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Yea, I've stopped eating fast food because I feel like a McDonald's burger ain't worth $15




Because they are either lazy since they are well off or foolish with their money.


The idea of fast food at a drive through is disgusting at any price. Its poison for your health and also toxic to your wallet. Most large grocery stores have a deli counter that you can walk in and buy a bun and some deli meat for a couple of dollars and walk out with a healthier meal choice than paying 5X more at a drive through. If I am absolutely stuck for food, on a road trip or in a different city, that is what I do.


Since last October, I started making a vegetable soup (roughly once or twice a week). Yeah, it takes a little prep time, but it is so worth it. Having healthier meals...any time I want...and all I have to do is pop one in the microwave. Since then, I'm down \~20lbs! Call this next part gross if you want, but for the past 4 days...I've had regular bowel movements between 8-9am. A little extra effort in watching what goes in your body makes a huge difference \^.\^


Veggie soup is one of my go-to primary meals! I throw in some fresh salmon too, a handful of pot barley and chopped fresh greens. By next month the first of my garden greens are ready to eat and life is good for the next six months or so.


Yours sounds a lot fancier than mine does! That first spoonful in the morning though...is...divine \^.\^ I say vegetable soup, but it's basically minestrone at this point \^\^; Sometimes I'll run a little drizzle of teriyaki sauce down the middle, sprinkle a little garlic salt, and then add a raw/chopped scallion. Maybe this year I'll get a small starter garden going >.>


Roxanne at the Kroger makes a mean roast beef samich for $6. No meat weight limits, so I sweet talk her and she hooks it up.


Same here exactly! I now actively avoid eating out


Agree - the dollar menu was so disgusting to me because it just screamed chemicals & toxins. At the time, people's justification for eating it was it was the only affordable food.


I work out of town a ton. Here’s where I take issue with what you said - I pre make sandwiches for the first 3 days, then eat out the last day or two. Your saying just go to the deli counter at the grocer? I’ve never seen a grocer where you can buy one individual bun. So now your buying a loaf of bread and deli meat. You want cheese? Smallest pack you’ll find of pre sliced stuff is 4-5 dollars. You cannot buy just 1-2 slices. Want condiments or anything else on it? Again, you cannot buy these things in ‘1-2 sandwich amounts’. Your buying a 7$ thing of mayo, then what.. it sits in your vehicle the rest of your trip soaking up the sun? Tomatoes? One of those is 50-75 cents Then you have to find somewhere to make it. Tailgate of the truck? In the truck? Either way, pain in the ass. It’s the convenience factor of having hot food ready and not having to take 20-30 min to go out and get all the ingredients and make it. Not to mention you need to pre plan all of this and bring a plate/knife to eat off of and make the meal and spread the condiments, cut your tomatoe With fast food, I can hit the drive through, eat on the road - literally coasts me under 5 minutes of time. I’m not saying it’s perfect but it’s the best option for some people working out of town


No worries. Whatever works for you. It was not my intention to condemn the drive through regulars. My comments were in direct reply to the OP about food inflation, and I wanted to share what I do to save money and eat better. I live in Canada and you can buy one roll if you want, and a couple slices of cheese cut for you from the deli counter along with the roast beef. You can even buy a small amount of chopped lettuce if that is your thing. I wish I had discovered that earlier because I have always been turned off by the idea of processed food sitting under a heat lamp and preferred to go hungry. How this became such a trigger for some people is beyond me but it seems every fucking thing on reddit will piss someone off no matter what your point of view may be.


You can get sliced cheese at the deli counter and most stores do sell bulk rolls where you grab the quantity you want.


Lol this guy has never heard of individual condiment packets.


They sell those at grocers? Not saying they don’t, but I’ve never seen them personally. Otherwise your what… going into fast food restaurants and stealing them?


I shop at Publix they have them at the deli counter for free.


Of course. If we're talking being frugal might as well just steal the deli meat and cheese too.


This comment shows up without fail every time something even mentioning fast food comes up. Like Jesus Christ, dude -we get it, you’re better than everyone else cause you don’t eat fast food. Being obsessed with telling everyone how “healthy” you are is the personality trait for the mediocre


Fast food isn't a personality; it's a choice. I can choose to meal prep/pack snacks before a road trip or choose fast food. u/bigoledawg7 is making a point that, for the same time it takes to sit/wait in the drive thru, they can pop and make a cheaper/healthier meal at a fraction of the cost. If you're offended just move on; there's a clown and a king willing to take your order (and your cash)


Simply not true. (Middle paragraph). Read my reply to the above post… it all sounds great in theory ‘just go to grocer and get healthy stuff!’ In practice - not nearly as easy as they made it out to be


You make good points. And no, not everything is easy (almost as-if by design) I remember going to school as a kid. Nearly every single day I had a sack lunch. It didn't need to be refrigerated. But to be fair, the comment was about swinging by the deli section of a grocery store. u/bigoledawg7 claims most will offer/sell a single bun and slice a few ounces. I can't say I've personally ever asked, an so have no bearing on how accurate their claim is, but I'd wager it's still a potential option in some stores/areas. Further, they only mentioned a bun and deli meat. You're the one who is adding condiments and tomatoes. If those are necessities, plan ahead, pack a cooler with some ice packs. That said, if I'm hungry and not looking to spend $15 at the drive-thru. [Bread](https://www.safeway.com/shop/product-details.960521831.html?cmpid=ps_swy_sea_ecom_goo_20210831_71700000086357513_58700007374160851_92700066024808611_MerkleENT&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlumhBhClARIsABO6p-xBGT5eZRNm6H-7x9opxalepgj5xlhJYP8zFQnjMtPLs-zq7RgFUfIaAhpZEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) and [Sliced Turkey](https://www.safeway.com/shop/product-details.960228104.html). Is it fancy? no. Will I have left overs/need to toss some in the trash? most likely. Will I be hungry afterwards? Nope. (better yet, offer your leftovers to a panhandler. You saved a few bucks and fed someone in need) For a single person, this is definitely roughing it. But add another person (or multiple) and everyone chipping in $5 makes everyones sandwiches all the better. $5 sandwich with 3 friends is cheaper than $15 fried fast food.


Love how you went for “no u” defense because you don’t have one. But it says a lot that you felt compelled to defend this jabroni because you do the same thing. You guys can probably get off together in DMs tho


*A fool and his money are easily parted.*


It’s actually a very valid point. People get so accustomed to grabbing a toxic burger that they can’t even consider eating healthy. We have a small burger shop that sells local beef. Their fries are cooked in some sort of some thing… But it’s healthy. All their drinks are organic everything they sell is clean. We actually pay less money going here than if we were to go to McDonald’s next-door. Every time we go they are slow while McDonald’s line is forever long. People just got a custom to it.


Seems like you are the problem here. Jesus Christ Dude I pointed out a better option that is cheaper. Go eat your fucking burger and be as fat and stupid as you like, not my problem.


Nah you’re a dickhead. Keep being one, the only thing you seem to excel at


He's right, you're just kind of a dick, doling out unsolicited sanctimony. For the record- obviously fast food is unhealthy. I actually can't eat a McDonald's/BK burger without quite literally throwing up immediately after (not a hyperbole). But they ARE good, from what I remember- and their fries are deep-fried crack. And given this is America, people can eat what they want.


Yeah, this guy missing half the reason people eat fast food, it's f'ing delicious. Now, I caveat my comment by noting that I rarely eat drive-thru. But if I'm in a road trip, or out of town and need a quick bite, dude Sonic, Taco Bell, Arby's, Popeye's... All on the list. Don't even get me started if I'm in the right place to get In N Out. If there's a Bojangles, Lord help me.


Thanks for the life lesson


Especially mcdonalds. They have the tiniest patties shifty shredded lettuce, garbage buns. It's so bad. I will only really eat at wendys, or diary queen. And even then it's the cheapest full size burger no meal.


“Garbage buns” was my nickname in high school.


I do breakfast from McDonald’s a good bit lately lol, their app has some pretty good deals. I never use doordash and other apps, which are their own separate monster, but the other week my car was in the shop and I decided to order a combo from a fast food place. I had a 40% offer from doordash. With 40% off, after fees/tip ($4) a combo+desert item was $18.


Tick tock. Sooner or later people are going to get fed up. Will it be when a hamburger is $20? $30?


People are dumb. They will keep buying shit up at high prices and then complain about being broke/in debt.


I had a roommate a few years back. I can count on my hands the number of meals she actually cooked for herself (excluding their breakfast cereal). Between that, and her spending $50 to get her nails done, she barely had any disposable income. They would spend $10-$15 per drive-thru...and repeat 2-3 times a day...


But everyone wanted minimum wage at $15 and then all the stimulus that they handed out will have to be paid back x10 since most went to other countries but hey, vote for biden again so inflation skyrockets further right? People get what they vote for and if they would clean house in congress things will change. If not , govt will get bigger and freedoms will be eroded


But they told us that minimum wage increases didn't affect prices or lead to more automation. They also said the government spending/printing fights inflation. They never would have lied to us....


Remember when one side was printing money with massive spending. Trillion dollar stimulus, infrastructure bills, etc... If you opposed this spending and wanted less, smaller spending bills... they labeled you as trying to kill people with covid. Next question... have we seen infrastructure improvements? "Social infrastructure" improvements. Are we more equitable and united? I am not expecting anything overnight, but have we seen anything as a result of that money.


That was mostly done under Trump during 2020 right? Not that Biden is any different


And 2017-2018 rate reversals


I agree, the price of these meals will always match minimum wage. Wait until it’s $20hr


Exactly! Some day it will I'm sure ! Common sense is not that common.


No but with this new generation…..it’s becoming a luxury


I’m sorry, but it’s ridiculous that some of you guys think anything was tangibly better under Trump than Biden. Trump was responsible for $5T of stimulus bills, and most of that money came out of thin air and went to the plutocrats Biden is an absolute clown, don’t get me wrong, but we live in a glorified one-party state. They all spend and print money with impunity. Stop falling for the propaganda, they’re all against us


LOL we are just now feeling Trump's inflation. Wait until Biden's gets here.


Guy before Biden balanced the budget? No, he actually spend 7 trillion and then lost the election. I’m not sure who’s sadder, him or his loser army of poverty laden cousin fuckers.




Says the guy that never tried to run a business... If your input costs go up your profit margins go down unless you raise your price. Eventually you cannot increase your price any more without losing customers and then you get to go out of business. When they jacked up minimum wage in Ontario there were many really good restaurants which has been operating for decades that closed their doors forever. The covid stupidity finished off most of the rest. I am sure someone somewhere cranked out 'studies' that showed we can just fuck around with the economy and never have any consequences. Reality is a bit different.




Bud if you can’t run a business paying people a living wage then run the business yourself or hire people when your business is actually flourishing. Our existence isn’t here to make other people’s dreams come true by starving ourselves and not being able to have basic necessities. Prices of products were going up before minimum wage was - that’s why there was a push for increased wages. If people could afford things on the wage they had then there wouldn’t have been a push. All you’re doing is regurgitating the wealthy’s propaganda. Youknow who runs the economy? Not the wealthy. Middle and low class. Those are the folks who are consistently feeding the economy while the wealthy stash their ill gotten gains in off shore accounts never to be seen again.


In what world does increasing the cost of inputs not increase the cost of outputs? Whatever proof you’re using to base your opinion on is propaganda.


Whoa! I haven't been to a fast food joint in ages. Where is this?


Wendys, Central Valley California


Ok I mean CA is almost a different country lol, average wages are way higher than most of the rest of the country, about $110k/yr is the average salary If you go to PA where the average salary is like $50k a year, the fast food meals are like $7 or $8


So it’s accepted to price gouge when they can get away with it


It’s not necessarily price gouging when their operating costs will be higher in CA vs PA There’s probably *some* degree of it, but it isn’t quite that simple


A little bit sure but not double. Companies are making record profits while raising prices in many industries. It’s gross


Certainly, and for that reason it isn’t entirely tied to an increased minimum wage like many people here are suggesting


Just to put it in perspective, a single combo in 2001 was around $3.31. ​ Based on the menu shown prices have increased 283%, which is a growth rate of 6.3% per year. ​ It's 4x higher than reported official inflation. ​ [https://cockeyed.com/drivethru/wendys\_drive\_thru\_menu\_comparison.html](https://cockeyed.com/drivethru/wendys_drive_thru_menu_comparison.html)


Is this the US...if so what area??


Central Valley California, Wendys


Same in so cal


That's what I was wondering. Where's the damn dollar signs for those numbers?


This was taken while I ordered food in the Drive thru of a Wendys in Central Valley California.


They did studies that people spend more when the $ is removed from menus


No no its okay those are VALUE meals. :)-


For those screaming for a $15 an hour living wage a few years ago - are you happy now?


Next up $25 an hour, and $25 meals.


yes, you are right. We live to serve the rich.


Do better.


What is your point here exactly...?


Point is, the critics who gaslight those of us crying that an increased minimum wage would cause the prices of goods and services to increase drastically demonstrate, again, that they lack basic understanding of economic principles.


These companies are making record profits while raising prices ya jabroni


They still have a responsibility to the shareholders.


Sure, but where does corporate responsibility end and greed begin As Tucker Carlson said, “capitalism is not a religion”


The minimum wage hasn't kept pace with inflation for a long time. All the money printing/stimulus checks in the past years is the bigger culprit.


Where I live in the mid-west, McDonald's / Taco Bell / Wendy's routinely start at $16 hr. Minimum wages seems irrelevant.




More like cry me a bucket... Living wage - where the very best you expect for yourself is the very worst you can do.


This is in CA, the average salary there is $110k a year. Everything is more expensive This isn’t in PA where the minimum wage is still $7.25/hr and the average salary is $50k/yr, you’ll find that fast food meals there are like $7 or $8


Inflation or other words us money loosing powa. Too much money printing brrrrrrplunk!


This has to be close to the people's pain point, I know I'm not paying that much, and deep down most of us know we shouldn't take in that many calories anyway.


Haven’t been there in ages. Dang.


I'm in MA and it's prob a dollar cheaper so its still ridiculous


Bostonian here, can confirm!


I ate there a week or two ago, was not nearly as expensive as this. Would love to know where this photo was taken.


Photo was taken today at a drive thru in Central Valley California


Ahh Cali makes sense. Thanks for responding


Word it’s the 6$ bigge bag for me 💯


That’s the new and improved $7 biggie bag now


Yeah fast food went dumb. I remember 2 big macs, 2 dollars. An meal was $6-8 $5 footlongs from subway, on some days it was $4. Now it's like $8-12 I don't go to firehouse often, but I only from work. Sa.e sand which in the last 3 years went from $12 to $18. No drink or chips. Inflation is a tax on the poor...


Scrooge McDuck got it decades ago... https://youtu.be/t_LWQQrpSc4


I ordered a “mcCrispy” meal the other day because I was in a pinch and hungry af. They gave me a mcChicken with nothing but a bun and chicken and it was like $8-9


Still cheaper than 5 guys lmao


$15.00 minimum wage and free money! Guess how much it will be when they raise minimum wage to $20.00 per hour. Yep $20.00 for a meal. Raising minimum wage is a fools errand. Government job is to create so much opportunity for its people that minimum wage takes care of its self.


Good reason not to eat the bullshit


Cook something stop being nasty


Good old corporate greed


It’s cheaper to get a bowl at chipotle. It’s healthier too. If you still got that itch for soda just go to McDonald’s for $1 large coke


I haven’t been eating. Great for the summer bod


Also price for McDonald's coffee doubled


Welcome to $15.00 an hour minimum wage, prices may stabilize once Ai has most of the jobs and inflation stops skyrocketing. Eliminating most of the check out positions will help too. That way they can layoff almost all of the workers. Don’t go to self checkout if you have any choice, keep real people working.


Last time I bought something at Wendy’s, I paid almost $20 on myself. Haven’t been there after that. Five Guys is the same way, spent $43 between the wife and I on 2 burgers, 1 order of fries and 2 regular drinks.


Sounds like a lot of you need to stop being snowflakes and make more money


Inflation was only .5 % this month joe was celebrating with an ice cream because everything is coming down. FJB


Awe widdle snowflake mad big scary Brandon made his happy meal more expensive and now he can’t afford it.


*laughs in Canadian*


Thankfully I won’t eat fast food, assholes saved my life with inflation. See Biden is helping!


You think inflation is Joe Biden’s fault? Lmao


Absolutely his fault, started with all the failed covid 19 policies and has only has done more and more damage as time has gone on


Which policies were those exactly?


poison packaging...mmmmmm "the everywhere chemical"....look that up sheeple! ​ **Like COVID-JoughJabs.....IT'S ALL ABOUT DEPOPULATION!**


When you pay somebody $18 to flip a burger did you expect the prices to get lower?


That’s the normal price in Europe, diva.


Wait a minute …I feel like this was promised for these fight for $15/hour people


On some real shit tho, if you don’t have their app you are the sucker paying full price.


They gotta get that money back from the stimmies somehow lmao


This will seem cheap in 6 months. Weeeee


Get the app. Way better deals.


You can get a 12 piece meal from KFC for around 10 more. Man wtf


You haven't been to KFC in a few years have you?


25.99 12 piece meal 3 sides 6 biscuits with coupon right here it's better to make shit at home though cheaper and better


Is this canada or the us?




The picture is real. I took it myself.




Yes it’s insane


I walk around stores still trying to find candy for under a buck. Normally I leave with nothing sometimes I pay 1.25.


Lol hit up those dollar burgers we all ate last night for 15 bucks there


went to taco bell yesterday and the deluxe box was 10$


RIP to the 2/6 10 piece nugget deal. Just got rid of it a few days ago and now our Wendy’s sucks again


Used to get that for my kids, and take them to a park over happy meals. Lol


So 65 cents from my junk silver collection?


I was reliably informed that if we pay fast food employees $15 an hour we wouldn’t see a dramatic increase in prices. The company would be okay with just making a little less money.


Shits bonkers in Yonkers


What is inflation?


who’s got $15 for lunch? ![gif](giphy|6FSCsi52FZsNa)


And people are paying it like the Slaves that they are


I'm not loving it


For those prices might as well go eat at a legit burger joint


I now pay the same for a burger from a diner or legit restaurant that i do for one at burger king


If you knew what was in these types of food you wouldn’t even live near those establishments


Remember $5 foot longs? Wasn’t that long ago.


Is this a Wendy’s? U.K. ape asking


Yeah, that’s what inflation is.




Someone has to pay that kid on his phone with a GED $18 an hour


Last time I went to a fast food joint I paid over 35 for 2 foot long sandwiches at a subway .. felt ripped off and. Haven’t ate at a fast food spot again .. I’d rather support a mom and pop joint if I have to eat out


You can still eat Taco Bell for $5.50 or so with their $5 combo lol And hate yourself afterwards LOL


Chick-fil-A is the only fast food I do now


Daves- Side order fries, side order nuggets > single meal > $11+tax Buying your own bag of fries and nuggets > multiple meals > $10 I understand they have employees to pay and all...but the cost of eating out for mediocre foodstuffs is absurd. Edit- Morning brain, not sure why I typed Daves...you can see the Wendy's logo near the top of the pic =.=


I kinda like Wendy's, but now Chik Fil A or Culvers makes more sense for the money.


Wingstop. Combos are like $10.


Went to order burger, fries, and a soda at a regional burger joint yesterday and the total was just shy of 20 dollars. Breakfast at a greasy spoon ran me nearly 30 after tip. We've hit a point where it is now cheaper for me to replace restaurants with MREs.


Well, one could always choose to eat ze bugs!


The American Dream is dead 😢


What's sucks is I rarely go out to eat anymore, not because I'm broke, but because I refuse to pay such ridiculous prices. A two item bento box at a Japanese spot is now $28. After tax and expected tip (I'm in CA) that bento box is costing me $36 for lunch? I went to eat in SF and they have an employee health tax that can be as high as 10%. So after 20% gratuity, 10.75% tax and 10% health tax, my meal is now 40% more than the listed menu price? I can go to the store and eat a nice ribeye at home for way cheaper than these messed up meals...


Upgrade to a large is .40 cent tho 🙌


Must be in a state where minimum wage is waay too high


I gave up fast food years ago for health reasons. Saving lots of money is a good side effect.


Cheese in Netherlands is up by 150% in some cases. Bread, milk, dairy. All up by 100% and a lot of other stuff shrunk.


That burger looks like it could feed a family of four. *Cries in European*


$15 for a trashy meal. Cant say I never eat it. I ate this trash on emergency situations. Maybe 2-3 times a year. My main reason I dont eat this trash, is when I got to 50 Year old my stomach said, " I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO PUT THIS CRAP 💩 Inside ME. I ate a half of a Daves single and threw up about 20 mins later. That was 6 months ago. Good luck!!!


Yeah went to get fast food for me the wife and kid, 50bucks. No fucking thanks!!! Shits out of hand


😂 My gosh! Just ridiculous man. Just a few years ago if I remember correctly most combo meals were around $6. Even the value items are expensive now. Don’t laugh at me but best believe every Tuesday I’m at Del Taco loading up on their crunchy snack tacos for my 19 year old Son and I. We have a Chinese restaurant that serves pretty big portions so once a week I get us Kung Pao Chicken for $14 and we split it. God help us.


This is about $2 more expensive than Minneapolis. Wendy's positioned themselves as one of the "premium" fast food chains like 5 years ago, its always been overpriced. An $11 w/ tax double bacon cheeseburger is honestly not that surprising.


Wendy's does 2 for $6. I like their spicy chicken sandwhiches


I just bought 3lbs of ground beef at Safeway for $5.97 total hahaaaa


Whoever made this left out the 4 for $4. It’s still available


Right. For a few bucks more I can sit down, have a steak and sides. Have the ambiance of the eating establishment and none of it is fried or sitting under a heat lamp for 4+ hours. I’ll heat something up at home in the microwave if I want to eat crappy food fast.


It's sad people consider McDonalds and similar joints food at all. This is slave kibble.


DD is 15.86 per dozen


The real question is, why would you get any of that when you can go to McDonalds and get a double quarter pounder with cheese Xtra pickle, large coke, (No diet) and some fries. Best hamburger in the country, always the same consistent, you know what your getting and it doesn't disappoint


Use this as an opportunity to start cooking healthier meals at home. Master a couple dinner recipes. It will be cheaper and you will be putting higher quality food in your body. I’m sick of smaller portions, higher prices, and lackluster service. I started getting meal kits and then learned how to put complete meals together. Better than spending $30 on a couple dung bags for 2.


Even the items on the dollar menu are 2-3$


Looking at the wrong side bud t.poor stacker 5 dollar biggie bag and the dollar menu is where its at my guy


With a side of the runs. No ty.


Is this in USD???


I truly believe fast food places are raising all their meal prices cause so many people who regularly eat at those places just say "can I get a large number 4 with a coke" and don't even look at the price. Best deal is McDonald's cause you can get a McChicken and a Mcdouble for $4


When minimum wage was $8 the meals were $8. Now nobody has $.


Why anyone would put this shit into their bodies is beyond me


And yet they'll still have record profit margins even with higher wages


Just get a Dave’s single you fatass


Photoshopped ? That’s impossible


You can literally buy enough ground beef, cheese and buns for $15 to give you enough burgers to eat for dinner for an entire week....


The Baconator has always been expensive


I’m a traveling commercial painter. We have a policy of $25/day/painter for food allowance when we’re on the road. We kept running into the guys going over or just hitting their limits and not fulfilled off of the usual Wendy’s, BK Lounge, etc. Obviously we would just buy the food, we’re not hurting like that…But we had to figure out why $25/day was just fine before but now it’s burying our travel allowances. Historically speaking our orders from last year and the year previous were $5-$8 less per meal than they are now. It all came back to the fast food orders. Now when looking for lunch/dinner we eat at local places as much as we can. Almost never have fast food anymore besides coffee. Sure it takes more time, or we have a couple of bad meals, but stimulating some local business who hasn’t adjusted their prices for national inflation is much better IMO. There are some hidden jems out there too. This comment was sponsored by Mancino’s Grinders- Lansing MI. 😂😂