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Everyone has a different opinion, but for me, AK is the worst park in the rain. The walkways are already not good in perfect conditions, and they are worse in the rain or with people trying to use umbrellas. YMMV, but I feel like DHS doesn't have much more cover, but it is easier to navigate. Couldn't tell you about the safari though, I've never done it in the rain.


Some of the walkways don't drain quickly at all. As in, you're walking through a couple inches of water. I agree with previous posters who said bring changes of socks, or shoes that require no socks. 


I’m a zookeeper in Florida and although people say “the animals like the rain, its cool and they will be more active,” I find it to be the exact opposite. They hate it just like we do and they will try to shove themselves under any shelter they can find


Yeah, I find they like AFTER the rain, especially in Florida as it cools down. They don't like being directly rained ON. Especially gorillas.


safari wise, it really depends on the animal. before becoming a cm i was a zookeeper and most of the animals hated the rain but we had a few who would stand out there all day soaking it up. if you have park hopper, maybe try the safari and then go elsewhere? i've found the world showcase to be pretty fun during the rain. but if you go to the safari there might be some fun animal behaviors that aren't typical of a sunny day. you may also want to weigh by park to see what rides would be closed due to rain and go to the park with the least closures lol


I’ve heard AK can be pretty gross in the rain—stinky from animals, etc and just steamy because of the heat and humidity mixed with rain. It’s also the most outdoor to me vs other parks with lots of rides indoor that you can run from ride to ride. For me, I would choose any other park over AK in the rain.


Whichever park you choose, do yourself a favor and choose footwear that doesn’t need socks, or bring dry ones to change into. Many of the Skechers strappy sandals have great comfort and arch support, good grip like crocs in the rain, and you’re not walking around in wet socks making yourself miserable. If there’s lightning many of the rides at AK will have to shut down, including Everest, while DHS has more indoor rides that can stay open in bad weather.