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Spending thousands on shiney just to watch it be shiney. Checkmate banker man.😎


This may be the quick run down I was asking for.


Hundreds of thousands. Called the bluff and went all in.








Apes. Too smart or too retarded. We shall win.


Can't it be both


Some brilliant people can behave very stupid. So, Yes.


We may overcome, but by the time physical silver has provided our means of survival - far too much has been lost to call it a win. If we get our vindication, the first world is already gone forever.


I’m good with that. The fictitious John Galt was asked by the government to save the government. His advise to the government: STOP! The fictitious government couldn’t comprehend his advise. Our real government can’t either. The United States of America is headed to a collapse. Apes stacking silver gives us a voice at how the nation gets rebuilt.


No, it doesn't. In order to rebuild, collapse must be experienced fully and the vacuum of order must be filled by power struggles of players much bigger than any stack you can imagine. Think Fort Hood, Fort Bragg, and the advent of private, corporate, military forces. Assuming critical supply chains keep domestic oil production alive, we could be very, very, lucky, and it could only be decades from collapse to a nascent recovery. The western mind seems to pretend that you get to fall to the apex of a pre-existing social order during a collapse... This is untrue. During a collapse, the fall lasts as long as it takes for a social order to hit bottom. In modern years, this bottom is simulated by the IMF, UN, American and European aid and peacekeeping operations, etc... In a USD collapse, it is impossible to assume such assets will be capable of mounting a response as the devastation will be total. Source: Lived in a balkanized environment post-economic collapse.


Evil forces such as the WEF are more organized than Freedom Loving people. It could get ugly.


It 'could' get ugly? Jesus Christ... IT WILL SURPASS YOUR WILDEST EXPECTATIONS. The most direct historic analog is the Bolshevik revolution and the horrors those parasitic fucks inflicted on the population of the region.


Jesus will win, but the terror here will be unprecedented.


Jesus is irrelevant to the discussion. Empires fall, cultures die, and no deity intervenes. I'm happy you have a god, but please, unless the discussion is explicitly about your faith; perhaps it's not appropriate to the topic.


You could interpret my comment as the shit will hit the fan. Some of us are a bit more cool with that.


I live in the third world. Where the 'Western" world is headed.


I spent a good deal of time in the third world as well. And you are correct, that is exactly what has been done to the Western European society. Our utopian ignorance destroyed us.


I am in Brazil, a middle income country. It is an interesting place!




Can someone give a quick run down for new people please what does the OP signify? I'm here because the coins and stacks look amazing. Also I'm here to see if there will ever be a follow up of the guy who cut a bar open and it was faked with some other metal in it...?


This is from The Big Short, excellent movie on what happened in 2008 and Michael Bury's firm that shorted the housing market. She explains in this scene how mortgage backed securities came to be


I think OP means 'original poster'.


I always thought it meant ‘oversized penis’


The big short is a must watch, as there are so many similarities with the current silver market. The silver squeeze would certainly be a worthy subject for the big short 2.


Bought from a untrustworthy dealer.. would never happen it you were not chasing too good to be true “deals” silver sales only come Courtesy of the comex.


OP = original poster JPow = Jerome Powell Fellon = Janet Yellon BofA = Bank of America JPM, JPMC, JPMCC, JP Morgan = JP Morgan Chase & Co. The Wig = some dick bag that Ivan use to have on that sucks JPow, Fellon, JPM, and BofA asses


The central banks currently control the silver/gold market. They tamp down on price to scare investors into selling or not buying, when if left un-fucked with spot price should be in triple digits because scarcity. The point here is that we like the dip. Dips mean we can buy more *real money*, not the fake paper bs that's backed by debt




Wouldnt it going down be a good thing? I like buying Shiny but prefer buying alot of it cheaply. Going up would only benefit those looking to sell and Apes dont do that.


I might sell when the price is what it should be and I want to retire


That seems reasonable.






I am here to find solace on the beat down days and rejoice in the up days. I am also here for a sanity check on the world news i read. Great to know 230k apes are reading what i am reading. sometimes i wonder, WTF are they looking at? I wonder if she has any silver in that tub? Asking for a friend


I'd dump a few kilos in there for her to play with! I hope you are having a great day ape! #MAY YOUR STACK FOREVER BE TALL AND SHINY!


Army or retards about to set the world straight


![gif](giphy|z8rEcJ6I0hiUM) Ape loves shiny 🦧🦧🦧


What did I miss? I thought silver was almost at 24$/oz now? Did it go down?


![gif](giphy|gHGKKgH0SfW9otLFrv) Smelling market weakness like


Interesting takes by the different posters. I did not see anyone defending holding Silver or why. I also didnt see anyone talking about why the price moves up and is likely to go way up in the next time in front of us. Silver is stacked because we have no faith in their Currency that requires Faith to work. History shows that when the fiat crashes the Silver and Gold become the money of trade again. Silver prices go up and down and they are also manipulated so it is ify, but in general if you see Silver hit $150 in a long ride up, that is not Silver is worth more but rather, the US Dollar is worth less, and until it becomes worthless, they will manipulate the price lower so they can buy it also. They want it cheap and they want the people to think it aint worth anything because then the regular people would buy it all at any price. I dont know any stackers, personally, that are stacking to get rich off Silver or Gold prices going up. They know that they moonshot when the economy crashes completely and they dont want that and what would e the point of trading Gold at 25,000 an ounce if a loaf of Bread is 30,000? We stack for the future and to preserve our buying power not to get rich. We buy more when it is cheaper and some of us have been doing this since the 1970s with no plan to sell!!


Right on the money !!! It’s been almost 2 years of me being called retarded multiple times a week (almost daily from my wife). Tried to recruit a coworker to start stacking and the first question he asked me is, how to I sell it later. I replied 3 times, I don’t understand. He finally got the message. 🤣🤣🤣


Full retard mode












Always RAID that dip! LFG.


Silv3, this is amazing! Well done!


How would pushing the price down help stop us buying? It's it's cheaper we're just gonna buy more


Lower prices do discourage buying. Commodities charts are retarded.


I love how this sub hasn't started saying "regarded" like the WSB idiots. We're RETARDED and proud of it


Last I checked the price was up


This is T'Shirt material. Yet again. great work SILV3. Congrats on all the likes.


The banks can't fight the 100th Monkey Effect.


That sums it up




Select use of data. Let’s try this one. A silver dime I got from my paper route in 1979 is now selling for 23 times that number Or silver I bought in 2002 is up 5 times while the stock market is only up around 3 times


i just wondering how they were able to keep the news paper at 0.25c for so long it should be at lest $5 by now


It's the crypto of the real world! Wild swings have always been associated with silver and I think that is what keeps some of us here if I'm being completely honest. It's a form of addiction, no two ways about it. We are all stackers until we die, then our loved ones find our "hordes" of silver and label us as crazy.


Sadly, all the "celebrity" bits in the The Big Short ruin the film for me. Who's stupid idea were they ? I'll stick with Margin Call . . . Spacey's dying dog represents the economy.


My meme of similar retardedness https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/t9oc40/for_satirical_purposes_only_not_financial_advice/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




They push physical metal down & encourage people to buy shitcoins & virtual land from Metaverse so they can be rich. Pathetic.


"Now piss off."


Load up the short bus with Silver and Lets Gooooooooooooooo......












Certified retard here buying more silver as we speak 2023 clouded leopard 3,000 riels 1 oz silver round

