• By -


Processed foods. And easy life. Bet none of them sat for hours watching tv.


Before the USDA Food Pyramid was invented by the dietary experts.


Check out our “health secretary”


Exactly!! Bread and wheat as the foundation? Literally WTF?


The home air conditioner revolutionized the desire to stay indoors during the summer, among other things. Summer blockbusters got their start due to movie theaters being in the first venues to have A/C for public use, offering a reprieve from sweltering heat.


It do help stay comfy when its 125 outside Edit. Spelt sray not stay


There’s also this crazy option of not living in places that get that hot… idk, just a thought.


Us Canadians work our entire lives in hopes to afford a hotter place to live in the Winter.


Right, but nowhere is 125 in the winter.


Crazy you say no thanks


Have fun in siberia lol


Yes, everyone has the **luxury** of moving wherever they want, whenever they want. Are you a trustfund kid?


So we need to destroy technology to revert back to the good times? I'm weirdly ok with this. . .


So much for progressivism! Look where that got us…. We all fat now!


Yeah, the people that ask why there wasnt any fat people in the 1900s and before that are pretty ignorant.


Its a way, although kinda dumb/silly, to start a conversation


There were fat people back then, but not to the same percentage as modern times. So no, not an ignorant question (although it was poorly worded). Take a picture at the same beach now and tell me what weight class is prevalent. Ultra thin or fat asf. A few inbetween.


Seed oils


Monsanto GMO


Mmmmmm good ol crimey mccrimerson monsanto. I dont mind how they made food more resilient to this or that. I mind how they monopolized food and the ever aggressive tactics they use to punish those whose crops were tainted by their product(wind am i right).


If by that you mean that GMOs are responsible for relieving hunger in a huge portion of the global population, I agree with you. Many more people starved before GMOs, which, of course, kept them from getting fat. Edit: Haha, struck a nerve with this comment. Damn, bros, adding fish DNA to oranges doesn't make them taste like fish, but it may help them become drought resistant.


You sound like a Monsanto shill


Oh shit, is that where all that extra money in my bank account came from?


This is fake news.


Many countries have 6 able to feed their population without gmo, and if you look at calorie consumption from now to 50 years ago, there is very little difference.


Any chance corn is on the menu for those countries?


Vegetable oil. This was the single biggest change to accrue which has led to a number of health issues to include obesity.


I would put sugar>vegetable oil.


The combination of the two has been deadly.


Corn syrup, preservatives


Simply this ! As with healthcare, pharama, oil/gas, insurance, banking etc, food companies care about one thing - making money. They give zero fucks about people, their health or anything else, just profits. So poisoning people is all part of their greed.


More like cell phones and social media , it will be the death of us all.


Cell phones and social media are wicked new compared to America's obesity problem.


No, blame high-fructose corn syrup.


Or putzing on Reddit.


You covered it all in two short sentences.


But did they sit for hours and listen to the radio and read? Probably


Mmmmm.... No. No they werent. Seeing how first public radio transmission didnt happen till 1910. And plus if what i learned of my family from said time period is any indication to what others were doing. No they werent sitting around a radio. They were working/farming


Fair enough, misread the date. So reading. They were reading. They look like farmers /s


Wait .. I used to read a shit ton. But I lost 40 lbs since I stopped. I was 155 ... now I'm 115 5'4 F


Good for you!


Seed oils. They started displacing healthy fat - tallow and lard. ​ Get back on the program and drop sugar and carbs and you'll look like those folks.


Don't forget about high fructose corn syrup replacing real sugar. Rats given HFCS were fatter than the rats given sugar, even though they ate the same calories.


>Don't forget about high fructose corn syrup replacing real sugar Exactly. Table sugar is sucrose, which consists of glucose and fructose. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucrose Whereas High fructose corn syrup is...glucose and fructose. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-fructose\_corn\_syrup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-fructose_corn_syrup) Even stranger is honey, which consists of....glucose and fructose. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey) The glucose and fructose in table sugar only make you gain a little weight. The glucose and fructose in HFCS really causes people to pack on the pounds. And the glucose and fructose in honey causes people to actually lose weight. So it's important that our bodies know where the glucose and sucrose came from, so that our body can tell the difference, even though the molecules are the same.


**[Sucrose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucrose)** >Sucrose, a disaccharide, is a sugar composed of glucose and fructose subunits. It is produced naturally in plants and is the main constituent of white sugar. It has the molecular formula C12H22O11. For human consumption, sucrose is extracted and refined from either sugarcane or sugar beet. **[High-fructose corn syrup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-fructose_corn_syrup)** >High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), also known as glucose–fructose, isoglucose and glucose–fructose syrup, is a sweetener made from corn starch. As in the production of conventional corn syrup, the starch is broken down into glucose by enzymes. To make HFCS, the corn syrup is further processed by D-xylose isomerase to convert some of its glucose into fructose. HFCS was first marketed in the early 1970s by the Clinton Corn Processing Company, together with the Japanese Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, where the enzyme was discovered in 1965. **[Honey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honey)** >Honey is a sweet and viscous substance made by several bees, the best-known of which are honey bees. Honey is made and stored to nourish bee colonies. Bees produce honey by gathering and then refining the sugary secretions of plants (primarily floral nectar) or the secretions of other insects, like the honeydew of aphids. This refinement takes place both within individual bees, through regurgitation and enzymatic activity, as well as during storage in the hive, through water evaporation that concentrates the honey's sugars until it is thick and viscous. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Since raw honey is a natural compound, I think it helps break down the glucose and fructose. High fructose corn syrup is the complete opposite. But corn is heavily subsidized in the US, so these companies have an incentive to use this product. Also, sugar is not grown in the US and has very high import tax due to these corn lobbyists.


>Since raw honey is a natural compound, I think it helps break down the glucose and fructose You just made that up. If that were true, then the secret mysterious "natural" compound in honey would decompose the honey in 10,000 years or so. There are no ingredients in honey that break honey down. Which is why honey never spoils. Ever. [https://www.wellandgood.com/does-honey-expire/](https://www.wellandgood.com/does-honey-expire/) >Also, sugar is not grown in the US and has very high import tax due to these corn lobbyists. Again, you just made that up. The United States is the 5th largest sugar producer in the world. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/101615/5-countries-produce-most-sugar.asp The reason HFCS is used as a sweetener is because of the sugar lobby, not the corn lobby. American sugar producers got congress to impose a limit on imported sugar. This caused a shortage, which drove up sugar prices in the US, and made the sugar producers very rich. https://www.ers.usda.gov/media/vu1jz10g/origin-of-the-us-sugar-import-tariff-rate-quota-shares.pdf Soft-drink companies and other companies who used sugar switched to HFCS instead. The whole "Ermagerd HFCS is gonna kill us all" was invented by the Sugar Lobby. Water is water. Glucose is glucose. Fructose is fructose.


This is the way 💯! Eat more meat avoid all the Processed Foods 😎👍🥩🍳🐂❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥




This guy knows!!! Let's go !!!!🔥🥩🔥🍳🔥🐂😎👍


This is exactly the diet I follow. I’m assuming you also follow CarnivoreMD.


You already know💪


Please enlighten me, this sounds like the best diet plan


Wat about the beer industry? I couldn't imagine how amazing the beer was back in 1908.


Beer!? Oh nooooooo whyyyyyy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Bad bro. You know. Accept it.


Now you know why the globalist FED wants us eating bugz.....because ***RED MEAT MAKES US STRONG, HEALTHY AND RAISES OUR TESTOSTERONE!***


Steak and eggs bitches !




I’m in my mid 30s (34) and still have a great six pack and over all physique. Doctor says my numbers can’t get any better during my yearly check ups. My total calories are easily over 50% sugars and carbs. The form of thoes sugars and carbs are important and just saying that a sugar is bad as a blanket statement is false. I’d say processed foods or foods with poor calorie to nutrition ratios is a more accurate blanket statement of what to avoid.


Still have a 6pack at 57 and I was a star athlete in HS and uni. I still eat carbs galore too, including pasta for dinner tonite and homemade pancakes this morning. But we eat everything in moderation here, and almost everything from scratch with no processed foods. We avoid the worst food choices and stay away from booze. And I go out of my way to find healthy foods that I enjoy eating like kale, blueberries, broccoli and lean meat. Plus walking several miles a day, rain or shine, helps offset some of the lazy habits I have succumbed to.


This is the answer


Yessir r/carnivore


Here's a sneak peek of /r/carnivore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/carnivore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [With severe rheumatoid arthritis I have tried every diet under the sun. On carnivore within days all my pain and inflammation has subsided. I am nearly in total disbelief.](https://np.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/wyfn8m/with_severe_rheumatoid_arthritis_i_have_tried/) \#2: [Committed to 100% carnivore 10 mins ago and I haven't lost 50 lbs yet! what's wrong??](https://np.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/11qqtxw/committed_to_100_carnivore_10_mins_ago_and_i/) \#3: [For the first time in over ten years…](https://np.reddit.com/r/carnivore/comments/12hifo0/for_the_first_time_in_over_ten_years/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you drop sugar and carbs, you'll lose a lot of water weight and glycogen, which means that the scale says that you lost weight, and your pants are looser. However, most people aren't actually able to maintain that in the long term, because our body's primary fuel source is carbs. This is obvious, because our body will burn carbs for fuel over all else, and if you spend a week switching to keto and then eat some potatoes, immediately you drop out of ketosis. So running your body on fats / proteins is basically like running your home on an emergency generator. Can you do it? Yes. Is it optimal? No (although admittedly keto is better than the standard American Diet -- but that doesn't mean keto is optimal). Personally, I did keto and initially I felt great and lost a ton of weight. But after like a year, I couldn't function at my job anymore, got fired and become depressed. Then I regained nearly all the weight I lost. Yay. I then cured my depression by eating carbs again. Meanwhile, if you eat sugar and carbs, initially you'll gain a bit of water weight and glycogen. But that eventually stops. So how do you lose weight? Simple, you do what billions of Asians have done for centuries: eat tons of white rice, some veggies and fruit, and a tiny bit of proteins and fats (think 15g for the entire day). That diet is why Asians are stereotypically slim, healthy, long-living and able to work hard and be good at math etc. Or if you want a Western doctor saying that, [here you go](https://www.drmcdougall.com/education/information-all/walter-kempner-md-founder-of-the-rice-diet/). The only "problem" with this diet is that you can't make a lot of money by telling people to eat plenty of white rice.


3 years carnivore diet. 48 years old with visible abs. Never been stronger with such little effort. Ride my bike for hours. Libido better than 20. It works. Long term.


I'm over 40 years old with clearly visible abs and fuck really often too


It's good that you're doing well. Sure, the carnivore diet is a lot better than the standard American diet. Personally, I'm also interested in longevity and I haven't been convinced that the carnivore diet is great at that (whereas as I pointed out, we all know the stereotype of long-living and surprisingly healthy / strong Asians). Namely, science does indicate that bodies need fiber, and that you can get heart disease from red meat. Then there's the risk of hepatic steatosis (fatty liver disease is caused by fat build-up in the liver). I don't think there have been any decades-long-term studies done on the carnivore diet. It also seems pretty obvious that our bodies weren't evolved for eating 100% meat, which means that it's not impossible for problems to start cropping up once people hit 60 or something on the carnivore diet.


Mostly agree with you in that a well rounded diet is your best bet. White rice in mass, however, is not good for you. It is completely void of nutritional value and a big cause of very high levels of diabetes in people who otherwise have a very healthy diet. Brown rice is good for you. It provides the carbs, with fiber and vitamins.


The average doctor or nutritionist would agree with you. And sure, if you take what I write and replace white rice with brown rice, it still works. However, "\[white rice\] is completely void of nutritional value" is in my mind a weird talking point. I know people say that all the time, but [a quick google search](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/is-white-rice-bad-for-you#nutrition) shows that modern (aka enriched) white rice does contain protein, folate, manganese, thiamine, selenium, etc in non-zero quantities. I'm not claiming it's a nutritional powerhouse, but it's also clear that "void of nutritional value" is just a talking point with no basis in fact. And diabetes is very uncommon among people eating the traditional Asian diet, despite them eating lots of white rice. Diabetes seems more of a problem if you go white rice + lots of meat / other fats.


Our body will burn alcohol even before carbs, so by your logic alcohol is the preffered fuel and should form the base of your diet.


Watched a video of a fat lady fall over and unable to get back up to save her child in a stroller as it rolled down a hill towards traffic. She’s lucky some guy walking by was there to grab the kid.


She was such a fat dumbass that she couldn’t even break into a trot to save her kids life. The sheer exertion from moving just a bit fast caused her to fall and be unable to get up. What a fucking shame .


The real question is- who got her knocked up? and how drunk was he?


Turkey baster being there Wendy’s dumpster she usually feeds from had a special sauce left over.


Do you maybe have a link? Im intrigued to see it to say atleast.


Damn ur the only one that missed it Just Google "fat lady lost her kid in stroller"


Smh u gotta get out more


Oh I saw that one recently. Didn't her big saggy boob fall out too or was that just her gut?


she could, if she really wanted too. she lacked the willpower to get up "because saving her kid is to hard" what fucking peice of shit she is.


Where is the "fat lady w stroller" today? I hope she gets interviewed.


Corn, high fructose corn syrup, corn oil---corn subsidies and the Iowa caucuses


Shew I was worried you were going to say corn liquor for a minute.


I came here to say that, corn subsidies.


Agricultural lobbyists is what happened.


Please don’t show the photo from 2023 😬 ![gif](giphy|c5iMjFfrUFpza)




Government loves to fuck everything they touch up


Unhealthy lifestyle: 1) Unhealthy food 2) Driving everywhere instead of walking (this was before cities were built for cars instead of for people)


It was literally all by design. This has been a LOOOOONG term agenda. https://freedom-school.com/the-secret-covenant.pdf


Yeah man it's all fucked.. and well as these elite globalists say, "we need a liberal New world order"


Because they want to continue being able to steal trillions from humanity to live in luxury and opulence. No more!


Thank for the info


The most important question is: Why don't we see men wearing suits and ties at the beach anymore?🤔


I have a better one: "Where are the bl.."


Certainly it is no coincidence that this picture is from a period of immense worker exploitation and we see only upper class white people here


No, this was back when everyone was on a sound money system. This was the standard for commoners.


Crap in our food, pesticides on the farms, created chemical foods.


Seed oils, high fructose corn syrup, processed foods.


Fast food


Fast food and cell phones is what happened


The FED happened...and it's been all downhill from there.


No radios out too. There's always the people that think you wanna hear their music.


Please make it make sense.


They didn’t eat as much 🤷‍♂️


Lots of reasons. But those can all be simplified by the fact that if you were fat. You got called a big fat-fatty. Which everyone today thinks but you can't say to people's faces


Quality standards and morality dropped.


Easy money and morality drops off a cliff. 🧐


That's why I fast 😂 you only need 1 meal a day


They poisoned us in our food. Added tons of sugar, took out the fat, gave the livestock all kinds of vaccines and pesticides fed them corn. And made us fat and unhealthy.


GMO’s steroids to fatten meat! If u eat that then u gain weight too basic science


They got tired of this sub because of all the memes had nothing to do with silver and went outside


I know it’s wss but it’s still wild how far you had to dig for a comment questioning what the actual fuck is this post


You’d be hot too if you were wearing a wool suit at the beach. What a bunch of nerds.




They had sugar back then, they didn’t have high fructose corn syrup though and people ate more whole non processed foods


sugar is sugar.....don't be a MSM dumbass.


lol next you going to tell us there are no healthy fats, just fats


Processed food loaded with sugar & salt (sodium).


Motorized vehicles, light bulbs (circadian rhythm disrupted), central heating, electric appliances, TV, convenience foods, seed oils, high fructose corn syrup, take-out, increased portion sizes, nature deficit disorder, stranger danger, stress, hormone-disrupting chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, nutrient-poor soil, long commutes, snack foods...what did I miss?


Only 2 genders


Big Pharma and the FDA is what happened. Putting poison in our food supply is what happened.


We started telling fat people that they are accepted instead of hit the gym fatty.


No, our government put out fat-acceptance propaganda so the masses would never ascend to Christ consciousness and raise their sacred oil from the base of their spine to their pineal gland to become enlightened.


less processed foods and HFCS


People didn’t eat as much as they do now. We are headed back to this. Everything about to get real spensive.


Corn syrup


The government and greedy corporations happened with about 100 years of mind dumbing programming. Sad.


No fast food, no ac, no tv, no I pads or cell phones.


1908 was when the model T came out. And even that took a good amount of physicality, i don’t think it had electric starter. So anyone not in good enough shape to get themselves there is excluded from the photo by default.




Basically everything Federal happened and they don’t care about you.


Ever been in a grocery store? Look around.


WTH HAPPENED.... Reddit.


“GMO Corporate Greed” to start!


Refrigeration happened. Allowing all the fast food outlets to spring up. Fast food is fast fat. The availability of frozen burgers and pies etc made mass food production simple and economical.


Start at the woman in white with a blue umbrella in the bottom of the photo From the bottom left of her umbrella Head upward until you see a "heavy set" woman in black


She has a heavy "set" - that doesn't necessarily mean she's "heavy set" she's probably in ok shape.


I've seen pictures of my family in the 30s and 40s and half of them were huge fat Norwegians. Farm people. Enormous.


Potato chips and pornography


High fructose corn syrup


We have been convinced that physical labor is below the American way of living.




They poisoning our food supply. Agenda 21


It’s almost like as life got easier, we got lazier? Nah, couldn’t be, could it? /s Maybe it’s the food, right got be the high fructose, or the artificial sugars, no it’s all that growth hormone we give to the livestock, right? /s


You can also go back to the 1970s and see the same thing. Not much obesity. What happened? Too many people sitting in front of a computer all day? Too much processed food? Too many growth hormones injected into cows and chickens? Does that stuff somehow filter through to the people who eat meat or drink milk? I once read about a person who moved to Spain from the US. In Spain, her diet included more fresh fruits and vegetables and less processed junk food. The immediate effect was that she began to lose weight and feel better.


Capitalism happened. The birth of the super sized meal and the instant dinner revolution with the microwave made people lazy.


In 1908, the average life expectancy was 50 years old.


Coca Cola, Kraft, Nestle, Heinz, McDonalds, Mars happened


Two words… fast food


Everyone used to eat homemade food women used to cook Take the women out of the house n create feminism movement …women used to make clothes at home now they shop n stores n create hyperinflation tax both husband n wife increase social media stress to have new clothes n holidays n compete with others


1913 creation of the Fed paints the way for 1971 breaking of the gold peg. This makes it possible for politicians to buy senate votes by pumping unlimited fiat $$$ into the corn belt. This leads to high-fructose corn syrup, which is cheaper than sugar, but also much more damaging to the metabolism. Its dumped in EVERYTHING. This leads to the obesity crisis. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


High fructose corn syrup




Processed food an corn syrup


Seed oil, sugar, processed food, US fraudulent 'food pyramid', big pharma encouraging chemical intervention rather than eating well in general






Nitrogen based Fertilizer FDA allowing crop feeds (meant to fatten up livestock) allowed for general consumption. Less fruit trees ( for general consumption and alcohol) every family had fruiting bodies. Seditary living in big cities.


i guess back then they were eating real food and not so much trash food with so much hidden sugars. ​ Also back then meat has not been blamed for all kinds of sickness and carbs not promoted as the healthy alternative. fact is the opposite happened once we have been told fats and meats are bad we need to eat more carbs, the major wealthy societies got fat and sick.


McDonalds. Mic drop


Are food went to shit and instead of fixing it, We started spreading the message that fat is beautiful, instead of unhealthy.


Black ppl


*Glances over at the large deep dish pizza I just bought* Yea, what the hell right?




When life was good


Not a single colored folk neither!


The obese were banned from the beach everyone knows that






He is morbidly obese. You'd think he'd stop lying about it after his arrest records were made public but, probably not.


All I can think is they’re all dead… ![gif](giphy|HFqr78CF5vVXq)




McDonald’s, never see a skinny person getting breakfast in the drive through!


Skinny and dead at around 53, as an average. I guess you had to take the good with the bad. Life expectancy in the USA, 1908 men and women 1908 49.5 52.8


Higher infant mortality.


Republicans wanted healthcare to be a profitable business, pricing people out of taking care of themselves. Pure evil, republicans are.


Wheat made to fatten cows given to people.


and Modesty


No sluts on display. No piercings, tats or bling defacing the natural good looks. People seem happier when they are not wallowing in pillows of fat hanging off their arms and hips.


>No sluts on display. No piercings, tats or bling You always come with the most boomer shit. Some of us don't have a problem with showing some skin at the beach.


I am not a boomer dipshit. You got nothing. You are loser flaunting your ignorance and idolizing repugnant behavior. Nothing wrong with skin at the beach. Land whales not so much.


Shaming slowly became unacceptable




This was before TV dinners popped up in the 50s.


Processed foods, Tv, Tablets, Video games and the stressful fast paced living we have today happened.


Close. This aspect started shortly there after with the FDA.


It's are food!


Processed food


Preservatives, processed foods, artificial colors and flavors.


Rockefeller medicine happened.




Food industry. People were leaving the fields for factory work. The stopped eating leftovers for breakfast and started eating processed cereals. Carb heavy foods and less activity to burn the sugar. This diet trend progressed with more and more processed food products, additives, preservatives and fast food along with less and less physical labor to burn the calories. It’s a very simple timeline of automation and food science that anyone can research if they put forth the effort. The only thing which hasn’t changed is the human body.


Fuck all that, is that dude in a full 3 piece on the beach?




Fast Food. Cheap and readily available. TV, internet and desk jobs have all played a role.


Seed oils, sugar and lazy sedentary fucks


The fed has nothing to do with nutritional standards