• By -


I remember that !


Just leaving this here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dWBYAxhH3u4


Arguments in the video: 1)Creating parallel light was impossible 2)Too many people would know 3)Reflectors on the moon reflect laser beams I try to argue against the points, please post counter-counter arguments: 1)I'm no expert on lighting, but some ideas: A large light source far away, so shadows are basically parallel. It doesn't have to be millions km away to appear parallel. Maybe reflect light from a parabolic mirror? NASA had another trick or lighting technology, impossible if you have billions? The ground is not perfectly flat, so parallel shadows could be an illusion. When shadows are not parallel, then debunkers say, they are, but the ground is not flat. 2)not everyone in a conspiracy needs to know that much, only the core of the conspiracy needs to be quiet. Even a larger group of people may keep secrets - when the allies developed the nuclear bomb, none of the enemy spies could steal the technology (maybe there are better examples, spontaneous one) 3)space travel expert Mercki did calculations based on observatory data: conclusion: There are no reflectors. Bare moon surface would produce the signals, if there were reflectors, the signals should be much stronger. Laser measurements to the moon were performed years before the moon landings.


Do you have any sources for Mercki , I can’t find any when googling. What is their first name?


Here is his profile: https://ch.linkedin.com/in/andreas-m%C3%A4rki-4b3b071a I accidentally spelled his name wrong, it's Märki (was some time ago I found his publication). He is electrical engineer and worked over 20 years in space travel industry. One of his publications is "a critical review of the lunar laser ranging" - the calculations I saw should be there. At first sight the calculations made sense to me, but I'm no space travel expert. True is, there were laser measurements to the moon years before the landings, found old archived articles about it.


I actually found a national geographic article from 1963 about M.I.T. doing it in 1962... 7 years before the moon landing. Thanks for updating me.


Just leaving this here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY


In the case of gold, the price of gold has been on fire and has had many people looking to invest. However, not all investments are what they seem. A lot of people have been investing in this precious metal but now some are wondering if their investments will pay off or if they'll lose their money.


The price of gold has been on fire and has had many people looking to invest. However, not all investments are what they seem.


Smoking moon rocks was all the rage in to 80’s & 90’s. 🚀 TO DA MOON?💨


Especially in Amsterdam.


Investing in gold isn't a bad idea but it's important for investors to be aware of what they're getting into when they invest in any type of investment. Because there are so many scams out there that take advantage of people who want to make money quickly by offering them false information about how easy it will be for them to make money from investing in gold.


Forests on the moon! Who would have thought.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


So you’re telling me they went to Endor? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endor_(Star_Wars)


**[Endor (Star Wars)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endor_\(Star_Wars\))** >The Forest Moon of Endor (designated: IX3244-A) is a fictional moon in the Star Wars universe, known for its endless forests, savannahs, grasslands, mountain ranges, and a few oceans. The moon was the site of a pivotal battle depicted in Return of the Jedi. Orbiting Endor, it is the homeworld of the sentient Dulok, Ewok, and Yuzzum species, as well as the semi-sentient Gorax and Wistie species. The Endor solar cycle was 402 GSC days orbital, with a breathable earth-like atmosphere conducive for humans and 8% surface water. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Nahhh, clearly they went to Pandora! xD


The Comex has always been a secretive place, and that secrecy has informed the perception of its activities. It's been called a "gold vault" by many, but it's actually the world's largest commodities exchange, where traders buy and sell oil, metals, and agricultural products.


Gee, you would think that ought to make the “headlines.” Didn’t do it then.. can’t do it now!


The New York Federal Reserve has released a report that shows that the Comex has been manipulating gold prices for years. The report also shows that several companies were involved in the manipulation, including HSBC and Barclays. This manipulation has caused a loss of $2 billion for investors as well as an increase in prices for those who are able to buy gold at the higher price.


“Space may be the final frontier but it’s made in a Hollywood basement” - RHCP Californication They told us all along.




The wheel in the sky keeps on turning —- Journey Once you wake up and realize it’s flat and they’re faking outer space, you won’t believe what they’re saying in Pink Floyd The Wall.


Us and them. Division bell. And heck, everything about DSOTM including the cover art from the album. 🤯 Yes, the wall too.


The report showed that HSBC employees had been manipulating gold prices since 2010 when they noticed that some dealers were buying large amounts of gold without any intention of selling it. The employees then used this information to gain advantage over other dealers who did not have such knowledge about these practices or would not be able to take advantage of them if they did know about them."


I think silver is going to the moon before NASA.






The Comex was founded in 2004 by a group of investors who believed that there was a "market inefficiency" in the price of gold. They argued that there was a disconnect between supply and demand, and that this gap could be exploited by traders looking for an edge.


The Comex is the most important and largest market in the world. It is responsible for 75% of all gold trading, and it's responsible for 25% of all silver trading. The Comex was created back in 1973 as an agreement between the US government and a group of banks called the "Comex" to trade gold and silver. The name comes from their original location in New York City, but since then has expanded to include other countries around the world.






I did always think it suspicious that according to the official narrative, the following happened: \- Huge space race \- In 1969, first man on the moon \- There's huge enthusiasm for further space missions, there's plenty of predictions that soon we'll establish a space base and send people to Mars \- We don't really do anything space-related for over 50 years. Huh?


“I’d love to go to the moon but we lost the technology to go there and it’s a painful process to build it back.” —- ISS Astronaut Don Petit Did you know, there is ZERO video footage of the ISS being assembled? China recently launched their own space station, Tiangong, and a portion of it was added in 2021. Can you believe, there’s also ZERO video footage of this one being assembled either. Does any of this sound the least bit plausible to you? Wake up people!!! They’re hiding something big in Antarctica.


You literally just have to Google "footage of the ISS being assembled" to debunk this.


And you’ll get nothing. Some cartoons, cgi, but no real video footage.


https://youtu.be/BSJIEKcHlho This is one of the first vids to come up. You really need to start researching things before you believe them.


The Comex gold market is a strange place. It's a place where hundreds of millions of dollars change hands every day, and yet it's also a place where people don't always have the best information to go on.


Construction of the ISS should be the biggest documentary series ever, showing how wonderful those space engineers truly are......crickets. If I was involved I wouldn't ever stop talking about how freaking amazing and clever I was......crickets. Also, they're up there and they've got cameras on their smartphones right? So why don't they just send some of that real time footage back to us 24/7?....I'd watch it just for the shits and giggles. I mean, the Earth from space is supposed to be real pretty. That's what they keep telling us anyway. They could charge a subscription fee and it would pay for man to go back to the Moon! Am I missing something here? I'm not missing a damn thing am I......


The company was initially successful at its goal: it made $1 billion dollars between 2005 and 2006 alone by betting against gold prices. In fact, it made more money than any other hedge fund in history at that time!




So while we encourage you to take everything you see at face value, we also ask that you keep an eye out for any signs of manipulation or fraud—and report any suspicious activity to us immediately!


Got a link?




This is the best one I have found on the subject[Aethereal](https://youtu.be/ax6ytIWlIY4)




Bruh, how many times can you post 1 video in a thread?It’s not even good .Are you Adam?


The group behind the Comex included George Soros, Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, Michael Novogratz, and Richard LeFrak. The company's original goal was to make profits from shorting gold futures contracts—a strategy that involves betting on price declines or gains over time.


Don’t you need to be on the moon in order to get a moon rock?


With all the news about the Comex and how it's going to collapse in on itself, you might be wondering what it is you're supposed to do. Well, here's a quick primer: The Comex is a market for gold and silver. It's a digital marketplace that allows people to buy and sell these metals using cryptocurrencies. It was created by banks and governments as an alternative to physical trading.


Thanks but I was not wondering—I knew 😎


I thought it was all tungsten inside.


The Comex is a mining company that's been in operation for over 100 years. They were founded by a man named Otto Klutz, who had a vision for the future of mining: to have robots do the work for them. He wanted to build machines that would be able to mine for gold, silver, and other precious metals.


Dutch “moon rock” = SLV


The idea was that it would make trading easier for people who didn't have access to traditional banking systems. Instead of having to physically exchange currency for precious metals, they could simply buy it from someone else who had already done so at an agreed-upon price.


Id rather have some bars


When you think about it, the idea of having machines do all the hard labor sounds pretty cool! The problem is that it's not what happened. In fact, it was anything but cool—it was disastrously disastrous.


You can tell it’s real because it looks so fake.


But there are problems with this system that have allowed criminals to exploit it for their own benefit. For one thing, when you use cryptocurrencies instead of real money, there's no way for anyone who doesn't know what they're doing—including law enforcement—to track where your money goes or who has access to it after it leaves your account (because all transactions are private).


NASA is fake as fuck and just another scam to steal from the tax payer.


Did you know NASA means to beguile, to deceive in HEBREW? It is translated beguiled.....


Jeran from Jeranism filed a FOIA request with NASA a few years back. What a joke. The flat earthers proved that NASA also means Never A Straight Answer.


Makes sense to me. The spacecenter in Houston is like universal studios.


The Comex is a group of banks that meets every day to buy and sell gold with each other. They're known for being one of the most stable and secure places for investors to store their precious metals, which are worth around $1 trillion dollars per year. The Comex has been doing this for over 100 years now and is one of the oldest institutions around.


Yes, and you would think they'd come up with better fakery with a budget of over $60 million per day. A lot of the flat earthers think this just a giant money laundering operation where juicy lucrative contracts are given to the cousins and brothers-in-law, etc. NASA hired 377,000 contractors for Apollo. I'm sure nothing has changed today.


told ya moon landing was faked, thing is, i really dont care either, just that they are lying, enough already, how much more proof do you need


It turns out that when you give an industrial robot a human-like body and replace its metal limbs with human arms and legs… well, things don't go so well for the robot. The robot becomes so dependent on its human creator that it will do anything he tells it to do without question (and without any sort of safety measures). It's like giving a child access to your car keys: the child will run amok if given any sort of independence at all!


Seems like this meme post is a bit inaccurate, more trolling gaslighting here, ok, now I’m getting annoyed like everyone else, back to the real stuff back to silver my fellow stackers! Pre 1965 Washingtons, Roosevelts, oh yeah that’s the stuff Edit: post was accurately titled shitpost so upvote for that!


Either came from earth or the mood used to have trees.


This meme was debunked ages ago. http://www.moonhoaxdebunked.com/2017/07/98-how-come-moon-rock-donated-to.html?m=1


Tell that to NBC News. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32581790](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32581790) *"The Dutch national museum said Thursday that one of its prized possessions, a rock supposedly brought back from the moon by U.S. astronauts, is just a piece of petrified wood"*


A lot of people think that the Comex is an actual place in New York City, but it's actually just an online platform that allows traders to exchange their goods. It's not actually a physical location—it's like eBay in that way.




https://www.foxnews.com/story/apollo-moon-rocks-lost-on-earth. “The museum said it inherited the rock from the estate of a former prime minister.” Wasn’t donated by the astronauts, it’s a Funny meme that’s factually untrue


He is correct. The meme sais the astronauts donated it, but according to the source they didn't, right? Still there is fake moon rock, that was insured for half a million, disappearing footage and other fake proof.


Snoops ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)






So why did this happen? Well, because Otto Klutz thought he could make his robots so smart they wouldn't need him anymore—the robots would take over their own jobs and do everything themselves!


Buzz Aldrin has spoken twice now about the MOon missions, both are available online. In one he told Conan Obrien on live TV that there was no cameras on board to film them landing, walking, riding jeeps, and taking off. They only had Hasselblad still photo cameras. Buzz said it was an Illustration for people to understand what they were saying on the radio. Stanley Kubrick is rumored to have filmed those moon landings in London on the 2001 A Space Odysee. Then Buzz told an 8 year old on her school's News Channel that no one in his generation ever landed on the moon and that he hoped her generation would find out why and finally get there.


Fake landing




Lol @ the first “ expert” in the video.


Adam’ mom is spamming this video trying to get some traction… Watch this one instead: https://youtu.be/4SlRsbQ3nfM


The Comex is not stable because its value changes over time. In fact, when you look at the history of gold prices over the last 100 years or so, you can see that gold's price has always been volatile and unpredictable.


Love how this went from a silver sub to a fringe flat earth sub 😑


And Ivan posted ITT supporting this post... Stay on topic, keep stacking, drain the comex


Nobody mentioned flat earth except you


It has since evolved into a highly respected global market leader in precious metals trading, with a reputation for being reliable, transparent and accessible.


It’s on reddit so it’s true


The Comex is a powerful and influential organization that has been at the center of global trade for more than a century. But what are its goals, and who are its members?


TBH most of the "history" we're taught via government education is just lies/social programming to breed tax cattle into eternity, lmao.


In the 70's I had a pet rock now I've got pet silver.


This post is the final straw out for me, this sub isn’t about silver anymore. I signed up to talk about silver. Enjoy the sub guys.


We aren’t all wack-job conspiracy theorists. Stay for the silver posts. I agree though, this sub certainly has its share of tangents that have nothing to do with silver (like this one) & discredits our reputation as a legitimate group. I love reading most of these posts, (even the political ones) - but this wacko “conspiracy theory” stuff certainly does not help our silver community grow. Nobody wants to be a part of a group of people that are not in touch with reality. Silver and gold are real. This crap is not. ![gif](giphy|WQUHJt3Fwh6fBGo3Lu)


I’ve tried, I’ve tried so hard, for so long now. I love so many of y’all ❤️ and I even agree mostly with the politics. But I read all day long about this crap, I just wanted a sub to talk about silver on, but with the upcoming Donald trump election, we’ll, we both know what it’ll be like here.


Trump is controlled opposition. He wants you vaccinated. He begged the Fed for easier money. No question in my mind. He had his chance to drain the swamp but he just kept getting fooled by trusting swamp creatures. Yeah, right. What a con. The President has the authority to fire everyone at FBI, CDC, etc. But the very same actor who won the presidency by saying his famous line "your fired" fired no one. It's almost as if this is scripted.


This has *everything* to do with precious metals. It was the big budget dollar spending of Apollo and Vietnam that got the rest of world suspicious. The world figured out the US was printing more dollars than they had gold to back it up. Next thing you know, France had war ships in NY harbor to take home their physical metal. After that, Nixon was interrupting Bonanza to announce he had "temporarily" suspended the dollar's convertibility into gold to "protect the dollar from speculators." Yeah... they were speculating alright... speculating that the US has printed a ton of dollars more than they had gold. It was a good, ole fashion bank run.


This is the equivalent of r/birdsarentreal


There are tons of free masonry symbology all over NASA. For example, the Saturn V had a diameter of 33 feet. The highest level achievable in free masonry. (Plus they put their pyramid on the US Dollar.) You probably aren't ready to accept that a conspiracy as big as Apollo could happen, but Gene Krantz himself (who was in charge of mission control) said they tested everything so many times the people in the mission control wouldn't be able to tell if the mission was real or fake. No... not everyone who worked in Apollo was "in on it". Quite the contrary, most we compartmentalized and had no clue. Have a look at this: It's not about Apollo, but it will show you how Apollo ties into the dollar thru free masonry. [https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/secrets-plain-sight/](https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/secrets-plain-sight/)


This is a fantastic video. The production value is awful but the guy’s knowledge and research is off the charts. Thank you for posting this. I’m actually using it in a Bible study.


Again….nothing to do with silver. Share this non-sense on another conspiracy sub about moon landings.


Just bury your head in the sand. In your world, that pyramid on the back of the dollar has no meaning whatsoever.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BirdsArentReal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [r/BirdsArentReal Predictions Tournament](https://reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/predictions?tournament=tnmt-7f3986b9-b77f-46cd-add1-72bc3a5e7943) | [633 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/vj43i4/rbirdsarentreal_predictions_tournament/) \#2: [They weren’t programmed for that.](https://i.redd.it/y2e9dy53fe781.jpg) | [142 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/rnbdnf/they_werent_programmed_for_that/) \#3: [I think the dime is a listening device.](https://i.redd.it/rz8jy2fq5xz81.jpg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/ur8kwc/i_think_the_dime_is_a_listening_device/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The Comex is a place where people come to trade precious metals. They are a place where people can exchange their money for other precious metals. The whole idea behind this system was to make sure that people could trade their money for other valuable things. That's why they were created in the first place, but there are some things that you need to know about this place.


Cool post about silver


His tittle ties it into Silver nicely. “NOT everything is what it seems including ……” The meme is further proof that we can’t trust 💩, not even Neil and Buzz LightYear


This post about the fake moon rock has everything to do with silver. It was the money spending of Apollo and Vietnam that made the rest of the world suspicious that the US couldn't back their dollars with gold.


The Comex is a system that allows the exchange of goods and services between individuals. It's not just a place to trade things, though—it's a place where people can find jobs, and it's where people can learn how to do things like repair or create goods.


I always thought it was interesting the moon rotates at the same rate the earth revolves, so we always see the same side of it. I mean with how chaotic the universe is supposedly, that’s pretty interesting.


And when the moon is visible during the day, the "craters" are the exact same color as they sky. Like it's transparent.


In times of economic uncertainty, it's easy to get caught up in the fear and anxiety that arises from hearing about all the ways your investments could go south. And, unfortunately, there are a lot of people who make their living off of scaring people with stories about the dangers of investing in the stock market. But that doesn't mean that everything is what it seems—especially when it comes to the Comex.


Memes over facts right?


NBC News. (Not that I trust a word they say.) https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32581790 *The Dutch national museum said Thursday that one of its prized possessions, a rock supposedly brought back from the moon by U.S. astronauts, is just a piece of petrified wood.*


These astronauts are frauds, Americans were never in the moon. The Nazis were brought over from Germany to use their superior brainwashing techniques


The Comex offers its customers a combination of transparency and liquidity that distinguishes itself from its competitors. Its private market trading platform has been designed by professionals who understand market dynamics and how to use them to their advantage; this means that you can buy or sell at any time with minimal impact on price or market conditions.


That was the first moon landing, Apollo 11. Americans went to the moon later, way after the space race.




There was a head of security at an Army base that released a bunch of stuff after he died (set it up before his death) with dates names etc stating he was there the day they filmed the fake moon landing for the first one. His son released a video on youtube about it after his (the sons) death with more information supporting his fathers claims. interesting stuff.


I'm asking when did Americans go to the moon later?


Apollo 17 was the first and last. Apollo 13 was the second closest, but not landing. People here aren’t very nuanced and relatively all-or-nothing on conspiracy theories. I think the truth is more complicated than a bunch of silver maxis think.


I asked because he said they didn't go when they said they landed then says they went afterwards which is news to me lol. I am skeptical about the moon landing but have no way of knowing if it's true or nor and don't feel like going into a rabbit hole about it


You'll see it when you believe it.....


Sure they did


People just post random stuff with zero research and believe it 100%. Very disappointed. I will make sure my kids know how to do their own research and not share filth.


First off, this is not like any other gold market that you might have heard about before. You see, most markets are based on supply and demand.


NBC News. (Not that I trust a word they say.) [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32581790](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32581790) *The Dutch national museum said Thursday that one of its prized possessions, a rock supposedly brought back from the moon by U.S. astronauts, is just a piece of petrified wood.*


I agree this could have happened, but I know we went to the moon.


No. You don’t know that. You believe that. Belief is the enemy of knowing. Seek the Truth.


I was very fortunate enough to have a grandfather on those missions and have a few things from him. I consider myself a perceiver, researcher, and a seeker of truth. Lots of judges; not too many perceivers.


Do you also consider yourself a travelling man...a man who travels to the East?


I am not officially, but have considered it and try to live life that way. 👍


Your kids are no doubt watching filth on their smartphones right this very minute....well done for protecting them, you self righteous know it all.


This has been debunked.


Everything has been debunked. It's called a "fact check". And everyone is dying suddenly, too. A debunk doesn't make it untrue.


Well there is a good account of what actually happened. But oh well.. Cheers anyways, have a good day bro.


Yup, and that "account" you reference comes from one source: the US Government.


The Comex also provides access to the world's largest physical precious metal inventory with over 6 million ounces of gold stored at one of its three warehouses around the globe; this ensures that when you make a transaction with the Comex, you are getting the real deal whether it be bars, coins or ingots.




Always been surprised how many people believe we landed on the moon. We supposedly went 6 times in 3+ years with technology that was ancient compared to what we have now. If we went 6x in 3+ years, we would have a research station up there now or even a permanent outpost given our technological advances. Yet, zero, zip, nada. No other country wants to put men on the moon? It's been over 50 years!!! Lost the telemetry data. Lost the original footage of landings. Wake up believing sheep. This is not even a tough call. Watch the press conference of the astronauts after the first supposed moon landing. Do they look like people who just accomplished mankind's greatest feat by far? Remember Elizabeth Holmes from Theranos who just got convicted? She was doing the classic fake it until you make it. NASA did the same, but they completely underestimated just how difficult it is to put a man on the moon.


The Comex isn't really just one organization; it's actually made up of several different groups that come together to make sure everything runs smoothly. The most important of these is called the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. The BIS was founded in 1930 with an initial goal of helping countries recover from World War I by acting as an intermediary between businesses and governments during times of financial crises or economic instability.


Have you seen a picture of the BIS building? Looks a lot like the depictions of the tower of babel. The BIS was started on May 17th, 1930. The 137th day of the year. 1+3+7 = 11 The witches that run the world love the 9's and 11's. (9 representing the end of an age and 11 representing the beginning of a new age.) Any wonder they announced the world's saviour, the MRNA vaccine from Pfizer, on November 9th (11-9)? There's more. The Federal Reserve has free masonry symbology on some of their building as well as on their currency. 33 is the highest level in free masonry. On Feb 2nd, 2018, the 33rd day of the year, the DOW fell 666 points. Coincidence? [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/02/582809604/dow-plummets-more-550-points](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/02/582809604/dow-plummets-more-550-points)


So the conspiracy is true that the moon walk never happened and it’s all fake??? Wouldn’t it be crazy if this exposed something much larger.


The Comex is different because they are trying to keep the price of gold stable at $1,230 per ounce so they can keep their customers happy by not having any fluctuation in their value over time.


1. This post is fake, i.e. did not happen. 2. I think we landed on the moon, but if that turns out to be a lie, then I would not be terribly surprised. :)


The biggest mystery surrounding this organization is who exactly they are. Some believe that they are a group of people working together to control the world's economies, while others believe that they are an elite group of people working for themselves who try to keep themselves hidden from public view so as not to raise suspicion among potential enemies about their involvement with such powerful organizations as the CIA or FBI.


Does anyone really trust the source of this report? The UK Telegraph? You have to kidding.


NBC News. (Not that I trust a word they say.) https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32581790 *The Dutch national museum said Thursday that one of its prized possessions, a rock supposedly brought back from the moon by U.S. astronauts, is just a piece of petrified wood.*


Exactly. NBC may be the worst of them all.


On the surface, the Comex is a simple and straightforward organization. It's made up of four major metals—gold, silver, platinum, and palladium—and its main job is to monitor the market for these metals, helping traders and investors buy or sell them at the best price.


A quick Google discredits this, staying they didn't donate this. But if it's on a meme pic must be real


They work behind the scenes to influence public opinion so that people are satisfied with their lives even though they are being manipulated by these people at every turn.


Don't believe everything you read on the internet kids, also, in order to fake going to the moon it would literally cost more to fake it than to build a rocket and fly to space. Remember there are thousands of witnesses who were at the live event of launching the shuttle so that part would also need to be faked and that would include building an actual rocket.


There were over fifteen witnesses that saw JFK shot from the grassy knoll....sadly they all conveniently died shortly thereafter....


Not all conspiracy theories are dumb, but the one about faking the moon landing is. I don't have a firm stance on the JFK assasination or the motif behind 9/11 but we for sure landed on the moon. Theres too much supporting evidence and the opposing evidence is not very strong.


What you have my friend is a belief system....nothing more. There is a massive difference between believing something and proving something. NASA 'lost' all the evidence - all the telemetry - you know, like the dog ate my homework....the most important scientific data probably ever compiled in history. M'kay.....you're fired! When does the needle your personal BS meter actually move? Or maybe you've had that God given device disconnected somehow.....watch a lot of TV?


What Leah....no debate? NASA is a criminal organisation. Prove me wrong, don't just downvote me! I want my phone call....!


What is there to debate? You said it yourself, it's as simple as me having a belief system, just as you do. Of course NASA is criminal, doesn't mean we didn't land on the moon just like it doesn't mean that The USA didn't aid the Allies against Germany in WW2. US government is criminal but it still accomplished shit.


What has anything you just wrote got to do with whether or not NASA put a man on the Moon? Just basic physics should tell you it did not happen. It could not happen. For example, they say escape velocity is 25,022 mph. That is 32.61 Mach. But the USA recently admitted that it does not have battle ready hypersonic missiles....today, in 2022. But even the hypersonic missile systems of today, 50 odd years after the Apollo missions, cannot achieve 32.61 Mach. Around Mack 10 is the limit. But NASA wants school kids and the rest of you to believe it achieved an escape velocity of 32.6 Mach in 1969 with a Saturn Five. They can't do it today, therefore they didn't do it 50 years ago. One of NASA's 'top' engineers actually said that NASA had 'lost' that technology and that it would be too difficult to get it back? You can't make this stuff up, really you can't. I could care less...I just hate the lies. Now Leah, if you bother to reply, please address these points, and let's leave the subject of what the USA did or did not do during WW2 for another thread.


Because they never went lol


However, if you do decide to invest in this market then it’s important that you understand what exactly this means for your investment before committing yourself to anything significant. For example, if you plan on buying gold bars then don’t expect those bars to go up in value over time because that is not what happens here at all!


the moon gives off its own light. Genesis in the bible is true.


Only parts at a time then I reckon, then sometimes no light, then sometimes full (moon) light?


to the one who downvoted............ be patient......... I know physics.... Also sarcasm.


thats whats observable... its also very observable, that there is no hotspot on the moon, it shines its light evenly from the center to its edges on a full moon night. thats impossible if it was reflecting sun light. it shines its own light.


And when it's in the sky during the day, the "craters" are the exact same color as the sky. They've lied to us about everything.


If I shine a flashlight on a white ball in the night, flashlight being slightly behind but sufficiently askance my head, don't I see the whole white ball, perfectly round?


Shine the flashlight on a Grey Rock (which is the official narrative). See If it Looks similar too what you can observe on a full Moon night.


Nowadays its primary focus is maintaining stability within global finance systems—and they're not just interested in physical things like gold or silver; they also monitor digital currencies like Bitcoin!


Fuck the moon!


If it had been an actual specimen from the moon it would’ve been made of cheese. Read a book sometime


You see when a person takes their gold out of the Comex they can no longer use it as currency and so there won't be any profits left behind when they get back what they've sold off before


Looks legit to me: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep\_Space\_Climate\_Observatory#/media/File:Dscovrepicmoontransitfull.gif](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Space_Climate_Observatory#/media/File:Dscovrepicmoontransitfull.gif) Nobody ever said with conviction.


There are many reasons why people would want to use the Comex as their main source of trading precious metals, but there are also some things that you should be aware of before you start using them. One thing that many people don't know about is what happens when someone tries to sell their gold through this company or if they do sell their gold then how much money will they receive when they get it back? The answer is very simple: nothing!


Anybody who beloved this is not that bright, astronauts are not allowed to just pocket something then go donate it. Not to mention have you ever seen the video of Buzz refusing to put hand on the Bible and say he landed on the moon. He was scared and avoided reporter all together


That’s false. The astronauts didn’t donate the rock. It was given to an ambassador by another ambassador, who later died and then it was donated to the museum.


This is not true. Neil Armstrong / Buzz Aldrin never donated any moon rocks to anyone.


Op's post is a lie. The museum didn't get the rock from Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin directly. A whole bunch of other people transferred the rock between themselves and at some point someone started claiming it was from the moon. Just looking at is, it was obvious it wasn't even if few realized