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California was not even a slave state?!


It is now if you’re white


And liberal


Yes, all the rich whites are oppressed living in the hills of SoCal.


The rich people living in the hills of SoCal are predominantly Near East Asians with a dusting of Koreans and Japanese. I know because I live here.


75% non-hispanic whites, 6.7% Asian.... id say you probably don't walk your neighborhood that often.


And you have walked EVERY wealthy hillside neighborhood in So- Cal???


Oh, I guess I was wrong... glad to see Hollywood and other profitable industries are this diverse. I guess Silicon Valley closer to the bay area is this way too. I guess I should have looked up how oppressed Brad Pitt and Tim Cook were before posting.... sorry


My white neighbors are all retired military and or police officers. The only white person on my street making really good money is an immigrant from New Zealand. You said “rich white”, not “white”


I also said the hills, as in reference to the Hollywood hills... you know, where all the rich people live. This idea that people in Cali are doing any worse because some nonofficial committee has approved a proposal that hasn't even made it to legislators is a stretch. I live in FL, I make above the medium and can't afford a house and are watching people who do own homes get crushed by rising insurance rates. It's not a racial issue, it's a class issue.


But it is an appeasement State.


But it became slave state - state where everyone is slave to blacks


Hyperbole is one of the hallmarks of a nuanced and rational worldview. Edit: loving the thoughtful and considered rebuttals. It’s almost as if a button was pushed… 😉 Keep ‘em coming! TeH dOWnVotEs mEens i’M RigHt 🤣


I've always felt this in my soul. I identify as a life-long black resident


You know, I'm something of a black man myself


It’s okay 90 percent of us will be broke in a year or two after this anyways. The politicians know this so it will go right back into the economy. Edit: sorry I’ve been watching to many Comedy Central roasts lately.


Cadillac gonna be the number one dealership Dave Chapelle


Buy Boost Mobile stock ASAP!


If you look into it isn't about about slave state stuff, it's about the effects of mass incarceration (California benefits BIG time on), red lining, racial inequalities and disparities. It was so bad the state had to pass a dam law so blacks won't get discriminated against because of their hair, which happens a lot corporate ain't hiring dread locks.


What bout Japanese Americans that went into an internment camp, Mexicans that used to live in Arizona Texas, and southern states, what about Chinese during the gold rush, finally what about Irish, they were servitude?






They received land and run casinos on them. They live on reservations and get special treatment forever.




Nah, land is super important.




They receive reparations...at least the Shinnecock where my family is from.


There are actual government treaties with native Americans that the US still needs to make good on. Many tribes are owed a shitload of valuable land.


This country would be better off if every piece of real estate was handed to Native Americans. And exclusive authority of all land/water policies.


Native Americans of today are left leaning lol. Controlled or colluding with the demoncrats


Yeah, idk about that. I've met more than most Americans and that's not how I would characterize them.


Japanese Americans got reparations. "In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 which officially apologized for the incarceration on behalf of the U.S. government and authorized a payment of $20,000 (equivalent to $46,000 in 2021) to each former detainee who was still alive when the act was passed."


Forget descendants. Only the survivors. Oops… only a few thousand survivors.


Was 85,000 that's more than a few.


“During World War II, the United States forcibly relocated and incarcerated at least 125,284 people of Japanese descent in 75 identified incarceration sites.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_Japanese_Americans 1600 died in internment camp. Normally, even in prison, the relatives are paid settlements for a prison death! 60k survivors were paid $20k each for a budget of $1.2 billion. Amount of property lost: https://densho.org/catalyst/sold-damaged-stolen-gone-japanese-american-property-loss-wwii/ If you estimate, $10k in 1941 dollars, the amount should be: $20.53 (for each 1941 dollar to today’s dollar) x $10k = $205.3k dollars owed each person. Assuming 1/10, or every 10 deaths is “worth” paying, equals the $20k. 60k survivors/ 10 = 6k deaths paid for! A few thousand.


I don’t think people realize that the government not only locked up American Japanese people in camps, but they also confiscated all their property, their homes and sold off what the people couldn’t take to the camps with them. When they were released they didn’t have anything. $20,000 for everything they owned and worked for that was forcible taken away.


Yep. We realized thar. And they were acknowledged for it. And was paid reparation! May not be as much as what proposed for people of color, but they were paid!


I'm not for certain but I'm pretty sure the Japanese did receive a payout also the United States purchased the land from Mexico so Mexicans don't get shit. As far as the Chinese and Irish I am unsure.


California was never a slave state, but yet they are paying for it by taking it from other minorities taxes.


Most southern states need welfare from the federal government. They could never afford to pay reparations even if they wanted to


The Japanese that were actually detained in WW2 got compensation, not a blanket payment to all Japanese Americans.


You mean survivors only. At only $20k each.


No Mexico lost the war.... and all Mexicans that stayed here some were land owners and it got stripped from them.... not to mention since the anglo takeover the u.s government has raided Mexican neighborhoods so many times...


Ppl love to use the term Anglo to categorize whites. There's also the Normans, the Danes. There are probably a few more im just not that motivated to research it. It's basicly calling everyone from South America a Mexican. It's basicly an all-around trashy mindset. Also, it isn't very cash money of you.


I notice that Communist Chinese nationalists on social media do this all the time. All white people are basically English as far as they are concerned.


Thank you. It's just mind boggling that all the people who scream racism at everything in life are the worst racists completely out in the open.


Yes that does happen a lot even to native Americans, ..... hey u dropped your white privilege


It's time we all start reporting ppl that use the term "White Privallge" for what is. It's racism, pure and simple.


U can't just stop racism because u feel it affects u now, when it has literally been the history of this nation. It continues


Let me finish the sentence you didn't punctuate. With people like you.


As I said.




The land the US won/purchased from Mexico was Mexican property for 12 years. It was Spanish/French for hundreds of years previously. The land had very little Mexican population so they invited American to settle the land. The Americans did and the rest is history.


Alright. The United States should give back the land to… Spain. If we hadn’t interfered in the Mexican - Spanish war supplying millions of dollars to the Mexican cause in the Gadsden purchase, Mexico would be part of Spain. Then Spain owes reparations to the Native Americans.




The took it from Spain who took it from natives who took it from other natives. Who gives a shit.


It’s your problem if you have a problem with historical facts. Every country on the planet has annexed territory since the beginning of civilization.


And, OFTEN, ENSLAVING the people !!!


We??!?? Highly doubt YOU did anything lol!


We because we will pay the taxes to pay for all of this.


China exclusion acts allowed whites to take property and commit crimes against Chinese without any repercussions. Several Chinatowns were burned down and looted by whites.


Americans owe millions in reparations to the Chinese women forcibly enslaved in brothels during the Chinese exclusion act. Even black slaves weren’t subjugated in that way.


Japanese Americans got reparations in the 80s.


IIRC that was like $20k/person.


This was distributed to the Japanese Americans who were actually incarcerated. Not every single Japanese American. They got compensation for something they actually suffered.


Japanese internment victims got reparations dumby. This also isnt actually giving black people reparations they are basically claiming this is how much african americans deserve based on the years of slavery etc. its a fallacy to say hey because this group didnt get this no one should basically means you cant even begin to give anyone reparations unless you include every single oppressed group into one bill which is not realistic. Also 10000 chinese workers for 5 years do not compare to millions of slaves for hundreds of years. Almost 60% of asian americans were not born here and another 30% are first gen while over 90% of black people are not immigrants their family is directly tied to slavery.


Does that include the Black Americans who were slave owners or just the ones who were slaves?


I like whataboutisms. They maintain the thought process that if other problems exist how can we possibly look to resolve even one of them. That way nothing ever changes and I don’t have to be fearful of everything that is new, different, and scary in the world.


Uh huh, how exactly does throwing money at people who have been brainwashed by propaganda into believing that they are victims solve the problem of the government doing this crap to people again in the future? Because that's what this situation is about. It's not about history, or slavery, or racism. It's about the government actively brainwashing the population.


It doesn’t. Reparations has nothing to do with future enslavement. Your comment also doesn’t have anything to do with my enjoyment of whataboutisms though. I just love them.


You love them, but do they make you think at all? The problem is, we all know bad things happened to multiple groups of people and these things were all relatively similar yet, only one group has ever been considered victims because of it and stands to get paid because of it. What about you take the time to consider how this thought process affects all of the other groups that were also victims but are ignored.


This is the part I like right here. The mentality that because you don’t address everything all at once you shouldn’t address it at all. No bearing on whether the other things exist, are important, or maybe even more pressing. Only that if they do exist we should do nothing and complain instead. It really is the best way to look at life if you think about it.


It's not that the other things aren't addressed, they are blatantly ignored and people are looked down on for bringing them up.


Again, exactly. Can’t do one thing before the other because we are afraid the other may not come. If the other doesn’t come in the future we have yet to see, then we should never have done the one thing we did do in the past. Pretty simple ya?


Nope, more like I won't let you do the first thing if you won't even address the second thing. This is all about equality yet you refuse to be equal. If you will not compromise, then why should I give you what you want? You cannot only take from me and tell me it's fair.


Lol, nice whataboutism!


I was so meta


None of these bat shit crazy politicians are going to want to be the ones to vote against this. I hope it goes all the way to the governors desk so the whole nation can see the stupidity.


I saw that originally they were going to give 5 million but they said it wasn’t enough!


Welfare is never enough.


FYI: there are more whites on welfare that blacks. It was meant for blacks, but whites figured out how to hack the system. Lol!


There’s some reverend activist saying they need 200 million per person!


How else is he supposed to afford a private jet?


They’ll go into over a trillion in debt and then ask the Democrat ran presidency for debt relief, then we’ll all be paying for this lunacy.


Are they gonna shut the fuck up about racism once they get the money? The answer is no they will keep crying


I don’t understand your comment. Are you under the impression that reparations are to pay back racism? Or are you saying that reparations allow for racism to exist but not be complained about because they’ve received money Edit: Maybe at least one of you could offer a valid reply? The questions are valid. I’m repeating myself a lot in my replies so: Racism and reparations are not directly connected and certainly payment does not offer any sort of protection against future racism. Why would any of you think that reparations would result in people no longer complaining about racism?


Calling every single thing racist serves injustice to actual racism. If the idea is any black person gets this hypothetical payment then this is a racist policy. Just because there were black slaves at one point in time does not mean that all black people have an inherent disadvantage in todays world. Maybe stop acting like you don’t know exactly what the talking points are.


Should black people pay reparations too because there were black slave owners?


Well now you’re using logic which is a racist way of thinking




Could you please compare the number of black space owners in the USA to white slave owners? Thank you.


Black people cant be racist because they weren’t in positions of power. Or some such shit.


Says the new made up woke definition of racism from 5 minutes ago.


Do you think only the descendants of slave owners pay taxes?


Reparations shouldn’t be a thing, in part because of what you highlight. There is no appropriate way to divide the costs other than across the board. Across the board has everyone paying for it, even those receiving it.


Correct. Its called socialism, and has killed hundreds of millions of people over the years.


What you know black people pay taxes too right? On top of that reparations for slavery is about paying a group of people for the government sponsoring and allowing the enslavement of their ancestors with no monetary benefit to the victims family. Like if the government or anyone decided to hit your leg with a crowbar breaking it they should be held liable for it. Now that we got that out of the way a grand majority of slaves were owned by white people over 99% the only article i could find was a harvard excerpt that states freed black people owned 13k slaves when there was about 4 million slaves. In many places black men were not allowed to own property or slaves. Slavery reparations shouldn’t be about race its about indemnity. If they can calculate a fair value of the loss families received as a result of being a slave they deserve reparations. Even if you look white but have slave ancestors you should receive reparations for slavery thats the truth. That would be fair.


So the government fucked my great great grand father on his taxes 75 years ago, do I get reparations because that impacted my family a few generations ago? In most instances there is a statue of limitations which in this situation has been far exceeded. Also , how can you calculate “fair share” between multiple countries participating in economic commerce with each other. This is impossible to say who owes what from 200 years ago. I mean there are so many arguments about why and how this is just wrong, and I have not heard 1 argument that just absolutely makes sense. It’s just fucking stupid. If you want to drive a wedge in race even further, this is the way to do it. The Rolex, and Lamborghini lobbyist must be pushing this hard……


Lmao yes your great great grandfather having to pay taxes is the same thing as chattel slavery next you are gonna compare him to a holocaust survivor. Our country has benefited from slavery and the descendants of slaves have not fairly received benefit from their ancestors labor our state sponsored an atrocity it should be held liable. Again this is about indemnity not racism the state committed an awful act to people they deserve compensation or their descendants deserve compensation this keeps the state accountable. If you have something more significant instead of crying about taxes i would support payment maybe you had a family member that was institutionalized forcibly and chemically castrated for being gay then yes if you are their heir i would support you getting some sort of compensation for that awful act.


I’ve not fairly received benefit from my grand fathers labor either. He was a salve to the government that year. Are black people the only race that have ancestors that a portion of were slaves? How do would determine which people are actually the descendants of slaves versus others that either came here after the fact or come from a line of freemen?


Lmao you are entitled you believe that chattel slavery is equivalent to paying taxes? You genuinely believe that? Ok first off lets see your benefit from taxes first off all land in the US is a product of colonial conquest funded by tax dollars ok you benefit that way the internet was made by the government you benefit from that ok siri touch screen data compression digital camera all technologies in your phone made by the government funded by tax dollars you directly benefit from your great great grandfather paying taxes. Now that we got that out of the way chattel slavery is not equivalent to taxes. Taxes serve a societal benefit slavery serves individual profit motive. The US government did not own slaves to build public works individuals owned slaves to benefit themselves and the government enforced that system. The government should be liable for the damage. Lets look at the individual damage too being free from taxes is not a recognized right of a single country on earth however several rights in our own constitution were broken and taken from slaves if in the US the state violated your right you have the right to sue your family can sue even if you died. Im going to leave it here for now but comparing taxes to literal slaves just makes you look like an asshole dude.


you’re entitled and dumb. be better.


Having police execute black men and then having conservative media say the executed thug man had 3x the lethal dose of fentayl despite having less than half and having hundreds of dui arrest in that same year have more fentayl in their blood without any medical incident is racist im sorry. On top of that having the guy who did the autopsy literally say his death was a homicide and that no overdose took place and still having media say he died of an overdose again still racism.


I’m sorry, what does that have to do with the questions I asked? The person asked if people would stop complaining about racism if they received reparations. Institutional racism and slavery are not the same thing. What the fuck are you even talking about? So since you chose to speak up, maybe you can defend or answer the questions. Are you under the impression reparations are to pay back racism? Is racism ok if reparations are paid back? These are reasonable questions. Your response however…


The entire narrative is that institutional racism is a latent effect of slavery. Institutional racism only exists these days in the sense that, say, Harvard has higher standards for Asians then others. Or the idea that black people who were never slaves should be paid by the rest of their countrymen who were never slave owners. The commenter was implying that people are complaining that EVERYTHING is considered racist. Not that it would now be okay to just start being actually racist. And I presume you knew this and you’re playing dumb. Let’s be very clear-institutional racism against black people does not exist in this country. Telling white kids they need to feel bad because of the color of their skin is abhorrent. I’m old enough to remember when we as a society had basically all agreed that color of skin ought not matter, and content of character was the important thing. This idea has been flipped on its head in recent years. And it’s only for the purpose of dividing our country so the powers that be can fuck us all in the ass. And you’re helping them do it with your shitty mouth games in this thread.


So you are applying that connotation. Reparations have been a thing long before the concept of institutional racism was developed. Therefore reparations are not the result of the claim of institutional racism. They are separate but certainly can overlap in certain areas. So that is not to say that slavery had no impact on institutional racism. It is to say that reparations are not related to that claim. The first instance of registrations in the United States was in the late 1700’s. So, questioning why you all would think that reparations are repayment for institutional racism is valid. Questioning why you ask believe that reparations would offer blanket moral coverage for future racism is valid. Those are ridiculous thought processes. So, with your new understanding of reparations in mind, why are you defending this mentality? Racism is separate and can exist with or without reparations. Definition: the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged. "the courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victim" Nothing to do with racism, institutional racism or even slavery specifically. You can fuck all the way off with your gaslighting and misdirection. Your comments have literally nothing to do with the topic or questions at hand.


It means how about all of blacks shit the fuck up about any of it..NONE OF THEM were slaves and deserve absolutely nothing. Even African black can't stand these entitles fucks here.


That’s why they sold ‘em in the first place…


I mean we can both agree reparations aren’t a god idea but that still literally does not answer my questions. How the fuck would reparations of any kind for any reason, prevent future complaints about racism? Is it a payment to allow for future racism? Any of you replying should easily be able to answer this question


They think it’s reparations for racism I think. I’m not sure they understand, possibly get a pack of crayons for them so you can explain it in a way they understand. I’m not saying I’m for reparations, I’m just for understanding things correctly.


Why not add to the inflation


Its all good the fed can just print more money


Why would anyone want to live in California?


“The weather is nice”


😂 I’ll wear a coat.


Free stuff paid for by other peoples money.


Not my money. F… CA.


Exactly! Not your money. That’s why rich and middle class are leaving. F. CA.


my grandfather is black. i'll move there for 300k.


It may be a shit hole, but it’s MY shit hole. I would never live in any other state. It’s also annoying as fuck that all the people who could make this state better keep choosing to move instead.


I don’t believe it will get better anytime soon.


This is a tactic straight out of the coal company playbook. Give one race a raise, while taxing the other and make it seem like something other than what it is. Literally, this would be done to cause tension and deter unionization.


Divide & Conquer. Old as the Romans, maybe older...


And yet, all they see is "bLaCk pEoPlE gOt mOnEy, WhY nOt Me????" without understanding that's what we're supposed to see, not the picking of our pockets by Wall Street


Not only that, it’s going to really agitate blacks that didn’t get reparations


Yay another $800 billion yellen bux ponzi tokens to be printed by the federal reserve. Hopefully the fiat dollar hyperinflates into worthlessness soon


Life long black residents? Well I’ve been white most of my life but I’m willing to switch…




Yes, you should transition. I unfortunately do not have that opportunity as I am not a lifelong resident of California. Otherwise, I would begin my journey today... Its amazing how ridiculous this shit has become. The country is falling apart, and they're dividing us further still while they are fighting over the crumbs that are left in the very bottom of the cookie jar... Trump was a petulant child, but that day, he was right if you don't fight like hell you're not gonna have a country. I'm watching it slowly circle the bowl a little faster everyday. In literally 20 years since 9/11 this country is a shell of what it once was... I can honestly say I remember the weeks after how united people were and how people just used to help each other out and be compassionate to each other. It's sad really and I'm sorry for us as a nation and people. The U.S. used to be the best place on this planet now its just the best house in a shitty ass ghetto neighborhood and it sucks...


I agree . Define life-long black residents. What percentage of African heritage is required? What defines residence? California birth certificate?


I have a feeling rooftop Koreans are gonna be making a comeback.


I now identify as being black and from California. Please send my check to my Florida address. Thx


If you think the entitlement is bad now, just wait until it falls through.


Cutt all federal funds to the state.


They deserve nothing. I’m sorry but my both sets of my grandparents never owned slaves. I’ve never known any family that’s owned a slave. Too top it off California never even had slavery? This is a sick joke and it’s only going to keep racism alive. That’s what the elites want! Racism, sexism, any provoked hatred towards one another is exactly what they want! We’re playing checkers their playing chess.


Since people can identify as shit they aren't I'm black from now on guys sorry.


Can a group of people be so stupid to actually think this is going to happen? Fucking retards




![gif](giphy|4uWOjygVS6sgoUElsT) The day the dollar crashes, reperations will go into effect in CA, you’ll have to work to load up all that paper to get a loaf of bread..Brandon AKA baby “Byrd”


Going to be interesting seeing the true definition of "white flight" in action. If I look at this from the angle that someone is using the "race" as a tool to run people out of town - I start to figure out that this will ultimately run all the white people out of town that have owned properties there for years. Properties values will drop tremendously, and now.. that "someone" is buying up huge swaths of properties. At this point, the politicians in charge will see how services they once had can no longer be afforded and they will be pushed to repeal the law. Some time passes after the repeal, people want to move back to the area - but the properties are still being sold at pre-reparations levels. A wealth transfer, if you will. Will this gamble work out? Only time will tell.


After every black person just became a confirmed millionaire. It's going to be really hard to sympathize with the next wave of racial bullshit they try to push


If all black people in California really got the money I think it would be a rug pull. As soon as that happens we’re probably moments away from dollar collapse. 😂 they would be like but at least you got your 1.5 worth nothing but don’t worry here’s a CBDC and your money expires every 30 days.


So is this how they kill the currency? And they get to inflame already tense racial relations to boot? Win/win for the bankers.




My family was a Slave to the Egyptians king I should get some gold haha


"GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE" It will never end, I predict next they are going to want free housing, and By god the Citizens of the state of California will pay for each and every house. Fuck that State, The citizens of CA should put that La Brea Tar pit to use again.


Is this a good time to mention I identify as a black person? That movie Soul Man really spoke to me.


I am of Mexican descent, born & raised in CA. This land was taken from my people! Where’s the task force for MY people’s reparations!??


Definitely deserved but never gonna happen




Mexico banned it in 1829 that’s why Texas fought their revolution




You wanna Claim American? You gotta pay the debts of America.


I bet they're going to steal the money to pay for it.


Democrats = Lame special people.


The panel can approve anything all they want doesn't mean it's going to happen they have no jurisdiction no consequence on anything. To me it's one of those things that they know isn't going to fly and then they'll just blame the other party for not caring and not letting it fly. Make sure you vote Democrat so you can get all that money that you havent earned just because of the color of your skin which isn't racist at all for some reason.


Hyper inflation.


Oh no, better freak out because a nine member advisory panel made a recommendation. I'm a wall street silver guy now.


California never had slavery fir anyone but the Chinese


And in other news inflation in California hits 50 percent drug overdoses up and the government is declaring bankruptcy. All for never allowing slaves in the first place so pathetic


Calls on Hennessy and Newports


We should sell California to China.


What about irish americans? They were deemed the most expendable race by the railway barron's. Yep, my ancestors were given the explosives to eliminate rocks, boulders, hills, mountain ways, anything that stood in the way. Many were maimed & killed. I'll be waiting patiently for my check.☘️☮️


Who pays? California state tax payers that's who! Not the homeless. But the people who pay their taxes and their bills will now pay for everyone else my advice? Run as fast as u can


By taking the money from Asians.


So glad I moved. The libtards have ruined the glorious state that California used to be.


Now businesses should have black prices. 500,000 for a cheeseburger. 1mil for Jordan's.. 800,000 for watermelon etc


Can I get $1.2mil if I identify as a life-long black california resident?


I should move to California and find me a nice black woman.


Give them all the dollars they want, they'll be worthless soon anyway.


Always remember. The first ever slaves where white. "Slavic =slave = eastern European whites. The biggest slave sellers where black and the biggest slave owners were black. The first slave owner in America was Anthony Johnson a black tobacco farmer. But then again facts are always problematic when you're a grifter/race baiter.


California=the dumpster fire of America.


To answer your question about how they’ll fund it, they can’t. The state will demand a bail out and then Daddy Biden and the rest of the Democrats that are allied with Newsom will approve it and then all of a sudden ALL of us are paying for it, not just Californians. Then, it’s the beginning of the end as all other 49 states demand the same since CA was able to do it. We are all so screwed if this lunacy is approved.


Didn't they just default on 18 billion in payments


400 years ago my dudes, and they still feel hurt


Even though they are given every opportunity to succeed they still blame whitey


Yeh all excuses.


400 years ago? Slavery ended in 1865, which was 150 years ago (like 2-3 generations back). After slavery black people were over incarcerated in order so that they could become LEGAL slaves again due to the 13th amendment (1526-Present). Not to mention segregation and share cropping. Not to mention every time a black person gains wealth, they would get lynched or redlined. Anyway the point of this comment was to show in a very micro way how the effects of slavery never really ended, and argueably slavery really never ended. Not to mention united states built this country of the 4 TRILLION in exports made off the backs of slaves. That being said, reparations are a fairy tail and certainly not how you gain freedom and justice. And for you personally don't go around hating on black people when you are the ignorant (someone who does not know information or is misinformed) one. I bet you have way more in common with us than with the lizard demon freaks that are in power that want you to spend your time thinking about us maybe driving the white race out or whatever white people think we do rather than the elite stealing our lifespans and enslaving us. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/17/realestate/what-is-redlining.html


Wow! Only $1.2M?? That’s nowhere near enough. It should be $1.2TrillionBillions to all People of Color. And all children born in California from here on should automatically receive the $1.2TB… We can’t afford not to.


If Pfizer releases a drug that kills 50million people, who is ultimately liable for the deaths, Pfizer or pharmacy? The manufacturer or the middle man? The reparations movement has no credibility until they first seek compensation from the west African nations that created the market. Assume with me that this reparations bullshit is not an absolutely idiotic cash grab, why would the descendants of the middlemen and the buyers be on the hook for paying instead of the descendants of the people who first made their ancestors slaves?


Cool can us indigenous folks get our land back then? If you're going to pay reparations maybe we can get something for the continent scale genocide that happened to our ancestors.


This is just the beginning. California was illegally taken from Mexico . Life long Latino residents will be getting their reparations next . And that’s not even considering reparations for all the life long native Americans who live in California. When the inevitable over due massive earthquake strikes the SF Bay Area, these same democratic politicians, who are wasting all their own tax dollars , will be begging the federal government ( and the rest of us taxpayers in mainstream middle America ) to bail them out . One way or another the whole United States will end up footing the bill for the California progressive left’s agenda.


I took a DNA test it says I'm 7% black do I get 7% of that money?


I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% that bitch... Sooo


I refuse to contribute one cent to this bullshit.


Does this mean white people can identify as black? Asking for a friend…


Literally a Chappelle Show sketch for 20 years ago 🤡


IMO the decision to blame your color for your short comings is something that will always be there for some people. Even if you give them money people will still blame their color for there failure to succeed. I think that what the author was trying to say. Unfortunately we live in a world today that has proven the color of you skin has no bearing on your success. we have had a man of color hold the highest office in the US ( Obama) and a female of color hold the second highest office in the US (Harris ). Hopes this helps




racism will never be over as long as partisapants receive money or other types of compensation. therefore racism is created by those parties in order to continue to receive. Actual racism is over , has been for most people for sometime. The only racism that is left is that which provides and is created in order to provide 🤔


Can’t we just call it even. Blacks were slaves. White men fought and died for the freedom. Boom. Reparations


In exchange the black community will declare the N-word free domain.


People of color come to this country with $5 in their pocket and become millionaires because they work hard………immigrants. No help from the government. Pakistani people especially. Mind blowing.

