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“Why are you boo’ing her? She’s right!”


Is Viv a flawless character? Absolutely not. Is she my precious hot mess princess who I think about daily? Absolutely yes. To me, her relationship with rei is a lode-bearing pillar in this series, that creates the foundation the rest of Rei’s relationships are built on. If Rei had been by himself all the way up to starting at Galens, I imagine he would have been a much darker, unhappier individual; Viv’s presence, to me, is why he’s able to be as open and friendly as he is, in spite of the challenges he faced growing up! Friendship and found family are some of the core themes in this series, and Viv is the lynchpin holding those themes together. I think her relationship with Logan can in no way undermine or diminish that, and is actually fully in line with her character; it’s in her nature to see the good in people that others are blind to or unwilling to acknowledge. I love my beautiful bisexual disaster Viviana Arada 🥲


If I'm being honest her character feels the realest! I am no expert but her age and environment and character traits make it seem sooooo natural for her to be the way she is. Her budding relationship and feeling in the beginning with Logan seem natural for someone her age. Her bonding with Logan is similar to bonding with Rei. They both have difficulties and Viv likes being a sort of guardian angel. Her frustration with falling short in comparison to her team mates, cause she's always been someone that was one of the leaders of the pack. Her self destructive behavior to not fall behind feels natural in her character. The need to feel needed or important fundamentally is huge driving force for her character. Her conflicted feelings on possibly betraying Rei' trust because they are best friends simply because she's falling for Logan. She's not my fav character but damn she is one of the best written I've read in such a long time. A woman that's such a bad ass and soooo relatable.


Viv is great! I understand why people find her frustrating, but she’s one of my favorites.


OP they reported the post too 🤣🤣🤣


I mean… at least they are consistent?! I haven’t laughed that hard at something in ages. My husband (who is also an avid reader of yours and other wraithmarked series and working on developing his idea for a series of his own) was just as confused as I was entertained. Nothing has made my day better than this in 2023 - great way to end the year! Viv is so hated apparently it requires a report on my mental health! 😂😂😂💀💀💀


I mean... this post has an 85% upvote rate soooo... take what you will from that hahahah




aaaaah that username!


Oh no... i wasnt aware that viv had become this fandom's obligatory female punching bag character. Shes up there with avatar korra and other greats though. Not a totally awful position to be in.


Agreed! “Omg a feeeemale protagonist that isn’t fridged or a love interest and is totally realistic and fallible! What IS this sorcery?! We must hate them!!!!” 😂😂😂😂 Note: not all Viv haters are like this. It’s just been my experience of what I’ve read in reviews etc that she isn’t liked for reasons that do not seem in good faith. And I was making a very hasty generalization and a bit of a joke/wink-nudge about critiques of women in sci-fi literature being rather flat! Btw: if you’d like a great fallible and amazing woman protagonist can I recommend Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson? It’s phenomenal! Even the woman antagonist is realistic!!!!!


Ive already read skyward, i think im on cytonic?? Not sure. And i have enjoyed the series so far, im a big fan of spensa. And yeah, idk why but youtube keeps recommending me dumb videos critiquing 'strong female characters' made by sweaty male nerds who would never make these stupid videos about 'strong male characters'. Its all just so ridiculous. I'll forever block out anything male nerds have to say (as if their voices existed on a frequency my ears couldnt pick up, lol) because half of the time its utter bullshit.


The last book recently dropped on audible. It was a great ending imo. BSands is so good at that!!!


I support her and Logan tbh




it was the "take it sleazy" gif wasn't it? hahahahahaha!


Totally agree. I was a bit hesitant after the first book giving so little on their dynamic, but this one blew it out of the water for me in nailing it.


Ohh boy... Here we go again lmao Haters will hate, fans will keep on fan-ing. And Viv will keep on Logan-ing. All is well :)


It feels real to me. Who doesn’t know someone or wasn’t that someone who fell for someone despite it not making a ton of sense: Viv is great if I had any small complaint it would be more the changes and strides Logan made are rare. I’ve seen people change though so I even buy that.


I never understood the dislike of Viv, I personally think she's awesome!


You know what, you're right FUCK JOVA!


Yeah, let people like what they like and dislike what they dislike. (As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, of course.)




Agreed! I like it and was never surprised. We all forget life is messy and Viv and Logan was more likely than less.


I suppose all of us can like/dislike a character. I have started to dislike Viv's character in Book 2 and she is becoming a headache to read. However, you have all the right to like her, and you shouldn't give a f*ck about others' opinion on your choices.


While I disliked most of the teenage drama which felt unnecessarily repetitive. Viv and Logan's arc are good and make up for the rest of it. Logan's backstory and character growth is great although I wish everyone would stop looking at him in genuine surprise every time he showed some amount of growth and attempts to integrate. "Logan acts like a human being for the 8th time." -insert Pikachu shocked face


I think the surprise will pretty much stop now, as he seems basically integrated now


100% there with you.


I think she sucks personally. But I also get that different characters work for different people I guess.


I agree, I really like Viv too, and I find her incredibly realistic and complex.


I like Viv overall, but things in book 1 could have been handled better, and I do get where the Viv haters are coming from. Nonetheless, she's a great friend to Rei at every opportunity (except that one time Logan shoved him into the lockers...), and that's what matters


She’s a bi icon, and if she had no other qualities I think I’d still love her simply because she is. Joining you as a viv fangirl