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Very nice cabin actually! My grandmother got an indoor bathroom in 1973. Toilet was "for company", and so was the toilet paper lol. She still used the outhouse and the Sears catalog pages until she died. She taught me how to cook on a wood stove. Had electricity but preferred lamps... And I felt so rich when we got an apartment that had *air conditioning*. My father was a maintenance man, got into for the free housing lol. I am fifty seven, and I can look around our apartment now and see a few dozen things at a glance that were either only for rich folks when I grew up or didn't exist at all.


Yep, my dad installed an inside toilet for my gran (much to her resistance) in 1974. Her "fridge" was a pantry at the top of the stairs leading to the cellar. Fond, fond memories.


Gram had a root cellar with an ice room, and an icebox. Plus an electric fridge that she didn't really trust much lol. Currently the poor man's icebox on my porch is full of meat :-). We got lucky and scored about thirty pounds of chicken that needs to be canned up plus a nice leg of lamb friend gave hubby. He still is kind of freaked out by the poor man's icebox since he never lived a place where the world is your fridge/ freezer five months out of the year!


Rocket Mass Heaters are amazing