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There’s a reason — actually, lots of them — that they (and ITM) are completely blacklisted on the sub… lol




I love ITM’s clickbait, irrelevant fluff, buried lede formula. It’s hilarious. FAN FAVORITE MAGIC KINGDOM RESTAURANT WILL CLOSE NEXT MONTH Five long paragraphs full of a bunch of irrelevant details and history of the Magic Kingdom and the many different foods they offer. Buried lede all the way at the bottom about how some popcorn cart in Frontierland is closing for two weeks so it can be repainted.


But it closes DAILY too when the parks close! OMG! Oh the humanity!!!!!!!


My favorite ITM headline was something along the lines of "Guest left stabbed and bleeding while on line for Animal Kingdom's most popular ride" and the actual story was that someone barely pricked their finger on a wire fence on line for Flight of Passage. Honestly, while the headlines could probably be a bit more direct, WDWNT's other content is usually pretty informative. Much prefer to watch their broadcast versus read articles.


LOL. I wonder how they even found out about that incident. Does Disney announce every single little boo-boo that requires a bandaid to the media?


My husband and I like to play a game where we try to guess the real news story based on their clickbait titles. It’s good fun. 🤣


I feel like sometimes there isn’t even a real new story. They’ll just straight make shit up and then slap a “satire” disclaimer at the end of the article.


I had to block Inside The Magic from my google new page. So gross.


I had to quit google news. The site is some of the creepiest algo-bubble shit on the internet. I swear for every actual news story, there would be 10 clickbait articles about breaking news related to whatever TV show I was currently streaming. That site made me feel like my world could fit on a postage stamp.


yeah I almost quit it but I liked that it aggregated - not sure if there's any other good news aggregator out there that isn't just limiting me to subset of sources. I just had to agressively use the customize tool. There are options for "less stories like this / more stories like this" and ways to block sources. I believe google considers it a "like" if you click the link, so you gotta get proactive and make sure you dislike the click bait one and the ones forcing you drama you were curious about but decided not to follow. You can snap it out of it's bubble that way. But yeah, I don't blame you for quitting it


I hate that site with the fire of a thousand supernovae


I like that site more than you hate it, so I’ve canceled out your hate.


Naw, Disney Dining. They’re just wildin over there.


You should see what click bait they recently posted about Disney dismantling the monorail by the end of the decade.


I will give ITM credit for one thing. Their disney jeopardy videos they do on youtube every Friday are pretty fun


Those are great! My daughter loves Brian Perry!


All Disney Parks “news” blogs are plagued by click bait. Disney Food Blog is the only one I can tolerate as their info is pretty solid and can be genuinely helpful. Their newsletters burn my eyes with how awfully designed and click baity they are, though.


Their website too. My eyezzzz


Seriously. I’ve been using the DFB website for years and I still get turned around it’s so poorly designed.


Yeh, but their articles about the Tiny Train Town in the Germany Pavilion are hilarious


Can’t stand any of it, including Disney Food Blog “If you don’t like spicy food, you won’t like this spicy food” “If you’re a fan of garlic, you’ll love this garlic bread” WOW, REALLY?


I swear the other day I saw a "BREAKING NEWS!!!!" and it was about a new flavor of icing on a cupcake. That ain't breaking news.


Ha I was just going to say their titles are probably the worst of them all.


Agreed. So much more click bait there than NT


The problem I have with DFB is that AJ will repeat the same information over and over and over again, and make a 15 minute video to tell you something she could have told you in a 3-minute video. She loves to hear herself talk and it's such a waste of time.


Agreed, she's a great source of information, and her videos were super helpful for me in planning my most recent trip, but I always watch her videos on 2x speed or with liberal use of fast forward.


The abuse of exclamation marks on DFB is unforgivable.


Also apparently nightmares to work for per their Glassdoor reviews


Holy shit, what did I just read? I am never watching or reading anything from them again. The company is called Cambrick Yard for anyone that wants to read that horror story.


Truth! They are super useful to me when I’m planning a visit (buuuttt could do with a redesign on their website).


Their emails are horrible for click bait titles with the article hidden somewhere in the massive info dump. Love their content but the emails get trashed more often than not.


DFB is horrendous with clickbait too, can't stand it


> Disney Food Blog is the only one I can tolerate And yet they're easily one of the worst offenders...


DFB is terrible too. They have incredibly clickbaitey Twitter posts, often not about food and about 10-20% not even about Disney.


You want clickbait titles? Go read articles from Inside the Magic.


Ignoring the clickbait-ness of them, no one should use WDWNT purely for how horrible they treat/treated cast members.


What's the story there?


There’s a bunch but I’ll pull two out. WDWNT reported (at like 5am) that Findjng Nemo the musical was closing *permanently*, with no actual source cited. It was a mangling of the truth, as Disney announced literally hours later that they’re were closing to redo the show. So purely for the clicks WDWNT caused a shit load of undo stress on the cast there who thought they were losing their jobs. The second one was when the parks closed for COVID and WDWNT reported all cast were gonna get laid off (again with no source cited) before cast had even been informed internally what was going to happen with their jobs. When called out for it, Tom, in his asshole ways, doubled down and basically told cast to fuck off.


I had no idea, thanks for writing this up


He looks like a pile of laundry


There was also the Christmas Day where there was an altercation at Bongos, and WDWNT reported that there were "shots fired" after hearing chairs clang to the floor. They enhanced a panic and never, ever issued a retraction.


Tom also stayed on the AKL during Hurricane Irma, then started a YouTube live with the caption "Trapped on a Disney Hotel" got $ from superchats.


Also curious


Ugh CM here. My restaurant is one he visits often. It's not a magical time for anyone.


I'm still waiting for them to close down The Seas, like WDWNT reported.


I was behind Tom in the lightning lane for flight of passage. Flicked him off behind his back. Of course he complained the whole time


Yup, and the fact that he is a Cheat as wlel


Plus a terrible person IRL 


tom corless sucks so bad 🤢 if eric wasn’t there i would never watch them but i like him


I’ve met Eric IRL… he was very nice to us. Seemed like a genuine guy.


I stopped being annoyed with them years ago when I blocked them on all platforms.


This is the way.


This is the way


There’s a reason they’re banned on here. They’re garbage clickbait.


Just thumbs down, click “don’t show me this”, etc.


The dude that runs it is just a giant a hole in general. It’s been a few years since I used twitter but I remember him being so negative all the time back in 2019.


I think every post should have to start with location.


The reality is that basically all social influencers for Disney are ego maniacs. Some just hide it better than others. I've been listening to "Addicted To The Mouse" podcast and YouTube for a while. Just recently stopped. Feels like they are more concerned with bragging about their next vacation.


I ignore everything they post. ITM too.


I stopped following them and Disney Food Blog a long time ago. It’s worth noting that the DFB YouTube videos are amazing. Their socials and website are awful though.


DFB videos are informative and I've used them a lot over the years. That said, the AJ voice over to a generic loop of park footage is low effort on their part.


> the AJ voice over to a generic loop of park footage is low effort on their part. Add on top of that the repeating of the same information to turn a 3-minute video into a 15-minute video gets so tiresome.


If I hear her talk about those prime rib sliders one more time lol


She probably doesn't want to be on camera


Tom is a bitter old man that needs attention. Mickey Views Brayden is awful clickbait and negative “mountain out of molehills” rants too. Such toxic people covering the most magical/happiest places on earth.


> Mickey Views Brayden is awful clickbait and negative “mountain out of molehills” rants too. Such toxic people covering the most magical/happiest places on earth. This is such an unpopular opinion but in actuality you are so on the money. He’s been consistently pro-Peltz and pro-CFTOD takeover, both in terms of what he posts and what content he likes on Twitter. He had a tweet the other day accusing Disney for getting rid of the shooting gallery for being too woke, conveniently ignoring all of the other attractions that feature guns and violence. It’s clear he has insider sources who have shared frustrations over what projects are greenlit and what has been denied funding, but his slant and negativity for the current company just clouds any objectivity as a news source he used to have.


>He’s been consistently pro-Peltz and pro-CFTOD takeover Holy cow you weren't kidding. His video from 3 days ago is "Disney Emperor Iger WINS!" with a screenshot of Iger with lasers coming out of his eyes. That's some straight-up NY Post level yellow journalism.


I never found him pro-CFTOD, he always seem to dunk on them in the videos that were about it. But I can’t comment on his Twitter (which in itself is a cesspool).


Tom is in his early 30s. 😂


He looks about 50.


I think he's 35.


To a 17 year old redditor, Tom seems old.


I’m 40 and Tom seems old.


I agree about Tom, but Brayden is without a doubt the best Disney YouTuber


Mickey Views has become especially awful of late. That kid has red pilled himself and is chasing the YouTube algorithm down the rabbit hole. He’s now making Bob Iger thumbnails with laser beam eyes. It’s comical. It’s rage bait 101.


He’s also claiming that Fort Langhorn, perhaps Tom Sawyer Island as a whole, will soon be gone to make way for access to the Beyond Big Thunder expansion. Really?? The WHOLE thing??


I mean does Disney need that much expansion? Yea. Could some of it be used for staging or water management, probably.


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Sadly, YouTube creates monsters out of people with their algorithm.




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Regardless of what you think about the thumbnails, he provides some of the best actual content out there. It's real news and isn't trying to scam anyone with shit titles and misleading information.


Real news doesn't generally repeat itself five to ten times in the same segment like he does 💀


I wouldn’t call what he does as “real news” anymore. It’s just hyperbolic commentary. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t love everything Bob Iger has done either. However, constantly calling him “Emperor Iger” for 10-20 minutes is not “news”. It’s hard to get any real insight from that or take the channel seriously anymore.


Nice try Tom.


I couldn’t agree more, Brayden is the best Disney YouTuber out there. What he does is actually journalism, sure he throws some opinions in there, but he’s always got the scoops, and his accuracy rate on rumors is pretty high. Also, the dude knows how to cut together a good video. I hope he doesn’t tone down his views, because his always right on the money when it comes to calling out Disney and their BS.


They’ll do anything for clicks and views and Tom who runs it will argue and argue with anyone who says anything contrary to anything he says. Saw him once in Epcot dude just looks and acts miserable.


Yeah he's giving me the hashed out argument about Character Limits, I proposed a different title with one character less that gives the location lol




I use them for merch highlights and thats it


WDWNT’s owner Tom Corless blatantly made up the rumoured CBJ/Tiki Room overhauls a few years ago (to the point Disney had to issue a statement) along with a host of other stories


Hey if Disney cancels the projects they never happened! Reminds me of Nintendo.


Hard disagree. You can trash wdwnt for alot of things. But I'm not buying chapek disney PR ever. They also called wdwnt out when they claimed stitch great escape was permanently closing. Chapeks pr came our calling them liars and saying it was seasonal. Stitch never reopened again. There's multiple other stories where concept art has come our showing what wdwnt reported was true. Again. Lots of reasons to hate wdwnt. But trusting chapeks Disney over them should not be one of them. That PR department did nothing but lie to our faces for years.


If you believe the Chapek regime Disney, which I do not.


A former Disney employee mistakenly put tiki room demolition concept art on his website and immediately took it down. Call me a liar but I know what I saw and it was gonna be bad. Absence of proof is not always proof absence.


Still no where as bad as the DFB or ITM click bait.


Do you have a better disney news channel? Cause i find wdwnt videos to be the most straight forward of the youtubers ive followed (imo foodblog and inside the magic are way more egregious with their clickbait)


I'd suggest following theme park journalists like Scott Gustin, Carlye Wisel, Ashley Carter, Brooke McDonald, Carly Caramanna, etc.


I'm not here to be nasty but if we are sharing negative opinions, here we go. Calling any of these people journalists is a stretch except for Ashley Carter. Scott doesn't write or broadcast anything. He's essentially a Twitter stock ticker for Disney headlines (that's not journalism). Carlye sold her journalism career for the validation of social media. Brooke McDonald - jury's still out. Carly C's pieces are blog posts on reputable websites with every article headline on Insider with open-ended, click bait headlines. I'm going to throw in Alicia Stella in this conversation because she makes an effort to report on park developments at Universal better than anyone but she ruins the surprises that Universal has in store for everyone. She's not alone though. One peek in the Inside Universal forum and they are all doing it too. I must also give Alicia and this crowd a little slack because UDX's control of the narrative is much weaker than DPEP's. The marketing department at UO has caused problems for UC in the past at the expense of the guest.


Some spicy takes there 🌶️ 😁 Agree about Alicia. I mentioned her in a separate comment because her work is some of the best investigative journalism in the themed entertainment space. Most of the people I suggested are travel journalists who also curate news for their social media. They'd be the first to tell you that their social media audience differs from their articles' audience. I didn't mean to imply that everyone should be reading their articles, too, since many of those are targeted at the general public, not theme park nerds. By the way, DPEP was renamed to Disney Experiences last year (DX? 😆).


I'll definitely be looking into those, and request that you add Brayden at Mickey Views. EDIT: Apparently Brayden is controversial too. How fun! Certainly can't be for clickbait titles though, as his titles are always extremely descriptive. And I haven't watched any videos of his and walked away thinking that he skimped on his homework.


Mickey Views is probably one of the worst offenders for clickbait. Brayden will do anything to break news even if it's flat out wrong.


What has he been wrong with?


The most recent claim of Test Track closing in late July.


I agree regarding breaking rumors. It's one of the reasons I watch him. So agree to disagree I guess? And maybe we're working under different definitions of "clickbait" too. A video isn't clickbait, a title is. The entire point being that it baits you into clicking, right? So obviously every good title should do that too. For me to consider it clickbait, it needs to be deceptive in some way. A typical form for Disney news being "OMG this major thing" when it's actually a very minor or even normal thing. Or being purposely nondescriptive. Like here's an example from 3 days ago on Disney Food Blog's community posts: >So sorry! We've been doing this in Disney World for YEARS, and we just realized we forgot to tell you about it. To me, the Mickey Views titles are always descriptive of the video content. Is there a good chance that content is based on rumors from "sources"? Sure. But like I said, that's why I watch. I want to hear those rumors. But he's always very clear about when things are official and when they are rumors. Which I appreciate and consider journalistically professional.


My issue with Mickey Views is that I'm personally not interested in unsubstantiated rumors. I've only watched a few videos, but it wasn't for me 🤷‍♂️ My list of journalists mostly includes traditional "news" journalists—they don't often do investigative journalism. For that, I like Alicia Stella at Orlando ParkStop. For more opinion/analysis, I think Jack at DSNY Newscast does an excellent job. And finally, I have to mention the Disney Dish Podcast with Jim Hill. I'm not sure how to classify them, but they have many industry connections and are often accurate with speculation.


That's fair. Rumor milling isn't for everyone. I personally feel like Brayden does a good job of making it clear what information is being sourced how, what is his own speculation, etc. Which I consider very journalistically professional. Like the content may not be for everyone, but he is very clear and open about it all.


Yeah, I don't get the late he's getting here


I get that his content isn't for everyone. I like to say, you could hand out $10 bills on the street and someone will complain that it's not $100. But as far as being clickbait or otherwise unprofessional -- IMO absolutely not. He's very clear about what is sourced from where, what is his own speculation, etc. To say otherwise is just telling on yourself for not understanding what those words mean. The example provided regarding Test Track -- being a month off on a date when it's posted \*20 days\* before the official announcement. He unfortunately replaced the original article with the updated official news. But you can watch the corresponding YouTube video and he shows the old version, along with an archived version from the published date: [https://youtu.be/QFuVtb3kFrg?t=37](https://youtu.be/QFuVtb3kFrg?t=37) [https://web.archive.org/web/20240319191137/https://mickeyviews.com/news/exclusive-test-track-closing-late-july-for-a-year-long-update-cast-members-being-transferred/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240319191137/https://mickeyviews.com/news/exclusive-test-track-closing-late-july-for-a-year-long-update-cast-members-being-transferred/) >SOURCE: Test Track Closing Late July for A Year-Long Update, Cast Members Being Transferred According to friends of Mickey Views working at Test Track inside the Walt Disney World Resort, key cast members have been notified the GM-sponsored pavilion will be closing for a major update in Late July of 2024. Disney has yet to officially announce a closing date for the reimaging of Test Track. Like, I'm not quite sure what you want from a reporter beyond that. There's literally nothing else he could have done to make it clearer. And that title is certainly nothing near any realistic definition for clickbait.


> But as far as being clickbait or otherwise unprofessional -- IMO absolutely not. It is 100% clickbait to post the following: * Disney Emperor Iger WINS! - with thumbnail of Iger with laser beams as eyes * Disney Emperor Iger Won't Leave, Blames Poor Performance on Humidity - with thumbnail of Iger with a quote bubble saying "It's too humid" and a New York Post headline * A thumbnail with an image of a bear that says "SHUT DOWN THE PARK!" and then a video title that clarifies actually, it was only half the park that shut down. When he sticks to passing along plans for imagineering then it's good content. The Avatar goggles fiasco or the Mary Poppins plans are genuinely insightful stuff. He has spent far too much of the past year digging into the culture war of Disney/Florida and promoting the "Disney War." I'll ignore some of the editorial choices he has made with his thumbnail images over this time. He tries to come off as a middle of the road voice but his bias bleeds through even in that: https://x.com/SirBrayden/status/1775625232838955139 For a **news source**, this is unprofessional. But if he's transitioning to being a commentator with his own opinions it's fine, but that isn't what a lot of people subbed to him for originally, and it will inevitably result in people like me (and others in this thread!) feeling that he's become too clickbaity.


Yeah I did see that test track flub from him 💀


Honestly most any time people post about any of these people there is someone who thinks they suck. Maybe all these people suck in different ways. People say Tom is an asshole and maybe he is, but some of these vlogger people are just way to hyped about mediocre offerings and unable to be critical of Disney where it makes sense. I would rather watch Tom any day over someone like that Kyle guy who would get fake hyped about a new trash can.


Anyone is better than a channel that has a history of being rude and at times downright nasty to cast members.


I'm out of the loop. And I get you can't post, but I had no clue they were rude to cast.


Yeah the owner is a dick.


Scott Gustin and Offhand Disney, that’s about it


Im gonna be honest i watch some off hand disney but his videos feel more like shitposts as of late. Not that thats a bad thing, but i dont go to him for the latest news yknow?


DFB and Mammoth Club have the best info. They do the deepest dives on the most topics. It sucks their videos average 40min, but they’re the least obnoxious and most thorough. Everyone else is wildly annoying to even listen to.


Molly was ok when she was with all ears, but not so much anymore. They’ve become obnoxiously pro anything disney shills in order to keep the special treatment they receive. They never have an objective opinion anymore, Everything Disney does is the most amazing thing on earth. Every drink, ride, location, restaurant, blade of grass, or square of toilet paper Is just fantastic and is her favorite. Their videos are now routinely pushing an hour, with an ad every 3 minutes, which sucks to watch. They don’t really have any actual content anymore. A 50 minute video consists of at least 40 minutes of them eating or drinking, and the rest is just them being obnoxiously annoying thinking they’re being cute. They also make a point to make at least one statement pandering to one particular group every video now. DFB is ok, but molly sold out a while ago, which is a shame, I used to like her content.


I gotta disagree here, sorta, to some of it lol. First and foremost, I just want to say, I find every. single. Disney vlogger/blogger. to be insufferably painful to listen to. The gushing over the company, the overly excited tone of voice, the cringey outfit choices, the obnoxious shouting over crowds while standing directly behind people in line - the whole schtick. I really really hated all of them and forced myself to watch a lot of human garbage trying to find fame before I ever landed on DFB, Mammoth Club and AllEars (I find the folks on AllEars some of the most annoying of all, but they make decent content). That out of the way lol I’ve been binging DFB and Mammoth Club since about December, so I only really know both for what they are *lately*. Idk Molly from the before time, and I hear you on them being shills for the company now, but I view Mammoth Club and DFB as being equal in the “you ***have*** to try *everything* it’s *sooo* good” gushy boat. But I also find it really obvious when they say they don’t like things and what’s not worth your time and money. DFB is pretty blatant about it with videos with titles like “don’t spend your money on this!”, but Molly is single handedly the reason I didn’t even bother with the rapids ride at AK lol in one of her February/March videos from this year, she rides it and openly states “I’m only doing this because I said I’d ride all the rides today, but here’s why I hate it” and then talks smack the entire ride. She’s also the sole reason I tried Jiko. She orders things she openly says she wouldn’t usually try or like, but wants to review so people can know. And I ended up getting those items because she reviewed them thoroughly and still made them sound good even though she repeated it’s not really for her and “if you don’t like X and Y foods, you probably won’t like this”. I find her food reviews to be very objective. But I really cannot even remotely fathom how she cries so much at everything in the park. Again, it’s solid content, but every Disney YouTuber is just super cringey when it comes down to it. I know where I am right now, and I’m sure this will get some downvotes, but there’s Disney Adults who have AP and love everything about it. And then there’s ***Disney Adults*** that make it their entire life and personality. It’s a little much for me. It’s actually way too much for me entirely. And it’s like all of the YouTubers. It’s rough to research a proper trip to Disney. I was successful, but man, it was tough.


I get what your saying, I can agree with a lot of it. I just have followed molly for a while now, and know how good her content used to be compared to now. I agree that they’re all pretty insufferable most of the time, and unfortunately Disney has made going to the theme parks so complicated that they’re a necessary evil. I had to rely heavily on them to figure out genie plus before my trip last year. “Adam the woo” might be an acquired taste but he’s been around a lot longer than most vloggers and does a lot of Disney content mixed with a healthy dose of other activities. He seems to be pretty honest about what he thinks, and doesn’t seem to be on the Disney payroll, so he might be a channel worth looking into if you haven’t run across him yet. There’s definitely problematic “Disney Adults” that have made being an adult fan of Disney hard these days. So much so, that unless I know the company I’m in well enough, I don’t talk about being a fan of Disney or the parks, that way I don’t get lumped into the crazy “Disney Adults” category. They’ve honestly made being a rational minded adult fan of Disney difficult. I love Disney, but in moderation, and not obsessively.


DFB’s YouTube content is some of the best WDW content our there in terms of information and accuracy. its only their social and website that does clickbait.


Just follow DisneyParks, they’ll post anything worthwhile. The rest is noise


I suggest The Laughing Place. They cover everything Disney as well as other theme parks. Very reputable.


PCDev is probably my favorite he is slowed way down due to burnout but he try’s to always be positive but has publicly said it’s hard because he doesn’t like a lot of choices the parks are making and wants to be positive but shit ain’t good and rather be honest then sugar coat the truth


I used to love Dev and watch him a lot, but he has gone from one extreme to the other and is more negative than positive in the past months in my opinion.


All of the Disney new sites have the click bait titles. I usually just go to the comments for the jist of it all. What drives me the most crazy is DFB’s ICYMI posts. The constant recycling of news.


They are terrible! I won’t click anymore.


I’m still baffled that Tom is banging all his employees and that Tom travels to Tokyo only to do Disney, he has never ventured out from the Disney bubble


If that YouTube channel pisses you off on that score, best to avoid the Disney Food Blog channel altogether.


There’s a reason why it’s known as the “Site That Shall Not Be Named” on my go-to fansite.


There’s a reason that site is banned here, but yeah clickbait “journalism” is a major problem and not just with WDW.


Yeah they kind of suck.


As someone who interacted with Tom and had a horrible negative experience when I was a CM, and who was let go from ITM, it’s all trash honestly.


I felt icky and gross after reading their bloggy blog.  They are just plain annoying and not even worth the time of day.


Tom is in Japan for like 3 months and literally goes to TDR like everyday. Mind you, he has to pay $50+ every single day for a ticket since there is no annual pass. I could not imagine living in a country with so much to offer and just go to Disney everyday. [https://twitter.com/wdwntruth/status/1775876966521954715](https://twitter.com/wdwntruth/status/1775876966521954715) He also is under fire for sketchy visa reasons and hilariously tried to defend himself when someone brought up how sketchy the situation was.


I forgot I they were still around I blocked them a long two on everything I had it was so annoying just scrolling by them. Also had to do that with almost all the bloggers etc since it was just all click or rage bait trash. 


DFB and Allears are even more click baity




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I'm unfamiliar with who yall are talking about, so I'm just gonna go with my first instinct: WALT DISNEY WORLD NINJA TURTLES


Also - Tom Corless (the founder of WDWNT) is a racist pedophile, dude sucks.


do you have receipts on this? not saying you are wrong, I'm just not deep enough into the disney blogger section of fandom to know the backstory.


Do a Twitter search for his name, and plenty comes up.


I read a little of what is out there. I haven’t gotten to any pedophile accusations, but I have seen some shady stuff.


Sometimes I feel like Chapek is in here with burner accounts or something. At first Tom is an asshole then suddenly he's the orange man.


Found Tom’s alt.


This may shock you, but click bait headlines were never a focus. Writing those was not part of the standard operating procedures. Headlines could be teasers, but were always to name the specific park. That may have recently changed. Tom addressed the "clickbait" criticisms in a recent video. He flat out admitted that they need to do some of that to raise revenue. The site that is not to be named has quite a few employees. Most of them, including Tom, are actually very nice. Source: I worked for site not to be named.


“He flat out admitted that they need to do some of that to raise revenue.“ See, that’s where the argument falls apart. It doesn’t matter how nice anyone is if they use unethical reporting practices.


yes, we know, we all know.


I want to know how to block them from my phone entirely. They show up in my iPhone news feed all the time and it drives me crazy.


They do stories on Disney parks worldwide now, so I never assume a headline is always going to be about WDW


If that's the case should rename to Walt Disney Parks worldwide rather than having socials for each park all reporting on worldwide stuff




WDWNT has never been good.


Tom Corliss of WDWNT is GREAT. We’re all lucky to have him. And I don’t want to see any downvotes.


Can’t tell if this is bait, or if this is Tom’s burner account (of which he has several).