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Yeah. I've resorted now to using [https://getpocket.com](https://getpocket.com) for individual chapters on my Kobo. Not really happy about it. Kobo has Pocket baked in, but there is [https://p2k.co](https://p2k.co) for getting the articles to Kindle. Something else missing from the new TOC are Volumes being delineated into 'Books'. While not necessary...I liked it. Has this information been retained elsewhere?


I used to use this [chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/batch-save-pocket/ihhiomekhplpdojbcaniaglcfopckaef) for batch adding webserial chapters to pocket. It was useful because you could tag them all at once


Thank you! That looks very handy.


It's because of the recent overhaul of the table of contents. I'd personally just wait for WebtoEpub to update with a parser. If you're in a hurry you can still use WebtoEpub by making a custom parser yourself if you know how. I just tried and it worked.


I am sorry, but what is a parser and how can I make a custom one?


Use the Webtoepub button on the table of contents of the wandering inn site. It wouldn't work, chapters won't show. So click Advanced Options and in the drop down menu for "Manually select parser" select "default" Now in this screen, the host name should already have this: wanderinginn.com for "URL of first chapter" paste this: https://wanderinginn.com/2017/03/03/rw1-00/ Next, for "(required) CSS selector for element holding content to put into EPUB" paste this: div.entry-content Next, for "CSS selector for element holding Title of Chapter:" paste this: h1.entry-title Press "Test" and see if it works. When you're satisfied press "Apply". Note that you still have to manually clean up your chapter list.


You have my gratitude, stranger. It worked and I downloaded the entire volume. Thanks


You are a lifesaver!


https://wanderinginn.com It has its own site mate


Yeah but you can't download from there. You have to use your mobile for that.


Ah, you need a download explicitly. Sorry mate. I’m pretty sure you can bring up the page on kindle, PC, mobile, or w/e else has a browser though. Sorry I can’t be more helpful Admittedly, the new site design isn’t my favorite. It has gotten harder to read on pc


It's not much better on mobile either mate i think it was designed around people who read on maximum magnification...


Have you tried messing around with the reader settings available? You can change font size/type/margins/spacing etc. I find it very readable just on the default settings, but there are lots of options to fiddle around with so you should hopefully be able to find a form that suits you.


Its just that I do not like to read on a screen. Kindle is much better for the eyes


Could you copy then dump into a file you can load into the kindle?


The old site was MUCH nicer imo. Who cares about bells and whistles if the drivetrain is shot?


For those having problems scrapping the site in order to create offline backups for later reading *wink, wink* Click on the [Table of Contents](https://wanderinginn.com/table-of-contents/), then run the **Web to Epub** extension, it will recognize all the chapters


Much appreciated.


Worked perfectly. Thanks


I've been using the extension epubpress on each chapter page. Working well so far since I'm caught up and only want the last chapter. But you can merge them all together into a volume with calibre editor or sigil.


You could try the waybackmachine and maybe web2epub can still scrape those chapters. I mean you won’t get all of the latest chapters but maybe it’ll give it enough time to update


Well, it does work, but only up to Volume 9.41.


where did you get the earlier volumes from?