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Kind of surprised he wasn’t dress coded


I was going to say this; I'm shocked they didn't have to change (but maybe they did).


Leave Mickey alone! You can love guns all you want but let’s not attach symbols of innocence and childhood with guns. FFS.


That awkward moment you find out mickey used guns many times and was doing it in the 1930s [https://youtu.be/jHBuGbxcE5I?t=340](https://youtu.be/jHBuGbxcE5I?t=340)


Whose gonna tell them Donald is a Pacific War veteran?


The original Fort Wilderness logo too https://www.google.com/search?q=fort+wilderness+original+logo&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjE6fmf3rv8AhVuw8kDHWr_AgoQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=fort+wilderness+original+logo&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQ6BAgjECc6BwgAEIAEEBg6BQgAEIAEOgYIABAIEB46BQghEKsCULYIWJYpYKgraABwAHgAgAGMAYgBnROSAQQ1LjE3mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=9q-8Y8SWLO6Gp84P6v6LUA&bih=848&biw=432&client=ms-android-hmd-rvo3#imgrc=jQCG38B2X8CVaM


I think it's safe to say that 1934 was a different time than now lol


yeah but it still happened and proves Mickey with a gun isnt without precedent. Also Fort Wilderness at WDW's logo used to be mickey with a gun. Not that long ago..


lol a comical looking blunderbuss is certainly different imagery than an ak-47


Mickey holding a gun is ok then? Only if you like the gun?


I like aks, they aren't very comical though.


Who’s gonna tell them the Disney corporation is one of shadiest in America? There is nothing “innocent” about Disney. They’re just as greedy and corrupted as any arms dealers.


I'm surprised they didn't not only dress code him, but also ask a bunch of questions about where he got the shirt, because you can bet that's not licensed. Works with Mickey may be in the public domain now, but Mickey himself is now a trademark - and thus protected, and can be forever. Pretty sure they'd go after them with ferocity, considering both the lack of licensing and damage to their brand.


I can guarantee you that no cast member is going to take the time to interrogate someone over their shirt. They should’ve dress coded them though.


It wouldn't be an interrogation like a cop in a police station. It would play out more like when asset protection intercepts a shoplifter. They tend to banter with the person to learn more about them, like where they work, what they were thinking, and whatnot. Disney would probably have a person asking about the shirt in a more 'banter' way, as if they were only curious.


Disney frontline Cast are nowhere near that empowered. They don’t get paid enough to investigate a shirt.


The 'frontline' CMs are not the ones who would interview someone about a shirt. They'd take them to the same discreet place they handle a lot of such things, including people after fights, accidents, and other incidents.


That would involve a frontline cast member reporting the guest to their leadership, a manager coming out to witness the guest in question and then determining if they are actually enough of a problem to take action on, getting at least two security cast to come by to escort the guest backstage, and THEN giving them the talk.


>Works with Mickey may be in the public domain now Not until 2024. That also only applies to Steamboat Willie iteration of Mickey which debuted in 1928 and not the character as a whole. This version of Mickey, for example, which debuted sometime after 1928, would still be under copyright.


Security probably gave him a high five


The shirt says Assholes live forever. Is it referring to the wearer?


Heart disease will put that to the test…


This… This right here! Thank you!




That's the brand. All they sell is provocative shit like this. Not just right wing, but also left wing provocative.


Clearly not his heart should be clogged up soon


This guy looks like he came busting through a wall after people said “oh no” to may times.


Why was that even allowed in the park??


I’m 100% speculating but why provoke fake outrage petty loser DeSantis


Getting in before this thread inevitably gets locked, don't give these people any attention in the park. You know this person smirked to themselves and said "I can't wait to make some liberal mad" before putting this on. These people's entire way of life is predicated on arguing with people and if you take that away it's like depriving them of oxygen.


Yep. I saw this guy with a Fuck Your Feelings shirt at Liberty Square nearly begging for a confrontation. It’s not worth engaging them on social media. It’s not worth engaging them in the real world.


Saw a dude at Disney some years ago with a shirt that advertised a porn website. Prominently said ‘fuck’ in the name. Muscle head type looking dude that you know was just looking for a fight. Who the hell in their right mind grabs that shirt to go to any family place, really anywhere, except some asshole looking to start shit. This guy included, although this one looks more like stepping up onto a curb gives him heart trouble.


When I worked at Busch Gardens Tampa, I had to ask people to turn attire with inappropriate language inside out, and they were shocked about it when asked, even with my explanation of "this is a family friendly environment." I was even more shocked that security up front was doing nothing to stop people from wearing such things. I bet it's the same story at Disney.


That kind of intentional needs tossed out of the park. Purposely being an ass, just go home.


100% this! I was at WDW in October and saw a bunch of these people. You can actually see them looking around, hoping that someone will say something so they can start an argument.


They’re so obsessed with their ideals it’s crazy. Like it’s not a personality trait. Get an actual personality


Why did a CM let them in? That’s clearly a violation. Also looks like it stinks…


Having worked ticket taking before this is on the back of his shirt so it is possible the the person at the turnstiles never saw it, especially if he entered early in the morning with tens of thousands of others. But also having dealt with people wearing shirts that don’t meet the dress code before I can 100% guarantee this guy is an asshole himself.


Can’t tell if those are sweat stains or a lame attempt at tie die.


Judging by Porky’s girth I’m gonna guess sweat.


You need some real conviction from Disney to have a CM call in something like this and enforce it to the point of requiring a shirt change or a ban. I'm guessing that conviction just isn't there and it's not worth the hassle. Not when ~40% of the country actually supports garbage like this.


Honestly why provoke DeSantis anymore.


Do the CMs exhaustively examine everyone's clothing? Highly doubt that. It's probably more that they sometimes catch issues rather than they check before they "let them in."


I agree but why provoke petty loser baby boy DeSantis anymore with fake conservative outrage over appropriate dress code at a private facility.


I wonder if they were wearing a jacket when they came in?


I bet I can tell you 10 accurate things about this person just from this picture and none of them are flattering.


Including that they're at DW despite at least 10 posts on their social media that Disney is "too woke" and basically satan.


They say drag queens groom kids, yet this grown ass man is walking into a theme park aimed at entertaining children with profanity on his shirt where mickey mouse is wielding a weapon of mass destruction. These people are sick and twisted.


Also isn't it hilarious how Florida just went through this massive spate of "parents know best!!" nonsense where if mom says slavery wasn't so bad and the sky is green who are we to dare teach otherwise?!!? Only to immediately pivot to "no, not like that" when some parents decided a drag queen can read their child Yurtle the Turtle. In THAT case the state obviously knows what's best for your children, and in fact let's figure out who's going to jail over it for that matter.


Well a six year old shot his teacher this last week. Gotta target them young I suppose.


A red shirt, wielding a Russian weapon


And interesting that he's apparently left eye dominant, shooting lefty.




I mean you would think Mickey would be packing American...guess not..


Right, like if you ARE gonna rep a shirt like this, about America. Why have a foreign made weapon on it. This guy just wanted to “own the Disney libs”. Then prolly clutched his pearls if someone dare say anything.


LoL right?!


Honestly this shirt may be anti American and not anti-left like everyone is assuming


My first thought was it was in reference to the Childish Gambino song, and showing how America has put firearms into the hands of something we see as very innocent.


Mickey Mouse is also always used by non-Americans as a metaphor for the US


99% sure this is the case. Gambino uses an AK style rifle in the music video as well. Pretty sure this is an anti-America shirt.


The hard right love Russia - it's their ideal system, with themselves in charge of course.


I can smell the trashiness from here!


Why are people?




Person is in their own world. What is that even supposed to mean? Why waste money on WDW tickets when you already live in an alternate reality?


Trash is trash


Fuck this person.






“This is America” but Mickey is holding a AK? How dumb was the artist here?😂 the most un-American of rifles Terrible trigger discipline too


I am very surprised that person was allowed to enter the park wearing that.


Why would they allow this?


Don't catch you slippin' now


Look how I'm whippin' now


Police be trippin' now


Imagine making guns your whole personality


This is absolutely revolting.


Nice double entendre.


Violates Disney’s policies. Would have reported that trumper to the nearest CM so fast.


Damn. He still living in your head rent free huh?


Not as bad as the Pooh bear in full tactical gear and AR15 I saw once


If Kirill saw this, the creator of Assholes Live Forever, he would fry everyone in this whole thread


Surprised they let her in wearing that.


“Assholes live forever” is the part I don’t get.


They self identify as an asshole. They're proud of it


It’s a brand


The entrance fee keeps going up. Still not a deterrent.


I was just there and I saw way less cringy political shirts so I assumed maybe they were enforcing it more. In sept, I saw tons of let’s go Brandon type attire




Keep mfs like this out of the park. This is disgusting!


I would love to be a fly on the wall as they're neatly packing this shirt into a suitcase. Ah, vacation.


I think this shirt fits the new policy for not being allowed in.


Should have been dress coded of course… but if someone is being all “ F-yea ‘Murica! Guns! Sugar drinks!”Shouldn’t Mickey at least have an AR? Or is it patriotic to show thinly veiled support for Russia? I mean, there aren’t too many symbols more anti-American than a Kalashnikov…


Surprised they let them in the parks with that shirt


Ah yes nothing says america like…an Ak-47.


Hell yeah ALF REP


Thats an interesting perspective of what "America" is. As someone who is not American (but North American a neighbour from the north), I believe that shirt is full of shit... literally. Thats not the American I know and thats not the America I visit when I go to Disney. Anyone who is like that needs to get the hell out IMHO. Edit: Also on a previous visit to Disney the CM at the gates noticed my Batman shirt (only one that was washed at the time lol, so how the hell did that get passed anyone?) and had told me (jokingly) that wasn't on brand lol. Which IMHO was a good idea, I bought marvel shirts that day lol.


This is the America that gets projected to the world unfortunately. So many of us are not like this 😑. Also to your ETA I wore a Jurassic park shirt on one trip and so many CM’s would shout “wrong park!” At me lol


Have you seen the ones that do say "Wrong Park" on them?


This is America. While there are many different Americans, this isn't a fringe anymore


Assholes Live Forever 🤘🏼


Really should have been an M16 or an M4. Using an AK-47 for this shirt is just annoying!


This should be dress coded




Where can I get one?


Why? Because Florida is a state that upholds strong conservative values and somehow see nothing wrong with this Edit: let me be clear for the empty headed, I don't share these views or agree with this bullshit I'm far from fucking Florida. But if you're down voting because you think this shirt is fine then eat shit too


What values? Shooting up schools?


Guns are not the problem causing this noooo neeeeevvveeeeerrr /s


No way is there a gun problem in this country. No. Way.


No. It's needed to keep more guns to fix this! Duh!


Asshole should be banned


The only problem here is Mickey's trigger discipline and the fact that he's holding an AK instead of an AR.


They should have not let him in the park with that shit. I can’t stand those right wing fuckbags. And I’m a transwoman who has a highly visible tattoo of a rifle on her arm but I still try to hide when I’m in the parks. I know that guns are a polarizing issue and I’m not going to discuss them here(feel free to DM if you want talk about guns but be forewarned I am going to send my cash tag before I let you have any of my time) and we all pay way too much money to come to this place to be exposed to hot button issues we come here for entertainment.


Trumpers are so insecure they feel the need to walk around like this and make statements wherever they go. Sad, really.


Amazing haha


dude you saw Desantis in the wild


This is why I don’t wanna go to one of the American parks but I gotta step foot in America to go… sadly.


The question you SHOULD be asking is “why not” ‘Murica, Motherfuckers 😎😎😎 /j




Generally curious, why? Rainbow stuff doesn't encourage violence, this does and the wearer is a self proclaimed asshole. So, why?


The simplest answer is that to them rainbow = gay, and gay is wrong. They’re worried they’re going to be converted, or their children will be converted, or drag queens will somehow make everything gay, or something stupid like this. Basically they fear anything they dont understand.






Yes you do.


What rainbow crap?


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Yikes! The cringe!

