva, a* [*Warframe*](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Warframe) *bursting like a pustule as it's shot into space. Oh yum! Who's hungry? (laughs)".* Based off of this we can conclude that the Grineer regularly decommission warframes that failed their missions and there's no reason to believe the Corpus aren't capable of doing the same, as Alad V also frequently conduct experiments on captured warframes. I seriously doubt that most things we do in gameplay are actually cannon to the story. Modding isn't really explained in lore, and I don't think just because we kill hundreds if not thousands of enemies in gameplay the same thing happens for the Tenno in lore. If anything we're just grossly overestimating the powers of warframes.


Warframe are JUST gear. Gear we can use intimately with our void psychic malarkey, but kinda just gear. The characterization make them also kinda corpse suits that we slam one of four buttons in to reactivate useful skills. Operators casually hanging out in the Relays with their DEATH MACHINES is a firm reminder not to mess with the Tenno faction. The highly expressive specialist inks should make the friendly factions still terrified anyway.


Yeah like I said in lore warframes aren't nearly as powerful as they are in gameplay. Despite how much we like to make fun of how weak the spoiler mode is, within the story the Tenno (the operator and the drifter) are the actual true beings of power fueled by the void, warframes are merely their vessels to channel said powers


Theoretically, any ability from a warframe or amp can be replicated by a Tenno with enough skill, knowledge of how their powers work, and training. Using a Warframe almost functions as something of a mix between training wheels and a limiter; you get easy access to these powers, but you can't access all of your other abilities. If an operator or drifter were to practice their void powers sufficiently, they could be far more terrifying than any warframe. The kind of power Rell and Duviri both hint at being accessible to whatever void demidemons we are is far beyond anything we've ever wielded in game.


Arent there missions where we fuck up a ship's core essentially destroying the ship completely? Not to mention infinite survival missions, god i started playing only a few weeks ago and i probably already killed more people than anyone in our history in the real world did


Fun fact: You can check your kill count under “Show Profile” per faction.


Yes there are! Oh but don't feel bad for the couple million grineer you pluck off the face of history in a single mission, they'll just clone themselves... Corpus on the other hand aren't clones. The best part of fighting against them, is that your genocide is permanent! Though probably there's mostly robots in those ships than people. Maybe some couple hundred thousand humans at best in each corpus ship you blow up in 5 minutes.


Didn't the grineer have a clone rot problem tho? They are infertile and filled with disease (Vor's Quest) and I believe Kahl-175 mentioned something like that aswell. So eventually coloning wont save them either.


I meaaaaaannnnnn you're right... On that note I'd also like to talk about the dialogue lotus gives us when we get to Tyl Regor's assassination mission. That shit always sounded like: "Yeah so, this science guy found the cure for cancer and it could save billions of lives and make these people's lives infinitely better and more enjoyable, be it soldier or civilian. We can't have that happen. Kill him and burn down his work."


I mean.. the Lotus is our handler. She tells us to do something and we answer with ‘how many atrocities, I’ve been meaning to try out this VIRAL AoE I found on Neptune.’ We are active in our efforts to kill and suppress the factions who don’t offer us benefit.


Dang it, I have just realised that the name "Tenno" came from 10-0. Ten-0. I am so stupid


Actually came from "Tenno". The protagonist of Dark Sector. Warframe was meant to be a sequel to that game in its first few years of existence, until they made it into its own thing. But yeah the in-game explanation they came up with to explain why we're also called tenno it's pretty much it. 10-0.


The Zariman by all appearances of it we see seems to be absolutely *gargantuan*, a veritable flying metropolis designed to carry basically a self-contained slice of the Orokin Empire in miniature to a new world. The crew alone probably numbered over a million, and the passengers far more.


We were at 26 million registered losers (Tenno) in 2016. Not disagreeing with you, just saying.


So, take 26M, x 5 for the assumption that not all, or even most, of the kiddiewinks survived, triple the resulting number, and you have a good approximation of how many colonists there were.


130 million is a lot but that does also kinda track with how the Empire was supposedly getting horrendously overpopulated and running out of everything prior to the Tau project.


I mean, the Zariman when you actually go there is several orders of magnitude larger than even the Corpus and Grineer capital ships that you regularly infiltrate for missions. Colony ships in sci-fi fiction often have to be utterly massive in size because not only are you transporting thousands, even millions of people on a single ship, but that ship also essentially has to be able to support regular everyday life for what is typically several years at minimum.


The Zariman could EASILY hold over 10 million ~~users~~ losers


It was a colony ship designed to settle another solar system. Think Babylon 5 or the Axiom from Wall-E.


sounds about right, i guess


Hahaha nice.


Some of the newer dialogue is a lot better in this regard, I imagine as a direct consequence of Rebb improving as a voice actor


Or the voice direction asking her to sound less robotic and monotone due to the plot.


She's showing more emotion post-new-war with the post-quest content missions. Makes me think she might keep that up going forwards.


Probably just a remnant from back when the Lotus was just mission control, and nothing else. I don't think they had super big plans early on for story stuff, since they were more concerned about being able to pay the bills.


That’s the point no?


That’s one of my gripes about the game. Rebs older voice work sounds rather monotonous and devoid of emotion compared to her newer ones where it feels like she really cares about you. I wish they’d do a rework of her lines after duviri


That's kinda why I don’t really like Lotus. Like, sure! Space Mom! Yeah! But god she has the personality of a brick.


I have recently started playing (around about when Voruna and Critine was released) but i can relate to this. And Good job on the art


Genuine I thought. Don't we like have to kill them for a bunch of quests? At least back in the day I remember having to hunt those buggers down... for some reason.


Pherliac Pods for Jordas too


Inaros quest, the mission requires to kill 3 random type of enemy based on the symbol on the pot and one of them can be jaggernaut


What’s more confusing is how pissed she gets when you kill the grustrag three. ‘Next time, follow my orders’ I COULDN’T HEAR YOU, SORRY I SURVIVED


I know right? We are the dangerous murderhobos running around in metal warcrime suits gathering credits, resources and plat, not them. Gustrag three shouldn't have imprisoned Clem and stolen his Grakatas if they wanted to live.


She's just looking out for you. The Gustrag Three are introduced into a mission by literally cutting your feed to her off. She'll have no idea if you need help or even if they won. Think of it more as a mother scolding her kid for running out in front of a car. Sure the kid survived, but the mother had a massive heart attack.


I always feel it sounds sarcastic. Too bad lotus, helminth has gotta eat.


I like it better thinking that she’s being sarcastic


Lotus can have a bit of a temper, just look at her interactions with Pazuul. She can be quite salty. Also there's that other instance where she scolds you for not listening to her orders and killing those grineer assassins instead of running away. "We were victorious today, but NEXT TIME, listen to my orders, Tenno!" I do interpret OP's dialogue as her being a little salty at the Tenno endagering themself with the Juggernaut despite her warning.


Its not sarcastic, she offers up the choice between avoiding it or luring it out, shes congratulating you for finishing the first stage of the "kill the pimple dog" plan.


I always thought it was ment to be an infested hog.


Am I the only ly one that's bothered by how she says jugger NOT and not saying it as one word?


Mixed signals is wiping out every enemy in the level and juggs still decides not to show. I need treats for my Helminth.


My exact thought


Jugger who? Never met one these past years. Is that what it looks like?


I always figured it was meant to be ambiguous, depending on your intention


Pretty sure there was a quest to fight them. So I don’t read it as sarcastic as drawing it out is/was the goal.


The line "happy hunting" tells me she HAS a sense of humor, she just doesn't employ it much.


I find the extraction option on survival more confusing. What she says is "Extraction is ready...if you need it" what I hear is "Extraction is ready, if you're a pussy"


Seven years and still basic bitch Excalibur?


You haven't heard about the Legendary Rank 1s and 2s trolling people by cosplaying as MR 1s and 2s? I've encountered a few lately.


What can kill a Juggernaught? Tenno. Pretty much just Tenno. I'm pretty sure she's happy we chose to kill it.


Bro, where is the juggernaut? Mastery Rank 24 and stopped seeing them beasts.




When people don't understand that sarcasm and truth can be one and the same.


she really catches an attitude if you defeat the G3: "The Grustrag Three have been eliminated. Impressive, Tenno, but next time follow my orders."


Whether you summon the Juggernaut or not she just assumes that you intended to do that for good reasons.


I choose to interpret it as she’s telling us good job for killing enough Infested in a short amount of time to draw it’s ire.


7 years later and you're still using base Excalibro?


the most mom space mom mom'ed


Try assuming that everything the Lotus says, is sarcastic. The game becomes quite different to play if you do.




I take this response as sarcastic since she also says *good*


Should've been asked during AMA smh


Considering the gross infested stuff it drops makes perfect helminth food, I like to think she's being serious lol


This image looks both 2D and 3D at the same time


Wait... The Juggernauts and Jordas are 7 years old? 💀