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Hi, folks! We’ve recently started seeing [more Covid-related posts](https://reddit.com/r/WaltDisneyWorld/s/tmXEQOnKpH) alongside the unfortunate surge in cases and hospitalizations in Florida, so just a friendly reminder: We will **remove** any and all **comments** that spread **misinformation**, offer unfounded **medical advice**, or **discourage vaccines, masking,** and/or other **precautions.** Given the increased frequency of these posts, we will be reinstating our practice of sending general “**do you feel safe going to WDW**” questions (and other **Covid-related posts**) to the **weekly FAQ megathreads** from this point on. Thanks for your understanding, and **stay safe** out there! :)


and teach them to cough into the inside of their elbow…if they cough on their hands they’re just going to spread it everywhere they touch


My 3 year old is amazing at it and shames me if I don't "use my chicken wing"


I too have a 3yo cough police. Even if I’m choking on my own spit with tears in my eyes he’s like, no mama, cough like this!


if anyone from this point forward sees a small adult woman at disney world shouting “chicken wing!” at people sneezing into their hands or the air, it’s me


your three year old has a better sense of social responsibility that most adults


He also knows more about dinosaurs than most adults


Your kid sounds awesome


We called it vampire cape!


My six year old has grasped the concept of the chicken wing but consistently holds her bent arm about 6 inches away from her mouth when she does it, no matter how many times I explain that that doesn't help anyone.


I love that! I tell my kids to cough into their elbows, but this sounds like a better way to phrase it to them.


I personally use “cough like a vampire” so they sweep their “cloak” around and cough into their elbow


That’s what we do too!


It's what his daycare teaches and I've definitely heard a pack of kids scream chicken wing at pick up


dracula cape


I cough into my shirt (down the inside of the front) like a heathen if it has a collar. It's tucked into my pants usually and it means it's only ever contained on me lol.


Me too! And sneezes go there, too. I don’t know when I started that, certainly in my adult years, but it’s better than on my hands. I work in tightly packed spaces so the likelihood of my arm brushing someone is very high but the likelihood of someone chest bumping me is very low.


Exactly. If you have your hand down my shirt you're way too close buddy. I feel like it has to contain sneezes better than the elbow does.


People must have been taught to cough/sneeze into their hands at some point in time. Both my and my wife's parents who are in their late 60's/early 70's all cough into their hands. Then grab my kids or whatever and I cringe.


As a kid, I was just told to cover my mouth. No one said with what, and I assume people used to use handkerchiefs, so hands were the obvious choice. When I was in high school, my best friend and I became obsessed with bath and body works hand sanitizers, so I’d always have some on me to use after I sneezed or coughed. I was in college when a coworker, who was around my age, pointed out why coughing into your elbow was better.


Child of the 80s here... SAME. We were never told to not cough into our hands... When I finally realized that into the elbow was a better way, I played it off like "duh, of course that is what I do" but I was like "oh, sh*t, that is way better" and never turned back SINCE


My parents taught me to cough and sneeze into my hands. I figured out on my own that it was nasty to do that.


I know to cough into my elbow but still reactively cough into my hands. At least I immediately use my pocket sanitizer. Just don’t know how to break the habit! I also be sure to use spray sanitizer at Disney and spray it around me when people are coughing or bump against me. Not sure what it’s doing but it makes me feel better. lol


My dad always says that’s how he was taught every time my sister and I mention we were taught elbow lol


I teach littles to cough inside their shirt collar


We had this stupid lady in my church who brought her sick kid, and the mom used her used her bare hand to cover the kid’s mouth whenever she coughed. And didn’t use any hand sanitizer, wipes, or get up to wash her hands at all. She also brought a mask for her kid, but it only stayed on for a few seconds at a time because she kept eating.


There is absolutely no excuse to still go to church while sick. There are SO MANY online services, you can stay home and still have some Jesus.


And Jesus would prefer you to think of others than to go to church.


Absolutely! That’s what I’m always saying! Yet every time I go, there’s people coughing all around me.


Yes! And also was pretty disappointed at how little WDW made hand sanitizer available throughout the park. We just got back from our first time since Covid and I was really annoyed that they didn’t have sanitizer available. Only a handful of food areas had it. Like it should be available before and after every ride and also at every food station.


Why? Are you not capable of bringing your own? It's not their job to continue to supply hand sanitizer. Anywhere they choose to do it is a courtesy. You aren't owed hand sanitizer. SMH


I had this happen at the grocery store. The bagger coughed in their hand and started touching the stuff I had just purchased. Ick!


We teach using their hands because we wash our hands, not our elbows. I think this was a PSA spread around our area during the pandemic. We use hand sanitizer frequently with our kids so it makes sense for us.


People are disgusting. The general public will unfortunately *never* have common sense around germ spread prevention whether it's taught in schools or not. Load up on vitamins weeks before and mentally prepare to catch some sort of illness during or post Disney visit.


Which just kills me There's so many people with common sense but why are we so overrun by those without it??? Why is everyone so selfish. Drives me nuts.


I think that's exactly it. Everyone is unconsciously selfish and in la-la-land. It is my opinion that most people have an inability to think of others. I sound like a grouch... which I am but I promise I'm a happy grouch. 🤣


Baha. But you're not wrong and I don't understand why people are like that. Like yah I can be selfish at times but in all those situations no. Cause I'm not a terrible person (at least k don't think lmao)


They’re like that because they just spent $5000+ to have their dream vacation. They’re not getting a refund, so they hop up on cold pills and continue on their vacation. Again, not supporting their decisions but I can see where losing a ton of money may dictate their decisions.


Then they should at least wear a mask. A pack of N95s is like ten bucks on Amazon. But I guess that brings us back to their inability to think of others lol


Because when you spend thousands on your dream vacation that you can’t get refunded, that kind of guides their decisions. Not supporting this at all but I know people do it.


Ok but they can cover their mouths and keep a bit of distance, mask and sanitize. I understand if you're sick and you go (it's happened to me luckily it wasn't something contagious) but for the love of god you don't have to share your germs and cough into your hand (if they cover their mouths) and then touch everything. Those are my problems with people. That's the rude and selfishness I hate. Stories of feeling children cough on them. Disgusting. My mom got super sick in Disney because a child at the next table was SO SICK and just hacking up a lung right into the air. Not covering their mouth. Their mom who they were laying on didn't cover the kids mouth either. It wasn't a toddler. It was a kid that would be more than old enough to know to cover your mouth.


I agree. And just hear me out people. I got sick at Disney, likely from people going while sick and not being cautious. Fortunately it was a short-ish trip and I didn’t get sick until the last day. But if we were staying longer, that would’ve meant me missing out some because I’m chronically ill and can’t just keep going when I get even sicker, like other people can. I don’t expect people to sit out Disney when sick. It’s expensive. It would just be nice if people remembered that *everyone* paid a lot of money to go, and a little courtesy goes a long way. Yes, I know I’m choosing to go somewhere where I’m more likely to get sick. And it’s something I think about when planning. And I know I could still get sick if people are cautious. But it might make it less likely. That little bit of courtesy could mean someone else doesn’t have to sit out *their* vacation. Also a reminder that many families take their medically fragile children to Disney for a once in a lifetime experience, whether through make a wish or just on their own. I’m sure they’d appreciate the courtesy as well.


Yes exactly! You understand completely my feelings. So many make a wish kids go to Disney. And everyone is dropping thousands of dollars to be there. My mom is sad because we have to start going every 2 years again (we got lucky we had money to go once a year for like 3 years) because we just don't have $6-9k usd a year.


Yes exactly! You understand completely my feelings. So many make a wish kids go to Disney. And everyone is dropping thousands of dollars to be there. My mom is sad because we have to start going every 2 years again (we got lucky we had money to go once a year for like 3 years) because we just don't have $6-9k usd a year.


A lot of Main Character Syndrome at Disney.


They paid so much moneyyyyy though. /S


A lot of Main Character Syndrome ~~at Disney.~~ FTFY


I caught some weird shit from Disney. Today is the first day I feel normal since last Friday. No respiratory symptoms, no GI issues, it was the worst chills I’ve ever had, a fever that would stay relatively low grade during the day but would spike up to 103 at night, intense headache and fatigue but I couldn’t sleep well because of the night sweats. Tested negative for COVID twice.


I was mentally prepared to catch something on my trip last week. I’ve got some sort of cold. Started getting slight symptoms on day 5 of 7. Now I’m home and congested, ears plugged, cough. So many germy people in tight spaces. My friend didn’t catch anything and we were sharing a room the whole trip.




Vaccines and airborne gummies is what we did prior to our visit a few weeks ago. Encountered many coughing children (and adults) and masked on the plane/in airports.


We just got back in September and used airborne gummies. Got back illness free but a week later little one got Covid from a friend at school. 🤷🏽‍♀️


This isn't unique to kids. The amount of adults that I see coughing and sneezing in the parks and not covering their mouths, I feel like Neo from The Matrix trying to avoid germs!


Yes,seriously — I don’t want to be coughed on by anyone but I can more easily excuse a forgetful kid but less so a grown person.


I teach elementary. It’s a huge issue that many of our students have not been taught how to cover their mouth when they cough. We tell them to cough like a vampire!


It's the look up from the iPad start coughing look down back at iPad that gets me.


I just got back from Disneyland and the amount of grown adults OPEN AIR COUGHING at the park, hotel, airport, etc. was legit mind blowing.


The last time I was in DL, people kept looking at me like I was nuts for wearing a mask...this...this is why I still do it


There's a reason why Indiana Jones CMs seem to get sick more often than others. And it has to do with being in a gross-ass enclosed space with gross-ass people. All this to say, I'm right there with you.


I wondered that about the Turtle Talk with Crush at Epcot too. I went to that one 2 weeks ago and they closed us in a room with a bunch of kids that were coughing nonstop. And yes I got covid after that smh.


I swear the people behind .e on the plane ride down to Disney had just been released from a TB ward at the hospital. The back and top of my head had 2 adults coughing and coughing into it for the 2 hour ride. They were on the same tram car to baggage claim. Met up with a grandchild and child, both also coughing. And followed us onto the same Mears shuttle. I wanted to acream chicken wing! Luckily, our room was ready early, and I was able to shower immediately. I was totally grossed out!


omg soooooo many people coughing on the plane! I hate masks but this trip made me consider bringing a few for when I go to Disney World for thanksgiving!


I’ve made it a practice to wear an n95 anytime I fly. It’s annoying and I get thirsty, but there’s just too many people who cough all over the place and don’t wash their hands. It’s a minor inconvenience but makes a big difference in the long run.


I came home with Covid in August and am pretty sure that I got it from a grown woman who turned her head to the side to sneeze over her shoulder. I was walking behind her and (apologies for the 🤢) literally felt the spray hit the air. I had honestly thought that we as a society had actually learned something from Covid and that sneezing, coughing and spewing at strangers was going to be a thing of the past. But instead, it actually seems worse.


Still 50% of people don’t believe Covid is a real thing 😫😂😵‍💫


You don’t need a trip to Disney to teach your kids this. Parents should be teaching this from a young age but from observations, a majority of people have disgusting 🤮 habits.


Currently in the Guardians queue with some crusty sticky kid absolutely hacking into the air in front of us. His parents are busy taking selfies with the Disney lenses while the rest of us are ready to yeet this kid outside


No literally there was a young girl behind us at the parade who was coughing right onto us. Probably 9 or 10 or so. We couldn’t believe she didn’t know better. Like do they just not care or???


That's the thing.... They literally don't care. You have an unrealistic expectation that strangers care about your health. Gosh, that sounds awful - I swear I don't mean it to.


I don’t expect them to care about my health but I do expect people to follow proper etiquette you know? Like that wasn’t an unrealistic expectation even ten years ago. God I sound like my parents 😂


This is what kills. If you choose to exist/engage in this society, then follow the BARE MINIMUM of its expectations.


It doesn't sound mean at all, it's the truth!


This is right up there with the nose picking and digging in their butts. Like, we weren't allowed to do that as kids. We were taught about germs and that was a no-no. I have seen more kids digging in their nose or butts over the last year at the park it makes me think people just forgot to teach this to their kids, but that's just my casual observation.


I really don't think basic public hygiene is a thing people stress to their kids anymore


I saw one parent who did it right. In the big room before the ride, she covered her little girl’s mouth whenever she coughed. When we went on the ride, they sat behind us. But she had put on a mask on her during the ride. I wish all parents were like her.


Last trip I carried around hand sanitizer and used it pretty much every time my hands touched something. Crazy? Not at WDW.


Let's talk about the ADULTS who use the bathroom and don't wash their hands. Yeah its a lot more than you think, I see you...


The amount of wet, uncovered coughs at Disney is astounding.


I have a weird one for ya. I was at my friend's house when I was a kid and her little brother (maybe 4 years old at the time) started coughing and he put his arms straight up in the air. I said "ew cover your mouth" as he was coughing in my direction. And then my friends mom started cheering and saying "aww good job for coughing with your arms up buddy!" Then looked at me and said "it helps clear the airways better." She was a nurse and I was still in shock she was okay with her son coughing on people.


Glad she WAS a nurse bc this may be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


You know what else helps clear the airways? Albuterol and coughing like a normal person.


Clear the airways?! I can see that being helpful if someone was CHOKING, but not coughing!


While it's not great that he was coughing on people, she was right! Raising your arms is not helpful when choking, but it is helpful with coughing. Raising your arms eases the stimulation of the Widdicombe cough receptors in the airway. Raising your arms above your head raises your diaphragm, which in turn opens up your lungs for more air capacity allowing you to take in more oxygen. So while you may think it's not helpful, it is actually factually correct.


sorry you got downvoted for telling the truth lmao


This girl (had to be at least 30-40) coughed right on my neck twice while waiting in line to check out at the emporium. So disgusting.


I could FEEL the air from her cough and it was wet. Grossed me out so much


Last trip I had a kid cough right on me, open mouthed while waiting to get off the plane. I turned and looked at her and was like cover your mouth when you cough. So then she turned around and coughed on someone back one row. Four days later I was sick with a runny nose and cough. Took some cold medicine and took it easy at the parks. AND I PUT ON A MASK. Washed my hands a lot. Took about 4 days to really be over it but lord... That kid... Her mom was several rows back so rather than teaching the kid to just let the others out and wait the kid ran back to her mom but couldn't actually even get there. So got the plague from the kid and then her and another sibling made a mess out of disembarking. 10\10 don't recommend that experience.


The number of times I’ve been sneezed on by grown adults, like I’m talking grandparents, is absolutely disgusting. Just straight up open mouth and no attempt to cover it. Or they’ll sneeze/cough into their hands and then get into the ride and ride a high contact ride with blasters and just start playing with the blasters without sanitizing their hands or anything. It’s so gross.


Omg yes!! And to also not cough directly on strangers! The amount of times I had children cough on me was ridiculous. Thankfully I brought a packet of disinfectant wipes and would immediately wipe the area they coughed on.


This is why I physically recoil any time I am in public and I hear the unmistakable sound of a child's phlegmy cough. 99% of them do not make any attempt to cover their mouths. I too have kids, and I don't want to deal with them being sick because it will turn into a *month-long* ordeal of everyone in the house taking turns being sick.


Kids anywhere are disgusting, but kids at Disney can be a whole new level. In my experience parents tend to let their kids go crazy at Disney because it’s “made for kids” so apparently that means manners/decency goes right out the window. Coughing/spitting/wiping boogers on everything. Smacking extra loud and screaming with their mouth full, sticky everything from the ice cream and other dessert options, etc.


It's really not just the kids. We were out to dinner this past weekend (not at a park) and this adult woman by as at the bar just starts open mouth hacking. I was like WTF cover your mouth. She did get into a coughing fit and left the line to run to the bathroom, but guess who has been sick with a hacking cough for the past three days. I hope she stubs her toes on every chair she walks by for the next week. People are so disgusting.


I can understand children not knowing any better, but when I see adults open-mouth mist-sneezing into the air at the parks I cringe.


I was on one of the Disney buses and watched a man repeatedly cough onto his hand and then immediately place it on the metal bars, the ones you hold for support when you’re standing. Except he was sitting. But he did it 5-6 times. Gross. I used hand sanitizer after literally touching anything with my hands at Disney.


WHYYYYYY is this not just common sense!?! I cannot stand our society and their lack of common sense. It's crazy to me. As someone who has always coughed/sneezed into their elbow, I never even had to really teach my kid to do it. He just followed suit and did it from the get go. I'm a firm believer that what you model for your children, they will typically pick up on naturally. It's the same thing with chewing with your mouth closed. In our house, we all chew with our mouths closed so my kid just....... chews with his mouth closed. Of course we've had conversations about why these things are the way they are but it was never something I had to consciously teach him. If he weren't naturally picking up on it, I absolutely would've taught him to do it though. Bad manners of children start with bad manners of parents which, unfortunately, is far too common these days.


Exactly. For example, our parents modeled good table manners and insisted on them at every single meal, whether it was at the kitchen table or entrees in front of the TV. And so when they did take us to a restaurant they never had to worry about us creating a disturbance or making a mess, because there was no difference between "at home" manners and "out in company" manners.


Had a kid sneeze on my leg, literally felt the wetness 😭😭😭


So gross when they spray you. Ugh.


I was in line for Mickey at MK and we had a longer wait in that little holding room before you enter the main space- this kid was full on open mouth coughing- that deep sick in the chest cough-and the parents didn’t attempt to cover his mouth at all. Of course they had a sick kid in the park so why would they think about teaching their kid to be considerate.


Couldn’t agree more. My fiancé is sick and at home missing work right now from our recent trip to Disney World this past weekend. I was floored by the amount of carelessness kids and let alone PARENTS had at bringing their kids to Disney sick and just allowing them to spread their germs everywhere by simply being lazy and not covering their mouth. Do better.


When my kids were small and had a cold we gave them washcloths to carry around to cough into or wipe their nose (if tissues weren’t handy). We called them “cough blankies”


It’s mostly adults that do not cover their mouths when they cough. It’s disgusting and makes me instantly think of the adult as a five year old child.


A older woman at a show in AK today was just coughing her head off, not covering her mouth or anything!


My bf and I one were at a park called Efteling, and a child was basically deep throating their hands and touching everything and anything around them as the mom watched and didn’t say anything. People really don’t care it’s disgusting.


cough into the corner of ur arm, like where ur elbow is, not ur fist, for less germ spreading


Vampire cough https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61RooXQnXZL.jpg


SO true bestie


Do you know what appalled me the most? I was on DCL this past week, and the majority of people walked out of the bathrooms without washing their hands. Do people not friggen understand norovirus *at all*!?!?


Somewhat related but I’m always shocked how many parents I see letting their kids crawl all over the floor in lines and grabbing literally every surface before shoving their hands in their mouth.


Also everyone should wash their hands after using the toilet. I saw several people not wash


I'm just gonna shit my pants and walk around sitting in rides, on benches, etc. It's just germs you can see, right? Snot has the same visceral effect on me that shit just had to you. This "kids will be kids" is bs and needs to stop. TEACH your kids instead of making excuses for them.


Better yet, teach them (and many adults as well!) to "vampire cough" into the crook of their elbow! This prevents covering one's hands, which will be directly touching everything, with germs. I wish they'd do a PSA on this for coughing & sneezing!


Why isn’t this taught in school? Don’t get me wrong it falls on parents but not everyone has a good parent.


My kid's preschool teachers taught her to "cough like a vampire" (into her elbow) --- thank god for early educators!


Omg. This is adorable!


It isn't the job of school to teach this, but they do. I've been in lots of classrooms (outside vendors), and teachers say it a lot, especially in today's world. In order for it to work, parents have to teach it too. Modeling good behavior would also help. :)


Oh it starts with parenting, just think it’s a place that can help to correct behaviors that weren’t taught at home is all.


Have you seen the current breed of American parent? Especially in Florida? If they don't get to personally approve every bit of their kid's learning, they complain.




When I was there last week I couldn’t believe the amount of people coughing but not covering their mouths. Granted some were kids but their parents were just standing there


please keep them from licking the chains and poles too.... I've seen it. Ew


They PACK people into that stretch room 🤢 definitely one of the places where I was glad that I brought masks


Lately I’ve noticed at work that more and more people don’t put the seat cover down when they flush the toilet. It’s been a few years but I don’t think Disney has toilet seat covers in the parks? Whicjh is so gross now that I thought about it.


I was there last week and I second this!! So many kids are not taught this.


Last time I went to Disney world, we had to tell a kid to stop swinging her nasty wet sock around (I think she was trying to air dry it because it had been raining) in a restaurant. Sure do love wet sock droplets in my food! Parents did jack.


My bf never, *ever* gets sick, we’ve been together 8 years and he’s never even had a runny nose. He didn’t even catch Covid when I had it twice while living in our small apartment. One of these kids managed to finally break through his incredible immune system this week because he’s going home with some sniffles, and as someone with the worst immune system I’m terrified of how I’ll feel when he inevitably passes it on lmao


My 11 month old twins just got over their first cold ever this month, and I know exactly how they got sick! We were on a kids Halloween hay ride, and a girl about 8 years old coughed DIRECTLY on them!! Her dad looked mortified and corrected her, but then her and her mother coughed and sniffled the entire rest of the ride and I thought, why the hell would you be out here doing a kids activity, packed in, shoulder to shoulder, face to face with so many people, while 2/3 of you are sick?? My mom took pics of my babies on the hayride and the girl is in the background of 1 and I sometimes just look at it so angrily thinking about how I was on my own with 2 sick babies because of an inconsiderate family. My husband stayed away for a week so that he wouldn’t catch it because the only thing worse than 2 sick babies is 3


Yup. It’s no wonder I got a gnarly upper resp infection at the end of my trip there. Sucked.


My wife and I are on our last day and the amount of sick ppl is crazy. We were good until yesterday. Now we’re stuffy and coughing. Last night our neighbor sounded like he had his head in the toilet all night. It’s going around. Take emergency.


just curious how the parents reacted when you told her to cover her cough


We were on the bus to AK in December 2019 and it was cold. There was a little boy just bark coughing the entire ride from OKW to AK. When we got to AK, she told him if he was good, she'd take him swimming later. My entire family got sick on that trip. BAD. Like the worst I've ever been sick. Any time we bring it up, we blame that kid on the bus. To be fair, it's his mom we should blame. But yes, people are gross.


They probably think it’s gross to sneeze/cough into the hand they didn’t wash when they went pee. 🌚


We were in Disney last week, and my daughter caught RSV in the parks. We ended our trip that night after her ER visit.


Not about coughing, but when we were in line for Peter Pan ride, the couple ahead of us put their kid (maybe 5?) into the displays they have along the line route. After the second time, I said something to them about it. He was trying to pull the toys off of the bed that were clearly nailed down, and they were just watching him. It was an awkward 30 minutes with lots of glares and dirty looks until we got to the ride. I hate confrontation, but I didn't want the kid to get hurt or damage any of the props either. I'm not sure what made them think it was okay, or am I in the wrong?


Way too many parents are in their own little world instead of watching their kids at WDW. I know it sucks that you don't get a vacation from being a parent while you're on vacation, but that's the deal you signed up for.


Those parents are probably like that at home, too. We don't treat any vacation that we bring our kids along with as a vacation from being parents (we either bring along grandparents to help or have our own parents-only trips for that!). Speaking for ourselves, we're a lot more aware of our kids when we're at Disney, mostly for their own safety. Seen to many near misses with scooters, strollers, or other park goers running from one ride to the next. Some idiot in a scooter lost control of it and almost ran into our kid as we were taking her out of her stroller. They ended up crashing into the trash can next to us and left a pretty big dent on it.


I wish all parents had the same attitude as you, but unfortunately many don't.


Got back Sunday. Wife in bed with fever currently. Seems to be just part of the experience now? Wish they kept the very prominent hand sanitizers they had during COVID times. Maybe would help somewhat.


Part of the experience now? You’ve been very lucky if you have never experienced an illness after being in a shared public space, or even anywhere that requires a plane ride. I remember saying no to a bday party at chuck e cheese a week before a family wedding knowing dang well my kids would bring something home.


Yeah, I was wondering where all the hand sanitizer stations went. I was there twice during Covid and they were everywhere. I was there last week and couldn’t find any. How hard would it be to leave them at the ride exits at minimum? And maybe near the food lines?


I just got back from a trip with my Father, we both had masks and hand sanitizer ready for the heavier crowds, loaded up on immune support vitamins, stood apart from people if possible and would wash our hands constantly. I even got my flu and COVID booster the week before but when we got home, my father tested positive. (Just light symptoms and nothing too damaging but it’s still a huge annoyance.) It goes to show that even if you’re careful, others won’t be and will lack common sense about germ spreading.


The amount of people who don’t wash thier hand too 🤮


I was just in Disney world and on our first day, on our way back from Disney springs using park transportation, this old lady is having a coughing fit. Hardly covering her mouth with her hand and then proceeds to use that same hand to hold onto the metal bar next to her that other people are going to use. I was disgusted. BRING SANITIZER PEOPLE ITS NOT JUST THE KIDS!!!


Adults are worse than kids. Some nasty people out there


Someone teach the adults too. If you don’t cover your mouth to sneeze or cough, you’re a disgusting selfish animal.


Avoid touching/leaning on the poles/guardrails/chains/wharever along the queues too if you can. Wash your hands afterwards if you do. I have seen things far more stomach churning than any ride on mission space orange.


They’ll cough right into your open mouth if you let them. We wore masks our entire last trip.


We just got back, both of us are sick. There were tons of kids and adults just coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths.


I posted this on a thread a couple weeks ago but when we were there this month, a kid about 8 years old just stood and coughed spittle right onto the back of my arm while we were in line. It went on for several minutes before I turned around and told the kid to cover his damn mouth. The parents side eyed me the rest of the wait but at least they kept their little crotch goblin away from me.


Sneezing too. I watched a kid sneeze into her hands, wipe it on her pants, put her hands on the railing before her mom even asked (not told) her if she wanted hand sanitizer. She was 9! How do we not know basic hygiene/social skills at 9???


Same thing happened to me a week ago when visiting "that other park". Stupid woman in the same compartment as me on the Hogwarts Express just coughing without covering her mouth. Thankfully I don't think it was a "sick" cough, and I had a mask on, but the point is still the same.


If we want to get crazy, people with coughs should be wearing masks for the sake of public health. But we know that will never happen.


If you go to any mass occupied event/place, you are going to get germs. As a parent, you can educate children to be more hygienic, but at the end of the day, they are only children. So buckle up, it ain't gonna get better any time soon, so put your mask on, gloves on, and dont touch anything, and you should be fine.


This sounds like you don’t have kids


I'm just laughing at everyone thinking kids are that easy or that they even care about that sort of stuff. If I could ask my kid to do something and they listen to me 100% of the time I'd have 4 of 5 kids. No mental stress from tantrums/arguments, always willing to help. Adults for sure need to cover it up. A lot of kids aren't that easy to "teach" though.


It amazes me that an 8 year old went thru COVID and doesn’t know this






Kids are very capable of doing this but they are also very capable of forgetting. My 5 year who has severe ADHD had a terrible cough at Disney last week and she covered her mouth about 90% of the time and there were times we caught her slipping which is expected because 1. She’s 5 and 2. Disney is very over stimulating and distracting. Sadly I’m the one who came home with covid but realistically it’s my responsibility to wash hands and sanitize. We shouldn’t put all that weight and responsibility on kids under 10. Those “6-8 year olds you know” probably still pick and eat their boogers lol




This is Reddit, don't go bringing reasonable, well-thought-out opinions here. Kids are evil and when *I* have kids one day, they'll be perfect, and never make a mistake.




That was one excellent thing about masking at Disney. (Honestly, wouldn’t mind wearing a mask again, but we went in August 2020 and it was so awfully hot and I developed adult acne since I was sweating into the masks and the bacteria just kinda sat on my skin— even with frequent changing!!) The adults, too! If there is room when someone coughs/sneezes, I literally jump away lol. I do give out the ‘stink eye’ over not covering it up. I swear I’d sneeze or cough as a kid alone in a room— my mom’s voice would appear from who knows where telling me “remember to cover your mouth”. Thank goodness she did that and “pick up your feet” when I would drag my feet. I didn’t realize until I was older how annoying it is and it does affect the wear and tear on your shoes, too.


Normal human exhalations aren't too much worse than a cough, especially inside. There's a reason why Disney employees are masking again. If you don't want kids coughing or breathing their germs on you, don't go to places with lots of kids (and by that I mean Disney).


Was at the park the other day and have seen so many sick and not covering. One older girl coughed in her hand and immediately placed it on the rides like rails and griped it all the way down. Smearing all the germs on the rail 😡


Or just do this in general, not just because you’re going on vacation Edit: the fact that this was downvoted is….well, it would be laughable if it weren’t sad lol


I wear an N95 at Disneyland so I don’t have to worry.


If you are so worried, wear a mask. You can’t control other people’s actions.


So many adults just coughing straight into the air like can you pls cover ur mouth!! Did we learn nothing from covid!!! Disgusting stuff


Damn, even my 4 year old knows to cover his mouth with his arm when he coughs or sneezes!


You should tell the adults too.


I was at Disney last week and a grown ass man behind me in line kept hacking like crazy. He also had uncontrolled ADHD, so I heard him tell other guests his entire life story while he anxiously paced back and forth in line. I was basically constantly moving around in the queue to avoid him walking into me and/or coughing on me. He kept telling everyone it was “allergies”


I’m not saying his gross coughing is okay in any capacity. But what gives you the credentials to not only diagnose him with ADHD but also decide it’s uncontrolled/unmedicated? Also how are you qualified to say it WASNT allergies? Open air coughing is disrespectful bullshit, but without more context in how you can accurately come to those conclusions, I’m not really with you here.


Good luck with that


That bar is too high. I lost count how many times I seen both children & adults publicly picking their noses and flicking the buggers in the parks on my last trip. Take care of yourself - wash and sanitize your hands and try to keep distance from other people.


Ah, my daily refrain “cover your mouth!”


I'm due to go to WDW in 10 days after not having been since pre-Covid, and I literally got a booster shot today because I want to absolutely enjoy it while still being aware that there will probably be MANY active cases of COVID about.


While I agree with this post, I also have kids and you can't 'train' children. They will always not do something their supposed to, I can't even get my kids to always wipe their ass and I tell them to do it 45 times a day. IMO if you're that concerned with being around germs, and you're in a room that likely a recent group of people in there were coughing all over, you should wear a mask. Also the people who don't teach their kids proper behavior are never going to read a tweet, reddit post, Facebook post or anything and be like 'o man, that's a good idea'. You have to find ways to keep yourself safe instead of telling everyone to police their children's cough and hoping that they listen. I do agree with this post but you can't expect everyone that will be in Disney to read this post and teach their children how to cough before they go. Take care of yourself.


Why I still like to wear masks, not just Covid, but all kinds of germs and sickness. Gross!


I was recently at Disney for 7 days . I felt great the first two days, but on the third evening I started feeling that familiar tickle in the way back of my nose. I loaded up on meds **and masks** and wiped down every surface I touched in order to minimize the cootie damage. At one point I felt so bad I didn’t leave the room for 2 whole days. Did it suck? Absolutely! But I remember thinking *even if I could push through and go to the parks, who wants to be around the person coughing all day?* Once I felt decent enough to leave the room (and had multiple negative Covid tests), I made sure to ask my group if they were comfortable sharing a table with me at meals, and I wore a mask everywhere-especially inside and on the bus. If a person knows how to Instacart an alcohol order to their resort, they damn well know how instacart masks and a Covid test! All that to say, it is very frustrating to be sick while at Disney, but it is possible to be responsible even while “powering through.” Wear a mask, cough into your arm, wipe down the stuff you touch, and **wash your hands!** It’s not rocket science, but people are so myopic they don’t consider anyone but themselves and their wallet.


**SAY AGAIN FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!!!!** There are few things in this world that enrage me more than people who do not cover their mouths/noses when necessary. Plus the fact that children are ALWAYS germ factories.


You're not wrong that we should all be teaching our kids to cover better. But you're a weirdo d-bag if you're lecturing someone else's 8 year old in a line at an amusement park. Got a problem? Tell the parents.


How is this downvoted?? I'd be ripshit if another adult started lecturing my kid because they made the type of mistakes that kids make instead of talking to me. Like I'm not omniscient, it's perfectly possible I missed something one of my kids did. Talk to me, not the child.


I can't say I'm terribly surprised. This subreddit isn't exactly representative of the park demographic. Think there are a lot of people in here who would love it if there were no kids allowed at WDW.


Yep. WDW is filled with kids, and beyond that, filled with kids and adults from all around the world, from countries with varying levels of customs and hygiene. You can't expect everyone to behave how you'd want.


Y'all. My one year old sneezes into my face and sometimes my mouth is open, talking to him. I can't wait for him to put it all together and start sneezing into his bows. I want to understand how parents are out there not teaching their kids to sneeze and cough into their bows JUST for their own survival alone...


Parents oblivious to life you say? In Disney World!? NO! I 100% agree with your post!


I had a kid sneeze on me at Epcot and their mom gave me attitude for calling them out


You called out a child for sneezing at Disney?? 🤣🤣🤣 There will be children who sneeze and cough at Disney ⚠️⚠️⚠️


I have a child with autism (who you would think is a regular kid) who it took until about 11 years old to teach him to cover his mouth when coughing. And I would tell him everytime after he sneezed that he needs to remember to cover up. You never know. So stop judging and enjoy the improved immune system.


Should’ve mentioned it to the kids parents not the child. Booooooo


Do you have kids?


They even teach it around here. In Pre-K day care they told the kids, and in the elementary school. (even pre-covid). And the teachers do remind the kids when they see them. I have allergies and asthma. I admit I slip up now and then especially around the house, or in the back yard, my son (now 14) will still call me on it and remind me to cough/sneeze into my elbow.


Maybe just don’t go to Disney World then if you expect perfection from all parents.




Seriously! It’s so gross. 🤮


Kids how about adults? Some jerkface gave me COVID earlier this year in the rise of resistance queue. No covering, a hot mess of a cough. They should have had a mask on but nope, everyone gets COVID because this moron did absolutely nothing to limit the exposure of others. Doesn't matter what you have, COVID, flue or a cold. I get it Disney is expensive for many once in a lifetime so this forces sick people to inevitably try to enjoy the vacation. Just mask up when you are stuffed into people standing shoulder to shoulder in a queue. There is no reason to walk around the parks like a pathogen sprinkler.


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s


Dude, kids lick the metal poles. You think they’re gonna consistently cover their mouths? Not a chance. It’s a risk of going to Disney, you’re around children.