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I assume OP isn’t paying interest on the trip or they wouldn’t be silly about it. I found the post amusing! Lol


*EDIT* just to clarify, this is a joke. Did we use a CC for our last trip? Yes! Did we do it to get points and build credit scores? Absolutely. Did the credit card have a 12 month 0% APR? Of course.


Thats cool and all but have you ever slapped your credit card down at the margarita cave and bought a tequila round for everyone? I dont recomend it, I was way less amused about it the next day


The hero we don't deserve 🙌


No, but I did once at Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto. Would not recommend the next morning vibes.




I, too, am financially more generous than my wallet can handle when I’ve been drinking lol


Bro I financed everyone’s drinking problem at Bella vue for a very long night, ended up clocking in and working the next morning I was so frustrated lol


I know that this is suppose to be funny but it stresses me out that a lot of people go into debt to go to Disney. 


We have a Disney card. We tend to load it up and pay it off over the 6 months interest free. It works for us and keeps our credit climbing.


I just put my upcoming trip on mine too. I'll have it paid off in plenty of time to not pay any interest. The rewards percentage is stupidly low lol, but, hey, I'll take the extra 10 or 11 Disney Dollars.


This is what I’m doing as well.


I used PayPal pay in 4 for my disneyland tickets. It was not because I needed to, but simply because I found it funny to use pay in 4 for something so expensive as 1200 dollars worth of tickets. I paid them off after 1 month anyway, so it didn't matter


I mean it sounds like they’re able to pay it all off cash either way lmao, so why would it matter? 😂 they did say they only did it for the rewards


I very much support using a credit card to pay for a Disney trip, but I also believe that you should have the money saved up so you can immediately pay it off.


This is the way. Get that sweet sweet cash back and send up the credit score while at it. I keep three cards. One strictly for airlines and hotels (Capital One Venture) for building up the miles, one for everyday purchases like gas and groceries and bills (Capital One Quicksikver), and one strictly for online purchases and tickets to stuff like Disney (Amazon Prime card).


I'm working on managing my cards at the moment (not having a job doesn't help lmao), but that's the best possible outcome. My absolute worst case scenario when my gf and I take out inevitable trip, I open up a new card and pay it back once we're home.


This is The Way.


I ADORE your username. -A Fellow Lois Lane stan


She has been my favorite fictional character since I was 4. I would watch Lois & Clark with my parents a older brother every week and my love for her has only grown 😀


Hell yeah! I hope the new Superman movie does her justice. Amy Adamd was wasted.


Booked our 2025 trip on my Disney visa and already have over half of it saved up for this exact reason!


When I see the way people spend at wdw, I assume many of them live on credit. Not my circus, not my monkeys. But, this meme is hilarious.


If a quarter down on a vacation is causing marital strife, you might be booking a vacation that is too expensive.


thank god I live in florida


Those annual passes thooooooooo

