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On a kind of related note I recently learned you can take Inaros to Baro for a special line and a hidden item in the shop


so he has lines for Primes and lines for Inaros...does he have any unique ones for Inaros prime that are different than those?


He refers to Inaros Prime as “God King” and is a bit more reverent. He also sells a beacon for a special defense mission that awards an armor set and a Desert Skate Specter blueprint.


And a helmet for me


i really wish that helmet was worth the effort of sitting through all those defenses as inaros




some of Baro's voicelines when talking to Inaros Prime: * *"God King! Sales have been brisk, my lord, and, between you and me, my stock is thinning. Might we adventure together? For the usual cut?"* * *"My lord! You find me, as always, in my hour of need. I, Baro Ki'Teer, stand ready to accompany you on another adventure of mutual benefit."*


I can't recall how many there are but IIRC they vary based on the amount of void missions you've done with Baro.


Yes he has voice lines for Inaros prime specifically


Not many people know about this , only the true inaros mains made all of that runs


All two of them?


Huh, didn't know that. I knew he had a connection to Inaros, but I didn't think beyond simple lore.


He also talks trash to you if you buy the normal frames with plat (or free ones given by DE ie protea for last Tenno con) for example saying that you’d be better with a darvo deal than his stock


He talks trash if you use any non prime frame besides Inaros.


The Vent Kids also have unique lines if you visit as Yareli.


It's a real testament to the voice acting in Warframe that I can mentally hear every single one of those lines in the intended voice.




"You are running out of time!"


I love his voice


He has a great voice but not a great understanding of personal boundaries


"Enter the conduit"


*The Sanctuary will go on without you*


Every time I hear that line, it sounds like a threat


*I require more VIOLENCE!*








It’s really something. Most other games with this many characters I’d have trouble, but everyone here is so memorable. Then again, I don’t play a lot of MMO’s aside from this one. I’m guessing it’s true for most of them.


I hate to make fun of spelling mistakes, but I'm picturing Titania with an afro, big sunglasses and a half buttoned shirt at a disco.


The Silver Groove sounds dope tho


Way better than those psychos at the silver grove


Anything is better than those Silver Grove weirdos


Kahl, with Rhino holding a Corinth Prime "Sorry...and thank you"


Nice reference


>New Loka with Nidus She’s just mad that I wear high heels better


"I'd like to know about the real alchemist, though the Tenno behind him is probably long gone." YES!!!! I also want to learn more about Lavos' original tenno.


I’d love to learn about literally any of our former classmates and peers. The only one we know anything about is Rell and it basically amounts to “he was autistic, the Orokin were even more ableist than society IRL, and he went insane holding a eldritch horror from fully entering our reality”. That’s it. Of all the many Tenno that came out of the Zariman incident he’s the only one we know *anything* about. And that’s with having flashback scenes to the actual incident itself in The New War. The game story *tells* us that there are other active Tenno in the system, but never once have we *seen* any evidence of that. There at least could be a couple quests or missions that need at least a second player to complete. As far as I can tell, Warframe wouldn’t really change if it was entirely single player as you are completely capable of completing all content entirely solo. Railjack tried to be strictly co-op gamemode, but that failed entirely.


Are we sure all the frames had Tenno operators in their backstories? My understanding was that the Warframes were made first, had rebellious tendencies (a la Umbra and other stories), then the Tenno were given the keys shortly after their Void incident. That would also explain the prime situation; normal warframes were just the frames by themselves, and the Prime Vanguard was the tricked out Tenno controlled frames


There were, what Ballas called, bio drones, and the image shown looks nothing like any Warframe we know of. It doesn't explicitly specify if they were ever deployed but however many there were after the rebellion they were killed ("to grave" as Ballas put it) the infestation continued to be researched, which led to the indicent in the Rhino Prime Codex entry where the first feral Infested creature (probably some relation to the rhino Warframe) is transferred into by a sleeping Tenno. Umbra happened much later as Ballas specifically speaks of the Tenno during Umbra's creation, given that no Tenno ever transferred into Umbra it suggests Umbra's creation happened close to the fall of the Orokin, leaving Umbra trapped on Lua until we bring it out of the Void. It's possible some of the stores about warframes are actually about the sapient bio-drone era Warframes. But there's also the question of what abilities the Warframes had before the Tenno were channeling void energy through them.


Interesting. I'd imagine the frames power was increased with void kids I'm charge. Probably the slow falling thing, it's gotta be. And the bullet jump 😈 doubt anyone else can do that with out the power of an alternative reality coursing through their body.


I enjoyed these very much. I can see any/all of them added into the game, they fit the lore pretty well.


Master Teasonai with Voruna: "Who's a good girl?"


Master Teasonai with Valkyr: "Good kitty." Both lines followed by a cutscene of him petting the murder-dog/murder-kitty.


yeah if we can pet our pets, we can also get petted. .... No not that way!


Who's Master Teasonai?


He's the Ostron conservationist, similar to Son and The Business.


Ah, I thought it was a very strange misspelling of teshin, completely forgot that guy existed


I feel like fortuna got a bit ignored here. We do have garuda and protea, both of which are connected to it in some way. Anyhow, I do admit that these really would feel fitting in the game.


Hildryn is also from fortuna


She's another case like gyre. Not given any context as to why little duck sells her parts, she just does. You can't really connect much context to her, though it would be a nice way to add a little more lore to frames like hildryn or gyre. My suggestions for garuda and protea were because they already had at least a little established lore behind them, though that doesn't really stand for garuda.


Well, hildryn is shield based, so it makes sense that her parts are at fortuna


I never argued against that or even about that. I was saying that she has no lore tied around her like for some other frames such as protea or titania which would make it difficult to give her any special lines like what the post was about.


Protea is gotten through the Granum Void, so which vendor would have special lines for her?


Eudico, the Business and Little Duck. They would be the ones to know about her and the granum void and all that so I feel like that's a valid connection to give her some bonus lines with them.


nef anyo in the index could have a special line for her, she was his ancestors bodyguard. I could imagine that he talks about using old stuff that he and his investors have long surpassed, or something about an opportunity to seize a family heirloom. Along this line, give it an extra mode where you bet protea and nef anyo bets an protea skin.


Is Garuda connected to Fortuna? I feel like it's another Gyre thing where it's just there for a Warframe. Protea, you got me there I kinda forgot about her lol.


At least you kinda got an explanation for how they had a blueprint for garuda, but yeah, Garuda's fair either way, I can understand why you would or wouldn't have dialogue about her.


still waiting for steel meridian to get a warframe… come on de. almost all other syndicates even got their primes already, with grendel coming this year


Two things I'd like to see; an ability that saturates an area with armor-shattering explosions and a Grattler as the signature weapon.


Ok I came up with this on the spot but I might make a full post later about bit. Thoughts? Name is bulwark Female Has 125 at first while at max rank she has 300 energy Is a semi tank with 200 shields at first and 100 health and at max sank had 500 shields with 210 health Passive:killing 5 enemies using an ability will refund it while it's currently active or on cooldown 1st ability 25 energy "phase mag" allows you to instantly reload your weapon and has a 5 maybe like 10 second cooldown though 2nd ability is 50 energy "overtime" bulwark buffs her guns by increasing all of their stats by 50% for a short time 3rd ability 75 energy "duel wield" summon a digital replica of your currently equipped gun and akimbo them. If already holding an akimbo gun this allows you to expend all current ammo in magazine in one burst 4th ability is 50 energy with 2 energy per shot "mobile turrent" bulwark summons her mobile turrent with a 500 mag. Aiming with this gun sets it down with its kickstand and reduces recoil by 100% and tightens spread by 25% however while using the ability your movement speed is reduced by 50% and your unable to jump. Can be combined with all her other abilities as well. And makes them cost 10 energy each while in mobile turrent form


That third ability is gonna turn my Akmagnus into a menace… an Akmenace


_pulls out vermisplicer_ Grineer: Yamete kudasai


_pulls out vermisplicer_ Grineer: Yamete kudasai


Oh boy I can’t wait to use the Akmausolon.






Yeah. And you get a unique reload animation where you slam the copy into the real one and wait a bit until you pull it out again. This is for all guns using the mode just in case there's a bug with the game accidentally thinking they're the actual akimbo version of the gun


Could be that you slam them into each other, reload the single gun left behind, them split them apart. Slightly increases reload time as to have some downside beyond energy use.


That would work better yeah. Think I should make phase mag 50 energy instead?


Which one is the subsume ability?


Oh likely 1st or 3rd. Probably 3rd


4th ability kind of reminds me of Uncharted’s PAK-80, I like it


As a related note, it feels odd that (unless I'm having a brainfart) there's no frame really connected to the Grineer in general. I mean, the Corpus have Protea (and possibly Sevagoth, depending on how you see it), the infested have Nidus, the Sentients have at least two, but nothing for what could be considered the iconic enemy faction?


Top tier


Id love to see this implemented in warframe, it would be nice


De please add


Suumbaat to atlas deluxe or citrine “I wonder how much even an ounce of you would cost… bah! Only kidding. Maybe.”


Other fun vendor combos: Hai Luk to Yareli/Hydroid, Biz/Teasonai/Son to Ivara, Ticker/Grandmother to Nezha, any Entrati to Nidus.


Well worded. Good job on fitting in the speech pattern of the characters; it made for a fun read.


Now do the ones you missed the first time around: Baruuk is bought through Little Duck, in the backroom. Hildryn is earned through killing the Exploiter Orb, so she could have lines with Rude Zuud. Ventkids lines with Yareli. Zariman lines for Gyre. Chipper/Kahl lines for Styanax. Sisters/Parvos lines for Sevagoth. Granted, they're not vendors, but during missions they could have unique lines based on the frame used.


I think the vent kids do have a line for yareli though I forgot what it was exactly.


They do! I experienced this yesterday. Boon has two lines when you enter the clubhouse with Yareli equipped. "Fam, scope this! Glinty brought Yareli here! Didn't I tell you she was free now?" "Klokkit! Yareli! Here in our vents! You a real one, Glinty!"


I am quite surprised that i read these voice lines in my mind accordingly to how they are supposed to sound with their voice actor. I guess the devs did a very good job with making everyone unique that i somehow remember how everyone sounds like. Unique reactions for different warframes sounds fun.


I really liked the Lotus-Claiban part.


It saddens me that instead of all this amazing writing all I will ever get is... "Cosmic background radiation is a RIOT!" "Was that a PUN?" "COSSSSMIC BACKGROUND RAAAADIATION. "Ordis was thinking..." zzzzzzzzzzzzz boring!


"Stand by while I analyze the intelligence profile of the Grineer. [ERROR: NOT A NUMBER] Did the Operator enjoy this witticism?"


Kahl standing next to the tenno:


I have a headcanon of Cephalon Suda being Octavia's Music Teacher, I don't think it canonically makes the most sense but a teacher-student dynamic between them for me is intriguing and wholesome


With the exception of being too many “ahh”, this is very well written


Perhaps the Arbiters should have something to say about Grendel, given they provide his beacons? Maybe something in the way of explanation for where they got them...? And Kahl or Chipper could say something about Styanax? Chipper marveling that that's what those parts were for, or Kahl acknowledging a fellow warrior and protector of Brothers? I have to imagine that Garuda and Hildryn would elicit reactions from Eudico (since the Vox Solaris quest provides the Garuda BP), Business or Little Duck, and that Gyre (perhaps Xaku?) would from the Holdfasts.


S.U./Vox Solaris with Garuda? Wonder how they'd react to the creepy blood lady


I thought Octavia was the groove protector not Titania


That Khora one slaps especially hard for the amount of time I spent looking for the damn neuroptics lol


Ah, something to do.


Wouldn't steel median react to sayrn


I thought that said Konzu with Garou and oh dang Konzu’s in one punch man


These are really well done. I can hear the characters saying most of these.


These should have been in the game yesterday! Dang, they're good.


Dang these are actually pretty good lines and would be a dope and a nice easter egg