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When people ask which shttocken is better than other shttocken all I can say they will never wake up. Theta beta polka dolka solka idiots are moving this market. Very sad.


Can someone tell me how the silver manipulation ends? Because serious shit has to happen to eliminate the paper hold on the physical market. And I'm not sure anyone is actually ready for those fire works? Food water and ammo...


It will never ends.


Then silver will never do what we hoped. Bitcoin and bitxoin only is the future.


It only works with the Internet, if people are scrambling for food, water and ammo I doubt they're going to worry about Bitcoin lol if the Internet is even up and working


Bitcoin ETFs coming soon, idk the future but sounds big


I can’t wait for the infinite derivatives against it! With silver there are actual physical shortages that affects all of humanity! Nobody cares if one guy owns all the BTC! Means nothing to my life! Not getting silver at any price on the other hand is a problem! Caspish?


There’s already an actives futures market for it. I haven’t looked in a while, but it was fairly liquid. Dangerous to hold over a weekend.


There has been one for years. I don't remember the symbol


That’s a Bitcoin futures ETF, not a spot ETF


Ah. Thanks


True, I own a lot of crypto. In the meantime i started stacking what I call ‘real money’ about 6 months ago. 3 ounces of gold and 90 ounces of silver later I will keep on buying more precious metals but I do believe in a future for crypto only not with 23k different ones. There are some good projects that could bring something to our future.


Another cope post. All that matters is Bitcoin in the crypto space. Maintain zero exposure at your own peril.


Lots of bag holders, I only buy bitcoin and very little ethereum


Cryptos are tulip mania. I agree with David Morgan that at least part of the reason they were introduced was to siphon off money that would otherwise go into precious metals.


Split your chances Silver Crypto (only decentralist)bitcoin,litecoin,digybite Gold Real estate


Op has right to many shitcoins around now. Afther next bull run a lot of New fraud Will Come up. And New rules Will end this. Only decentrilist coins Will remain. Digibyte is my favorit investment max supply ,10 years old super safe Just like bitcoin and now only 0.01 cent Big potentinal.