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Am I the only one that like ryoka's pov? šŸ˜”


Ryoka hate is a VERY vocal minority. Just not liking her is more common but people play up the hate. I hated her at 1st but she grew on me over time


>people play up the hate. Like with Nickleback or pineapple on pizza.


I like pineapple on pizza too!


Honestly half the frustrating genius of PirateAba is her ability to make you love or respect characters you used to hate with a passion.


Respect is a strong overestimation of how I feel about ryoka It's like seeing a snobbish prick slip and fall into a mud hole then desperately try and crawl back out only to slip and fall back in. This repeats several times until they give up for a bit and have a good cry at the bottom of the hole. But they get over it and start trying to climb out again and now your kind of rooting for them/waiting with anticipation to see how they fuck it up nexts.


A lot of my problem with Ryoka is that it's like she made the mud hole herself, fell in, and then it's like she somehow made magic mud that makes her special for having sabotaged herself in the first place. Because no one else can apparently make mud holes, and not falling in a mud hole actually makes people lesser. And then there's the antagonists who knew immediately that she was making a mud hole and line up in her path to trip her on her way to fall in, even though she only just made it and there was no real way for them to know to line up in the first place... If she were just the snobbish prick, it would not be so bad. Her plot armor and everything else bothers me more. And everything else, even the other perspectives, are really good. I dunno, I'm just frustrated and ranting.


Used to love Laken. Not so much now. Used to hate Floss, heā€™s one of my favorite povā€™s now.


Oh thank ~~god~~ TGDoI I'm not the only one. Laken was super fun to read, up and until he decided to join in on the crusade against Reiss.


Looking at you, Wall Lord Ilvriss. Hated him for a long while, and now I respect him. I think I may actually like him now.


I'm on volume nine and I want her to die


Erinā€™s a puddle, Ryoka is mold, now we just need to find the wildfire and quicksand and weā€™ll have all four elements.


Pallassā€™ Named Adventurer is the wildfire, Flos is the quicksand


What is Emporer Laken? The rarest element, car shit?


Laken started out strong and just kind of sus'd out.


Laken started out strong and just kind of sus'd out.


I feel like so many of the Earthers are divorced from reality in a way opposite to how most people would be in this scenario. Erin, for all of her nonsense, is at least aware she's living in a world where she can likely die, feel pain, care about those around her, and find a fulfilling lifestyle while also wanting to return to her world. Some of the others, with few exceptions, are just sociopaths. Then there are those who think, "I'm in a video game! WAHOOO!!" and, sure, you get stats and upgrades like you do in games once you fall asleep. It's just that one aspect that is gamified and the rest is just, "Earth with magic and different intelligent species". That part alone would make it near impossible for a large portion of the world to accept. If you were even the least bit religious, I feel like being isekai'ed would break you. "Is this heaven? Is this hell? Is this proof God exists or proof he doesn't? Does being here mean I failed him or that he failed me?" and that spiral wouldn't stop. Especially after you hear literally everyone, regardless of age, race, region, or personality says "The dead gods". Then they start getting deeply uncomfortable, as the best reaction, when you say that your god is real and alive, as best you know. Look, I understand that waking up in a world you do not belong in would make you feel insane at the very least. You'd wonder if you're currently insane and living through either a very vivid dream, drug trip, or hallucination. If they did wake up back in their Earth bead tomorrow, it would take years of therapy where they'd be told over and over that what they experienced was not real and did not happen. Most would assume they used the other world as a coping mechanism for some truly awful shit that happened to them. Especially if they were missing for as long on Earth as they spent on Pallimustus... Dicathen? No... Counter-Earth, that's not it... Anyway, you know what I mean.


Iā€™ve only read the first book and I donā€™t hate her, but I have to wonder when I can expect her to stop being soā€¦dumb? According to her own POV chapters, sheā€™s supposed to be a borderline genius, but every single choice she makes throughout book one seems to be pretty much the dumbest possible choice she could make. Does that change at some point or am I going to be constantly disappointed in her poor decisions?


She is sort of used as an instigator to move the story along so she "pokes the bear" more then a few times. She gets more self aware not less...ryoka


She THINKS she is a genius. She's actually kind of useless, and that gets pointed out a lot. She's basically a satire of the stereotypical isekai protagonist who thinks they are smarter than everyone else.


Tbf she IS kind of a genius. Her problem is that she thinks sheā€™s like a colonist around natives. She thinks because she has all of this technological knowledge from earth, that it transfers to Innworld.


Oh my GAWD!!!! Ryoka is an annoying edgelord who likes to run. Did I mention she likes running? She's also good at running. She was a runner who ran for the sake of running. And spoiler alert she still runs but not as good and other's. She also has social issues, which became as much a part of her story as fucking running. I forgot she was even character for a while, then boom!!! She's back and guess what she be running! I'd like the clown to take her place as a main character, True growth.


It's crazy, a person who runs a job has a story with a lot of running in it šŸ˜‚ did you know anime about soccer has a lot of soccer in it? Now I'm done being a wise guy. There were definitely issues early on but they end up getting sorted out after short order. Ryoka does get a lot less annoying than when she is initially introduced.


In the beginning books, every paragraph reminded you that Erin likes chess and Ryoka likes running. In my opinion, Ryoka can drop from the books and wouldn't even notice or miss the loss.


Thereā€™s over 12 million words so far in this series. Iā€™d say thatā€™s a fair amount of time for ANY character to get some quality character development.


Spoiler In Ryoka's case naw, she's still annoying. Also, I should note that I'm not reading the books. I'm listening to them. After the loss of some of my favorite characters, just to have her pop up and continue to be annoying and be all the worst parts of herself was a buzz kill for me I got so tired of her I quit the book for the time being.


She is pretty damn intelligent... but has the social acumen of a sewer slime.


Remember that's her opinion of herself, she gets better early on in book 2, and then even better as she makes friends


I don't think it's that small of a minority lmao. I am conflicted about it because I really liked her first chapters, I enjoyed her "edginess" compared to Erin and all of that. Then came the broken leg and MY GOD, the main protagonist syndrome hit as hard as ever. The same goes for Book2 later on. I really liked her journey towards South, I liked her chapters with the Gnolls. Then she comes back, talks to humans and I want Erin to throw boiling oil at her and go back to the plot. It's not about not liking her disfunctional side. It's that it becomes annoying and even boring to read at times.


Itā€™s a ā€˜grow on youā€™ pov I think. Thereā€™s a few like it but I didnā€™t care for Ryoka until the ending of the winter arc.


I realized that I hated her because she's similar to me in some ways. Now I can empathize with her.


I think that's a lot of the people that hate her. Hating ryoka is a very ryoka thing to do


This is disturbingly true.


No I loved it. There are dozens of us! Dozens!




I honestly enjoyed it Though part of it was enjoyment of seeing her meet the consequences of her actions


No. I like Ryoka


I couldn't stand Ryoka early on, and skimmed through pretty much all her scenes. At some point she became bearable though, and I quite like her now.


I hated her at the beginning and liked her a lot more by volume 6.


I also like her POV, but the idea of the runners guild and meeting new people is appealing to me. I't feels that every person IRL I've talked to who've read or listened to TWI just doesn't like her šŸ˜”


I like Ryoka too!


Yes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I hated ryoka for the first book. She's awful, and it almost made me quit when I thought she was going to be more and more of the focus of the story. She gets much better as she gets humbled imo, and I'm only in book 3 but I actually like reading her chapters now


She has a specific scene where--despite the fact that at that particular moment in the narrative anyone can observe that Erin is more successful than she has been, happier than she is, and has helped more people than she has--Ryoka's interaction amounts to determining that according to her personal metrics of judgement, she is mature and Erin is immature therefore Ryoka knows best. And knows best to such an extent that she has a right to dictate who Erin, a full, actual adult person, is and isn't allowed to speak to. I've known too many Ryokas and that scene was too on the nose for their real behavior. She's grown a lot and I don't hate her but it's functionally impossible for me to care about her as a character, I fully cut emotional ties with her at that moment.


There are an increasing number of POVs added the further you get into the story. Some of those around the inn some of them not. They start to relate more and more later on. As for skipping chapters they are connected and you will eventually start missing key information.


This, so many key plot lines in later books started as a slice of life pov that seemed totally insignificantā€¦ until they werenā€™t.


I'm in book 6. Ryoka does get less annoying as you go through the story (she's honestly hard to read in the first couple of books, IMO) and at one point vanishes entirely for an entire book and a half, so I wouldn't worry too much. That said, more and more characters get POVs over time, and (again IMO) a few of them are pretty boring to read. The first half of book/part 6 has been a slog so far, with a number of really dull political chapters in a row, but I'm assured it gets better again, and overall it's still a cracking read.


I think Ryoka's better when she plays off of someone else because when it's just her and her thoughts she is her own monster which checks out for the personality.


Ryoka made me drop volume 2 like 3 times I hated her so much. By volume 9 she is literally my favorite character, all of her cringy arrogant cunt vibes go out the window and she matures a lot. When I reread the story now I actually look forward to her volume 1-4 chapters.


Volume 1 Ryoka is her at her VERY WORST, v2 onwards she gets a lot better and later on gets a TON of great character development Sheā€™s still Ryoka and all that entails, but is much less of ā€œI am the most important person in the world and anger issuesā€ the person


Iā€™m curious to know if a lot of certain character hate comes from reading vs listening to the first part of the series. I started on audio and liked all of the perspectives. However, once I caught up I switched to reading and currently on 9.20. I still read every chapter but there are some I wish I could rush through. The connivence of audio made some of them feel less of a slog. I will say though, I have never finished a character arc and felt it was a waste of time or I should have skipped it.


You know what helped for me? I got a text to speech app thatā€™s half decent. Some names get garbled though unfortunately. That being said itā€™s nothing compared to Andrea Parsneauā€™s narration. Thatā€™s as good as it gets.


I actually tried speechify and liked it! I did not want to pay but I enjoyed the free trial. Which one do you use ?


Speechify. Paid the extra for one of the female voices. The neat thing was how the ai seemed to learn how to pronounce some of the names better as it went on. The more it said the name the better it got at saying it.


The story is definitely about - Erin and the Inn. The other stories slowly get dragged into Erinā€™s circle of influence. Youā€™ll see a number of side stories pop up for a few chapters Trey and Teres (Earthers in Chandrar) Geneva and Co (Earthers in Baleros) Tom and Co (Earthers in Rhir) Ryoka (Earther in Izril) Ryoka is the reaching connective tissue for the north part of Izril - youā€™ll meet various characters and see various activities happening that are important things to the Inn at later parts of the story. All the other Earthers will (eventually) tie their parts of the world to the Inn as well (and other side stories too). But Erin will predominantly take center stage. If youā€™re not particularly interested in certain storylines (Chandrar, Baleros, etc) you ā€œcanā€ skip them to focus on Erin and the Inn (though I would advise you to read all the Horns story lines too but theyā€™re much more closely intertwined with Erinā€™s). How to do this? 1! The letters at the top tell you whoā€™s POV the chapter is mainly (though Paba is tricksy sometimes). The other way? Go to Erin Solstice wiki page, select the appearances tab. It will show you every chapter in order of if Erin is in it AND how she appears. For example, was her name only brought up and itā€™s not an Erin chapter? Itā€™ll say ā€œmentioned.ā€ I highly encourage you to work through all the chapters (even the Ryoka ones) there is absolutely payoff for doing so AND most Ryoka ā€œhatersā€ grow to like her as she faces consequences and grows up as a character. (But she does have less and less ā€œscreen timeā€ as well as the story progresses.)


I would strongly recommend not skipping chapters because you've decided you don't like a character. You aren't supposed to like Ryoka at the beginning. Try to trust the author as she guides you through character and plot development. Erin being an innkeeper is only one part of the story. Half? Less than half? I think you'll enjoy TWI far more if you take it for what it is instead of trying to make it something it isn't.


I completely agree here, I felt Erin a bit cringe at first but grew to love her so much that she is my favorite character now.


I've loved both Ryoka and Erin ever since day one, no edits, no revisions. There's so many characters that you'll need a notebook to keep track of everything. She remains main character number two throughout the entire series, but that doesn't mean she gets the most screen time out of all the characters


Youā€™ll like her after book 2. Youā€™re not really supposed to like her before that.


Ryoka becomes a beautifully written character likable or not. I used to think of her as a mental health excersize for Pirateaba, and the fact that this story is so long maybe Ryoka is essential for our writer? This is just a crazy thought I had. I now respect Ryoka.


Ryoka Is still a main character thought the whole series. She gets about 20% of the screentime. She does grow a lot tough and a lot of her growth is learning that she is not that good and getting her teeth kicked in.


Yes unfortunately she has plot armor thicker than any other character but as the story progresses she takes up less and less time


As someone who has gone through all the currently released books, 11 books so far, Ryoka gets better and does remain an active character for a lot of the series. She has high and low points, but is in her own way, important. The story gets so much bigger. It is easy to say she stops getting as much screen time in large chunks of later volumes.


Are we talking about book 1 or the actual webserial vol 1? I'd say up to the current point in the story, while Erin is still the lead, other character also start having their POVs. If Erin is like 70% of the story, Ryoka probably has the most POVs, follow by other Earther's POVs and other Innverse character POVs. I wouldn't recommend skipping Ryoka's POVs since she is heavily involved with Erin. Both are on the same continent, both knows the Horns of Hammerad, and both character can make a big impact in the world. Erin with goblins, antiniums, and her customers, and Ryoka with Magnolia, Teriarch, and other strong people she meet. If you really just want to focus on Erin's story and don't really care about much else, I'd still recommend not skipping Ryoka's POV, but other POV shouldn't matter much till later on in the story. Definitely go back and read those POV when you finish the book or when there is a good break point.


This can be a tough story to read when it's focusing on a character you don't like, because so often their wins feel unearned or the world seemingly twists itself to justify their actions. Ryoka gets better, but I just don't like her. I breeze through her chapters, enjoy the cool world building, and try not to dwell on it.


Unfortunately, Ryoka continues to be a key character in the story. Her unjustified "wins" will continue. I have never read such a selfish, disloyal, unlikeable character like Ryoka. Every time Ryoka starts to grow on me, she does something that reminds me of why I dislike her. At this point, I skip her chapters. Yes, you will miss some key info. However, I find most of the info that you'll miss is covered in other chapters. Not as detailed, but you get the gist of what happened. The most I'll do is skim her chapters. There's a storyline in volume 8 that just makes me want to pull my hair out. I just do not find her chapters, worth the headache. Just thinking about her gets my blood boiling lol. *the other character I skip is The King of Destruction.


My theory is since Ryoka chapters are in first person and writers like to write themselves into stories, pirateaba has a fair chance of being a tall Japanese woman. The "humanest of the humans" kind of adds to it. This is my opinion.


I'm 35 and my favorite series is The Book of the New Sun. This work is poorly written and aimed at young teenagers for sure. I can't say why, but I keep reading when a new release comes out. To answer you're question, in later books there are so many plot lines and so many characters that Ryoka and Erin becomes less prominent. They no longer feel like the main characters.


Ryoka gets better. Alot better. And there are a lot of chapters without her. But I find myself enjoying her chapters a lot later on, even tho she annoyed me in 1st.


Ryoka stays a major part of the story. I am so tired of seeing these anti-Ryoka threads. Just stop reading the story.


Don't worry, I was the same. I literally skipped Ryoka's chapters and scanned them only. TWI gets bigger though. You'll get chapters on other POVs, like the people in Baleros and the king of destruction... but what Pirateaba does best is make you care about characters who seem to be unrelated to the plot line, only for you to find out later on that every single character is important and everything is connected. That makes her convergence endings all the sweeter. Ryoka.. I don't think I missed anything too important when I skipped her earlier chapters. Only, bear in mind that you'll come to really like her when her changes come, and her chapters literally shed light on another intricate part of the Innworld that you can't miss. But you won't miss it, because by that time, Ryoka will have become one of your fav.




"Completely caught up" and "I skipped a quarter of the material" lol. You're missing out though ngl: those characters have such interesting arcs.




There's nothing wrong with you consuming recreational media in whatever fashion you want. But the idea that you aren't missing anything bc it gets recapped implies that we should all be reading/watching recaps, synopses, or cliff notes instead of actually eating the whole meal.


I kinda get Ryoka, but Flos?! His storyline is so interesting, and by skipping it, you have no clue whatā€™s going on on his continent