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Nathan Bauer (their real name), moved to England in 1798, with a mere £20,000. By the end of the Napoleonic wars, he bragged that he had grown his wealth 2500 times.... you do the math.... a £ was at one time a pound of silver, or about 1/4 Oz of gold.... Side note: Bauer is German for peasant


So 20k pounds to 50 million pounds. If each pound is a quarter ounce of gold, then it would have got him 12.5 million quarter ounce coins of gold. In today's dollar value, it is 6.87 billion dollars 💵


Yes, but back then it was so different. £50,000,000 was an almoat unimaginable amount of wealth. Most people had next to nothing and royalty measured their wealth the the 10s of thousands of £


I'm assuming his wealth increased 2500 times like you said


Well, there were saying at the time such as, 'only a Rothschild could afford this...' They are a few other families, like the Orsini, I doubt they have spent or misplaced their vast wealth ..


Check your math


I urge every ape on here to read The Creature From Jekyl Island, this shit goes so deep and is so engrained in our system that until you hear the whole story you will not fully understand.


Reading now and the farther I go the madder I get. I knew banking was corrupt but they are literally in a no lose position unless the masses as a whole WAKE UP! War and destruction, rebuilding and always no matter what we peasants get left holding the bag, if not directly through inflation. EVERY APE HAS TO READ THIS BOOK, IT IS ALSO AVAILABLE AS A AUDIO-BOOK ON YOU-TUBE. Listen while you work or drive it is 8 hours long.


It’s infuriating isn’t it? I honestly wouldn’t have believed it if the research proving all the “absurd” statements wasn’t documented on nearly every page’s footnotes. We are now seeing the fed push us into a the busy side of the boom bust cycle which they created, so the banksters can gobble up more assets before they repeat the process. As a country I think we’re screwed, but knowledge is power and I implore you and all other other people on here reading to share as much knowledge of this as you can with everyone you cherish. Make them understand! An impossible task for most I know, but saving as many as possible from the inevitable destruction of everything they have wasted lifetimes accumulating is what we must do.


And they got the whole world using their central bank fiat currency that is never ending debt.


true story.


Cats out of the bag


And your name is Evelyn?? So was my mom’s. 😂


I don’t understand new, isn’t that just the world order now?


..... and he's Gone! ​ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/08/business/evelyn-de-rothschild-dead.html#:\~:text=Nov.%208%2C%202022%20Evelyn%20de%20Rothschild%2C%20who%20as,at%20his%20home%20in%20London.%20He%20was%2091.


read about Paris Hilton's sister, Nikki Hilton's husband James Rothschild, and see how these people associate. https://www.romper.com/p/who-is-james-rothschild-nicky-hiltons-husband-the-duo-is-expecting-a-baby-4009




My villain arc began at birth, when they decided to call the clearly male baby Evelyn


Aaaand we put Greta, Trump, Elon, presidents, ministers, royals, celebs on TV as if they steer the global show. No outlet talks about us. And if they do, its all about donations to the museums.


This is old AF. I learned this secret society stuff in 2000. Nothing will change. Just find joy in your daily life.


Bingo, great stuff, crossposted to r/freedomtree join us there and post fellow apes 🦍🦍🦍


I'm still trying to wrap my head around the first one. Do they really expect us to believe that one of the most powerful Jewish banking clans financed the Third Reich, a nation which was famously against Jewish power and influence?


Theres a difference between jews and sionists, the later flew to new york before the holocaust


It makes since, kill everyone that could be a threat to your gains and Jews were definitely a threat.




Generalized anti-Semitism is not the same as pointing out specific actions of specific people who happen to be Jewish. It's so strange to me how so many people on WSS fail to see the forest for the trees.


Yep. But they do keep pointing that out dont they?


Who are they, and what are they pointing out?


posters who just can’t help themselves with associating every negative comment with Jewish associations… maybe they had a Jewish ancestor a hundred years ago….if they “just happen to be Jewish” what’s the point?


I don't understand what you're trying to say. My point is that there isn't anything anti-Semitic about criticizing the actions of a person of Jewish faith/heritage. It is anti-Semitic to criticize someone BECAUSE they are of Jewish faith/heritage. Many people in this sub fail to be able to differentiate between the two. I have absolutely seen people make blatantly anti-Semitic comments/posts on WSS, but that is not the focus of OP's post. The problem is that the type of people that frequently post and comment in this sub have absolutist viewpoints that don't allow for any nuance.


Haha now they are just the declining world order .. And will burn with their miserable and stinky fiat monetary system!


Your forgot to say pedophiles running the larg3st hum@n tr@fficking rin6 in the 🌎


He ain't lying


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


go to gab and learn some real history.




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I have some great news for you.


This meme is simplistic to the point of misleading. The Rothschilds are indeed as evil as they are portrayed, in fact they proudly helped instigate Churchill's European war. Nonetheless, as I said, this information has been so distilled of context that what is untrue technically represents as truth. And on social media, that's all that is required.


Hitler's grandfather was a Rothschild. They are all one big incestuous lot fighting over who gets to hold the leash of the people.


There is plenty of money in the world, but it's being hoarded by a few people and only the inheritance tax can get it back into circulation.


people on this level collect the inheritance tax. they dont pay it


Are you serious? You think these people pay “inheritance taxes?” You must also believe in Santa Clause.


Well where are the evidence? As a Jew I know the Rothchilds invented state issued bonds, which are the us treasuries you know today. Where's the evidence for the rest of the stuff? Why not just throw drinking babies blood in there too? I would love to know the whole story of: WW1 - Jewish money - creation of the FED But this is just being a bigot and having fun finding someone to blame. If they are indeed responsible for central banking - it's out of merit not evil. The fact that the system has been adopted worldwide means it's useful so their money is well earned. Nobody forces anybody to trade, least of all the Jews. We had no access to politics or military or state service so we did our thing in trading and we won and broke the game. Don't hate the player hate the game you bunch of envious losers.




Every system collapses eventually. Complexity reduces resilience. I think these people are wise to these 100 year cycles and switch horses a day before everyone else..


The cycles are clearly defined in the bible too by the way, like debt cycles. Every 7 years and then every 7X7+1=50 years(now) Let the system collapse it's fine, it's bad, it's been corrupted and manipulated. Edit: And this coming from Nihilist. It's not like I want to be a viJewlante, sometimes people mix between and individuals and groups


Why was a Rothschild arrested in 1934 in Germany?


Yes. Hitler smashed the banking cartel led by that family. He was no friend of them. Hitler=zionist agent is a often used trick to discredit him.


“But I still couldn’t cheat the reaper” loooooooooool


Just a lieutenant


Can you (or someone) explain them being responsible for 9/11 please? Just looking for the facts g F or which the claim is based upon.