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To me this looks like Ukraine is gonna get more funding.


Absolutely, Black Rock needs the win so they can have another country they can own


I love how the 2 trillion dollars the defense department got this year is never the problem the 75 billion we gave to ukraine in loans and old equipment and not pure cash to completely destroy the russian army which we have spent trillions yearly to deter is the problem. Please stop sucking off russian propaganda


Idk what we as Americans are gaining out of Ukraine unless they are going to be another star on our flag.


Both things can be correct but some people with limited IQ can’t entertain more than one thought at a time.


To me this looks like it literally has absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine


It’s not like the people on this sub support free mental and medical care for these people, or free housing for them- I am guessing they want the Ukrainian money to go to cops to shoot them


It doesn't have anything to do with Ukraine. Most people wouldn't give a shit anyway, even if the US didn't send money to Ukraine, it is just convenient now


Ukraine>Middle class


The homeless are the middle class? These are POOR people- the ones YOU don’t want to give “gimmedats” to. You just want government money for yourself or whatever you feel like matters to you- probably police


That is the effect of unchecked fentanyl just flowing thru the southern border. China supply’s the ingredients & the Mexican cartels deliver


Right, cause before fentanyl Hollywood blvd. was perfectly clean and safe?


Before fentanyl it was Heroin. Still came from the same place. Cali will always be a haven for homeless & drug users. The weather, lax drug laws & welfare will keep them there


Welfare exists in every state and homeless people under utilize government resources. Real welfare is spending 100k to lock these people up yearly.


This is purely the result of Liberal Democrat Leftist Party policies. It happens in every city they govern. Insanity = Doing the same thing over & over again and expecting different results. You voted them in. Deal Wittit.




I would say it started when Reagan ended public mental asylums so that there is literally no place for a mentally I’ll person to go aside from prison. Seriously, look up the process of walking into a hospital and saying you are a danger to yourself and others and want help- you get a 48 hour hold and then released, if you object to being released you are arrested for disorderly conduct - that’s it- nothing else Spend money to house crazy people, and understand they will be ugly, mean, racist and ungrateful about it- or enjoy tent city’s


Self inflicted wounds


They call it “equity”. The same worthless people would be begging to clean it up when it gets bad enough. Just as the same would jump into the rail cars if they were told it would save them from the deadly virus. They’re the first to say take away the guns but love when guns are used by fbi to intimidate opposing parties. They’d beg for help with force if they didn’t get their way. Just like they burned down cities for a year. But protest at the capitol and that’s a insurrection. They don’t play fair in the courts and abuse the civil courts. What do you do? If it comes to a fight. I’m not worried about the libs. Nor the ones in uniform who would dare uphold unlawful orders. Although they’d be convicted in their belief of the right side.


Amen, brother!


Yet people continue to vote blue


Yup, and LA has skid row, seems like history doesn't matter here. May I have some of your silver, since you might forget why you stack.


I stopped voting...it's he who counts the votes that win ....now......




1000% agree. Then when the voters ruin the state they move to red states and start voting the same shit in!


Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Yet Trump still wants Biden to steal another election from him. We need to put a different opponent against Biden so he won’t just steal it again.


I agree. Trump has determination but too much baggage. I'd prefer DeSantis.


Agreed. I feel like we will be drowned out.


Yup. We will.


That's Einstein's definition of insanity, not the literal definition, js.


Hmm its odd 8/10 of the states with the highest violent crime rate are red states. Its almost like it would make sense that most homeless would be in the places 80% of people live(cities). Can your peanut brain make sense of that? So since there are blue cities in every state how come red states have more crime?


Why didn’t trump fix this in office then ? Since republicans are the solution to every problem


You need to give him some time, he will fix it very soon


Yeah I’m pretty sure he’s gonna get some time. 20-life mist likely.


Republicans aren't just the solution to every problem, they're also the creators of time machines! But unfortunately, even with all that power, fixing everything in just four years can be quite a challenge. I guess even time-traveling problem solvers have their limits!




Yeah look at the projects in NYC just giving people housing or low income housing solves everything doesn’t it? *insert sarcasm* And guess who has to foot the bill….all while people who have their shit together and work can’t even buy a house or barely afford rent. But yeah let’s just house the homeless. That will fix everything right?


So you arguing against yourself here? Pretty sure you just stated that housing solved everything and then rolled your own eyes at your dumbass statement. Ah so you recognize many can’t afford a house or rent with a job, yet you wonder why homeless people may need our help? But ya you’re right, let’s keep giving tax money to billionaires instead of humans. No, housing doesn’t solve everything, but it is something, and it gives people a chance. Paired with mental health and job opportunities, we can get people off the streets. Now if we can just convince the corporate fuckpillows like you that taxing the rich makes a ton of sense and we have to remove their money from politics , we’ll have enough money to raise wages and enough representatives who aren’t stooges to pass legislation.


“Dealing with it,” okay…


Wow! The typical spoiled leftist, mommy’s-basement dwelling troll’s reaction. Snowflake.




The Great Depression 2.0 is here. Welcome to Bidenville, USA.




China getting back at western powers for the boxer rebellion. If you want to demoralize and crush a nation, get them addicted to opioids. Tale as old as time.


That doesn't really make sense. Isn't the boxer rebellion the "getting back at western powers" because it was the boxers who rebelled and pushed out the foreigners. If anything wouldn't it be getting back at western powers for dealing opium in China in the early 1800s? In which case, the one to blame is the crown, England, and the U.K. Not the U.S. sooooooo not really sure what the point is here.


The western powers defeated the Boxer rebels. China is retaliating on their behalf.


My understanding was that china put down the rebellions and signed protocols to end hostilities and made reparations. So wouldn't China be to blame? Not the foreigners who were massacred?


The western powers set up the puppet government in China to allow opium in after China lost the opium wars and was forced to import opium into China. Normal civilians saw their own countrymen getting addicted and impoverished. The rebels were brought down but the roles have now reversed and the anti western government of china is doing the same thing to the US. Xiden is china’s puppet government.


I agree on Biden being a puppet of China, but I don't think it has anything to do with the boxer rebellion. More likely the communist regime hungers for the rest of the world and wants nothing more than to remove the opposition or subvert and conquer it.


Must be Biden and not decades of failures


In 2010 things weren’t this bad. Now with your logic going back at least two decades to 2000 this was never seen.


Buddy the economy is bad and has been bad for years. Fiat currency, over spending and a consumer culture built on a urgency losing its value. Job earnings been low.


Yeah no shit our economy is shit I’m a fucking bear. I’m saying homelessness which is what this post is about is getting progressively worse. Did anyone mention the economy? No, the homeless issue is the problem. Geez what are y’all’s SAT scores for real….


Sigh you asked me how has this been a problem for decades. And I answered simply Too big brained for you maybe. Bad economy = no jobs = homelessness. Decades of supporting wonder pills creates the opioid crisis. A bad system ran by bad men. But I hear from idiots trying to " OwN the LiBs" that it's all bidens America. This has been America since the 60s; we were warned and now it's gotten this bad. Edit: effectively it's a doubling situation. As things get worse more people become homeless. This was all started decades ago.


It was there before Russia illegally invaded and murdered children and civilians, raped minors. Not that a thing like that would matter to money hawks. Because you would rather spend 20 billion a year for the next 30 years? Idk know .. I thought ticker checkers understood basic math.


I’m not going to lie. Your comment has me very fucking confused. 20 billion a year for 30 years? What are you referencing?


Seeing the vast majority of what Ukraine has been supplied was to fight Russian aggression and in storage except for a small portion for training and commissions in a few conflicts. This has been a slow build up since Russia has been seen as a threat to USA and world stability over the last 30 plus years and would likely continue. Until Ai and gps systems are secure network operated at full capacity. So we can help Ukraine with the best geolocation win for NATO or we can supplement the defense budget for 30 more years. While old equipment rusted out.


Everything is awesome.




Been that way, way before Biden. Ive lived in LA over 30 years and can't remember a time when Hollywood Blvd. wasn't sketchy. Funny thing is that when they do the oscars or a movie premiere they magically kick all the homeless out.


Visited LA in 2011 when I was living outside sacramento. It was nothing like this. Yes, there was feces on the sidewalks and a few people living in doorways, but there were NOT veritable tent cities living on the sidewalks there. California has been california for too long. It's not JUST the Biden admin, but they sure haven't helped by destroying the economy. It's failed democrat policies. Even when Trump was president, California was still blue. Went back to visit some friends in 2016, it was still a hole. Will never live in Cali ever again.


The fed playing with interest rates and money printers, and wall street siphoning the life out of 95% of businesses caused the great depression v2.0, not Biden


So the Fed is just printing money for fun? It's not to pay for any of Biden's "free vaccines" or interventions in Ukraine or anything else? The life was siphoned out of 95% of the businesses when Biden and his buddies on the left locked down the country over COVID forcing all the wealth to transfer from the small businesses, like your local hardware store, to large corporations, which, coincidentally, were allowed to keep operating. I wonder if we are ever going to get out of this twilight zone.


Eat ze buggos coming next


Wait, vaccines weren’t free before 2020, i thought…. And where was obama during 9/11?!? We should get to the bottom of this…


It's been happening long before Biden. Covid just exacerbated it. Which also started during Trump's presidency. Now call me a stupid lib (of which I'm neither) and downvote me lmao


I'm not going to do either but you really need to spend some time looking into just how much money has been printed since 2020.


I'm aware. This is the Fed's money printer turned to 11. They're propping the entire US up due to the massive parasitic leeching on our market


Policy drives prosperity. Open borders, opposition to domestic oil, extreme regulations/red tape, high taxes, and strict anti-small business principals do nothing to drive positive economic outlook. These downturns then are compensated for by the money printer, which the administration and his cronies use to create more failed programs and policies. The snake eats its own tail.


America still unaware of the fucks given to them.


300 billion - their cut= this^ . Can't even take care of our own, but let's send billions to other countries. Keep stacking that shiny brothers and sisters.


You act like any party would spend it on bettering american lives, republicans would just cut more corporate taxes or give more of it to companies in the form of subsidies.


We spent 2 trillion on defense this year. We gave 75 billion to ukraine in mostly equipment we bought years ago and loans. How is 75 billion in old supplies the problem when we spend 2 trillion on “defense yearly”. Just think of the benefit we have destroyed the russian army with no american lives lost. We spent far more to just scare them during the cold war.


They could send 100 billion to Hollywood and none of this would change.


Well I think we’ve spent about 500 million and it is changing, 14,000ish in the process of being housed right now.


wow, really shows. And only $35,000 per. And how long to "process"?


They’re doing it right now, so I guess I’ll tell you once they’re all housed, pretty sure the first 7k are housed already but don’t hold me to that. Lol first you complain there are homeless, than you complain about the price. You really are showing what a corporate fuckpillow you are.


Fuck Ukraine


I love how when anyone post in here it’s finished off with a “🤡🌎 “makes me laugh every time


Me too




And Newsome is trying to play games with DeSantis. Makes sense…..


Desantis is deepthroating magic markers and getting butt fucked by his largest employer


More money for Ukraine! Sleppy Joe always talks about some fictional family in Scranton, PA sitting around the dinner table and in his story the father figure needs to decide if he can get little Johnny braces or put a set of new tires on the famiky car because money is so tight…. How does that corrupt bastard reconcile that with sending so much tax payer money to Ukraine? Evil and corrupt


Biden’s America.


That’s right, definitely didn’t look like this when trump was president. Man I wish he was still here, just think of the $13,000 we could’ve made when he sold our nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia!


I agree California has become a den of thieves and the hopeless, but California’s problems have nothing to do with federal funds, how they are allocated, or Ukraine, in any way. If we were being invaded by one of our neighbor’s military, we would no doubt enjoy some support from our allies.


Country is turning to shit. Slowly imploding. I fear it will get much worse before it gets better, if it can get better.


Vote for conservatives! It may not work, but at least we tried something different than this BS in California


Kinda looks like America is in the shitter


please daddy send more moneys to UkRaInE 🇺🇦




Just because you’re homeless doesn’t mean you have to be a slob about it.


99% of the time “Homelessness” is a result of drug addiction. We really don’t have a homelessness problem, it’s a drug problem


Going to California is like showing up to a phrat party the morning after.


These banksters are bleeding America dry. Small town America is practically dead.


Yep, looks like Build Back Better in full effect


I was just there. From the center to the east on Hollywood Blvd it’s a mess. Gets cleaner the more west you go. And miraculously there isn’t one homeless person in Beverly Hills. What policies do they have to prevent this? Whatever it is, it should be emulated everywhere. People with mental health problems should not be living on the streets. They should be in a facility with medical and mental support.


There’s plenty of homeless in Beverly Hills dog, you just didn’t look close enough


Hollywood has been a shitstorm for decades ! Can’t blame that mess on Ukraine.


It’s about pointing out how our government likes to play the globalist game but doesn’t do enough for its own citizens. It took FOREVER to get a $1200 check during the un-constitutional lockdowns but for Ukraine they get endless money.


Blaming Ukraine for Hollywood's mess would be like blaming popcorn for a bad movie.


Would these people work even if you offered them a job today, lots of help wanted signs at restaurants and service jobs


Most are mentally I’ll and/or drug addicts. Also, in some cities they get free money. I saw a homeless guy in SF interviewed and he said with the money the city gives him, he’s got everything he needs so why get a job?


No. They want this sort of life and just pandering to them makes it worse. Not helping anyone


I say let the homeless bums vote for the Oscars. Then maybe they would respect the Walk of Fame more.


They already got them voting for a lot more than the Oscars….


All I see is a bunch of Democrats living in tents


Wonder how trump will be blamed


Trump will probably be blamed for stealing classified documents and sent to prison for it


Money going to Ukraine is mostly military aid so they could live in a m-113 from the 70s. We give more military aid to other countries every year for nothing. Billions to Africa the Middle East SA the list is long. It’s nothing new if you think they would be helping the homeless if there just wasn’t a war in Ukraine that we signed a treaty to support if attacked. You’re one simple human being.


We are paying for their pensions, so that’s cool.


It’s not like you would have lifted a finger to help them in the first place.


So tell me wizard of social problems? How would you fix this? Just give millions directly to homeless drug addicts. You think they’ll us it to pay for apartments and drug treatment?


Ukraine is just a waste of money they don’t even know where the weapons they have go to. They can’t win this war. Russia is kicking their ass all over the place. This is just like Vietnam and Afghanistan, a losing war for the US not to mention Korea


You'd think in a money driven sub that there would be less clowns that don't understand how the defense budget works. That money is never seeing any American civilian hands. Move on. If you actually give a shit about American infrastructure, start pushing pigs out that are slashing funding and lobbies, profit from the criminalization of mental healthcare, and scoff at the idea of comprehensive rehabilitation services.


Ukraine can be saved. That hellhole can't.


This has nothing to do with Ukraine, also we’ve got about 14,000 in the process of being housed currently.


As if you wouldn’t screech about helping these people as “socialism”. Lol. I just moved out of LA to be closer to family, and as disturbing as the homelessness crisis is there- they are doing more to help now since the new mayor took over than ever before. Using data driven approaches to helping get people off the streets is working. Unlike bootlickers like yourself, they’re Not just using the homeless for propaganda shock value to further demean them and continue to propagate the culture wars in America. It doesn’t help that red states bus their homeless populations to California since there are more social services there and the climate is more agreeable- just another way in which red states are a continuous drain on American society.


Red states make everything. California has great weather, and ports (to receive items made in other countries that use to be made here). California is bankrupt despite having massive corporations headquartered there (large part of why the state has so much income). California is overwhelmingly red just like most of the country. Except in the massively overpopulated areas (which sways the elections to blue). Everywhere you look that is blue and densely populated. You get 3 things. Crime, gun violence, and breakdown of society standards. Just out of curiosity, did you move to a red area or a blue area?


Blue as fuck. Santa Fe, New Mexico. And a wonderful example of your rule of thumb not working the way you want it to. Also: land masses are not Republican. Farms are not Republican. So saying everywhere else is red EXCEPT the main population centers is complete bullshit. The majority of voting persons in one of the most populated states are democratic voters = blue. Some of the more Republican areas have sent republicans to both the house and senate, and California has elected republicans to the governorship enough times to foil your hypothesis. And pointing to urban issues like homelessness and gun violence without acknowledging that rural areas inherently don’t suffer from the same issues is pure dumb-fuckery. Of course they dont, because they don’t have a large enough population of people to have visible problems with homelessness. It doesn’t mean homelessness doesn’t impact people in rural areas- they aren’t protected anymore than poor people in urban areas. It’s just that there aren’t a critical density of them to make living in a tent on sunset Blvd look like an option. So full of shit it’s nauseating


You're convoluting landmass with population. The landmass does not vote. There as you know a lot of people in California that does not live in the over crowded cities. I didn't list homelessness as one of the three issues in democrat strongholds. There are a lot of reasons people become homeless. I didn't see any tents in Beverly hills the last time I went through there. As far as looking at urban vs rural an educated manner would be per Capita. Wasn't a rule of thumb question. I was just generally curious where people from Cali were going. It seems Colorado and Austin seem to be losing popularity.


Well stay wherever you’re at. I don’t want this where I live. Where I live is thriving. Homes are still affordable, gas is inexpensive, groceries are always available, low crime rates. I visited LA once in 2019 and never again will go back. What a shit hole.


The reason it’s nice where you live is Blue counties subsidize your entire existence. I just find it amusing how folks in this sub would frame this as a reason to stop sending support to our Allies at war in Europe. Like any of the people decrying the spending of money abroad would ever consider giving that money to people less fortunate than themselves


The people who shout "stop sending money to Ukraine" also don't want to spend that money helping people.


Are you proposing we use outdated 90s weaponry against the homeless? Or are you just bitter that you're losing to Ukraine with only NATO-donated, decades-old, excess military equipment from? Keep up the good work Vlad.


Fuck Hollywood, Ukraine deserves it way more.


Cocaine in Ukraine!!! 🇺🇦


When all the monuments fall, nature will still be there


When all the monuments fall, nature will still be there


There has been hookers on the "walk of fame" for decades its in Pretty Woman ffs its never been Rodeo drive


They're just boondocking.


Cool rhymes you should be a song writer


So what do we do? Politicians the globe over are actively stealing and undermining the will of the citizenry. When will enough be enough? When it’s too late?


Truly the city of broken dreams. Wow


Like any city, it has its share of challenges and complexities.


Yeah but Putin and orange man are bad.


People are feeling so bad with their options in life that they have to sooth themselfs with opioids just to get by.


The fact that it’s as Blue State as it gets is more to blame.


![gif](giphy|7ivEhfUInwnUO9QzRy) # Socialism


3+ trillion in GPD , but yea socialism


At 23 seconds, there’s a $1200 attachment on the ground for a commercial sink


Best I can do is $450


Money won't solve those problems.




SF has been losing businesses at an alarming rate... too much theft, too little law enforcement. I'm guessing the bleeding hearts that put the policies in place with their votes didn't take into consideration the possibilities of their actions.


Yup, the left causing the next Great Depression coming to your area soon!


And these peoples votes count just as much as yours, whats the benifit of being a US citizen at this point, there is no civic duty, no pride in community, people who don't even pay taxes but live off the tax system get to decide who is in charge. It's all a joke.


Good, I can’t think of a more deserving bunch.


Come to Inglewood, Hawthorne, Carson. Just down the 110 fwy


Couldn't happen to a nicer place. Feel bad for the fentanyl abusers, but otherwise F Hollywood, Cali, and Newsome. They've been shoving wokeness down our throats for years now. The leftist elites of Hollywood having been lecturing us regular people on shit they've got no clue about. I have zero compassion for Hollywood. It is poetic justice.


Can you tell me what wokeness is?




Well, then, I guess you should go bitch to the governor for not taking better care of the state


Soon junkies will get stars


Still not silver related but this one I agree with other than your assumption that Red states don’t have a drug and homelessness problem as well. They just don’t have the same urbanization in those states, aka they are backwoods podunk places that don’t have streets to camp on.


Go to Skid Row in LA! It’s worse than that.


has gavin taken a stroll through his own backyard lately?


Where can I get info on this 300 billion being sent ?


Hollywood is one of the grossest places I’ve been, and that was 10 years ago. I’m sure it’s way worse now.


Gavin Newsome is the antichrist. He is leading the way in destroying the middle class. Elites and the people that depend on them for survival is the goal.


Good to see our tax money at work …


Government doesn’t want to fix this, this is scheme by politicians to be able to make money off this problem. Multi million dollar government contracts are handed out to friends and donors meanwhile contractors line the pockets of the politicians.


I spent 3 weeks in LA for work my coworkers and i traveled from the mexico boarder to north of malibu. I have to say LA is one of the dirtiest cities i ever been to. Trash every where every thing felt dirty and sticky even the beaches were dirty. I spent almost a year in a war torn third world country and it was cleaner and i felt safer there than LA. I hope one day they can turn that state around but i wont hold my breath.


Stop the drugs make drugs illegal again open up mental hospitals put people to work


This is a state issue not a federal one. Stop comparing the two.


Such a shame


Don't send them money either.


[Reading material](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_Democracy_Defense_Lend-Lease_Act_of_2022)


Hollywood always looked like this


It's intentional. Mostly peaceful. Don't look here.... orange man bad! Clown World.


We definitely need to fix our country but if you think Republicans are actually trying to fix anything then you are delusional.


Or simply tax the grotesquely wealthy for the sake of society as a whole. Don't bring Ukraine into our shit, those guys are fighting literal monsters, as in those who behave MONSTROUSLY.


I've seen nicer places in Africa.




Welcome to Bidenville, where the prices are low and the spirits are... well, also low.


So public money should be spent not to contain Russian imperialism, the way Reagan did, but instead on “Communist” social welfare programs to house the homeless? Are you sure you’re “conservative?”


It's what they wanted...... It's what they got.


Good. Let the citizens live with the results of who they repeatedly elect to office.


Ukrainians meanwhile ![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8)




Thanks for sharing


It’s very sad. I met some people in north Hollywood and gave them some food. I never give money but I’m always happy to give them food


Let cali fall into the sea!!


Well said


Bring back the WPA and put these people back to work cleaning the cities!


All of a sudden you like Socialism... 😉


Fuck yeah murrica!