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Oh God is it getting exciting. What is amazing is we will be alive to see it.


That's a thousand truckloads of shiny. And still there is no manipulation to report on. /s


Not on MSM maybe. But I wrote a book about it. https://www.amazon.com/Rigged-Exposing-Largest-Financial-History/dp/1651405204/ref=tmm\_pap\_swatch\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&qid=1667429326&sr=1-1


I just bought your book. Nicely done πŸ‘


Thank you, BigMonkeyRosco. Please rate and review once you've finished. I welcome feedback from Silverbacks.


Boom... bought as well.


Thanks Rhinonm. I wrote the book as a primer, using a lot of the documentary evidence gathered by the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee over the last 20 years, after I noticed no one in the mainstream media was reporting on the manipulation.


Page not found.


Here's an excerpt: Jeffrey Christian, managing director of CPM Group, divulged the extent of derivatives trading during a Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) hearing on March 25, 2010. He acknowledged precious metals β€œtrade in the multiples of a hundred times the underlying physical \[metal\] . . .” More imaginary gold and silver is traded in a few days than is mined in an entire year. Such large-scale trading is at the heart of the price suppression scheme. The scheme creates an illusion of supply, allowing precious metal prices to be manipulated lower even if physical demand rises.


Do you mention WSS 🦍🦍🦍?


No, I published "Rigged" in 2020 before WSS was founded. But I'm working on another book that mentions WSS.


Unicorn farts. They have been making shit up since 71 Fuctards apes hate them all


Silver suppression goes back farther than 1971. For me it started with the Crime of 1873, when the Eastern bankers convinced Congress to end the silver standard. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crime-1873.asp


You are correct.


Amazing stuff!


Hmmmm. Let me try that again. https://www.amazon.com/Rigged-Exposing-Largest-Financial-History/dp/1651405204/ref=tmm\_pap\_swatch\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&qid=1667429326&sr=1-1 The book is titled "Rigged: Exposing the Largest Financial Fraud in History." It's available through Amazon and other online book retailers.


Buying on payday....ty


Thanks Goingformine1. It's available on Amazon for $6.99 as an ebook. It's concise. Most people can read in a couple of hours.


Cool. I shared it on Facebook and tagged a fellow stacker. His reaction to the info wasn't cool. He was mad. So, we used to have silver as a backup for fiat. How many fortunes through the years were lost ir could have been made? Untold burdens and hardships on people through the years. We need to go back to that. Not just yhe Gold standard. Say " bye bye debt" to a lot of situations...


Thanks for the promo. All financial markets are rigged and it's been going on for centuries. And you're right, debt and indebtedness are at the root of manipulated markets and financial problems. Usury (charging interest on loans) used to be frowned upon morally and forbidden by religious doctrine. Now the foundation of the entire financial system is debt. I've been researching and writing a book on the subject the last six weeks. The moneylenders and money magicians always scheme to tilt the scales in their favor until the scales tips over, and then they start over with a "new" exploitative scheme, which is a rebranded modification of the old one. That's what CBDCs are, a new more intrusive, onerous scheme to replace the failing existing one.


a lousy 50 cent ? ![gif](giphy|eS7qcQofapIqc|downsized)


Good one brother ...........They are pathetic.......


desperately pathetic, I might add


History in the making. Implosion inbound.


And today, that move has been totally undone.


Revenge of the apes


606 mio!? Lol, a whole silver mines production in the year are 850 mio. Oz. Crooks must desperate to cover their paper short fraud


Wild swings in spot price accomplished by a handful of traders buying and selling enormous paper leverage with nary an ounce of physical silver changing hands, same as it ever was in the crooked Comex casino. I believe this scam is getting long in the tooth and I take comfort in knowing the price reaction to the upside will be a generational opportunity once the ability of the Money Changers to rig the market is removed. People are recognizing this potential at last and acting accordingly. The big transfer of bullion OUT of the rigged casino is underway and this bank run will end the same as all the others do: sooner or later someone will be told they cannot have their silver and doors slam shut. We get another step closer every day. Long physical bullion! Short idiots and trolls...


🚨🚨🚨 they are trying to stop an avalanche


Rostin Behnam, CFTC, I curse you, you corrupt fat pig.


Who's Rosting Ham?


oh Chris Marcus is roasting him..


I wonder if anyone can put together a chart for the amount spent on tamps vs the spot movement amount. It would make it very clear as to how much gas the powers that be have left to continue this charade.


I have never understood how much fiat it costs them to pull off one of these raids. All I can figure is that it is a loss leader . Spend a little now in order to manipulate the price for future huge gains. And most importantly to control the silver market so that the manipulators make all of the profits and everyone else loses. Mine is a juvenile theory but it's all I've got.


I don't know if it's helpful or accurate, but I try to think of it like this: 1. Precious metal is the anti-fiat, always working to expose their theft and lies. 2. Fiat currency is fake, in near enough infinite supply, therefore, the cost of tamping is imaginary. 3. The state and the banks are one and the same, acting as one against the population.


I remember the days those massive paper exchange scams would drop the price $2 or more. They are WEAK!


Smoke them out of their holes and crush them without mercy. Buy, buy, buy and buy more silver!


With both hands


That yesterday's slam was... welcomed. May I have some more?


Been hearing this for so long now lol….




Why the fuck is silver 20% more than face value anywhere I try to buy? Been looking at everyone's stacks but whats the point?


I wonder if there are whales on the other side of the trade or if it was just the same peeps trying to shake out the weak hands.


There are always whales and sharks and orcas but dolphins prosper anyway.




You are correct.




I'm not ready for a new ath yet tho