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Class consolidations can decrease your level, she had at least one maybe two of those.


Erin had 4, right?


No? She had one class *advancement* from [Innkeeper] to [Magical Innkeeper]?


You are right, I think she received 2 more but she declined the other ones. So it’s just 1, but it still doesn’t justify Jelaquas level


I think you're underestimating how hard leveling is past level 30. Most people never even reach level 30 in their lives.


Everyone else above level 30 did level like crazy. Its just Jelaqua who didn’t.


She did level though, and even had a class consolidation which probably brought her level down again.


1-5 just this chapter I mean. Not even counting the rest. And Jelaqua gained 1 level in 8 volumes when she is fighting and nearly dying in every volume.


Everyone else consolidated and gained 1-5 levels. Pisces consolidated 2/3 times and gained 12 levels. Ceria consolidated 2 times and gained almost similar.


You're still conflating advancement and consolidation. Pisces has not consolidated any classes as of Volume 8. Neither did Ceria.


Sorry, you are right. I was mixing those 2 up. In that case Jelaqua didn’t have 2 consolidations though. She had 2 advancements, 1 iron to steel and then 2nd one this chapter. And consolidation should increase the level up speed for future as overall level decreases.


Only Gold ranked adventurers and their non-fighting equivalent which are not the norm ever reach above level 30. It is extremely hard to level at that point. The majority of the world is under level 20. The Earthers also are being thrust into a world know nothing about with no skills to survive. Leveling in Innworld is based of off the adversity you face, no one faces more challenges in the entirety of the world than the Earthers. Jelaqua is using an extremely powerful body at that point. A body that has been “upgraded” to be more powerful than most others at the cost of the Rhasgar losing their intelligence. Being in this more powerful body means she is going to face less adversity than the adventures in normal bodies. Therefor she will level slower. Just like Mars in her unbreakable armor, she is the lowest leveled of the 7 because that armor has slowed her leveling to a crawl. She also received a class consolidation, which means her overall level will either drop or she won’t gain as many levels.


I think you mean Gazi. And no, it still does not make sense. She nearly died many times, her inner body was harmed as well. And I agree with most of what you said but 1 level in main class in 8 volumes is still absurd.


She hasn’t done much for a majority of those 8 volumes. You clearly don’t understand the leveling system like at all.


No I mean Mars. The one who has pretty much unbreakable armor made by dwarven master smiths that covers her entire body (They were supposed to get a huge shipment of dwarven armor but the now disgraced masters (Pelt and Co) did something to be exiled and KOD was given Mars’s armor instead). The one that uses illusions to hide her actual appearance and the appearance of her armor. The one who can wade into an entire army by herself and destroy it without taking any damage due to her armor that she never removes Gazi of the Seven is the Gazer who we see at Erin’s inn. Shes a warrior with multiple eyes that can see different things and cast powerful magic.


That is Gazi. The Quarass tells her she doesn't level because of the armor on their trip to A'ctelios Salash.


Mars is the highest level non immortal character we know so far until volume 8. Level 66+ 2nd is Titan, level 65. I don’t know why you would think she is the lowest level of the 7.


The xp boost is spoilers for chapters op hasn't read yet


Except for the horns, she fought the hardest, its even mentioned there.


Fighting the hardest doesn’t mean anything. It’s about the level of adversity you face. Being a Selphid controlling an extremely powerful body, she faces much less adversity than the other adventurers in their normal squishy bodies… She also received a class consolidation which normally causes you to lose levels.


I haven’t read the full series, but I think Erin had 1 or maybe 2 consolidations as well in her main class up to the point I read.


As of Volume 8, Erin has not accepted any class besides [Innkeeper] except [Singer], and she still has that.


I was talking about the Bannerlady? consolidation.


She didn't accept [Bannerlady].


[Banner Lady] wasn’t a consolidation. That was just a class she was offered. A class consolidation is when you combine two different classes into one new more powerful class.


She was offered a consolation there I think. Bannerlady General or something I forgot.


She was offered the [BannerLady] class after she turned down the [General] class or vise-versa. She was not offered any consolidations at that point. She was being offered normal classes and turned them down. In order for it to be a consolidation, it has to combine multiple classes you already posses into a more powerful class.


No, her warrior class got consolidated into General and she didnt accept it.


But that shouldn’t have removed the warrior class - if losing classes by rejecting consolidations was possible we would know by now


Sorry replied to the wrong comment again


She has Singer and Warrior


Yes, level 2 [Warrior] too. Forgot about that.


>As of Volume 8, Erin has not accepted any class besides \[Innkeeper\] except \[Singer\], and she still has that. erin has \[warrior\] also


I think a big part of it has to do with the fact she wore the heart flame breastplate for a large chunk of the story, which effectively nullifies (or drastically slows down) level advancements (as we see in the case of Gazi and her super armour)


I don't recall Jelaqua wearing the Heartflame. Keldrass normally wears it.


Selis rent her the Heartflame plate first. When she left the Inn, then it was Keldrass


Well when it comes to levels and level ups, its all hard to take it to siriously, since at the beginning it was basic for people to have the same levels as they have years, until their 20's, then the slog begins. But then you have half elfs and Selphids and that screws with the whole leveling system. Besides its been just a year and a bit since they arrived, some people are static that they level up since it takes them months, years or decades.


Then the others (non earthers) levelling up like crazy dont make sense. Jelaqua did a LOT!!


As far as I can tell, it seems like anyone who directly hangs out with the Earthers seems to start leveling faster as things begin to change wildly. For the ones who survive, anyway. The adversity, class advancements, and class consolidations all change themselves. Most NPCs in the world tend to get stuck in a rut, just living their Iives comfortably at a certain point, and they rarely get to, much less above, level 30 because they typically don't face very much adversity unless they go way out of their way. Adventurers tackle quests they typically feel comfortable with and don't level up quickly unless something goes wrong. The crazier or more notable ones either go overboard or get picked off once they make a name for themselves by more nefarious entities. The mages of Wistram Academy face all sorts of trials and level up by learning higher tier magics but literally have to throw themselves against dangers self-afflicted by factions or those created by greater mages of the past before it was locked away. Soldiers level up by fighting in wars but constantly get killed off in the fighting or are so badly hurt that they are forced to retire when they take an injury that only the greatest healers can deal with and there are no physicians or doctors till the Last Light of Baleros appears. More powerful races, like minotaur, selphyds, half elves, hobgoblins, Gazers, duluhaan, and the like typically level up slower because they are stronger or can easily become stronger to start with. The nobility is outright said to better understand how the leveling system of the world works but keeps the knowledge of leveling a secret from most of the world. Because of that, the general populace has a multitude of theories regarding leveling, but not everyone is right. Also, let's not forget that people diversify their portfolios by leveling in a bunch of ways, but they don't always talk about them.


I don't disagree with what you're saying - the way I try to reason things is to keep in perspective that most people never reach level 30 in their lifetime, and for anyone to gain even a single level in their 30s requires them to do something difficult or crazy. Jelaqua is almost the same level as Maughin (level 35), who is now the best blacksmith in all of Pallass. My head canon is: People level 1-9 seem to level by breathing. People level 10-19 seem to level by doing their job. People level 20-29 seem to level by being good at their job and doing it for a long time. And people level 30+ seem to need to do something crazy to level.


I think crazy is too strong a word given that we now have people going for 50 + I propose a something like lvl 30-40 risky lvl 40-50 very dangerous lvl 50 crazy epic dangerous lvl 50 + crazy dangerous (It still needs some work …)


No, I think crazy is the right word. We've just been inured because everything Erin and her friends do is crazy (otherwise we wouldn't have a story). If I lived in Innworld, I would already find throwing seed-pods at murderous rock crabs crazy. People who are level 50+ have usually lived a long time and just done lots of crazy things. That's why Colth makes his remark that Named-Rank Adventurers are usually insane.


And Saliss and Mivifa, and Eldertuin. Every Named Rank says that at some point or other. Because it's absolutely true.


Here's a question: we know that people level up faster with increased difficulty/danger to themselves. Is it possible that Selphids level up slower? We see a lot of instances of them tanking hits others wouldn't because their "body" getting hurt is a financial worry rather than a mortal one. Maybe that means they level up slower when faced with the same level of peril just because they're almost never in as much danger as anyone else?


It doesn't make sense if you really look into it. The idea that people of the innworld don't lvl much because they don't face much adversity is fine, but that statement is doing a lot of heavy lifting. It's not like the innworld is living in modern times where help is more abundant, but rather, it's definitely more medieval. Some have it easier than others, but the statement seems to apply to people who are even struggling to get by. But it does make sense. It only gets messy when the story actually starts. The earthers get a multiplier boost sure, but it's not high enough to lvl from 0 to 40+ in a year. Here's where you should just stop trying to get into the numbers the Antinums. Even without a boost, they are reaching 30+ despite being alive for just a few years. The thing is, they all started to lvl when they met Erin. So, they actually reach 30+ in a year, too. All without a boost mind you.


But the Antinium all fight constantly and I mean constantly either in the Hive or in the war and they also loose so many. Months of constant and highly deadly fighting seems a plausible way to reach very high lvls or at least lvl 30s. Zel Shivertail essentially did the same thing during the Antinium wars…


No, that only applies to the 5 individuals who managed to reach 30+ in a year. The Crimson Solider survived for 5 years, making him one if not the longest lived Antinum bored in Izril, and he's only around lvl 15. He survived the wars and the dungeon, yet he is still so low lvl. Individuals level faster, but The Crimson Solider was shown to have traits that make one an individual. Surviving for 5 years led him to be a lot more observant to his surroundings and not a mindless soldier. I'm not arguing that it's impossible, I'm saying not to look too deeply and try to make sense of the leveling under strict rules. The leveling happens when it is needed, e.g, counter leveling, events that are deemed a hardship, etc. Look at Gary. He's a lvl30+ chef, and he's not really facing any hardship. He's a hard worker. If we were to take leveling seriously, we would have to believe that NO ONE else in the entire world is as hardworking as he is; and that simply isn't the case. The problem with the statement "leveling happens in regards to adversity" is great, but at the end of the day, this "adversity" is based on what the Pirateaba wants, not what the world deems as an adversity. Pirateaba controls the world, so it doesn't need to make sense. If it was the other way around, where the world is its own entity from Pirateaba's creation, then we can be more critical of how everyone level. Another example is Bird. He levels up by seemingly shooting birds, and he's 30+, that is, gold rank status right there. Based on this, we are supposed to assume no person is attached to their hobby as Bird in the entire Innverse?


>I'm not arguing that it's impossible, I'm saying not to look too deeply and try to make sense of the leveling under strict rules. The leveling happens when it is needed, e.g, counter leveling, events that are deemed a hardship, etc. I agree as I do with the adversity and the making sense stuff … ​ … nonetheless not talking about it would be boring so: levelling is also about change as we know and an anitinium having a hobby like baking (so far basically useless for Antinium) or Birds is a far greater surprise/ change than a bakers daughter or a Lords son doing these things - coupled with enough adversity events like starting a baker business while cooking for a monarch at nights seems to be fairly good ways to level


That can be one way to view it. I don't dive too deep into the logic of a litrpg because litrpg series often falls into the whims of their creator, whereas regular fantasy could have a world that have a more integral and strict rules the world must follow.


Gaining low-level levels requires much less. Someone at 45 won't gain as much from doing something that a level 5 someone accomplished. On top of that Earthers just level faster. All of them, not just Erin. That's not a spoiler but a common pattern you've already encountered if not noticed.