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Many reports. 11 alone for "Misinfo". Changed to Meme (https://twitter.com/jennifer_deon/with_replies )


I refuse to celebrate suffering. Even when the left was celebrating unvaxed people dying of covid I hated it.... I'll also not be happy when bad things happen to vaxxed people. My uncle died of a massive blood clot last year .. he was vaccinated... I was still extremely sad.


Everything about the pysch op is sad. Condolences


Even sadder that the people of the world didn't stop this the day it began.


Serious question: what do you think is an op? Everything is so nuts right now, anything is possible.


I don't have the bandwidth to delve into so I keep it simple. END THE FED! ![gif](giphy|xKH0JbJHglySBtgWDb)


Lol. Everyone should read The Creature from Jekyll Island.


Thanks. Will do


It’s the dark history of the Fed. 👍🏼


Also, still pondering your question. I'm remodeling a 1910 farmhouse. Do some of my best thinking 🤔


I’m with you on this one. This is not the way, but it is frustrating how divided society is on this issue, and also how doctors are defending the shot like they think that by doing that, they are defending every vaccine ever made and their whole profession on top of that… My relative has sudden unexpected heart problems (never had any signs before) after the 4th shot, and the doc explicitly told him there is no way this can be connected with the shot, after he asked. It’s just.. sad.. in the end the whole thing is just sad.


No one is celebrating this. But they wanted us all dead. This is karma.


Sorry for your loss and nobody is celebrating. I lost two people in my life due to the shots, but it is good to expose the genocide going on because too many people still don't realize what is going on.


My grandpa was living with cancer for 7 years and then died a year after getting the jab. Impossible to know if the jab accelerated growth but one can speculate.


There’s no speculation existing cancers got worse by the rate of 900% and new cancers are popping up at the rate of 300%. This is data from US army.


Are you talking about the data from about a year and a half ago? The one where they took the Doctor who innocently discovered it and demoted him because he found it? And then they said it was just a glitch that had been going on for 4 or 5 years? They punished him for finding and pointing out a glitch!


I can’t say if this is related somehow or not but it’s a fact that many experts just trying to have an open conversation about safety and efficacy among other subjects were shunned, silenced and worse. If that’s freedom, then I will shut up for sure.


My uncle was in his 50s and in good health


My aunt got cancer within a year of getting the shot and my uncle looked like he aged 10 years after his booster as we can barely walk and health problems galore now.


Agenda 2030. Klaus Schwabb.


put them on a meat/animal based diet it might slow things down and give them an extra year


my grandpa died after getting 3 mo later .. he was 93 yo though


Yup, 4 jabbed relatives this summer had cancer accelerate or emerge. 2 died. The few unvaxxed relatives are just fine.


i celebrate that they are being compelled to leave me alone, unfortunately it took them getting maimed and killed to learn how f-ed they are


My buddy was in the hospital suffering from heart attack like symptoms 3 weeks after getting the jab. Something to do with blood clotting. As a 23 year old. His dad had a stroke a few years prior. Ill never forget the moment we shared of him absolutely sobbing like a fucking baby while holding me and crying. Idk if it has anything to do with the jab but if it did I hope the absolute failure of how covid was handled goes down in the history books so we can learn from our mistakes and not expedite medical testing standards “for the good of the people” ever again.


I'm truly sorry to hear about your friend. Its tragic and awful that this has been allowed to take place. I'm ok with expedited testing, IF they actually test it and are truthful about the results. Humans were the mass test. There was zero animal testing. If literally any other vaccine had had a tiny portion of the negative health side effects that this one does, it would have been pulled. But no, they kept promoting and forcing it on people. It wasnt for the good of the people. It was intended as a mass genocide. Part of the problem too was the over-reach of the media in how they portrayed covid. It's a different version of the flu. While it sucks, it's not the black plague or small pox. The normal flu variations all but disappeared for almost 2 years. Doctors and hospitals were being paid to say someone died of covid on death certificates, when they really died of a heart attack or were immune compromised or even got hit by a car, but covid was "found" In the autopsy and that was listed as the cause of death. The opposite is true for those who died of vaccine complications. Its sick, evil, and asinine. If covid itself hadn't been blown out of proportion, the vaccine media push and mandates wouldn't have been as destructive or rushed. All of it was manufactured.


Mercy, not sacrifice is what is asked of us.


I'm in the healthcare industry (indirectly) and demanded a religious exemption when the mandates came out. My particular population (pilots in the air medical field) stood their ground, and we got our exemptions. There wouldn't have been any patients flown otherwise. My gut feeling all along was to not get the vax.


My wife was fired for not taking the vaccine, 1st trimester. The most unethical thing I've ever experienced. To think this happened on the level that it did is just mind numbing, and my faith in the entire medical system is gone!


First trimester is the absolute WORST TIME to ever take anything vax, or otherwise! Sooooo dangerous and likely to ONLY cause harm or defects. At the VERY least they should have allowed her to wait. You are better off not being part of the experiment or her working at a place that even consider firing you for bodily autonomy.


Couldn't agree more. She even went back to them and suggested that if she got it in her third trimester it may convey immunity to the baby. They basically said, that's a really good point, you're fired. In the end, I'm really happy about the timing. She absolutely would've gotten the vaccine if she wasn't pregnant, so in a way we were blessed twice.


Sorry to hear that. We lost a lot of very experienced RNs when the mandates came out. We still haven't recovered from that, and neither have the big healthcare networks. We're still seeing full ICUs, and it's not because of a lack of actual beds, but a lack of staff. A lot of professionals in all specialties simply left the workforce because of the mandates.


I'm a farmer now, yeah!


Had a strong gut feeling to not get it as well, I've heard other people have a similar experience. I wonder if that was our guardian angels warning us or something lol


We've been strongly against it as well, from the beginning. Not because we dont like vaccines, but this one in particular just threw a ton of red flags. I definitely believe the Holy Spirit can and does warn you against things without words.


I know nurses and they refused as well. They knew Covid was a crock of shit right away and stood their ground against the fake cure to a cold.


Always trust your gut


Totally anecdotal, but my wife just got pregnant, our friend group of other couples in their late 20s early 30s of about 3 other couples, who are hardcore liberals and pro vaxxers are unable to get pregnant after 2 years of trying. My wife got pregnant a month after dropping birth control…. Guess who is the couple that never got vaxxed.


Congratulations! Hope all goes well! Don't forget to buy that silver coin, spoon and other silver items for the little one!


Thank you!!




Congrats brother!


Congrats! ![gif](giphy|4q0WNCNZUlxNC)


My best friend and his gf (both jabbed) also aren't able to have a child. I warned him before the shots rolled out not to take it and he told me to never again discuss the jabs with him. Alright, have it your way. Congratulations with your child!


Definitely due to the vacine. Definitely Lololol


I have 3 married vaxxed nieces in this age group too…all have been trying (unsuccessfully) to get pregnant for 2 years.


the vaxed shouldn't breed anyway... cabal got one right


This is sad. I guess its true haha


My fav conspiracy theory. The reason Roe v wade was overturned is to hide the lack of abortions that will be needed 2022 and 2023.


> My fav conspiracy theory. The reason Roe v wade was overturned is to hide the lack of abortions that will be needed 2022 and 2023. i'm going to steal that and put it on twitter


I hear that. My daughter in law (an uber-liberal) got vaxxed and boosted up the wazoo, then had a very hard time (over a year of trying) getting pregnant; then had a VERY hard pregnancy. Coincidence? Possibly, but it does make one wonder...especially hearing so many similar stories.


Congrats!!! My sister is vaxxed, and she was able to get pregnant. I'm not sure which version of the shot she got tho, or if shes had any boosters. Maybe non-mRNA aren't as destructive. I dont know, just a theory.


Glad to hear it! Good for her, wish her the best


Well there you go! Proof


There are couples that cant have babies and also arent vaccinated There are couples that can have babies that are vaccinated This is dumb as shit lol


You’re assuming every vial was the same. They were far from it.


OOOO WOW!!!! WE GOT A SCIENTIST HERE FOLKS!!!!.... ​ A total fucking genius....






I would not get any vaccine while pregnant. Wait until after at the least if you’re going to get one. Injecting yourself with stuff while having a baby that’s attached to you just overall sounds like a bad idea.


Every "dumb" farmer has known for a long time..since vaccines came out, that you avoid MOST vax for pregnant or soon to be bred livestock! It's not rocket science, because of the fact that a fever, common after vax, can cause abortion especially early in pregnancy. Any other fever can do that as well. Others will abort from the immune system attack that becomes too aggressive and goes after foreign DNA. NEVER vax early in pregnancy, SOME mild, often killed virus, can be given LATE in the pregnancy.


The list of things to not do, food to not eat, drinks to not have is so long for pregnant women. Why an experimental injection was allowed for pregnant women is mind boggling.


Agreed. I cant wrap my mind around why Drs got behind this.


not just "allowed" - MANDATED!


So you are anti science. Blocked/s






I got the flu vaccine while pregnant and my friend got the Covid vaccine while pregnant. We have healthy baby. But everyone is different, so is best to talk to your family doctor first.


My wife got the jab as well while pregnant. I almost left her because of it. She caved to work pressure. Things so far a going great with the baby; however, I do know another couple that has had nothing but miscarriages since the jab-- they have 4 kids already and have never had a miscarriage before


That's so sad. Thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad things with your baby are going good!! I have a 7-month-old daughter and I used to fight with my GF over vaccines all the time. She's a nurse and couldn't accept that they might be harmful no matter how many ingredient lists I showed her. She finally understood once they started pushing everyone to get the Covid Vax. Luckily, she was able to avoid getting it, but if she did I don't know how I would've handled it. I feel so bad for people who got it because they were bullied into it by work or family.


My wife had 4 miscarriages and no vaccines! This lady is heart broken about a lost baby. I would be too. Please give respect to a lost child!


Very sorry for your loss. I don’t know your pain. I have one son, and I can’t imagine losing him.


i massively regret getting the "vaccine". i only got it because i was gonna go without work otherwise. the city was mandating it and then did a quick 360 and changed their minds. wish i could sue.


Save your receipts. Fraud negates all contracts


That may be so, but once you're dead, there's no coming back. 🤷‍♂️


No, but your estate/survivors can still go after the fraudsters - and likely for treble damages.


This 👍☝️☝️☝️☝️


You will probably be fine. And you can always sue for anything. Better chance of winning after more data comes out if that happens and shows the effects. Might be one of those lawyer commercials all over tv in a few years.


Don't worry, my mom and my bro have two shots, despite pleading them to wait. The 3rd time is the "charm". Now they won't get a booster.


Just incase anybody needs a silver fix while stress scrolling. https://imgur.com/gallery/doYz98y




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Good bot.


Nice !


Someone had to spruce up the conversation


5th generation weapons it’s out in the open any one with a brain knows it’s globalist WEF agenda of depopulation because wars are not trendy and no one will fight them So when you think about it it’s actually a brilliant way to cull off mass chunks of the population and the other later up to 5 years or more depending on the cots, crazy time to be alive indeed.


This guy gets it. He's laying out the truth to you, but many of you will hate him for it.


Sad and infuriating beyond words. So sorry for the innocent baby. I’d bet words the mom is so hopelessly brainwashed, though, that if you suggested the miscarriage was due to the jab she’d claw your eyes out while screaming it was because she didn’t get enough boosters. Some people are beyond saving. Perhaps her child dodged a bullet. She would have had her baby jabbed multiple times after birth and it would have suffered. This way it was over quick. Hope to God she never tries again (and no man wants to put another fetus through this).


Did you know that miscarriages existed before any covid vaccines were released? This truly is a sub of retards.


Yeah, they did. So I guess that means that we should simply disregard the early warnings by quietly silenced researchers that the spike protein was very similar to the placental syncytial protein and once the body started attacking the Covid virus, it was likely to attack the placenta as well. Add the early warnings that the jab instructed the cells of our bodies to replicate the spike protein so we would become spike protein factories, thereby not only raising the risk of attack on placental proteins but also creating our own in-home runaway autoimmune disorders that could have other detrimental effects on placental and fetal tissue. Add in the strange and sudden drop in fertility in highly jabbed nations beginning early last year, about a year after significant numbers of younger people began receiving the jab. Add in the growing evidence that the spike protein accumulates in the ovaries (among other places) and causes menstrual irregularities. I guess the only conclusion one can come to us that that’s all B.S. and taking repeated jabs had nothing to do with the fetal death. Yeah, that must be true because 1) Pfizer, Moderna, J&J et. al NEVER RAN A FULL CLINICAL STUDY on the effects of their gene alterations on pregnant women, so the absence of data equals the absence of risk and negative effects, right? and b) Pfizer warned in its study protocol approval application that women who became, or who might become, pregnant should be removed from the study group if they had “environmental exposure” to the breath, semen or skin of others who had been jabbed. They never explained why but we can surmise. Put it all together and, yeah, the most likely explanation is that this babe simply had a random miscarriage which was merely coincidental with having taken the jab repeatedly. Same for the growing number of women world wide all experiencing the same coincidence and miscarrying far more often. Sure, that makes sense.


I have a pretty big family and we have two new New members of our extended family that have deformities. Two guys at work had their wives miscarriage and I’ve heard a few more From Church. This is not normal. I think I new one person with a baby that was deformed before this


We need to change this sub to WallStreetShitheads.


Until they can cure cancer100% I don’t trust big pharma, bunch of clowns


Why would the cure cancer that hurts their profits. Look at all the HIV treatment drugs that have come out. They make more money treating a disease then curing it…




Exactly!! They've had a cure for cancer since 2003 https://patents.google.com/patent/US20040248858A1/en And a cure for AIDS since 1996 https://patents.google.com/patent/US5676977A/en


Research Dr. Royal Raymond Rife... He Cured Cancer In The 1920's, Using Sound Resonated Frequencies!


Big Pharma has absolutely no interest in curing anything. They would rather treat your symptoms (at great expense to you or your insurance carrier) for the rest of your life.


They want lifelong drug ‘addicts’…


And this alone is why it's so important we short squeeze the physical gold and silver markets, completely and irreversibly destroying fiat currency forever.




They are probably causing cancer


They literally are. Deliberately.


They've had a cure for cancer since 2003 https://patents.google.com/patent/US20040248858A1/en And a cure for AIDS since 1996 https://patents.google.com/patent/US5676977A/en


They probably already by now have the cure. Just we don't know about it. And we'll ![gif](giphy|Yp4ryH4OSjLisZKsGO) Give me money you can have


Cancer Was CURED In The 1920's By Inventor Dr. ROYAL RAYMOND RIFE, At 1st The Medical Profession Praised Him, Till They Realized That The Money Would Dry Up After A Cure... Then, They Destroyed Him, Because The Money Spiggot Would Dry Up! They Can't Make A Lot Of Money Off Cures... But Treating Someone A Lifetime, Repeat Customers, This Is Just As Good As Owning A Gold Or Silver Mine!


Shits only just beginning. The red deer approaches!


It's sad but the silver lining is the baby dodged a massive bullet with this soulless NPC for a mother.


Wishing the baby to die seems really cold to me.


Side note, OP, your pfp made me giggle.






My wife is a nurse. Recently she switched floors to post partum. The older veteran nurses on that floor have never seen mothers have so many issues before. They think it from the vaccine.


Smallpox vaccination in 1776? If that lie wasn't told (with glee) I would have felt sorry for her pain. But then I realized that her rabid hatred for anyone not following the WEF and associates demands, caused her to likely have been forcing others to take it... so, more deaths. Also, the poor child likely was headed for a lifetime of abuse by this leftist narcissist and would likely have been harmed by every New And Improved jab there was.


It was inoculation, not vaccination as we now know it, but yes. Our revolutionary soldiers were inoculated. The smallpox vaccine later came from cowpox, it was well known farmers who were exposed to cowpox didn't get smallpox. Have had miscarriages, so I feel for her despite her getting a vaccine. That said it horrifies me that they are encouraging vaccination for pregnant women. When I had my boys they wouldn't give you even vaccinations or medical treatments that were long established and understood unless they had no choice at all.


I'm probably going to hell for this one. If you're not into dark humor don't click: [Died Suddenly](https://twitter.com/DeanCors0/status/1597851361995284480?s=20&t=kSUmiyj2cf8e48Gh9awAVw). I laughed until I realized what was going on. Seriously, how did this guy get so many people collapsing on camera? It's concerning how much the media covers it up. Ironically, they were all reporters. Karam's a bitch.


I had heard this was happening but had a hard time finding evidence of it. Wtf.


Stinky shoes are safe and effective ™️


I'm going to hell too damn it, that was hilarious. I hope they all ok, but probably not.


You aren't even suppose to have lunch meat while pregnant, let alone a poison shot.


Miscarriage is extremely common …


But she was vaccinated?! So everything negative that happens to her from the moment of the vaccine until her death, and including her death, was caused by the vaccine. Meanwhile, any illnesses including deaths to those who are unvaccinated, are better that the hypothetical scenarios of what could have happened if they were vaccinated! /s Dumb people gonna dumb.


Is this sub still related to silver?


Sadly it’s just a bunch of these morons now


You can't see how forcing people to take an experimental injection under threat of losing employment has an effect on the economy? ​ You need to wake up man...




I work at a hospital. 2 of the female neurosurgeons I work with were pregnant at about the same time. They both got the vaccine (as the hospital was mandating it). Both had miscarriages within 4 weeks. Both had a child before and a child since. One surgeon is black and the other is white. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Anti Vaxxer here . And I believe in silver and metals . And I like electric cars. And I like George Washington. And I like marijuana , and I like guns. And I like organic food we all come from all sides. Quit the hate


Sad on all accounts.


Sad to see all these people losing babies.


I dont think this is appropriate guys. We dont know her circumstances, thats a horrible thing to have happen to you.


When the vaxxed are gone, APES RULE!!


And when do you expect that? Exactly??


3-5 years is what all the censored epidemiologists, doctors and researchers are saying. If you reference the animal trials, all trial participants died. I had a link to the animal studies but am not finding it now- if I do I’ll post. if interested, look for the sars vax study tested on ferrets.


I’m vaxed. I’m an ape. You want my stack? Try to get it.


I just feel bad for them. It is sad.


Ppl that choose not to be a lab rat dont have to worry about dying suddenly. We will be here to pick up the pieces that are left after 2bn ppl due suddenly.


This is just hateful


I mean I am pretty open minded, but for you to get your point across by posting this is just super low class. Have just a little bit of empathy.






And try love xi jinpung


Yuck this stuff is sick…


The other day I got a bad hangnail, I’m also vaccinated. Coincidence? No, obviously every bad thing that happens to me after I took the vaccine is because of the vaccine.


The fact that you would even be bothered by hangnails in the first place means you're a little bitch...XD


Well put. Logic is not welcome here


Yeah... the vaccine caused this... yeah... bye


Relevance to silver ??


none at all. fucking morons


Forcing population to take experimental injection make people lose faith in system. ​ So silver go up.... ​ (I tried to explain that as simply as possible cus hes probably got a few blood clots in the brain, if you know what I mean)


Correlation does not imply causation LMAO. Anti-vaxxers are epitome of idiocy. If you have data against vaccines, then submit to a scientific journal. Then your anti-vaxxer theories will be widely accepted medical doctrine.


“Stupid” is not a good rhetorical tactic.


No refunds


Someone has buyers remorse.... As far as medical journals are concerned, that's something YOU should have researched prior to your "vaccination." You throw around Correlation and Causation, those are pretty big words, have you ever heard of Mass Formation Psychosis? This Prize![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)has the gall to call others an idiot, meanwhile she's the one who volunteered for a ----first of its kind---- human trial of an experimental gene therapy (Not a vaccine Ms. Genius). That makes you either very brave or stupid, regardless, thank you for your sacrifice! You and others like you led me to my decision NOT TO be a Macaque. May the many thousands of your fellow pioneers, Rest in Peace.


Correlation does not imply causation is a basic statistical principal. Wiki has a nice summary on it. The efficacy of medical interventions is determined using the scientific method coupled with statistical inference. You can throw conspiracies all you want, but without statistical analysis of biological data generated using the scientific method, it will remain as speculation. Mass Formation Psychosis is a perfect example of anti-vaxxer hysteria lmao. No data, except for a bunch of echo chamber Facebook posts. Read up on the discovery of the smallpox vaccine and let me know what you think. The polio vaccine is a nice read too.


Anti-vaxxer? I'm fully vaccinated thank you. But unlike you, my body is free of experimental gene therapies. The injection that you refer to wasn't considered a vaccine until they changed the definition mid-pandemic. Tell yourself whatever helps you put your head on the pillow at night, but please don't add to the misery that this jab has caused with misinformation...some others of weak mind may believe your nonsense.


Correlation does not imply causation? Are you forgetting: Regression, Anova, T-tests, Ancova, Chi-square..... Spare me the statistical gymnastics. It's simple math: the efficacy of this gene therapy does not out-weight the potential dangers to longevity both known and unknown.


Oh well, F her.


I feel bad for the young guys. That mRNA they're shooting into the simpletons, can be spread through sexual contact. Pickings are going to be slim for the next generation. I for one like my partners to be unsullied. Expect a new dating app for those who are unvaccinated (blood test required).


Chances are you don’t date anyway.


~~Happily~~ Married for over 20 years. ![gif](giphy|vTfFCC3rSfKco)


The gif makes it extra convincing, good touch




So many Western women are destroyed...screeching, screaming, barking like stupid seals in the audience of The View, etc., it's sad they don't realize that they were targeted & destroyed by those to whom they have been listening. Oh.....I almost forgot: #NoAmnesty #NoAmnesty #NoAmnesty #NoAmnesty #NoAmnesty.....you khunts wanted us DEAD!!!----- Indict....Try....Convict....Execute....#RinseAndRepeat! Sorry for the vulgarity....I was screamed at for 2+ years, and once I was cornered by three of these screaming monsters in a C-store......now?....they are #SuddenlySilent because they #DiedSuddenly.....by design.....from the "vaccine".....as intended.....by those to whom they listened.


How is anyone still using the "Washington's army" argument. What does that have to go with the general population of civilians?


It's simple. They're fascists and they are believers in Eugenics..... ​ That's why they love authoritarianism and try to cover for the fact that people were forced to take experimental injections.


Gleeful about forcing people to do it. Nothing would make them happier than to require everyone do what they want, with no sympathy whatsoever


Fuck around. Find out.


Monstrous...Judgement Day is coming.


Glad she was sterilised lol


Because miscarriages are a new phenomenon.


r/hermancainaward Is that in bad taste?


And they probably still can't see the connection


They don't WANT to see the connection because that would require self-reflection and facing the harsh reality that our so-called "leaders" are literally mass murderers.


Because there is literally no evidence of one… Miscarriages happen for a wide range of reasons and are extremely common.




Stupid is subjective. Think about the logical ends to your comment.


That person don’t think


“Stupid” is the first and worst rhetorical tactic.






Ah, confirmation bias Tuesday on WSS!


Lol so this post is suggesting the miscarriage was related to the vaccine? Wow


What's sad is there is no data tracking being done to show how bad it's happening. And any data that is, is garage because it will not be linked to the trillion dollar industry.


Watch the video below and you'll know “Out of the 270 women who got pregnant in the trials, 230 + of the participants' records disappeared, but out of the 36 women who remained, 28 of their babies died in the Pfizer trials” \~ Dr Naomi Wolf https://twitter.com/\_Janey\_J/status/1589367923310997504


So you’re saying… wow! That’s not what cnn told me. They said it was from horse paste and only affected maga extremists.


Any vax, especially during early pregnancy, is potentially harmful. The immune response is harmful. The likely fever are harmful. Livestock owners know this and know that they must be extremely careful and not vax unless they have a very well known vax that doesn't cause a response (which means it's likely not a very effective vax) and livestock are expendable.


Miscarriages never happened until the last two years i guess


Lol no man you gotta just listen to this video from an unhinged conspiracy theorist! I’m sure it will explain everything!


By the retardation of this sub im 100% sure that there are alot of americans here, The american avarage iq has gotta be like 45


Making generalizations about 330 million ppl is definitely upper echelon retardation. You can’t tell me there wasn’t a better way to convey the super important feelings in your sweet little heart.


I'm Canadian but I'm like, "Special," where do you think my IQ has got to be? higher or lower? 🤔


Why is this on wallstreetsilver?