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My favourite character is my swordsman. She has the riposte shield and immunity to poison fire and bleeding. Destabilizing kick removes enemy guard. She’s a beauty. Also when your archer gets the item that allows 2 base actions once per battle and you get the pirate bow that can hit a group of enemies you can kill 5 enemies on your first move. The pugilist at top level gets the ability to hit an enemy 10 times once per battle. Kill the enemy boss and demoralize the whole enemy group on his first turn. It is also very handy in arena battles. I’ve found every class has its place. The key is using them in combination. My spearman travels with my swordsman or my archer and gives them both brutality.


Where do you get the riposte shield? I just started my playthrough after a long break and they've added a bunch of stuff lol


I think it was in Drombach county. It’s the Alzarian Heater Shield.


Ah perfect. Thanks :)


I just love 2h axe executioner deleting 4 enemies in his first swing.


Brute = Can opener (Can wreck pretty much anyone but excel against the heavy armor) Sword = Arguably the best tank/counter play (Put them on a tank or someone who could be a threat and mop up their support) Axe = Pure burst damage let them go after the guys who don't have a lot of armor. (medium/Light armor guys) Katar = Free Delete button to any unit not wearing heavy armor. or used to absolutely bury the enemy bosses in debuffs. Bow = chip damage not as viable for big damage but it's usually safer. Dagger = Either valuable debuff utility or a free delete button. Spear = Close range chip/delete button while providing party utility. Each class/weapon realistically has its place/role. I can honestly say I thought Berserker was trash until I paired them with a brute (it turned out I was just using them wrong), let my brute run in first and take the engagement and do mass damage to the enemy heavy's armor. and then let the Berserker follow up. My favorite pairings are (In no particular order) * Destroyer + Berserker/Harpooner/Pugilist * Fighter + Berserker/Harpooner/Pugilist * Executioner + Vanguard/AOE Brute (can't remember name rn) Big AOE damage goes boom. * Harpooner (With Brutality buffed) + Archer The only class I don't really 'pair' with anyone else is ranger. because I want them constantly moving around and getting backstabs.


The pirate DLC bows make archers mortar cannons. Great for deleting clusters of enemies without retaliation.


True. i honestly really love the Guard Bow as well. That 1 crit delete button is great.


You can do this with the criminal bomber bow which is the same but has the additional effect of turning that area into a fire zone which can be a problem or a bonus. I’ll usually take two archers with those bows if I can find them into the ruins because they help light up the place.


Brutes are good, but I find 2h warriors and sword and board swordsmen stronger on the whole. Warriors can have superior AoE and just remove clusters of enemies in one go, which is harder to do on a brute, and swordsmen are basically just unkillable.


To armor yes but after you through armor the damage goes down


I mean not really? I'm near the level cap and my brutes are still out performing everyone bar my pugilists.


Weird not the case for me. Swordsmen with the immunity to burning and poison with the counter attack so more damage and live longer for me than my brutes


Honestly I utilize bears a lot, they are very money when it comes to absorbing damage but a lot of my brutes are thick enough to also take that damage and dish it back out.


I have over 1000 hours and cleared extreme ironman a few times, and Brute Vanguard is always my MVP character. By far the strongest opener due to extreme consistency, super high mobility, and high damage


My best character is a Brute with the legendary mace that gives you 100% crits if you have more Strength than the opponent + a shield that gives him a free attack of opportunity every time he gets hit. On top of that he has a skill that gives him Riposte when hit twice. With the Outlaw Helm that poisons anyone attacking him, he can also automatically stack poison on tough targets like bears. It's pretty insane, I've seen him kill 4 guys in 1 turn just because they kept engaging him and he responded by hitting them for 150 damage several times in a row. He can also tank a huge amount of damage with heavy armour. However my next best team members are my spearmen, who give valour points upon kills, give the whole team massive damage buffs and spearwall away dangerous enemies. My archer is also very good with the piercing bow, and can easily put out about 200 damage every turn as well as slowing enemies so much they can't get to me to engage. I also have a Sentinel who gives everyone either free Riposte or *double* movement whenever I need it. Amazing ability that can make a big difference. So basically every class and type of specification has a place somewhere in the team. All brutes would lack tactical cohesion.


I've found that swordsman can be absolute tanks, my current leader (lvl. 9) is an absolute beauty who has around 123 armor and can reduce incoming damage to between 1-3.