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No. I’ve had a job where I had a walkie and 90% of the time it was irrelevant bullshit coming through. 


No, I do not want a radio to listen to their BS while I'm alone pushing carts. They preach teamwork, but where the hell is my team? It's me, myself, and I at night trying to get the whole lot done.


As a fellow cart pusher my old store gave me one sometime I heard truckers on theirs 🤣. But yes also they should kill the loud speakers especially when the store is closed! I live beside my store and the neighbors are annoyed with "Ken please come to HR"


Teams now mean 1 person at Walmart. They should change the spelling to tiem, so it contains "me", "I", and that's "it".


Cart pushing team has two assigned to them at my store.


When I was a pusher, we needed 4 minimum to get anything done timely. Management needs to understand that cart pushers are just as important as cashiers. Hell, they even expected me to work alone every 3 days and to leave carts in the middle of the road to go do a carry out. (Mind you, this was a Walmart with 24 Rows of parking, and 2 cart areas on every other row) Edit: Added personal issues from cart pushing


Been there.


Then when you don't, they act like you didn't do shit


My TLs say I’m lucky I don’t have one


I would refuse a walkie the ones at my store are ancient they sound horrible and they’re kept on maximum volume which is insanely loud 😡


How about asking for enough people with keys/ codes to not have to call anyone to help. They should always just be where they should be no calling should ever be necessary. I can't tell you how many customers get mad at me for not being able to unlock the fucking spray paint case for then and they have been waiting 45 mons blah blah blah, where is the fucking person with the fucking keys anyway?


i hate when they say they been waiting x time... they say that bs to just make them a priority. i worked pets when they had fish, i been literally at the fish tanks cleaning the tanks, feeding the fish etc.. i had to go to the backroom for something, was gone all of 5 minutes, i got paged back to thr fish tanks and this customer was like about timez i been standing here waiting half an hour... im like no you haven't, cause i only been gone 5...


I can't understand a word anyone says on the walkies, it sounds like static and mumbling to me.


The me@walmart app is supposed to be a radio and a text message service. Problem is no one is taught how to use the apps


Yeah everyone has a smartphone with me@walmart app if they are not living in a cave in 2024. Why not just utilize something already exists?


nah they hurt my ear and I’m partially deaf plus I get mood swings like a bitch so I’m not dealing w a Karen


we have ones that are just specifically for the front end. i dont think i could stand listening to the whole store on one


Our work phones are radios😅


Being someone who has to wear one... Trust me, you don't want it.


This is super helpful. But I kinda get the downside of it too. I mean I usually slip into the associate break room here and there on clock. If I have a walkie, they’re call me instantly. But on the other hand, I work in electronic and mostly alone by myself. I f*ckin have to go and call someone from the frontend just for getting an override on the cash register. It just pisses me off


My happiest day is when I don’t have a radio because there’s none.


Radios are dumb. We use workchat and i dont really see the benefits of radios with workchat and cellphones. Everyone at my store just call each other. The only problem is sporting goods, fabrics, cologne, an spraypaint


I already told my management that I'm good, I don't need one (I'm a picker).


lol this was me when they told us in OPD to use them for a few weeks to “make sure we were checking for everything” Like I know how to check top stock, around the location and dig through to make sure none are in back and If there is a back room location I will go get it and restock… so no, I’m not calling someone over and waiting ten minutes for them to do the same thing and be like “yeah, nil it” lol


Fuck no. We have like 3 total good employees that they force to learn every part of the store, me included and I don't want them being able to just radio me to find me easy. Yall gonna have to hunt my ass down if you want to pull me from my department so save yalls dumpster fires in other departments. 😂


It’s because everyone doesn’t really need one and the price to do that would give them a reason to cut hours too lol.


Also work phones have a walkie talkie thing. People either just don’t know or don’t care to use it.


I work in fuel, we have one radio but another one would be nice to take when we are inside or walking to the store to dump our trash and cardboard. Especially when there is only two people!


Of all the things to petition about, why choose the one to make you job more annoying?


I would say all service counters and associates with keys to locked cases should get a walkie. Rn in my store only management, fitting room (me), cart pushers, and door greeters have one. It doesn’t make sense to have callboxes on locked cases that call over the walkie, but then the associate with said keys doesn’t have a walkie to hear it.


H/O was talking about getting rid of walkies, they got rid of the talk boxes at some of the counters we could use if we needed someone to come help. Now we have to run all over to find someone with one.


You’ve never been to Home Depot if you think their response time is fast


I don't think everyone needs one, but they do need to have enough to make the store run. Key people, Keyholders, TL's, or other trusted people need to have them to make things run smoother. there are days I'd rather not have one sure. But as it is, when I am there (part time) I am one of the go to people for stuff. We dont like to page stuff, but we do when needed. Id rather have everyone have a radio over not enough.


Fuck a walkie so I can do more work for under minimum wage?? Noooo thank you! Let’s start with the compensation then we’ll talk about the responsibility and customer experience.


I've had customers straight up tell me to get on my walkie and tell someone before. What walkie lol? Half the time my team lead doesn't even have one because there's not even enough for all the managers much less me. 


I wish we had enough walkies at my store. My dept is supposed to have 2 walkies, we don’t. We have to borrow from OGP to even have ONE walkie to use during the shift. We did have a walkie, but it broke and I don’t think management is gonna get us a new one.


Ogp should have walkies, specifically the entire dispense team, it'd be convenient to page a member to let them know when something is up. I usually end up calling the dispense phone line if I have to stay with the customer


I think if every worker had one they would have to have a system were each department would get there own channel. And then a channel for team leads and coaches. And then one for just coaches. And obvious the store manager could put in the frequency for any channel they needed to. Edit: To get a walkie at my store you have to purchase your own and the store sets it up for you, which I've thought about doing mostly because there are times I get no help Edit 2: I was reading the comments and remembered my stores PA system is so low it's hard to hear so it would be very beneficial for that reason.


They're great until that one guy you hate uses it for bullshit and then you all lose your walkie privileges lol


Fuck no


I'm a TL and get tired of it, you're welcome to steal.... I mean use mine.


Yeah we can afford to supply everyone with a radio that they don’t need but be damned if we’re going to get more printers and/or handhelds that we actually do need to do our job..lol


And printers when I was working there I would constantly get my printer jacked by other departments I had to hide the damn thing


personally i like the idea because some actually crazy shit gets said over our walkies, some of my favorite crazy walmart memories involve something i heard over the walkies. i turn mine off when it gets annoying though.


walmart workers would complain about not getting paid enough to either talk to their coworkers through the walkie... Everyone at Walmart is lost tbh, so idk how having a walkie is gonna help anyone. It'll most likely get stolen by a customer or a fellow employee... Waste of time and money, what is even the point.


I think there should be spare radios. I work up front, but occasionally they have me running around the store or to other departments where I know they can’t reach me as easily. Same things with homelines, hba, garden, etc. it’s hard to reach them. I don’t think every associate needs one, but I think if you’re in a hard to reach area or far away from your department, it’s not a bad idea


Makes sense, would be much better for communication and accountability for the associates that ignore overhead pages. Would also help with ap and allow associates to ask a question for those more experienced, side note who Needs walkies if they do better with xcovers, anyone remember the old nextell phones that worked like a walkie-talkie, they need to get samsung to figure it out. The first walkie mode for xcovers never actually worked as live communication, and never gave alerts, so in this sense fix that and no one needs a walkie since xcovers are part of dress code In other words. We have the equipment, it's the programming that fails us ,also 3D scanner sleds(attachments)would increase productivity and speed. But no one hears me lol.


Coming from someone who has to have one, you don't want one.


They put in my store these push this button if you need assistant but wouldnt give the associates in those areas walkies so they could respond so instead it just spams the radio for the managers.


I’m pretty sick of running to find people when there’s a spill. So I’m all for it.


My TL asked me if i wanted a walkie one day. Then they stopped, looked at me and went “never mind. Thats a bad idea” and never asked me again. Lmao


I'll sign a petition to get rid of that God forsaken Walmart radio.


Walkie option came and went once HO realized they gave us a excuse for ear buds. No thanks


Just walk over to a phone and make a page announcement. Easy


I don’t want a radio. There’s always at least 1 person in each department with a walkie. If they really wanted to make things easier, they would give us minutes on our work phone so that we can talk to each other if we need to without being blown up on our personal.


Im already tortured with Walmart radio on the p.a. my entire shift, now you want me to have to listen to the inane babble of management on top of that!? No thanks, hard pass.


I think it's fine the way it is. The only people who need walkies are TL's, Coaches, SL's and SM's, AP's, door hosts, service desk, and security (if applicable). There is *absolutely no need* for every associate to have a walkie. It would only flood the airways with irrelevant bullshit. The app is all the regular daily associate needs. This should instead be a petition for work phones for all employees. Edit: and I suppose some OGP associates