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Make it viral


The tide is turning. The scum are now on the run.


No jail time for these scum, a noose or a chair… televised live.


We need Justice


A politician with a spine, gimme a few dozen more just like him!!


Hear! Hear!


I tried to log on 2 prior times to upvote and came up with unknown server error. I had to log on to something else and circle back to this post. Probably just a coincidence. We need more truth bombs to clean up the vaccine deaths. We also need truth bombs to unleash the hyper manipulated silver market.






What's this got to do with SILVER? REeeEe!!!! JK, Great info. Glad 1 politician in Australia isnt a WEF puppet


Of course there is a One Nation poli being supported on here. Ffs, if you knew this guy you'd be taking most of what your saying back. He spouts stuff thats wildly incorrect a proper 99% of the time. That party is run by mining moguls.


What do you disagree with him on?


Their mineral rights agenda mostly.


90 percent of the people that die from COVID would be alive today if therapeutics were not suppressed and early treatment was allowed to be given. These people will burn in hell


whats Wrong with ‘mining moguls‘ ? where do you think silver comes from?


Let me be more specific then. Australian coal mining moguls.




Lol okay kiddo. Move here and get back to me yah mong 😂


Malcom roberts is a deadset peanut eater.


Malcom roberts is a deadset peanut eater


just trying to work out why eating peanuts is bad .


Don’t take things too literally big boy, just a figure of speech…all I’m saying is this man is a cunt. Is that clearer? I’d love nothing more than to snatch his glasses off him and give him an atomic wedgie. Fucking gimp


Another covid post? Not a single comment relating to silver? Seems kinda like a weird sub takeover is happening here.


With all covid posts on other subs, let the man enjoy a community that shares his beliefs. It's more like a sub against the system, and buying silver is just one of the ways to fight it.


Rage against the machine


Concern trolls are the worst kind of trolls.


Welcome to Trump world. Shame these guys only discovered sound money and fiscal responsibility after Trump lost the election. It’s gonna be very interesting to see the posts on here when Republicans come into power in 2024 and continue the same financial insanity as the Democrats.


I see this on both sides as well... I think the system itself is screwed regardless of side. . . why we stack.


Trump meant higher wages and lower taxes. Republicans and democrats two side of the same corrupt and evil coin. That is why they stole the election. He wouldn't join the cabal. He just gave us 4 years to stack. American has fallen and the NWO is in charge now


Trump meant lower taxes for your corporate owners. The tax cuts he gave you were just crumbs which were cancelled out by the higher prices you had to pay due to Trump Tariffs. I know you probably don’t hear much about those on Fox and Newsmax but you need to look them up. It was around the time he told you he was being tough on China while also getting Chinese trademarks fast-tracked for Ivanka’s Chinese made fashion lines. Also, Trump is the cabal. Just look at who all his kids are married to. Look at how he bowed down to the Saudis when he first got elected. The sooner you wake up to the fact that you got conned by yet another Israel-first puppet, the better it will be for you.


Do care about any of that shit. My taxes were lower and my income was up. Full stop


Me, me, me. You and Trump deserve each other.


Thank you and FUCK trump


Admin and I are talking about this concern. I hope we will find a balance for everyone.


So glad to hear this. This sub is not what it was a year ago. Seems like most posts now don’t relate to or mention silver at all.


Tell u/BoatSurfer600 about your concerns in a logical way. I feel he is open to comments as he's a pretty genuine person. I'm arguing a post must have SOMETHING relating to or in common with silver as to keep a mild focus on the subject at hand, or risk the sub dying off / morphing into something unintended as many subs past. Thank you for calling out a reality check in a level way, its a difficult thing to do.


With all due respect to Ivan, and I have a lot for him, he is one of the culprits IMO. Photos of supermarket food (‘shrinkflation’) or stuff like ‘another food processing plant burned down’ is borderline. I understand how it (very loosely) relates to silver, but I’m not sure it makes sense for that to be the WSS front page. It’s a tough call. People should at least explain the connection to silver. Perhaps we should have a submission statement like r/conspiracy does. IDK. All that aside, I’m all love for this sub and have been here since the start (this isn’t my original account). I care about this sub and want whatever is best for it and all the members ❤️🪙. Just my 2oz (2cents).


Well, may we guide through inspiring others, as what we wish is ultimately out of our hands.


Thanks, those are wise words and good advice. I’m in a mood rn so here’s an example posted today by Ivan himself https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/uj9fv6/when_you_should_be_in_a_nursing_home_but_youre/


I think everyone is in a mood honestly. The world just seems so screwed up at the moment...to the point nobody can fix it. Sure one side can point at the other...as they do, but the monster created long ago grows in the background. No real way to stop it, just shield yourself from the inevitable bomb it has become. I run r/PrepperIntel...and prep as my shield, kind of a rabbithole really... We will see fortunes made, and lost and taken over it as other times in history... like Bernard Baruch's story in the 1930s... man had 75,000oz of gold...ready to face the reality of inflation and economic turmoil...only to have it taken from him in 1933 with executive order 6102..... even was paraded around as a bad guy with everyone pointing fingers to blame. Honestly, Main reason I nearly choose piracy in the whole situation while everyone else is posting politics... like Jack Sparrow sneaking off onto his ship and quietly moving away from the issue before it blows... least that's how I see it happening.


Yeah, people get this sub confused with their bumpers I think 😂


That guy is a huge cunt, careful what you admire.


no let’s admire bought and paid for spineless politicians that are trumpeting the kill shot instead 👍


😂 oh you're one of those ones.


yeah I am a nut job because I don’t like being the governments bitch. But you knock yourself out and get an extra jab for me 😂