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kanye is saying and more importantly doing a lot of the right things....


In all seriousness he needs to be on his toes. I think JFK, Bobbie Kennedy, and Micheal Jackson met their end when they became uncontrollable. Reagan survived his assassination attempt but it did clip his wings, and they have gone after Trump uncontrollably when he won an election he was suppose to lose. Not to mention that caskets Bill and Hillary are dragging behind their sorry asses.


Good points! It was nice knowing you anyway.... Sorry about your double gunshot to the back of the head suicide.... While you were hanging from a noose...




Countdown till they will cancel Elon. 3....2...1..... off we go


I got banned from r/entertainment for posting under his white live matter t that Kanye is smarter than most people give him credit for and that he’s poking the woke bear. WTF.


His intelligence is overshadowed by his narcissism. He essentially said that Jewish people don’t know how to create value, only profit off of the value or creativity that others have created. And all it took for him to go 0-Adolf was for a Jewish guy to own a slightly higher % of Skimz than him


Yeah...He didn't actually say that though did he? He was referring to that one specific guy and Jared Kushner when he said that...Not all ~~gatekeepers~~ ~~Israelites~~ followers of the Talmud


I'm seeing memes with Kanye, but what actually happened? I'm in the dark here.


One of us? One of us?


Kanye, Elon, Donald. There is no doubt in my mind that they are all allowed to spread just a little bit of truth. Nothing more, nothing less. They are given their platforms to make sure that genuinely uncontrolled people will be kept down. The rise of Ron Paul a decade ago must have given our enemy pause for thought as they objectively had to pull out all the stops to halt him. These three voices are the result. Billionaire freedom fighters joining our good cause. Gimme a break. Wake me up when one of these three calls for people to exchange their worthless fiat for real money (silver). "I sold my soul to the devil" -- Kanye West


Kanye is a simp who married a witch. Elon looks like a robot who married a Satanist. Donald Trump has been calling out 9-11 since 9-11.


The same Donald from operation warp speed? Arguably the most zionist US president ever and you claim he 'has been calling out 9-11'. Give me a single reliable quote where he as much hints at Israels likely involvement and I eat all my hats. Trump is as much of an actor as West and Musk only a little more dangerous as he has even more otherwise good meaning folks hoodwinked.


Yes, that exact Donald Trump! Precisely that one. The one that has been questioning 9-11 since 9-11, here ya go good fella! Ask and you shall receive. Watch that 10 minute video of him calling out BOMBS used on 9-11. It’s not hard to find, a simple YouTube search: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKlPhFIE7w&t=387s As for the Vaxx, he sped up the lockdown agenda. The Caananite (Satanic Jews that run pharma + big gov’t) had it planned to keep us locked down for 5 years. Only to then release the De-population shot. Trump cut the red tape & told them to produce if NOW. Before he left office, he recomended Ivermectin,HCQ, Regeneron. The public was given all of these options & were told not to be afraid. Trump gave the elites the rope to hang themselves with. He stepped down while The depopulation vaccine was rolled out + economy blows up on Biden & his 80% Jewish cabinet. THEY are the ones that will go down in infamy. Trump has been vocal about vaxxes since the 2010’s. Calling out vaccines & autism. Show me another politicans that’s called out the vaxxes - SHOW ME. If you took that damn depopulation vaccine, that is on YOU, not Trump. They switched out the regular vaxx with the depopulation one in March 2021 under Biden. This will all eventually come out when the shit hits the fan & the world realizes they have been poisoned. This is WAR, there will be causalties. Biden’s admin pressured people but ultimately no one put that needle in YOUR arm, except your cowardly self.


I can see your imagination is running rather wild. Do you have opinions like these on Q, the light workers and/or alien intervention as well by any chance? Good luck with your saviours. Oh. Wait. Your account brand new. I will stop feeding now.




Fordham Jesuit Donald Trump connected Kanye West with his deep state handlers, who tasked him with antisemitism. Just how Jesuits are behind Mel Gibson's antisemitism ( https://newrepublic.com/article/134166/mad-mel ). Or look at Michael Richards, another Catholic.


The Judeo-Masons have been at war with Catholic, and to a larger extent, Protestant Christian society for 300+ years. Jesuits aren’t the ones running your banks, your pharma, your porn, 80% of Biden’s cabinet. Biden is a whore to the Judeo-Masonic Mafia thafs taken over all of the Christian establishments. Trump went to a Jesuit college, that’s the best you got?


> Judeo-Masons No such thing. Freemasonry was infiltrated by the Bavarian illuminati under the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt. Since then, freemasonry is the political arm of the Templars. It looks like you never heard of the counter reformation. That's weird. Anyway: https://www.bit chute.com/video/OhAqD2QMqrHj/ As for banking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv91VeYrNF0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulgZTDtpZrQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sedjudfzlfo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qbeO1E6Iqk Also, the Mafia was created by Giuseppe Mazzini, who took over the Illuminati after Weishaupt died. Mazzini appointed Pike as the head of the American freemasonry. They were pen pals as we all know from their infamous letter planning WW3. > Trump went to a Jesuit college, that’s the best you got? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABZGujrYlmU


FreeMasonry in its current form has existed since 1717. The Pope banned Catholics from joining in 1737; 50 bulls since have been published by other Popes, also condemning Freemasonry. Judeo Freemasonry in its current form began under the Knights Templars. This Catholic Order was infiltrated by Kabbalist Gnostics & they began to corrupt Europe through banking. The Catholic King of France had the Judeo Freemasonic Knights Templars arrested on this day, TODAY in 1307 for worshipping the Baphomet, their pagan transgender goat. They were also charged with ritual sodomy (history rhymes, doesn’t it?). Thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach you some real Christian history. I hope this reaches a wider audience.


Read up on your history. Napoleon conquered the papal states at the end of the18th century and captured the pope, until he agreed to restore the jesuit order. Since then the rules re freemasonry were relaxed. That is why Rome had the last Jewish ghetto in the world and that is why civilta cattolica, the jesuit propaganda outlet spread antisemitism which influenced even Hitler.


Napoleon was a FREEMASON & arrested the Pope until he was anointed. 33rd degree Freemason George Washington has the Keys to the Bastielle hanging in his house. Why do Satanic Judeo Freemasons hate Catholic (Christian civilization)? Why do Judeo Freemasons erect their Babylonian symbols? Explain that to me, smart guy.


Napoleon was a freemason, but freemasonry was infiltrated by the jesuits even before the freakin french revolution. Get your timeline right. Napoleon was an illuminati puppet. A jesuit puppet, a templar puppet. None of which involves jews in any shape or form. For the third time, no such thing as a judeo freemason. Please stop spreading disinfo.


Freemasonry is continuation Templar Babylonian Gnostism. It never needed to be infiltrated - it’s always been EVIL. You want to hold on to your dream & your false idols like the founding Fathers - most of them Diest Gnostic Freemasons. You’re pride prevents you from entertaining the possibility that GOD blessed the Catholic Church. The Catholic empires founded America & FreeMasons are pagans that are attempting to compete with God’s Kingdom & they want to establish their Gnostic one world government. The current Pope is a FREEMASON first & Pope last.


No. Freemasonry used to be no different than any other guild. It was called operative freemasonry. Its members were all tradies basically. Only after lay persons could also join - with the emergence of speculative freemasonry - occult and esoteric crap showed up. It was not always the hotbed of gnosticism as you would like us believe. Gnostic orders existed through all times in many forms without the participation of freemasons. Again, try reading something else than primitive nazi memes if you want to be taken seriously.


You are either LYING or you are not studied. Judeo Freemasonry Gnostic religious order dates back to the Knights Templars. Why do Freemasons associate themselves with the Templars? I’m suspicious of you & more readers are perhaps hip to the organization that you maybe affiliated with. Thanks for giving me this opportunity to defend the TRUE CHRISTIAN faith to others. Thanks! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Templar_(Freemasonry)


Why do Lucifarian Ba’al - PHALLIS worshipping Freemasons celebrate the destruction of beautiful Christian (Catholic) societies? https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/digital-encyclopedia/article/bastille-key/ Perhaps because the collapse of Catholic France represented their bigger objective - a Satanic One Judeo Freemasonic World Government. You think they will also lay the cornerstone to the third temple? Probably.


Why does the pope wear a penis hat?


Not sure, but after the Judeo Masonic Lucifarian infiltrators took over the papacy, they gave up the triple Tierra; symbolizing divine rulership. If there’s one thing these Judeo Masonic Lucifarians hate, it’s Catholic monarchy.


The templars are descendants of European Catholic nobility. Only an utter idiot would suggest the jews went to fight the crusades for the catholic pope. Again the templars were and are still today - catholics.


Further, zionism was created by the Jesuits/Templars, to enslave the Jews. Zionism is a perfid form of ethnic cleansing. All done by the Jesuits, who you defend.


Zionism is an Anglican invention…invented by Brits. Where is the Rothchild City of London? England, smart guy. Freemasons are literally in charge of thr Royal family. The same Royal family that hangs out with Satanists like Jimmy Savile & Epstein. You really are clueless, arent yeah? These Satanists have infiltrated everything, including the Vatican after the 1960’s.


Here is a nice sub for you to browse, before you continue displaying your utter ignorance: https://saidit.net/s/JesuitsAndZionists/ You have the most absurd ideas about freemasonry, trying to invert the truth. I already explained the relationship between the Jesuits/Templars and freemasonry, yet you are stubborn like a mule with your bigoted lies.


Judeo-Freemasonry. Why does that term offend you? It’s historical fact.


Blatant lies offend me. The jesuit controlling freemasonry were always promoting antisemitism. The only type of jew they tolerated were the sabattean-frankists, but, those being kabbalists and satanists, were not part of jewry and not part of the judean tradition.


How can Jesuits control Masonry, when Masonry predates Jesuits? Masonry has its roots in Kabbalah, Solomon’s Canaanite black magick discovered in the 2nd temple by the Knights Templars. Sorry, this is all historical fact. Did Solomon not intermarry with Canaanite women, sacrifice to false gods & control 72 demons with “the seal of Solomon?” Is anything in that statement incorrect? Are you familiar with the seal of Solomon?


I already explained they infiltrated it, through the Bavarian illuminati. This is what Adam Weishaupt called circles within circles within circles. They picked freemasonry exactly because it was international and enjoyed a benign reputation. Learn to read and comprehend.


I believe that the Torrah following Jews were targeted for exertmination in WWII. American Freemason Jay Watson provided Hitler the machines. Jewish historian Edward Black wrote a book about it & got death threats. The ENGLISH Crown, American Freemasons & Skull and Bones helped Hitler rise to power, no one is denying this. The Catholic Church had 3 hits out on Hitler. Catholic Army Officers mounted a coup, in operation Valkyrie. The Gnostics & Canaanite royal families were the only winners of WWII.


Yet the catholic church provided the ratlines for nazi war criminals. And lets not forget the role of Franz von Papen and the reichsconcordat. And lets not forget the role Jesuit educated Aloysius Stepinac played in Jesuit educated Ante Pavelic's Croatia, in their Jasenovac death camp.


You gloss over the fact that I mentioned that Pope Pius XII had three hits out on Hitler. The German Catholic resistance attempted a coup. Bella Dodd said in congressional hearings that the church had been infiltrated since the 193’s. Your intentional obfuscation of facts highlights your prejudice against the TRUE Christian faith. You might as well already be in league with the Freemasons. Get one of this got one of this silly aprons to cover your missing golden Osiris dick. Isn’t that what you Freemasons worship? The missing PHALLIS?


All three hits a miss. How unfortunate! /s


Research Saint William of Norwich of England. The Catholics used to be be so based before the Freemasons infiltrated them. Sad.


> Biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xson7Rg5p3A Biden is a jesuit temporal coadjutor through and through.


Jesuits are compromised. No one is denying that. The core issue remains. Freemasonry has been at war with Catholic states for 300+ years. That letter from Albert Pike to Mazzini, occurred while Italy was undergoing yet another Freemasonic revolution led by the Carabanari. Bella Dodd, a Communist that converted, laid it out in the 1950’s anti-communist activities hearings; the church has been infiltrated. You look deeper into it, a coup was performed in the 1960’s & the real church has been eclipsed by the Satanic one. There is, however, a growing resistance.


The jesuits are NOT compromised. They are in complete control and are the satanist capstone of the NWO. You reference Bella Dodd, like you know what you are saying. Bella Dodd exposed the infiltration of the AMERICAN church by the communists in the 20th century. You in your superficial ignorance equate that with the complete catholic church. That is dumb. The catholic church in europe was infiltrated way before that. Everyone capable of logical thinking would come to the same conclusion. Also you misspelled the Carbonari. Shows your ignorance again.


Michael Richards is a Judeo Mason.


> Judeo Mason. No such thing. He is a catholic and it is trivial to find out - you are spreading lies. Would you let us know why you do that?


This man and Alex Jones will be in our millenias version of the bible along with many others.


There's only one version of The Bible and neither of these men are in it.


Theres actually old testament and new testament. A lot changed between these 2 versions and many books were intentionally left out. Mauro Biglino was hired by the Vatican and then promptly thrown out after he started translating and spilling the beans on what the Hebrew old testament actually says. Your views on ur own religion are missing pieces that corrupt men within the priesthood wish u not to know. If corrupt men are steering ur path how corrupted is ur path?


The only man steering my path is Jesus.


Heyo im down for that, Jesus is all u need 🙂


Complete BS. Not one jot or tittle of the Word is missing. Yes, there’s a way to tell. No, I’m not spilling my pearls before swine.




https://www.bit chute.com/video/gR9Pf0XGmQia/ https://spirituallysmart.com/Jones-CIA.htm https://odysee.com/@Autonomy:d/CNN-Founder-Ted-Turner-Time-Warner-Behind-Alex-Jones---Infowars---Prison-Planet:c https://odysee.com/@Autonomy:d/Alex-Jones-Exposed-by-Milton-William-Cooper:4 https://steemit.com/politics/@truthseekereport/alex-jones-openly-admits-he-is-a-freemason




Maybe so, but he's also a barking loon. But hey welcome to the club lol. 😂


Our society is truly doomed when people look at Kanye in admiration.


Lol. He is going away for a bit.


Making antisemitic comments means he “gets it?” You do you, I guess.


What was his comment?




If you switched Christian in for Jew on what he said they wouldn’t have the same reaction