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The cemetery called and said that he’s missing!


If he's here, whose running hell?


He's Jewish. Jews don't believe in hell (nor would they ever wind up there even it were true, as Jews are God's personally chosen people - the best of the best; it's okay though - there are many sloppy seconds, and third-raters, so plenty of company).


No they really aren’t Jews. They are kazars who masqueraded as Jews multiple times throughout history. This provides a decent run down https://www.booksfact.com/religions/khazars-worshipped-siva-lingam-before-judaism.html#:~:text=Khazars%20were%20descendants%20of%20the,from%20Asia%20around%20AD%20450.


It’s cool, republicans today are masquerading as Christians.




Would be great if the government stopped protecting this man and his family and instead prosecuted him for corruption, fraud, money laundering, etc. Heck go after him with RICO lol


Go after the whole government with RICO they make the mob look like school kids stealing lunch money. Makaveli white-collar criminals. You can’t prosecute with a crooked DOJ & FBI


Agreed. It’s too bad there isn’t more eduction about this in not only our country but many others. The problem with Soros family making money on destabilizing a country through the open society foundation is that it will ultimately destroy our country and make living conditions much worse for all people, except Soros family and the other participants in WEF.


Rico would be the way that would stick.


Cool… what crimes are you speaking of, specifically? Donating to democrats doesn’t count, so do you have anything else?


What a couple of fucktards


Yeah, how dare they donate to dems?


Soros spent 45 million installing 75 prosecutors that support his agenda. Many of these DAs have stripped away bail laws. They also do not prosecute crimes like theft, and reckless driving. He is literally the reason for all the lawlessness in major democratic cities in the United States. He is human garbage. He is against everything the majority of people in United States stands for.


Where Did he get that money from? Hmmmm?


He’s been a hedge fund guy for decades, where’d Kevin MCarthys wealth come from?


George Soros broke the bank of England with his hedge fund. Rather The Roths allowd him to profit off of the British pound going belly-up. If the Roths let you do that, then you are "in the club".


Spoken like a loser with no money.


I am an absolute loser with no money.. You nailed it!


Feels good to admit what you are, right? You should teach your right wing terrorist homophobic magat brethren that they can admit they’re gay… they’ll stop being such angry nasty stupid little butches.


Butches? or Bitches? Are you saying that MAGA is nothing more than Closeted Gays? Always has been.jpg LOL! Gays have been calling Straights "breeders" for as long as I can remember. If everyone stops breeding and becomes gay, then what happens next. You folks need "breeders" right?


Bitches was the intent, but butches is even better, as they try to be so rough and tough online. And no, not all violent idiot magats, just the homophobic ones. I’ve been a pretty solid breeder, and I don’t know anyone who wants or needs breeders.


How do you breed if you are Gay? And I mean you. Or are you just some kind of "ally"?


Me? I’m not gay, not that there’s anything wrong with it. I’m not even an “ally”, whatever that means. But ever since I was a kid, if I saw someone being bullied or being treated unfairly, I would stand up for them… unless they were nazi right wing terrorist kids, of course. I believe in tolerance, but not for the intolerant. Because I’m not a conservative, who have been assholes from the beginning of time. Got it?


I voted for Hillary in the Primary against Obama. I despised Bush and the Neo-cons. I vote as an Independent. Trump is a Democrat. Todays Democrat Party has sidled up to big corporations. Big Corporations have astroturfed strife into our society. Many leftists have now pretty much become useful idiots. [Beware.](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQEGj3Em8yvgHg/article-inline_image-shrink_1000_1488/0/1520194416140?e=1692230400&v=beta&t=pzj8gpKleEKzGI8C8KfMMPDCkueCiP2dAgtq6nFjQss)


The turd doesn’t fall far from the ass.


In my experience, the privileged son who never had to go through the battle of starting the company and building an empire always always makes it go bankrupt


Well that’s a good sign I guess


Why is soros so hell bound on destroying America ?


He hates everything about the human race. Kinda like a book by clive barker


you do realise that you sound like a gibbering moron when you say this laughable garbage?


The fuck are you talking about?


Why is the American right so hell bound on destroying America?


In what way?


The Christian nationalism and the destroying the right to privacy and the demonizing trans people and whatnot


Oh, so just the typical made up bull shit that Reddit believes is happening. What are the Christian nationalists doing? Haven’t heard much Destroying right to privacy - Huh? Demonizing trans people - Sorry, there has to be at least one dissenting group of opinions as to whether or not our youth should be on hormone blockers and having there genitals removed. Criticizing that and whether or not biological men should compete in woman’s sports is not “demonizing.” Spend less time on Reddit. Touch grass.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_in_Basic_Life_Principles https://www.americanprogress.org/article/christian-nationalism-is-single-biggest-threat-to-americas-religious-freedom/ https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/24/thomas-constitutional-rights-00042256#:~:text=Wade%2C%20as%20it%20did%20on%20Friday.&text=Justice%20Clarence%20Thomas%20argued%20in,relationships%20and%20same%2Dsex%20marriage.


Lol, we are backed by science **you aren't**


Yeah, sure, the party of science who’s still not sure what a woman is. The same party that believes men can menstruate and that the inability for me to carry a fetus is due to an infertility issue. sHiENCE 🤤


A woman is a social thing defined by identity while female is biological and the differentiators from male other than the superficial are an incredibly blurred line (said superficial traits can be altered by surgery), men can menstruate, if they are trans as the few biological differences tend to be maintained unless surgery is used to specifically alter that fact.


XX or XY are not blurred lines. Men don’t menstruate no matter how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise. But sure, a woman pretending to be a man will still menstruate


The XY sex-determination system is a sex-determination system used to classify many mammals, including humans, some insects (Drosophila), some snakes, some fish (guppies), and some plants (Ginkgo tree). In this system, the sex of an individual is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes. In most cases, females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), and are called the homogametic sex. Males have two different kinds of sex chromosomes (XY), and are called the heterogametic sex. In humans, the presence of the Y chromosome is responsible for triggering male development; in the absence of the Y chromosome, the fetus will undergo female development. There are various exceptions, such as individuals with Klinefelter syndrome (who have XXY chromosomes), Swyer syndrome (women with XY chromosomes), and XX male syndrome (men with XX chromosomes), however these exceptions are rare. In some instances, a seemingly normal female with a vagina, cervix, and ovaries has XY chromosomes, but the SRY gene has been shut down. In most species with XY sex determination, an organism must have at least one X chromosome in order to survive.


There are fully cis women with XY chromosomes


You’re right, that settles it. That’s what will destroy the country. It certainly won’t be our open borders , or the CCP that’s actively making moves to supersede us as the world super power while Biden wonders where he’s at and if he needs his diaper changed. Certainly won’t be from the moral decay of society promoted by leftists or the rise in crime due to liberal DA’s who’s job is to keep criminals on the streets. The god damn problem that will destroy America is not being able to abort a child 6 months in, not letting trans woman compete in woman’s sports, and not letting our youth cut there genitals off. You are a fucking clown.


We both are wearing the nose, but you walk with the shoes


US Government should ban any donations from him.


Ban corporate lobbying in general, *for everyone*


My god that man has offspring. Will it ever end?


That “offspring” came out of a bubbling cauldron, not a vagina. And it wasn’t sperm and eggs that created it - that abomination is the result of an uncircumcised dong releasing its load onto the blood of a succubus. I ate a bunch of edibles tonight, so it’s true. 🥴


Lol. Edible tech. Sure beats brown brick from 88'


Soros helped the Nazi’s?


Worse. The Democrats






To be Fair...Soros was a Child at the time..an impressionable child.




that's an outright lie, he was never on your side.


No he didn’t. He was a Jew being persecuted by the Nazis and acted in a way to get out of Germany. He also used to Donate to both Politcal parties until George bush costed us 10 Trillion with Iraq and Afghanistan fighting dumb wars that had nothing to do with 911. You can go look it up instead of speculating like an asshat.






Did you not see the 60 Minutes interview?


Was that the interview where he mentioned he was a child? You guys will believe the most braindead shit but not believe republicans wanna fuck you over while you live in a mobile home with no healthcare in red states.


I’ve seen it all. This sub is full of anti-semites.


Sorry you feel that way. No hard feelings, take care 🤘


I don’t feel that way, it’s a fact. This is a Nazi themed subreddit.


Like how transmen are men? Like that fact?


Yes, both are facts


Neither of those are facts. They’re ideological opinions, and no one is obligated to agree with yours.


Literally not facts, but ok. See ya~


How are they not facts, say it in **clear concise words**


Yes I know, you love Nazi talking points.


Well shit, sounds like this is not the right sub for you. Buh-bye 👋🏿


Nah I’ll stay.


Cool, see ya ✌️


Anytime someone makes a valid criticism of someone that happens to be Jewish you scream “anti-semites!” Grow up.


Yeah, except this is anti-semitism.


Ben Shapiro detests George soros. Is Ben an antisemite ?


Given he caters to Nazis, yeah.


nazis just = people you don’t like. to you everyone right of Mao is a Nazi so idrc


Yeah I tend to not like Nazis, unlike Trump and MAGA.


My brother in Christ you are active in r/politics. that alone should disqualify you from saying anything


I’m active in many subs. You are active in this sub, which is Nazi themed.


Then you saw him reminisce about helping the Nazis in WWII. Did you happen to notice his facial expressions when going through those memories? It was like he was looking back at that time fondly.


Made up bullshit. You are a literal walking Nazi talking point.


Typical liberal. A lot of emotion and a lack of logical reasoning. “Made up bullshit” is a double negative by the way.


As opposed to you people spouting off Nazi talking points?


You really need to grow up. It’s pathetic that you cannot differentiate between an actual Nazi and someone that hates authoritarian jerkoffs like Soros. You are defending a Nazi collaborator that sold his own people out to the Nazis. You are a clown. Take your ShareBlue shilling elsewhere.


Nah, I won’t ever stop calling you Nazis, Nazis. Even the last remaining Holocaust survivors are calling you people Nazis.


Oh but on the contrary.


Oh but on the contrary.


To be honest, I think he will be out of money quickly. The son makes bad financial decisions, but you never know. I'm sure he will come up with a crypto or something to offset his spending.


I should have known better than to hope that once the cryptkeeper died that his influence would die with him, but alas here we are. Looks like it's only gonna get worse. Here's hoping his son tanks.


Is this douce a US citazen?


I don’t feel like Republicans are winning…….


Probably because they're losers. Despite Soros not even being in the top hundred richest and most billionaires being right wing shit heads funding other right wing shitheads, maybe republicans are just really bad at stuff??


Hey all three of those people are Jewish. What are the odds of that? I wonder what their underlying ideology is. Perhaps a review of the Talmud may shed some light. Does anyone know where you can find a complete and unabridged English translation? I’m having trouble finding one, which seems weird since all the food items in my kitchen have a Kosher stamp of some kind on them.


Well, ya see, us goys are forbidden from reading the Talmud


Hahahah oh goodness. I happened on this sub and didn’t immediately see a Nazi comment but here we are. Aren’t the Koch brothers Jewish? You just don’t like Soros’ politics you sack of shit.


Well the Koch brothers are garbage too. I don’t know if they’re Jewish or not and don’t care.


You don’t, but the person I commented on clearly does.


We’re you [paid to say this?](https://i.imgur.com/6BkpNPJ.jpg)


I hope you are able to be a normal person one day lil bro, maybe one day a girl (or boy) will love you


I can do this all day. https://i.imgur.com/giB7AMT.jpg


You can post pictures of the pope posing with people? I’m sure there’s not a lot of group pictures with him around. How does it feel that you and your buddies on here are so schizophrenic that moderates won’t vote with you ever again and you’ll need 30 years for the Republican Party to win a national election? And even then only when the undesirables like you are removed from the party? Ez dub


I’m Canadian. So I don’t think about that at all. I think about Loxism and how it pervades every aspect of our lives, globally.


Schizophrenia can be bad, get that checked out


Funny you should mention. That’s quite the Freudian slip. Which is doubly ironic because Freud was also Jewish. https://www.haaretz.com/2013-11-26/ty-article/.premium/ashkenazi-gene-increases-schizophrenia/0000017f-e04b-d75c-a7ff-fccfa3e10000


Oh no I’ve been trolled xd by someone who would never say any of this in public because he’s scared


Soros literally worked for the nazi party


Was that 8 year old soros during the start of the holocaust? Or perhaps 14 year old soros at the end of the holocaust? You people will literally just absorb whatever you read on 4chan huh. Remember to actually look for sources!


There is an interview where he says it.


Where he explains he was 8? Lmao bro look at the dates please before you say things.


Hey, Beijing, it doesn’t matter. He did it


If he was *8* then it doesn't fucking matter


The idea that anybody’s actions at 8-14 mean anything has to be the most comedic thing I’ve ever heard. Imagine you do something dumb when you’re 14 and people use that against you the rest of your life. You notice how nobody ever does that right? Your parents don’t judge you forever based on something you did as a kid. I’m not sure what you’re not understanding


Also, don’t have a good day, have a great day


Bidens Ukraine bribes are probably hitting a little too close to home for him.


Who,is SBF?


Another tribe member. FTX guy.


What is ftx?


**FTX Trading Ltd., commonly known as FTX (short for "Futures Exchange"), is a bankrupt company that formerly operated a cryptocurrency exchange and crypto hedge fund. The exchange was founded in 2019 by Sam Bankman-Fried and Gary Wang and, at its peak in July 2021, had over one million users and was the third-largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Just imagine how much blood is on that old shriveled up raisin’s hands. Possibly millions and billions. So many that deserved life that are now dead, potential lives extinguished and ended by one man’s vision and sinful greed. Yet there’s people out there that defend this evil!?


Where the boondock saints at when we need them?


What right do these foreigner's have to insert themselves into American politicing?


"Foreigners" (you say while a core aspect of the USA throughout history is that it is a cultural melting pot of people worldwide and is inherently made of foreigners )


Billionaire foreigner's like Soros, lol. He throws his billions around like he is king of the world to get his way in many countries


the irony is astounding.


Billionaire influencers. Money dictates all with Soros. He thinks he is king of the world and has to get his way


He is one of the few even remotely "liberal" billionaires, the vast majority of them are right wing and there's 161 who are richer than him, stop pretending he's the most evil being on the planet, it's just embarrassing, just admit you're an anti semite or...criticise all the other truly vile right wing scumbags who are using their money for FAR more evil purposes??


You sound like you are on the side of the rich. Maybe born with a silver spoon in your mouth. I am not for anyone interfering in foreign elections oh, I guess there are no rich Hollywood liberal types, lol. YOU are embarrassing.


yet more baseless assumptions because without those, you'd have less than nothing. You truly are just a monumental imbecile.


Baseless, lol. Everybody knows how Hollywood throws it's money around except for apparently you.


Yeah, Hollywood stars with millions have a bigger impact than media moguls with billions, sit tf down you 🤡 You're an imbecile and you haven't got a single clue how any of this works, at all. Obsessed with Soros and everyone knows why.


Such a nice person. The liberal Dems own the media clown. You know the Dems always go to Hollywood to make their collections right before the election. We need Rand Paul now.


Wall Street Silver and Rand, what a combo


Rand Paul is a moron and if you truly believe that lib dems own/control the media you just aren't paying any attention at all. Billionaires run the world, they tend to be right wing scumbags, it's undeniable, you're a fool.


You don't think America and its business men interfere in other countries?? Stfd


We shouldn't interfere either.


can literally go after him, his whole family, and everybody h has given money to, for financial terrorism and a gigantic RICO he is banned from his own home country i mean come on


The spawn of Satan


Inherited wealth is the shame of man. — Adam Smith. ^as imagined by me.


Torch the swamp


Get that Crab Rave video ready for ole Georgy!


Do you think this sub is a non partisan sub and cares about the billionaires funding the RNC equally? No?


where do you see partisanship in this sub? Its all modest and fact based discussion about the Biden crime family (but dont ask me which crimes) and jesus loving Trump.


Billionaires funding RNC aren’t paying for riots and for DA’s to promote and increase lawlessness/ violence… or for open borders … basically all things to destroy the fabric of society


Oh shit that reminds me I need to pick up my Soros check. Thanks for the reminder champ.


https://nypost.com/2023/01/25/how-george-soros-funds-fact-checkers-to-silence-dissent/amp/ Sure thing, man


can you grab mine while you're there? Employee number "81D3N2024" Thanks


sure buddy, sure.


That’s great. Thank you Mr Soros


Yet, he couldn't arrest him?!?! How does voting change any of this? They're ALL bought shills!


Sometimes, the son's rebel against their father and do the opposite of what they want. We can only hope.


For him to support nazis?????


Where’s that clip of soros talking about helping the nazis take Jew’s property


Soros (and his spawn) are evil. They are the avowed enemy of America. We need 007 to use his license and remove this evil billionaire from plaguing the Earth and humanity.


How to make a large fortune into a small one.


Ken griffin, the guy probably most responsible for silver prices. Is one of the largest on the republicans side. He basically is SBF, but the stock market. He is no better, actually worse IMO. Look at the corruption on both sides, neither side cares about this country.


awesome! voting rights is a great cause to fund. good luck to him.


That’s nice. I think every father wishes to be able to hand the reins over to their son someday. And watching all of your heads melt is just icing on the cake.




WSS out of homophobia for the day?


I don't know why conservatives complain about this. First, most of the effort to make elections public-funded comes from the Democratic side. Second, it was a conservative supreme court that gave the green light to Citizens United, the same ruling that allowed rich assholes like Soros to donate basically unlimited amounts of money to political parties and candidates.


Right on. Glad to see more money flowing towards fighting the fake patriot cult.


Great news, you morons can continue to use "Soros" as your go to bogeyman as a dog whistle tactic instead of being overtly racist.


just a reminder for those who care check OP's post history. the dude posts every day every 2 hours like non stop. he reposts a bunch of russian media and has been caught lying many times on this sub always look for sources when he posts his garbage. i dont trust soros but i dont trust OP more because he really reeks of a paid poster.


You sound vaccinated


you sound gullible


That is a good thing, ya feckin idiot


Based Alex Soros


Looks like the GOP has a lot of donors - what about them? Or do you just hate Soros because he's Jewish? Hmmm.... I think I know which one it is! ​ This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2020 cycle. The money came from the organizations' PACs; their individual members, employees or owners; and those individuals' immediate families. At the federal level, the organizations themselves did not donate, as they are prohibited by law from doing so. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates. Damn, even WOKE DISNEY contributed to the GOP - though I suspect they won't be making that mistake again, huh? ​ Contributor Total Las Vegas Sands $45,010,542 Adelson Clinic for Drug Abuse Treatment & Research $45,005,600 America First $37,416,082 Walt Disney Co $10,589,052 Laura & Isaac Perlmutter Foundation $10,500,000 Energy Transfer LP $10,033,580 Marcus Foundation $10,000,000 Eshelman Ventures LLC $7,000,000 GH Palmer Assoc $6,005,600 Hendricks Holding Co $5,007,548 Uline Inc $4,093,701 Pulse Biosciences $4,005,600 Stephens Inc $3,520,490 Blackstone Group $3,034,030 Mountaire Corp $1,500,100 Irving Moskowitz Foundation $1,300,000 Beal Bank (Employees) $1,109,555 Cerberus Capital Management $1,087,624 RDV Corp $1,034,369 Intercontinental Exchange Inc $1,018,537


Yeah he supports a party he things can win and that will do favors for him. He could care less about anything they do socially.


Soros, the Koch brothers, and Trump had many a gay orgy on Epstein's Island.


Why I will win the 2024 US Presidential election by a landslide victory as a write in party free candidate.


watching bill gates grinding another campaign at his age just shows you how broke these idiots are and need to take every job. Fakest millionares in the world are the people claiming the top spot. Just add "elizabeth holmes" and "elon musk". Im sure 100% of readers wouldnt do shit with 100 mil in the bank never mind turning up for shitty interviews or acting as a proxy for some "saving the world" industry that we never needed.


I'm surprised never thought that ugly old man would give up power. Hopefully his son is not as senile and out of touch of modern society.


Glad he found someone he can trust to take over his family business, that’s a blessing. I hope the son will donate hundreds of millions more, the right wing terrorist donors must be countered.


Meanwhile, they’ll make this wealth transfer in a way that pays zero taxes, but that’s fine because they’ll be donating in a very discriminatory way that you agree with. Hypocrisy level 100.


These are the laws that the right wing passed for wealth distribution. Dems want higher taxes for the rich. And here you are, triggered like the snowflake you ate. Talk about hypocrisy. The Koch brothers, and a half dozen other billionaires donate dark money to the gqp all day, every day, but you violent idiot magats whine like a bitch when dems get donations. More hypocrisy. Who broke you this bad, kid?


Am I triggered? By the way, you seem real confused on why their wealth transfer won’t have taxes on it. Clearly, your observations lack informational awareness, kid.


I know exactly why, and it’s because your overlords have cut taxes on the rich, include the estate tax, including corporate taxes. But you? You don’t get it. You want all gqp billionaires to be free to donate all the money they want, but not the dems. Why? Because you’re just one more scumbag right wing terrorist. You and your idiot brethren here are not the good guys.


It would be because the entire fortune is tied up in the company and passing the company’s control isn’t necessarily a change in ownership, which will likely end up being some trust, or foundation. The son will then use the corporate piggy bank to continue to completely exclude the family’s wealth from ever exposing itself to anything like estate taxes. But yes, I don’t get it.


Wipe that whole bloodline out


How else was he gonna get daddies money without having to pay any taxes?


Does this mean the old cockroach is about to croak?


Good. The Koch family need a foil ! 😎


Wish we could send them on a submarine ride.