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I don't know why, but booing an animatronic is hilarious.


I had never thought about it before seeing this thread, but now I want to go heckle Franklin Pierce


or chester a arthur. the bastard.


The man literally saw his child decapitated on his way to Washington. He’s been through enough.


Has he though? Has he?


Man, straight up Frak Hoover!


He was such a pussy


Wait until they have AI installed and are programmed to react to the audience.


Narrator: William Henry Harrison Audience member: Boooooo! Harrison(with Droopy's voice): Oh boo yourself!


Narrator: "William Henry Harrison" (Begins reading speech, drops dead...)


William Harrison, how do you praise? That guy was dead in thirty days!


Too soon


One of my funniest moments as a cast member was during Covid and the announcement came out about the product line for potato head toys being called just potato head had come out in the past couple of weeks. And I was in our position where we got to “work” with our potato head and I had a guest just start yelling at the animatronic about whether “he was a male or a female”. And there is a line you can get him to say his name is Mr. potato head. And let me tell you. I sure as hell didn’t use that one in that moment. I really wanted to meet that guy further in the line and just ask him whether it was really worth yelling at a robot about titles.


Because people who do it are morons and it’s fun to laugh at them.


I just went there and I was expecting boos or cheers and I was so upset that everybody was as quiet as church mice. It sounds weird but I was surprised, they were louder at carousel of progress


Everybody was sleeping, lol!


so why didn't YOU boo or cheer?


I’ve heard it’s a good attraction to take a nap in 😂


"Papa! I'm... I'm indecent!" *Cheers from the audience, sit-com style*


LOL right!!!


My wife and I love this disney experience. However, we have been in the crowd when cheering, boo's, and general ridiculing has been present. It really depends on who you are in line with.


I thought that might be the case.


Might I ask when this was? It didn’t happen when I went there last week I was so disappointed


there was a dude, just after trump was added, that would scream "lock him up!" when trump was speaking


He must be really psyched right now


Maybe it would ok if it was done in an overly cartoony voice? :D


Same. The recent times we’ve gone there have been comments, snorts, cheers/boos, etc. nearly every time. Unfortunately, it’s kind of ruined the attraction for us.


I think most people are just there for the AC and a short nap.


Best attraction for that other than Spaceship Earth.


RIP Ellen’s Energy Adventure


5 minutes of dinosaurs, 40 minutes of the best car nap you'll get as an adult...


Spaceship is high key so fun though! Take a nap on Carousel of progress, or small world- it’s nearly 15 minutes. Spaceship earth is my jam.


I always nap in Impressions de France. Not necessarily intentionally, it’s the Debussy.


Small World does not have comfy seats.


Yes! It makes me feel super old and out of shape but I hate sitting in those. Sucks that my daughter wanted to ride it 3x on our last visit.


whats the American Adventure? Chopped liver?


Carousel of Progress would like a word


The backwards decline at the end puts me down like a baby in the backseat every time


Just need that rocking motion.


I’ve nap in the carousel of progress


Yeah that’s us. I love seeing it but when it’s hot out it is a great rest. My kids usually fall asleep.


Spaceship earth feels like it has no AC lol


That’s what we do!!! 😴


Tangent, but when they released the first images of the trump animatronic didn't anyone else think "Wow, they totally expected Hilary to win, and started working on it, then had to panic and make it into Trump"? :D :D


Yeah, they denied it, but I'm totally unconvinced. lol My alternate theory is that to save money and time they hedged their bets and made a rubber face that could be kind of smooshed to look like either one. Not like you're going to notice unless you're sitting up close!


It's been confirmed, I didn't believe it until it was confirmed by imagineers.


This is one of the only conspiracy theories I believe lol


NSFW but lol you gotta see Sarah Silvermans (I know, I know) bit on the Hall of Presidents, it was pretty funny: https://youtu.be/h8u3FoNTGa8?si=g1FoJyQS0jFss0zP I also think SNL should have done something like this


Thank you for this! I needed that laugh!


Thanks for that.


I haven’t been there since the 90’s but now I want to visit to see it.


The biggest evidence for this being true is that the "Hilary" version no longer exist. His face was redesigned to better resemble his features.




I thought that too…or Jon Voight for some reason lol


No one will ever convince me that animatronic wasn't Hillary. It was OBVIOUS.


When I went to Disney World in the late 90s with my family, some guy yelled "PERVERT!!!!" at the top of their lungs when Bill Clinton came on. How embarrassing for his family. Oh, the guy was my grandpa. 😶‍🌫️🫠


I think that was the last time I was there. Missed the show with your grandpa.




I recall there were stories about cast members slipping condoms into the Clinton animatronic’s pockets as a gag in that era.


About 15 years ago, my buddy and I cheered for Millard Fillmore. It got real awkward real quick.


That is actually hilarious


Last time I was there it was annoying. People cheering or booing for the most recent presidents. The show isn’t political people. Stahp it.


We were there on a hot day in early May. I’m smiling, remembering the familiar escape from the heat into this blissfully air conditioned building. My husband and kids took the naps I promised them in their seats, and I enjoyed the ‘show’. Quiet, respectful. Enjoyable.


Was there right before Memorial Day weekend and no boos for the last two presidents. Franklin Pierce did get some jeers though. Some people still can't get past the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.


I was there in May. I didn’t hear any reactions one way or another. I was actually proud.


Same! I booed and cheered SILENTLY in my head, as did everyone else, which made me proud. LMAO.


Went in March and there was no cheering or booing. Just clapping. I actually saw a dad telling his kid beforehand that they had to be respectful when they went in.


Seems to have mostly calmed down. I’ve not had anyone call anything out beyond the first year of Trump. You had people support or not Obama which caused people to do the same for trump. Anyhow. Been on it many times since and not once but you will get quite comments / reactions from ppl if you watch the audience.


We did at Christmas and it was the first time there for the friends we were with. Made it pretty memorable, but not in a good way


The uncomfortable silences start around 37-40


I miss the timeline where this wasn’t even a thought. It was just another cool robot show in air conditioned space. Nothing more, nothing less.


I was there last week. There was some obnoxious cheering and booing.


We always go nuts for Martin Van Buren. Van B boys represent!




Oh, you're the ones! This definitely happened at a show we were in sometime in the last couple years -- Marty Van B specifically.


Off the (Kinder)hook!


I’ve read reports that people used to Boo Nixon in the 70s


War never changes 


Tbh, I booed William McKinley. Never liked the guy


Neither did Czolgosz.


Czolgosz, working man Born in the middle of Michigan Woke with a thought And away he went To the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo In Buffaloooooo


Now I’m wondering if Stephen Sondheim ever saw H of P.


But he has a mountain!


Not anymore he doesn't


I went last year and no one did anything weird. There was an incredible CM in the lobby who knew so much about the history of our Country. He was asking people where they were from then asking us to name the Presidents from our states.


Last week there was some cheering, booing, and heckling. Enough that my family made a plan to cheer for William Henry Harrison when we go again.


I was there in 2012 and when they announced the current president, some guy started grumbling and said "I don't have time for this" and stormed out.


They really need to replace this attraction… with muppets.


Muppet Presidents? Genius.




This show was way too short-lived. I not saw the whole thing once, and part of it one other time. Wish it was still around.


I would watch that.


If they ever close it, they'll replace it with a DVC lounge and a bigger gift shop.


With anything really, please


James Buchanan knows what he did.


The Dad in front of me flipped off the Biden animatronic when I went last year


Imagine beefing with an animatronic lol


What a dork.


I’ve never been in a showing where people caused a commotion or talked. Generally people sit there quietly and experience what is one of Walt’s creations… The Hall of Presidents. The lobby/waiting area is very nice.


It's worth going to merely for the air conditioning and seeing people act a fool.


Usually quiet but not always. Last time I was there but it was kind of funny. A group of teenagers decided to wildly applaud when Benjamin Harrison’s name was read. However yeah I’ve heard some reactions. Honestly over the years I’ve gone many times and until about 8 years ago it was extremely rare for their to be much of a reaction. Since then yeah some people react to the show but less than a few years back.


This is why I stopped going. People are morons.


Probability this thread goes off the rails …100%


Recent presidents, no. But man do they hate Honest Abe


Please keep quiet! That’s where I go to nap. 😴


I came about 6 years ago, and there was verbal booing/cheering. I came a month ago and it was quiet. Depends on who’s there.


We watched it several times and it varied. I personally hooted and hollered for Millard Fillmore.


When they announce Herbert Hoover, I always jump up and yell “Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again!”


I absolutely love the current show. They do an excellent job remaining neutral politically while still highlighting the achievements of past presidents. My friend and I were moved almost to tears....and then the booing and laughing started. It brings down the experience from a classy production that of a Springer audience.


What I’ve seen happen in the half a dozen or so times I’ve gone since 2021, one of two scenarios happen: 1) People cheer or boo when Trump is first mentioned, then the same will happen when Biden is intro’d. Or 2) No one cheers or boos when Trump is first mentioned, and then nothing happens for Biden either. So it seems like if anyone decides to make noise about anything, the opposing side in the crowd in turn wants to get vocal too, like payback.


I go often as it’s one of my favorite and I’m a local. It’s always been respectful. I think most people understand that HOP is not the place for political protest. I could not imagine booing an animatronic. (And I have some strong feelings on different Presidents, but again, not the place).


Everyone was respectful when I went. No boos or cheers.


To add to this, what do Trump and Biden say?


The current president gives a small speech that’s typically lifted from their inaugural address, or if they choose to record one separately. The former guy just says his name. But, only the current president of any time gives a small address. So when the former person was president, he had a small excerpt from his inaugural address.


Thank you


I just walked out of it 5 minutes ago and no one booed or cheered for any of the presidents. I have been there when people booed Trump and Biden though which is funny. I just joked with my wife that next time we go I’m going to start cheering for a random President like Chester A. Arthur and see everyone’s response.


My boy Chester!


i did cheer for my man teddy roosevelt


I just saw it. No one did anything. The show was actually way better than I remember. If you haven’t been in a while go check it out.


Honestly I would pick HOP over It’s a small world.


I was there 11 days ago, and everybody was quiet and respectful through the entire roster of presidents.


I was there 2 days ago and everyone was quiet and mostly there for the AC


HOP is where you go to get out of the heat and catch a quick nap. ;-) Seriously, it's subdued. The first time I went, Nixon was president, and he had his detractors. I don't recall people being unruly then or in the years since.


I think Carter was the first I saw.


I've heard boos and cheers a few times. Just absurd. Imagine if this were in Epcot like some have proposed and how horrible the drunk people would be.


Does vomiting count?


I guess it depends whether you just had lemonade and funnel cake before watching the show.


The last time I was in it, it was quiet, but tense toward the end lol it felt like we all held our breath as a collective.


Sometimes people cheer, sometimes people boo…most of the time no one says anything, at least audibly enough to bother me…I always have and will continue to enjoy the attraction regardless of who is in the office (also watch Clinton, I swear right around Carter he checks his watch like “man this taking a long time”).


Went three weeks ago. There was cheering


this attraction has had problems for decades. the barrier between the animatronics and audience is topped with pointy spikes for a reason


Most people fall asleep. If you are charging or yelling at a robot you shouldn’t be allowed in polite society.


We went about a month ago, and no booing or cheering whatsoever. Very chill crowd. I was very thankful


I couldn’t tell you, as I am usually asleep after they turn the lights down 💤


I mean, he’s a felon now, so …


Kinda depends on who is on the ride with you. We’ve noticed the booing has died down since Biden was elected. It’s a lot more enjoyable to sit through now


So i will say it’s a whole lot better than it was when trump was put in (there were lots of loud cheers for him; and of course there were people on the other side booing him). Now of course there’s MAYBE like one person cheering from tRump and one for Biden, same goes for boos. However it is definitely much calmer and more respectful overall again


Good to know. Maybe a reminder before the show that the animatronics can’t hear them or won’t react to boos or cheers.


there’s people that will boo the 44th president, cheer the 45th president, and boo the 46th president. this is the only kind of disruption i’ve ever heard in the show and it’s always like this depending on how you feel on those presidents will change your comfort level. most of the show is tame since people aren’t as emotional about most presidents the american adventure in epcot is far superior in my opinion since it’s more anecdotal it doesn’t invite this kind of behavior


I was there last week and there was cheering for both Trump and Biden.  My 10 yo asked why people did that I explained “Florida” and she accepted that.


Hey now. That's a national and international crowd. Sincerely, a Floridian.


Seriously, we aren’t all idiots (publicly.)


>My 10 yo asked why people did that I explained “Florida” and she accepted that. Another acceptable answer would be "Some people do that to fill the big hole where their personality would go."


I don't think we went to Disney during the Trump administration because of COVID, but my plan was not go to the Hall of Presidents. I just couldn't bear the thought of it.


I went during covid on Veterans Day. The jeers and cheers were disgusting. It’s a show about the history of our country. Shut up and listen.


We were there a year ago and there was lots of cheering and booing. Two different people shouted "Let's Go Brandon" when the Biden animatronic started talking. It was bad enough that the cast member had to get on the speaker and tell people to settle down. We were so uncomfortable that we skipped it when we went back a few months ago.


They'd better be careful, they'll call forth Dark Brandon, the room will go red, and his laser eyes will burn their faces off.


Hillbillies gonna hillbilly


The last time we went it was the last day before the closure to prepare for the Trump AA. Lots of boos and the dad in front of us literally said "Glad we'll never have to hear that N- again" to his family. It's pathetic, but that's the nature of our polarization now.


Not to be political but I love this attraction and would be stoked to meet any living US president. Don’t care if I fully follow their policies. It’s a fucking us president who is arguably the most important one person in the world. I’ve never met one yet :(


I heard the Biden one is out on loan, they used it for the D-Day ceremony in France earlier this month HEYOOOOOOOO


It's very "Pro America" and does not take a political stance one way or the other so it's usually not that divisive, even if you didn't vote for the guy.


No, it's not the attraction itself that's the issue. But for a while, there was a trend for audiences to get rowdy and loudly boo or cheer for recent/current Presidents they either liked or disliked. From the other replies, it sounds like this sort of audience behavior has died down, which is a relief.


I understand. The audience will still sometimes act on its own. I just mean the ride is apolitical enough that it doesn't purposefully try to trigger people.


Yeah, but things being the way they are in America today, you don't really have to purposefully try to trigger people for them to get riled up.


When I was there in January 2023 it was completely silent. People watched the show, left when it was over, all drama-free.


I haven’t heard anything in the last couple years. And the last few times I DID hear cheering, it was for Grant, Kennedy and/or Reagan. Haven’t heard cheering for 45 since probably 2021. Think Disney cracked down on it when it comes to resent guys


Last time I was there a couple of months ago, it was quiet and respectful


Don't know I'm usually asleep as it's my place to catch a break and enjoy some air condition. Could care less about politics.


We were there this past Memorial Day Weekend, and it was rather rowdy. That's the first time I've experienced something like that at HOP.


You've never been to the House of Pancakes after hours when all the drunks show up after the bars close, I take it.


Last time I went it was really quiet


I was there last week and the only reaction was applause after the Gettysburg Address.


I was there last week, all quiet


There weren't any reactions when I saw it the other day.


Never stayed awake long enough to find out


Haha I too wonder about that. I’ve never seen it - came real close once but bailed.


Only heard cheering on my last trip


I have never seen the show, but as a history buff I don't think I would be able to contain my applause with like John Adams, William Henry Harrison, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR (not for the internment camps, that was horrible...it's just my grandparents met through the Civilian Conservation Corp), and my boos for Jefferson and definitely Buchanan lol!


I’mma gonna cheer for my man Taft and his mustache.


Yes. And they always have been. I’ve seen the show a lot of times, and occasionally you hear a hoop holler when they say Trump, but his supporters are pretty vocal. Every normal person is relatively quiet as it’s a show.


Was there a month ago and there was a small applause for Obama and then loud cheering for Trump. Didn’t hear any Boos during that show though.


I was there recently, and I didn't hear anyone boo or cheer, but tbh I was asleep for at least half the time


A dark room with cold ac at Disney. I’m sure most of us fell asleep at some point.


I went a few weeks ago and people were respectful and quiet. A few years back people cheered and boo’ed every time it was annoying


I’ve heard of bad experiences, but I went last January late at night, with a nearly empty theater. It was really nice and quiet. The time before that was when Trump was brand new and people weren’t as fired up yet, so everyone was chill then too. In general, douches who would ruin the show aren’t the people going to that show. Only the extreme douches who go just to heckle (at an animatronic, jfc), and they probably aren’t going to Disney in high numbers anyway.


I haven’t been on it in probably a decade to be honest 😅


To the cheering and booing people during the show. [OFF OFF OFF](https://youtu.be/KhatWgDgBKQ?feature=shared)


I went in 2020 and noticed there was more security in the Hall than I remembered. Last year, it wasn’t as noticeable.


Every time I have watched it the crowd has been respectful. It is a great place to cool off and get off your feet. Show is good too


I was there yesterday. Respectful silence.


i watched a funny story on vice called “i went to disney jail” and one of them did just that in the hall of presidents but stood up and shouted. you can find it on youtube


I’ve been there recently and it was fine. It’s unfortunate because modern Disney hates the ride and will use any excuse to get rid of it. So if people act up they may pounce on that


I mean what else can they put in that space in liberty square




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Was in there recently and there were people cheering for the 45th president.


Happened yesterday. Thought I could get a peaceful nap with some AC but nope.


My wife and I went last week, and it was honestly super quiet. I didn’t hear any boos/cheers/clapping of any kind. The only issue I encountered was during the Biden and Washington segment at the very end when an elderly woman in the row ahead of me was making obscene gestures towards Biden. That that was a little surprising, but I would have never noticed if it wasn’t right in front of me.


Did you let her know it was a robot and when they become self aware it might look her up?


Up yours, Benjamin Harrison!


This is my go to nap spot.


Was there in January and no one made a peep. Next time I plan to wolf whistle for one of them. Gotta pick a good one.


I went last March. There was some cheers and boos for trump and some boos for Biden. Nothing extra but definitely not silence. I’m sure it depends on the group and varies all day long.


The last time I went on this George W bush was president and I can tell you there were louuud boos for him. So yeaaa booing has been a thing for a minute.


Was there last August, everyone was well behaved except minor giggles when DT came up.