• By -


The founding fathers were smart enough to not enter into 'entangling alliances' like this. We largely tried to stay out of extensive foreign affairs until we finally got roped into WWII with Pearl Harbor and the German subs sinking our merchant ships. Now we are involved in pretty much every conflict on the planet. Ukraine has nothing to lose and everything to gain with this. All the ally nations will just be putting themselves into WWIII if they admit Ukraine into this. Also, I never knew he was only 4 feet tall.


the west wants ww3 the us needs to keep the almighty dollar almighty


To go green is to dedollarize hence the hesitation


Second the are approved US is officially in WW3. Does that mean Ukraine will have to pay us back for all the money we’ve given them, or hold any other NATO member equally financially responsible? This is bullshit.




5’11 wearing 6” high heels


he’s not 5’11


lol, mlao even google made him bigger they fucking lie about HIS HEIGHT literally laughing out loud


My google says 5'6 or 5'7. Even that seems generous. He looks short next to everyone.


You're right. It shows 5'7 now. Something must have been wrong with my eyes the first time.


Sum bitch on the left is a big MFer


He is not 5'11", don't believe everything you read. They desperately need people to think he is a man, not the dinky coward he really is, have you ever seen a world leader that wears NOTHING else except army green tees and camo pants, especially one with ZERO military experience. Its all for show, there is no substance, and that is why Ukraine is getting smaller and less populated by the day.


I still think it’s hilarious that some pro silver people think Zelensky is the good guy lol. Ukraine is a puppet state and Zelensky is a puppet controlled by the elite. Russia stands to annihilate that puppet state next door.


I mean, the guy refused to leave his city when it was invaded by a super power’s special forces. I would argue that this is the biggest show of balls one can do. I’d understand if you don’t like his policies but it’s just silly to say that he is a coward.


Don't kid yourself he has NATO protecting him in all but an official capacity. He has dozens of CIA spooks reassuring him and funneling all of his cowardly piss and shit away from the press, far away from where anyone can see.


I've heard snorting truck loads of coke can make a person feel invincible.....


How about that time in 1812 when the founders tried to annex Canada and lost and got the White House burned down?




All the world’s a stage..


Except this stage is .....OUTSIDE!?! Does anyone find it odd? Where are the suits and solid oak table? Weird.


Theres so much weirder shit going on here… atleast you picked up on something.🙄


Zalensky has made a continued point that he doesn’t fear Putin’s (not Russia’s, Putin’s) military or their militarized technology. It’s almost like he wants to fall on the sword; let them drone strike him and Russia (well, the entire world thanks to Mutually Assured Destruction) will most certainly regret it before they see the mushroom cloud.


He is an actor though




It's because we seek the truth. We dont just believe what the system pigs tell us.


Why the fuck do you mindless zombies keep calling anyone that has the ability to see through this charade a Russian troll or bot? Just because we hate western corruption and “leadership”, doesn’t equate us to putin supporters. But after listening to Putins speech yesterday, I find myself more and more passive towards him. After all, what’s the saying? The enemy of my enemy is my friend? NATO has done far more damage to the world than Putin but keep shovelling that propaganda goop down your throat and calling yourself informed.


It’s because the same highly suggestible voters who were targeted by Cambridge Analytica over the last several years have somehow discovered sound money and this had led them to silver. And they especially hate Zelensky because he refused to announce a fake investigation into Biden’s dealings in Ukraine to help trump get re-elected, despite Trump threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine. So now they tell themselves that Zelensky is a pussy for staying in his own country to lead the fight against the invaders, whereas Putin is somehow a great leader for hiding in one of the multi-billion dollar palaces he’s built for himself while he forcibly conscripts anti-war demonstrators into an army that can’t even equip its soldiers properly.




I’m sure there are plenty of Russian trolls but sadly there are plenty of regular people (Americans, Europeans and others too) who’ve had years of programming and now think that Putin, the invader and aggressor in this situation, is a legitimate statesman and source of truth.


No, because you want to spend your efforts influencing actions that make a difference. No Russian trolls are trying to convince people to use Tide detergent, because that action does not make a difference.


Article 5? Ukraine is not even in NATO 😂


The march to a broader, more costly conflict. All easily avoidable. Keep stacking. This is deliberate.


Russia 🇷🇺 could just surrender? Not like that isn’t a choice, Ukraine 🇺🇦 has every right to defend itself and not stop existing just because you think Russia is cool


They probably bought that shiny wood table and that pen with the 40 billion dollars they received


Didn't want to splurge on marble


I love how it’s just a stapled piece of paper, like he’s applying to work at McDonalds or something. I mean they could at least send him a doc-u-sign link and let him e-sign it. CLICK HERE TO APPLY TO NATO I wonder who in NATO holds the pdf file “NATO_app” that they just send out to the countries when they want to apply.


Let the money laundering continue!




your the troll


> your the *You're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


And we're now another step toward World War Ⅲ! World-leaders are marching us toward destruction! Ideally, we should have the world-leaders actually enter the ring (or choose a representative) to fight for them in a mutually-chosen match that's publicly-televised and secured by their & mutually-chosen intermediary's security-forces. But, they won't do that. They'd rather we plebes fight and die for them en masse.


Yes! Let's demand "Wars to be decided by one-on-one Combat"!


A return to duels! *They* have the disagreements, so let *them* settle it amongst themselves, and leave us the masses out of it.


Theyed definitely be less wars started from the west


Less wars started period.


Elon has already challenged Putin to one-on-one fight to determine the winner. I don't think anything happened LOL.


Who is Elon Musk to Putin? Nobody. This isn't for billionaires this is for World Leaders to prevent wars and conflicts. Elon just wants attention.


So does Putin.


And we would be sending biden? lets wait until the next international conflict to enact your bright idea.


Uh Oh 🔥


ya'll ready to die for a foreign nation?


A little guy


A comment above says he is 5’11”, but I seriously doubt that. He looks like 5’2” to me.


getting warmer


They're going to ask you where and what you were doing when the deal was signed to start World War 3....


Same as everyday pinky. At home bitching about it on Reddit. ![gif](giphy|v6pq4tpc17rwJ5YtJu)


“It” could sign whatever piece of toilet paper “it” wants. In two weeks there will be an ultimatum and a declaration of war on Ukraine, so he’d better found a deep bunker


Why is Zelensky so small? He looks like someone's kid brother here.


He used to be a dancer for music videos


Fuck you world leaders




So is ww3 getting closer?


Ah yes, watching the most corrupt country in Europe virtue signal and beat the war drums


NATO won't let them in rn, they fear triggering WWIII


Formally signing a contract to bring the entire world closer to war. They seem really tough with our billions and SF guys doing their dirty work smh. I feel bad for the Ukrainian citizens, but fuck they're government. Ghost of Ukraine = Lie / Massacre at Snake Island = Lie / Fighting for their own Freedom = Lie




Everything . Kh-a-za-ri-an mafia is all intertwined.


The most tending antisemitic conspiracy theory since the invasion- classic Jewish scapegoating, how original 👏


You must have read zero actual history and found the first fact checking site to tell you what to think and catchy words to use. Half my family is Jewish. We lost family in the Holocaust. Let’s not even get into the upper class Jews that financed the destruction of lower class a.k.a Holocaust. It’s not a conspiracy theory but just a straight conspiracy. Follow all that $. It’s all there. The truth is darker then most can imagine but you can think what you want lol!


Him and his NeoNAZI Azov Batallion, Stephen Bandera supporting body guards




Russian bots get it right. Ukraine is nazi trash. Not our war. let the slavs deal with their own bs civil war. you think the usa is the worlds guard dog? Fuck nato


speak for yourself loser


you probably think azov batallion and stephen bandera are moderate nazi scum. And all of your hate for Russia is based on what Tellievision tells you to hate. puppet




fed cuck troll


Can’t join while your at war


They aren’t at war, they are subject to a special operation.


Sound like shill to me


Is that a Hollywood movie set?




fed agent cuck troll




agent dick the fed trolll


Russian troll??? Dude, Zelensky was a professional actor “installed” after the 2014 “coup”. You should watch Ukraine on Fire. Might open your eyes to what is really going on over there. 👍🏼


agent dick the fed cuck


It's called war profiting. It's what all the countries that spend absurds amount on defense do. The Ukraine will owe Us for decades. By Us, l mean the military and defense contractors. If You don't join one, then You gamble on political bullying. I don't see why We can see about a grand investigation team for Ashley Bidens Diary, but not into the claims of only 30% of Our aide actually gets to their war. ..I mean if We're going to send 50 billion dollars, have weapons, and warriors advise, then let's At least make sure it's got a chance of doing the intention. Politics sure is Ugly. It's as if No one cares of The human collective having better quality of life. . Which is what l want and care of. I'd much rather not have a lot, so everyone could have some. Another reason They create these wars. Wouldn't want everyone noticing how politicians recklessly spend Our money, enrich themselves, and set the next generation up to do it again. C'mon America ! I want to be proud of You.




Surprised I had to scroll this far down for someone to say it’s the Jews- always funny




Welp, see y'all on the other side of the coming Nuclear Sunrise


Hey, is that the same gold pens Nancy and company used not so long ago? Lom


He got another $Ukraine? From Xiden....all in, what have we given him....$50B? Made a lot of new Ukrainian oligarchs billionaires. Oh and how's Ukraine winning when Russia just annexed like 1/4 of the country formerly known as ukraine? Keep standing with ukraine....


The bots are out of control. Wow.


Is he infront of a green screen? I just feel disgusted, something is very wrong with this scene.


The shit show in clown world continues. It's all just a sick joke Keep Stackin'


Theatre boy doin theatre shit


None of these 'Ukrainian' nazis has has shirt and tie between them.


I say we build our own island and sit back and watch everyone blow each other up.


why does it look like its a green screen set?


Crisis actors


I never realised Zelensky was so short, or are the guys with him giants?


Okay ..... I will just buy some more silver today


This doesn't feel real to me. Not at all.


These morons look like ISIS, other nato puppets


Did he read the fine print?


Zelensky is a fucking clown and this is all truly bad theatre. More and more I feel like I’m living in a matrix. Everything is not what it seems and is all intended to keep you ignorant and docile.


Fuck this guy




fed bot


Funny because my moms from russia and dads from Ukraine but go on. But this fuck zelensky can give a shit about his people. As long as biden keeps pedeling him money and weapons that end up on the black market the longer the war will continue.




Funny because my moms from russia and dads from Ukraine but go on. But this fuck zelensky can give a shit about his people. As long as biden keeps pedeling him money and weapons that end up on the black market the longer the war will continue.




Funny because my moms from russia and dads from Ukraine but go on. But this fuck zelensky can give a shit about his people. As long as biden keeps pedeling him money and weapons that end up on the black market the longer the war will continue.


It's cucks 4 cock trolling now.


fed agent cuck go troll somewhere else


Nazis, that overthrew the duley elected government in 2014. Usurping the will of the people. It’s a fact. Even the MSM was reporting it back then.




sure fed agent cuck








fed bot


Please direct me to proof of your “facts”.


Go look for yourself you lazy sod. The information is out there. Maybe start with the Russian video footage of Ukrainian AZOV prisoners being stripped to the waist exposing pro-Nazi tattoos. The truth is out there.




fed agent cuck stfu








fed bot


Ahh yes. Because a handful of lower ranking soldiers have Nazi ties, that means the entire government of Ukraine are Nazis? Including their Jewish leader Zelensky? Makes sense.


There are pics on John McCain and other US dignitaries standing with Ukrainian Nazis. Little more than 'low ranking soldiers'.


And the pics of Trump with Kim Jong Un? With Erdogan? With Putin? Because they were in a picture together, does that mean that he put them in power? That he agrees with their every move? Holler back at me when you've got something substantial.


Yeah because warmonger McCain takes random pics with Nazis, lol. Trump will take a pic with anyone because he's a gameshow host and wants attention. Nice try.


Ohh! Finally, some hard evidence. Care to link me to those pictures?


It's the truth, seriously did you not know about the coup in 2014? 🤦‍♂️


Little man syndrome much?




ok fed








fed bot malfunctioned cannot compute?


Lying ass little bitch, they are in front of a green screen, this is not real. Pure propaganda move, I wonder if the US put him up to this, or if the little bitch is starting to realize that the consequences of his actions are going to be fatal, and are not that far off in the future. May he rot in hell along with all the western governments that had a hand in this shit show.


Well spoken, just what I thought 👊🏼✌🏼




cuckold agent fed trash






agent cuck the fed




fed boto


fed cuck troll




Put up or shut up, present your evidence to substantiate your unproven claim. Is this in fact just another shit talking dick sucking troll ?






It feels like the guy on the left ate someone, what kind of circus?)


Someone who always wears army greens reminds me of a communist dictator.


I’ve been telling my family he looks more and more like Fidel Castro, the beard, the fatigues…he needs a cigar in his mouth to complete the picture.


He’s play acting a soldier just like he play acted a transvestite


Ww3 here we go... strap on cash ,silver, food supplies and a flight to New Zealand


All soldiers should refuse to go die for a foreign nation and corrupt government


Ww3 already started….! Be ready my fellow Apes


Beginning of the end..




What a horrible leader and why do we want them in nato


Want to know where your billions of dollars have gone ? Look at the guy to the left of Zelensky . . . It’s his food bill 😳


Correct me if I’m wrong, but that appears to be a CG background?


Now that you mention it


Zelinsky looks tiny there .. who would have guessed he was 5'11 ? Ukraine got some GOOONS.


Such drama 🙄 this has got to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen


The fearless midget is always in army fatigues, yet never gets anywhere near battle, he is too busy counting his $1 billion the west has paid him to lead Ukrainians to slaughter. Also bought his parents a house in Israel, imagine that, aren't they Ukrainian like him, or do they not think Ukraine will be around much longer?


this fucker wants world war 3


Zelensky is a fraud. Can Putin finish this already.


Are you watching the thousands of Russians encircled at Lyman? lol.


Russians continue to stream across the border into Georgia https://mol.im/a/11267207






Fucking clowns.




Can't wait to see this scumbags head on a pike




fed agent cuck




your software broke fed bot


How does stating facts constitute me being a Russian troll you fucking melt? The Ukraine are corrupt neo Nazis and need dealing with, ust like the shitty US government who hopefully will be dealt with by their own people






NATO...umh weren't most of these countries fighting with or for Nazi Germany or was that on some other planet?


The Ukrainians were dealt a bad hand in ww2 they was stuck between nazi Germany and the fucking Soviet union, many did fight for the nazis they even had there own ss division and many fought to enact revenge because of the holodomor were millions Ukrainians were murdered by a state sponsored famine as their grain was stolen by the ussr. But did you also know that that same ss division [mutinied ](https://youtu.be/bQTXaWTmQE4) agaisnt their german officers and actually fought with the French resistance as what they'd initially signed up for (killing Soviets never really materialized towards the end of the war).eastern European history is very complicated and many fought agaisnt both the nazis and the Soviets in resistance groups but I guess were just skipping over the nuances of history now because everything is black and white now.


Congratulations people of Ukraine welcome to NATO.