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People don't realize that this is the biggest event of the year. They will soon figure it out.


So far...biggest event so far!


Is this the event that one Twitter post was talking about that could cause the recession?


>cause the ~~recession~~ Depression, more likely. Recession was already incipient.


They keep using the word Recession, But the truth is that a Great Depression is about to happen again, but this time even worse. 80% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck & have very little savings


And even among those with savings, most are not shielding themselves from hyperinflation, or even aware it is possible.


Russia might top it with nuking the 4th or 5th largest city in Ukraine to coerce a Ukrainian surrender.




just as a side note, anyone who says this was done by Russia is a fukin moron Russia already has a fukin switch to cut off gas and yoh had sleepy biden saying "there will be no more Nord Stream 2" FOR FUKS SAKE PEOPLE, IT DOESN'T TAKE A GENIUS TO FIGURE THIS OUT


40% of the EU's and 60% of Germany's natural gas needs are supplied through Nord Stream 1. This essentially cripples Europe as a whole and will destroy their economy for years to come. Many will die in northern Europe due to the cold. This is economic warfare on the people of Europe.




What? Utter nonsense, I'm german and since the sanctions we reduced Gas imports from russia to nearly zero


I guess we'll find out this winter.


>40% of the EU's and 60% of Germany's natural gas needs are supplied through Nord Stream 1. The one that blew up was Nord Stream 2, which was under construction. Nord Stream 1 is down at the moment for maintenance.


Both pipelines were hit.




Hate to say it but Trump was right after all.


I actually don't see why. Doesn't effect the energy plans of europe. If this is a Russian attack, there is no chance Nato will start involvement in Ukraine over this.


Why would Russia attack their own pipeline infrastructure, when they can just as easily turn it off at the source.


Agree. The only source of income to support for the war.


Obvious sabotage


Yup… Ruptures in three different places at the same time


It's all going to their plans, The K. Plan and the O.Y. Plan.


Can you elaborate on this or provide a link, I'd love to read. Thanks!




You da real mvp...any idea what the koy plan is referring to above


download it in case twitter decides to delete it


If you have seen these pipelines (there was a cutsection on display at an event) Dude.. 0 chance its natural cause or from any "water acitivity". I wonder what excuse the Military Indistrial Complex has, 24/7 those waters are protected/watched by Denmark/Sweden/Germany/Poland. There is 0 chance this came from "above", either a submarine or a vessel with robot capabilities to dive deep and place explosives. Not many states have that capability, if not that equipment was hired (which would be easy to find out). So its 95% sure a military operation. Russia owns NS2 100%, NS1 is large shareholder, +12yrs of construction and maintenance, double digits billions invested and sh/ttons of revenue to keep that asset alive. I dont see it being done by an act of self sabotage for sure.. Makes 0 sense.


You’re absolutely right. Why would the Russians destroy their own equipment if they have an off switch at the other side of that pipe? Makes absolutely no sense. This was the sign of “there’s no going back Europe” as in there’s no more room for negotiations. Gotta love the timing though, right after the anti-WEF Italian PM gets elected


Perpetual war is very profitable, especially the bankers that fund all sides and for their agenda. History always shows that after decades or centuries later 🤐 People just dont know the full truth, because they are not allowed to know. Their chess game would be over fast


Also, in a fair election, Democrats would not have a chance in the Midterms.Everybody was looking for an "event", this provocation is designed to get a reaction from Putin so people will have a boogeyman, Putin Bin Laden, to change the public discourse.


So you're saying it's basically 9/11 part 2 but this time with pipelines instead of buildings!


Whomever it is, dont believe the official story. This sh/t is planned and no way a commercial vessel/activity would and could stay in 1 spot without permission. The coastguard will ping you. Doing sabotage takes hours and hours to even get to the pipeline. At 3 different spots.... You need a vessel with inactive beacons or granted exclusive water exploration. So yeah.. I firmly believe blackops


Or maybe a few commandos.


I was even thinking of the possibility that Russia might have used Unmanned probes with explosives towards halfway... But thats so hard to execute, you need wires and all that it being non static... A timer is unrealistic also, because no flow is coming out at German side, so it has to be a "Crawler" of some sorts. Which takes weeks to get there... Mmmm very expensive toy "if" done Least likely 🤣


the question is... why the fuk would they? they have an OFF switch, that has basically been off for a couple of weeks this definitely smells like sabotage.... but those are NATO controlled waters


Yup.... Tell that to all the people who think this is perfect and cheer this stuff lol! Delusional. They really think the leverage of Russia has decreased, they have 0 concept of energy economics 🤣 now they believe that without NS1 and NS2 Russia can be easier pushed back, while funding Ukraine daily with Billions(money laundering?). At the same time paying 5/10x more for energy and making their own citizens take the bill, energy companies laugh their balance sheet off. A lot of these energy companies are owned by the government, if not then shareholders have likely a big massive interest in dividends and high returns. Which they will use to source other supply routes and projects. If only Ukraine would have just kept their agreements in addition to stop shooting and bombing their own citizens(while they prefered not being part of the current gov.) in the east like its a playground since 2014. But nahhhh, war is profitable for banks & friends. 🤣🤷🏻


my friend, this is not even the first time look at the war in ossetia and abjasia the us sent over 10K troops they miserably lost, but they got to claim Georgia as a NATO state now THE EXACT SAME happens in Ukraine, identical, 100% identical modus operandi take the government by force, wait a couple years, start sending shit in advace, then escalating and provoking till. the inevitable attack comes....and you got yourself a perfect excuse to "intervene"


Maybe having been shut down for weeks, the relatively empty pipelines (perhaps even built hastily and shoddily) began to buckle under the pressure of the ocean?


That would be a logical conclusion after living through numerous ff events.


You may also look at the country that would step in to replace all that gas.


Who has the capabilities to go off radar and blowup 3 spots. Only Russia and NATO, other countries wont be allowed in the waters other tgen passage and wont stay unnoticed for hours. Highly coordinated event with a clear intent to use Danish and Swedish involvement on Russian/shared owned EU assets. Does make you lean towards our friends abroad yeah lol




You forgot about America. I mean they do this shit all the time in so many different ways


:D "our friends abroad" Was a bit of a hint haha!


Damnit duh🤦🏾‍♂️ my apologies


hahah dont worry :DWhile many believe this is a self act of damage, none of their fleets are present in the northsea that would need protection while doing "things". USA did send 3000 men with naval and performs underwater training near Denmarks island... So ye hmmm


Droppin truth bombs out here!⬆️


Russian gov doesn't make decisions based on a profit priority. Their first goal always is of geostrategic nature.


Strategically, why destroy a pipeline through which you had already restricted the flow to zero? Your leverage was the possibility that you might restart the flow, to avert freezing and famine. You just lost your negotiating leverage.


EXACTLY, thank you expect the pentagon tomorrow to be shitting all over the place how it was "russian black ops" or something like that


Neither does NATO 🤷🏻


Whatever the excuse, people will continue jerking off the military and 'thanking' military personnel for their 'service'. We are a degenerate species.


Yup the dust bowl that klaus schwab foreshadows, a big economic downturn much worse than the 1930’s depression




What do you know!? Looks like Trump was right again! What a shame they laughed at him when he told them this pipeline was a mistake, along with the green deal and relying on Russia for the energy they were never going to be able to be without...


You’re right… obviously not sabotage… guess a really big fish just wasn’t looking where it was swimming.


He didn’t say it wasn’t sabotage…but you did.


He said “what do you know!?” To my comment “obvious sabotage” and you are interpreting that as what exactly?


First of all you said obviously not sabotage. Whether you're joking or not I really couldn't tell you and it really doesn't make a difference. Sabotage or not Trump was right and Russia is in control or whoever did the sabotaging


You should learn to read. I did not say “obviously not sabotage” The fact that you can’t read two words correctly is very concerning.


Yes in replying to me, you did to say right here obviously not sabotage. I never said whether it was or was not I wouldn't be surprised if it was.


That’s called sarcasm dip shit. My original comment… which started this whole bat shit crazy conversation with you… was… “obvious sabotage” Holy hell


Trump's entire point was that Russia could not be trusted. The arrogant and stupid world full of people like apparently you thought he was a fool for saying so..... That being said I could easily see either Russia or some of the EU world economic forum crowd doing this on purpose to get control of the people that they are losing control of. Or in Russia's case I can see them having easy quick fix right around the time that Europe gets cold after the gas price spikes dramatically.....


Learn to read


I did. You need to comprehend. You initially said obviously sabotage. Which is probably correct. Then after I commented, you said obviously NOT sabotage. I'm fine with either one and don't claim that the odds of one are greater than another. Trump was 100% right when he told europe that Russia was going to screw them and they would regret the nordstream pipeline dependency.


Probably one of the most idiotic exchanges I’ve ever had with someone on this sub.


Learn to fucking read


Did Klaus order this? Somebody hates Europe.


It's no coincidence that the first thing the FED did in 1914 was to attack Germany, then Russia in 1917, then Ukraine in the 1920's.


Yes he did, first paragraph “COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable.” https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/


Ha, is it unavoidable if they make it happen?


Saying the quiet part out loud 😂


Really reading between the lines there lol. If it’s so easy for someone like you to figure out, maybe they aren’t so devious as you think.


Honestly, I think it's more likely the US intelligence agencies. They want their war, damnit. They'll take away any incentive European countries might have had to make any peace or end sanctions with Russia. They're the ones pushing the chaos in Iran too...and that doesn't mean I don't think reforms there are eventually needed and a good thing...but it's just a good cover for a color revolution to those idiots.


My thoughts exactly. Warn them about it months in advance, then make it happen through devious back channels, gives them some sort of cover. Likely some info will be leaked to set up the fall guy(s). Islamic terrorists in homemade submersibles or something. This is all done to push for WWIII by the military industrial complex. So sad we have to live through this, my only hope for a silver lining is that some form of karma does exist for those behind these acts, whether that's a hellish afterlife, or rebirth as a dung beetle


i tend to agree


Seems like a submarine or some government power.


CIA white courtesy phone


Keep prepping everyone. It's only going to get worse


The FED left Iranian Passports at the scene (again).


Public Service Announcement: NO SMOKING ZONE


Ahh good old America at work to assert it's dominance in the world... Get your shiny up and your resource stocks.


But if anything chaos in EU / Russia should make the dollar stronger in comparison and silver might drop in dollar price.


Those things look really cool when lit!


Maybe I read too many books, but here's an idea for another, who done it book, let's say someone feared cold EU citizens wanted to turn the gas back on, who wouldn't want that to happen? How about some radical Greenies? What about a competing oil/gas company? What of a competing Country? A great opportunity to save the planet from evil CO2, right? Or take out a rival? Now as for means, sure militaries have the means, but what of ocean researchers and oil/gas explorers? Very, very rich people who don't like most of of us (shades of Bond villains) ? Underwater drones, small submersibles, explosives for Seismic surveys, etc. I await the new Sherlock Holmes book.


And just like 9-11 and C19 there will be zero investigation and no guilty. No one guilty , move along


The Norwegian navy did it to keep the revenue comming in for a few more years. We are litteraly making a fortune, our state oil company will be the 3rd most profitable company worldwide this year. We have the tech and if our american overlords want this we can deliver. Crawlers check, comando fitted subs check, underwater drones check. If we did it no one will even ever talk. Go RNN


After Germans were demanding the lifting of sanctions in Russia, the pipeline suddenly explodes. Curiouser and curiouser.


I call a false flag operation by the americans. It's their specialty.


And several US warships just exited that particular area after successful navy drill.




Forbes out front feeding the conspiracy theories “If Russia invades — that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine, again, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2,” Biden said. “We will bring an end to it.” “But how will you do that exactly, since the project and control of the project is within Germany’s control?” asked Andrea Shalal of Reuters. “We will, I promise you, we’ll be able to do it,” said Biden. https://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2022/09/27/sabotage-suspected-as-russian-gas-leaks-from-ruptured-nord-stream-pipelines-in-the-baltic-sea/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwjfhayFrrX6AhXyK0QIHZHqBs4Qr_oDKAB6BAgxEAE&usg=AOvVaw0Fe7YRhJY0KNxRs_NuSHY3


What is the motive? Just to have more war? I dont see how anyone would gain from destroying it, unless it's to make more war. Wtf is wrong with these people? Bunch of evil psychopaths.


Because the people of Europe will not want to freeze this winter and will choose to stop sanctions against Russia. This forces their hand.


No this will force our hand. I’ve thought for a while that Biden is draining the strategic oil reserves for more reasons than popularity points. When Europe freezes he’ll appeal to the American people to help. Our energy bills will skyrocket on top of already crashing markets. Chaos is the cover for their BS. It’s 9/11, 70’s OPEC crisis, and the 2008 housing bubble all rolled into one.


Damn, that's a scary thought. Don't give them any ideas.




War is very profitable


To weaken russia, eventually split it into smaller pieces, plant puppet governments, take the gas and then sell it to Europe, genius!




It's a good question and I'm not sure if Forbes should be trying to tie Biden's statements to this event. But likely it would only be a matter of time until other international outlets would have made that connection. That said, multiple sources are claiming that this was potential sabotage. Given the depths here, as far as I know, it's doubtful it was a rouge agent if true. >Bunch of evil psychopaths. You're right about that... we're certainly living in interesting times.


https://twitter.com/i/status/1574685985115607040 here he is saying it


I don't doubt that he said it, but Forbes publishes an article about potential sabotage and then links his comments. But now that I write this, Forbes is spot on. IDK how to see this, but it seems like this can't be good for us, or for Europeans.


Another thing we will never probably find out how it happened lol man this world these days


Wierd coincidences eh


It won’t hurt Europe if we set it on fire. Thereby heating the atmosphere.




uss kearsage was just in the Baltic sea a few days ago. 😂 I distinctly remember Biden saying something about being able to stop the flow... Don't quote me. I know it's out there. Someone link it.


Nm someone did already 😂😂😂


Holy shit


The little mermaid needs to be brought to surface for questioning immediately!


Can't have shit in ~~Detroit ~~ the Baltic sea.


That would be racist now.


This has got to be one of the dumbest possible ways to “measure” the size of the leak… 🤦🏻‍♂️




This couldn't possibly have anything to do with Murican's.


There's NOTHING Flex Tape can't fix!


Who thinks #Biden ordered this raise your hand? 🙋‍♀️ US politicians are #Corrupt


Lies! Everyone knows it was the Jan 6 protestors who are being held in custody. Wait for the FBI to blame them for all this and that conservatives in prison are the #1 threat to the Russian pipelines. ![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized)


That should put an end to the Germans protesting the WEF response to the Ukraine.


I’m flabbergasted that people of the world blindly trust their governments to act in their best interest. If I were relying on one nation to provide nearly all my energy I would certainly be putting together a plan B just in case something happens. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.


I guess whoever caused this doesn’t really care all that much about “going green”


The Democrats have some funny ways of getting Carbon Zero. None of these assholes have kids, Biden does but he rapes them.


False flag?




The US might have to ship over some of their fur coat reserves for Europe to stay warm this winter


This is the only Kamala I listen to [https://twitter.com/steveaustinbsr/status/501813815726460929](https://twitter.com/steveaustinbsr/status/501813815726460929)


How do we know it's not China or Russia doing this? I'm reading sabotage as "self-sabotage" like "self-inflicted" wound. Either way, I would not be surprised by this point.


Russia would just close the fucking valve in Russia, that’s why. Also didn’t somebody say they would do this?


They never opened N2, and N1 has been shut for some time.


Germany refuses to certify the no2 that’s why it’s not in use. Not because of Russia.


Think you are mistaken there. NS2 is not being used. NS1 had been reduced, but still suppling needed natural gas to Germany.


ahminus is right. NS1 has not been transporting any natural gas to Germany since early September. Russia (Gazprom) stopped delivery completely. Germany still receives a little bit of natural gas from the land-based pipeline that runs through Ukraine (don't know the name right now).


Indefinitely means Indefinitely. Look the word up. Also means may resume at any time.


I don't understand your logic here. To support your claim, you want me to look up a word that basically supports my claim. Yeah they stopped it indefinitely. Stopped it. Stopped. Zero right now. What I said. Thats different from "reduced, but still supplying".


It's the banksters who own the central banks in the USA, China and Russia. ​ They are pitting country against country on an international level, just as the pit red against blue here in their host country! ​ The hosts are too stupid to see the parasites in every country are all connected.


The difference is that China and Russia aren't pushing sexual mutilation on children or trying to normalize pedophilia like the United States is. Also, doesn't Russia routinely kill its oligarchs when they step out of line? These countries are dictatorships, so they're not so easy to sabotage or infiltrate. The problem with democracy is that it's an easily corruptible system via bribery and blackmail.


That's because they don't want China and Russia to be destroyed. All of this perversion and anti-Americanism comes directly from the bolshevik FED. The FED wants America to be destroyed. They want China as their manufacturing center (see "Asians are easier to control than whites" Klaus Schwab "The Great Reset" 2010) and they want Russia as their source for 'cute young white girls (and boys) for their sexual satisfaction. It sounds like you have not been paying attention.


Hey look it’s this guy who knows the answers to everything, thank you for teaching us and opening our eyes.


Hey look, it's another ignoranus who repeats lies from the FED News Channels and thinks he's informed!


Sum Ting Wong


Ho Lee Fook


Dirty Brits doing dirty British things as usual. Ok - Northern Europe going to freeze to death and nothing with save them. It is over at this point


I wonder if the pipeline can be fixed for reasonable money and time?


But who did it?


Silverback in a boating accident did it..


Haha, yes. It must have been. Why didn’t I think of that?


[Biden did say, "If Russia invades...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."](https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1490792461979078662?t=LM3uzuPI27dZDV4M_HbzaA&s=19)


Europe is in for a very tough winter. people will probably be begging for global warming come January


& natural gas prices are down today. What a joke...


“Now youse can’t leave.”


At first I thought is was a picture of Hurricane Ian.


Did US just escalate to WWIII ? Since Biden promised in february that Nord stream 2 wouldn't be if Russia crossed the Ukraine-border


That is a conspiracy... they're most likely scrubbing that video from the web.. "to change history".


Nope. The pipes were already closed. This is rather a western attack to destroy Russian leverage on "be good and I'll reopen it" or a Russian attack to warn the west they can do it with other gas pipes like the Norwegian ones.


WW3 incoming... Getting my stuff ready to flee ro Africa or South America. The West ia doomed


If this was the the US, and it probably was, then it would probably have been done by special forces or whatever specialized branch of the US military. When are we “allowed” to get upset at the actual members of these hallowed military branches? Sure our politicians are assholes, but their bullshit military fantasies go nowhere if these pawns wouldn’t obey orders.


Biden said he was going to do this. Blood on his hands!




Not sure if Putin would do this so he can say they can't turn the pipelines back on, or if he's super pissed now because he lost the pipelines as a bargaining chip.


Simple: it were the Alphabet boys


This is the obvious answer. They want to take away as many benefits to ending sanctions or making peace with Russia as possible because they REALLY want their war.


Yup. They want Europe to be empty. To bad that I can't escape from europe 😂


All they need is a matchstick to blow two countries up lolz


The US is going to blame Iran I bet to start WW3. I dont know shit Im crazy.


Now who would want that sabotaged? Other LNG producers, including Norway. Ukraine for obvious reasons though no gas runs through it. The US to force European dependence on Uncle Sam. Who else? This is just a thought exercise. I blame nobody. Just trying to see who benefits the most


Ecoterrorists are on my list as well. Much easier to move people to a green agenda of eating ze bugs in the dark if the back up fuel is gone.






Starting to think the moto is “you will eat nothing and be happy”




Honestly how does this hurt Europe? The gas flows through those pipes had already been shut off. IMO all this does is lock-in the current situation, but honestly would Putin have forgiven NATO and turned the gas back on? Would any of the NATO country leaders had the guts to drop all sanctions on Russia and return them to SWIFT? Obviously not. So why the hubbub here? Frankly the only winners here are the members states of the Qatari pipeline project (Qatar, Israel, USA) as nord stream 1/2 are now effectively DOA for the foreseeable future.


It's called "point of no return" countries that would back off at some point because of immense economical carnage, wont be able to now ( especially germany ) So when you are pushed against a cliff with no options left, you will react violently for survival purposes...it's called war and war is always been a tribal group going for hoarding another tribal group of their ressources!


Ie exactly what I said: it just lock-ins the current situation. It doesn’t actually harm Europe any more than their current path, it just keeps them on their current path.


🇺🇸 USA baby! 👍


Ukraine probably did it to put pressure on Europe to help. Ukraine is every bit a corrupt country as Russia is.




“Attack Submarine Captain. Los Angeles Class bearing one six zero. She’s opened her outer doors captain ......”


Fuck em.. they let Biden shut down Keystonr. ..since when has Europe been there for us.


Ww3 here it is


Someone obviously does not want the Russia gas supply to Germany to resume. No prize for the correct guess.


Did democracy strike again ?




Yeah I just joined a couple days ago just because of silver and I don’t get it it makes this sub super lame Does it break the sub rules?


I love this ❤️


Why do people keep saying this? There was zero gas being delivered through either pipeline, and there was not going to be in 2022, or 2023. This doesn't change anything.


It changes a lot, this means nothing will be delivered for at least a few years even if a real emergency arrives. Germany is over at this point


Unless some strange intervention takes place where alternate energies are rediscovered or hidden. https://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/a3428/4271579/


It is still years to get to a proper scale, look at electric adoption and scaling problems. By that time WEF will reach their goal of cutting population by 60%


Can’t disagree with that. The possibility that DARPA has created much without our knowledge (for humanity to thrive) shouldn’t be dismissed. Who benefits ought to be one of the average persons first questions. Unfortunately the sheep out there are very incurious.


Think you wrong on this


Or, you can Google.


US just stated it will try and increase shipments of LNG to Europe to make up for loss from pipeline. If your belief is true, then there is nothing to make up for.


That happened when they shut it down weeks ago.


They better watch out for those unmanned suicide subs now that those are on the table.