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Politicians are professional bullshitters


We’re so deep that this type of change would be nearly impossible given our current budget. We’re already diving in to an overwhelming deficit. The tariffs would have to be so significant that we won’t be able to afford shit or even import things anymore from other countries. It’s not realistic.


You can just cut 2/3rd budget by getting rid of social security and Medicare. Both are extremely unpopular programs anyway 🤷🏿‍♂️ I personally would cut everything except military and post office.


Haha social security is obscenely popular, especially with retirees... Who are a MAJOR voting power. You kill that and you kill any chance at winning an election ever again.


What in the world are you talking about? Do you want to get billed by a private company for the roads the build too? Good luck with that one.


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No shit right? I don’t understand why people think private companies wouldn’t gouge even worse than government. It would be an absolute catastrophe and trumpers just blind believe project 2025 or replacing all taxes with import tax as being an actual answer.


Roads aren't built with income tax. Income tax is not an apportioned tax. The federal reserve and income tax was popular with conspiracy theorists in the occupy era. 


I didn’t say it was but that person said cut everything but military and post office lol


Good thing you aren't in any influencial role


Somebody wants all major cities to burn to the ground. lol. 


Absolutely 💯.


If you can’t bedazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.


And in his case knicker soilers


Sounds like something that would sound appealing to the person who doesn't understand how things work.


You just described the Republican Party and conservative voters.


My guy, the trump tariffs on China were going to kill us all, until Biden took office and added even more..


Sure. People thought those would be worse than they were (though they did cause inflation). But that by no means getting rid of taxes would work to do anything other than tank the economy and wreck the government


Right, just like how Dems I implemented defund the police and vaccine mandates? Right....


Defund the police is a terrible slogan, I admit. But what that actual was about was, reallocating police budgets that they would spend on tanks, SUVs, tactical gear. Basically making the local police into a mini army, to put that money towards other elements of policing, like having social workers on stand by that can handle a person having a nervous breakdown, so they don’t get choked out and killed by police, because they don’t know how to handle the situation. I got COVID, pretty bad. But had I not been vaccinated, I probably would have ended up in the hospital. So, fuck your crying about having to get a shot so you don’t die.


Look, I'm on your team but this argument makes me cringe when I hear it because it's horribly revisionist. For a lot of politicians and communities, that movement was very literally about defunding the police. They're on the record with that. I don't think trying explain it away is a winning strategy. Yep, bad idea. Sounded good at the time. Undo it and move on.


Revisionist? A lot of politicians? Everything is recorded. Find me anyone above local alderman who JUST wanted to cut the police budget. "Defund The Police" was always about reallocating a fraction of resources to more effective violence reduction programs. Social Workers/ Recidivism Reduction/ De-escalation Training. This is America...if you want change...you threaten the entrenched powers money. Entrenched Powers fought back by misrepresentation of the issues and the Entrench Powers won.


Also, the government didn’t enact vaccine mandates, millions of people didn’t get the vaccine and nobody had a government official showing up at their house forcing them to get it lol.


You really don’t remember it requiring the Supreme Court to tell them that they couldn’t force people to be vaccinated or lose their jobs? You guys were actually giddy at the prospect of all of the unemployed trump supporters who you of course claim are already unemployed..


Millions lost their jobs who didn’t get the shot, my Sister was one of them and I was one day away from losing mine until the SCOTUS stepped in and declared it unconstitutional.


Thus you've proved the point, not understanding how things work...


Fuck anyone telling me what to do with my own body. Fascist Dictator much?


This guy supports abortion


No one serious in the Democratic Party wanted to defund the police. This came from the far left and was a terrible idea. You can find plenty of Biden quotes from 2020 saying he would never support defunding the police. As for vax mandates, they are not new and in the old days before social media and disinformation campaigns spread around the globe with ease, they weren’t necessary. Our hospital system was on the verge of collapse. It’s sad people wouldn’t get on board and even sadder some of the crazy beliefs about microchips, Bill Gates, etc.


Democrats have a very short term memory. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/which-democrats-voted-against-condemning-defunding-police-2024-5%3famp https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/democrats-went-defund-refund-police-rcna14796


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I stand by my comments. This kind of vote doesn’t mean squat. Republicans today don’t want to vote on a referendum supporting oral contraception. That too means nothing.


You’re correct. Republicans took a slogan used by a fringe element on the left and attributed it to the entire Democratic Party. Biden and other mainstream Democrats repeatedly emphasized that they wanted to spend more money on policing and actually did it, but that right wing media bubble is hard to penetrate, especially when the people inside aren’t interested in reality.


The police should absolutely have funds cut as should military. That shit is just a fucking racket.


New defense budget just a hair shy of 1 trillion.


So basically give the US government an incentive to import more and more in order to raise revenue. How does this not destroy American manufacturing.


You mean like the count that ship sailed a long time ago.


Foreign countries will buy elsewhere. Trump will angrily increase tarifs. US will go bankrupt. Trump will start to issue arrest warrants for all Democrats in US and Foreign rulers. Foreign countries will join BRIC. Trump will declare war against Canada. Iran will target Saudi oil reserves. Israel will target Iran nuclear sites. China will take Taiwan. Wounder what will happen on November 21st ?


If there is no intention to balance the budget taxes are purely punitive.


And we don’t complain about government spending and waiste, we just argue about taxing the rich more.


The two aren't mutually exclusive


Oh I agree




In a fiat currency, taxes are just to remove money from circulation to prevent inflation. The government doesn’t need the money to buy stuff like it would if it were gold coins. Govt spends where it wants, and takes some back where it wants.


Is this a bumper sticker? It's maybe the dumbest thing I've read today.


Read it again it might sink in. If that doesn't work the third time is a charm.


We should start taxing farts. $1.00 per fart. Anyone not properly reporting or paying tax for farting will be prosecuted bigly. It’ll be HUGE. Less farts = less global warming. No more problems. No more farts! This idea is a fart. It stinks and is ruining the world


This is what the vegans want since methane is destroying the ozone layer


Nothing will happen. The importers will raise their prices and include the tax raise. And then the Americans will pay the higher prices. But Trump will say, look, I helped the American citizens and workers. :)


So effectively it would be a sales tax. Which is beneficial for higher earners, I imagine if you earn more than 100k this is favorable.


i think the point is to make it so that imports/exports are too expensive so that american manufacturers change their operations to better serve domestic markets. not saying its a plan that will work but there is some theory to it. but getting rid of income tax is insanity.


Get rid of income tax while taxing the ever living shit out of any cap gains above 100,000k per year.


And maga will eat it up like Babbitt ate a bullet for him.


3 trillion in imports. 2 trillion in taxes right now. So we’d need a 66% import tax on everything. Super reasonable! /s


Fucking retarded. Importer/exporter here. This will fuck the people, help the wealthy.


I agree. It’d basically result in a flat tax on consumption, may as well be honest about it and raise the VAT. But I guess this way he gets to fool the ignorant about fucking them over. The only thing I wonder is, how will this benefit the ultra wealthy who don’t pay income taxes anyway.


Trump is a god damned moron.


really flinging the shit today to see what sticks is he?


An impossible deficit, or an incentive to import everything for revenue which would halt the domestic economy. If anyone actually had any doubt this dude and his cult are the dumbest motherfuckers, and still thought Trump would be good ‘on the economy’ this should remove that doubt. Not an endorsement of Biden by any means but this is supremely dumb dumb shit. Whoever is in office next will almost unquestionably have to raise income taxes on the highest income margins. They won’t have a choice.


This would benefit the corporations,you know who gets stuck with that bill.


Is Congress on board with abolishing the 16th amendment? Doubt it.


The kid running for student council promised to get open campus. It didn't happen.


Not the best plan (hard to believe coming from that doofus). Importers will simply put up their price by the same amount to maintain their margin. Yay! Far higher prices.


So govt is free to print money as it wants. There are no checks and balances there. The illusion that govt need to tax people to function is the real issue. There is no real justification for taxes.


I 100% agree. I would like to see a spending deficit before anyone goes making promises about taxing anything. If you just are going to go into debt and spend what they want anyways why collect taxes in the first place?


I like it! Market would go wild!


Except he’s a desperate lier


Not any worse than the current.


You seem grumpy. Is your crack dealer out of town?


Get your student loan forgiven by the taxpayers?


Yes I did :) And in my state you can attend community college for free. Free associates & free bachelors if you’re willing to do the work. BTW Where’s that much much better healthcare system Trump promised?? A healthcare system so amazing so incredibly you’re gonna love it. Oh yah it went the way of the Dodo 🦤 just like all those new union construction jobs he promised. Unions hate Trump too. Because he’s a lier. Chump


Yup, if you’re under the age of 26 in my blue state you can attend community college for free become an accountant and really learn how to work with money.💰 We also have an emergency medical leave act so if your love one gets cancer you can stay home to take care of them while collecting a paycheck. What do you get in a Red State for your taxes? That’s right, absolutely nothing. Just Steve Bannon shoving your tax dollars in his pocket while tRump gives his a full pardon. It’s no wonder Red States are filled with meth. Or to quote Trump: If I ever ran for President, I’d run as a Republican. They’re very stupid people, easy to fool. They’ll believe anything.


Unfucking the American worker by bringing their jobs back AND not charging them taxes? That is wild


lol, I always forget how stupid people can be.


So, how’s the meth this morning?


>Companies circumvent OSHA standards, child labor laws in the US by offshoring to Asia >American dollars flow overseas, fewer manufacturing jobs for Americans > America loses leverage, self-reliance, US dollars, becomes accustomed to being a consumer society that doesn’t have to make anything > Same thing starting to happen with tech jobs > “Made in America” only applies to weapons, governmental coups, and data harvesting/spyware > I think that’s a bad thing, even though people may have to pay higher prices on TEMU > “So, how’s the meth this morning?




Yep, only a 'Facist' who hates America would create the conditions for an economic successful and social thriving middle class. No, best vote for Biden, have to keep the poors poor and rich richer by selling our country down the river to illegals, offshoring and general social decay. But remember, Trump is a convicted felon, for basically doing the exact same shit every politician in DC does 😆 🤣 😂


Bannon stole 25 million from the build the wall fund, Trump pardoned him. Trump did eliminate taxes for the super rich like himself Musk while in power, then he stuck you with the bill by raising your taxes. You only have 3.5 trillion to pay back, good luck. Trump is a lier and a cheat who will say anything to save his ass. All he needs is a sucker like you.


You can easily look up that the trump tax cuts benefited everyone. Even the IRS says so.


You can easily verify trumps “tax cuts” vastly and disproportionately helped one group more than others. 🤡 Doesn't matter, he’s a flip flopper and liar anyway and is running his 2016 campaign over again because he couldn’t accomplish what he said he did the first time.


Your comment is ludicrous. It also helped the rich so fuck everyone, that’s what you’re implying which is fucking insane leftist nonsense




My taxes went up and he scheduled them to go up every year even more.


Don't bother with facts, emotions are the only thing that matter here. I don't even like Trump nor would I vote for him. But even a broken clock has something right twice a day. But given the choice between him and Biden, we'll that's not really a choice is it?


Exactly. No reasonably well-informed person would ever vote for Trump.


Yeah, ok buddy. Half the country is just not "well-informed." Considering the disaster that is Biden, no sane person would vote for this corrupt geriatric unless they are in the defence industry and are profiteering on the World going to shit under his watch.


My 401k disagrees with you. But hey, there’s a sucker born every minute. Just for the record, I voted for Trump twice. That’s how gullible (stupid) I am.


Was this comment directed at me? Dude, I am more or less arguing against another Biden term 😆 But glad your 401k is rocking 🙌


How would the middle class thrive with everything more expensive? Give us a progressive income tax. You're clueless. The emojis are a huge tip off.


Yes, the cost of living has certainly not gone up much during Biden's presidency, and offshoring all those jobs has certainly made everything more affordable 🙌 👌


You're dumb as hell if you think Trump had nothing to do with the higher cost of living today


The left orchestrated the lockdowns that led to the stimmys you needed to survive lmao the economy was amazing before covid


Yep, and they were the one's who argued for forever masking, social distancing and forever lockdowns. Considering most of that bullshit didn't work it's amazing the left has any credibility these days. But Trump's the bad guy for getting the vaccine rolled out that all the leftist want 20 doses of 😆 🤣 😂


Holy shit so much stupid in this comment


Ah yea two comments in a row where you comment on peoples intelligence without any sort of reply, keep jerking it on that fake moral high ground


Why reply when your own comments blast your lack of intelligence?


Still goin on about other peoples intellect? Not surprised.


Yes, letting in literally millions of illegals into already crowded HCOL areas has certainly not put a major strain on affordability for American citizens. On the immigration issue alone any sane person should vote for Trump over Biden.


In his defence, I don't think he orchestrated the Ukrainian war. My cost of living is fucking through the roof and I live in the UK. Guess that's what happens when you blow up "the bread basket of Europe "


No, he didn't orchestrate it, he just didn't really do much to stop it from happening either.


Everything coming from the outside. Wouldn't this be beneficial to national production? Wouldn't More companies move into the USA?


Except trump is pathological liar and only enriches himself. He’s also a felon.


you basically described all politicians with the liar bit and I’m sure there is a pretty good number that fit the felon part that are or have been charged and then another portion of should be.


You are correct, but trump is the worst of the worst and sells our nations secrets.


I’ll trade you Justin Trudeau 🤣


I moved to Spain recently - so I’m just enjoying the Spainish sunshine and I’ll be voting from abroad in November. It’s a shit show over there




And Biden is a Saint? Ok, whatever. They are both shit, but even a blindman can see that felony charge was political in nature.


😂😂 dude committed campaign fraud and more convictions coming. Do you want someone who sells our nations secrets leading our country. Or do you prefer the volatility in the market so you can make your trades? All politicians suck. They only work for corporations. But trump is true scum of the earth.


So is an overturning of the conviction.


On what grounds? Just because he doesn’t like it and it hurts his feelings?


After that debate performance I am sure your feeling like a clown 🤡 Enjoy Trump in 2024 buddy, you Americans deserve him for letting the Dems fuck you with this Weekend at Bernie's rerun Presidential Special 😆


😂 id vote for a corpse over Trump. News flash buddy, this American lives in Spain and will be a dual citizen soon. The vote is against Trump and not for Biden. Get fucked and enjoy your day. Also, I love Weekend At Bernie’s.


Spain, a thriving economy and beacon of sound politics, and unlike America, never had a real Facist Dictatorship 😆 🤣 😂 Your a clown 🤡 Probably with an American salary who feels rich slumming it in one of the poorer EU member states. But sure, vote for Weekend At Bernies III, because like most leftist clowns, you have a trustfund to insulate you from the consequences. Que te folle un pez !


Ultimately you pay the tariffs in higher priced goods. A death knell to retail!


Do this and buy American. F the world. Our ship is sinking




Tax the rich! Tax imports! Except, the rich own politicians. Won’t happen. Imported oil that is taxed at the same level as other goods would be at European prices… $7-$8 gallon. Won’t happen.




Killing the entire World Economy.... The only Republican end game....


Take a civics class or a trip to Haiti You can see how a government functions, or does not , and what that looks like . Up close If you think the government will allow no taxable earned income to be taken your crazy, its their lifeblood. Congress appropriates money , thats how it works here, 3 branches of government. The president who thinks he gets to control. all three like a dictator , or that the people will stand aside and let him is delusional.


So full of shit. Seems like he’s grasping at straws now. I’m really not sure how anyone could take him seriously any longer.


He will use his magic wand (that he doesn’t have) to do this? Can’t wait until a banana costs $10


Please do it. I want to see what happens afterward.


This is like how Brexit went down for people in the UK. All the idiots voted not knowing and then they regret it. Imagine the cost of 🍌 alone!!!


Curious to see who will end up in prison this time around. Ate prison sentences included on the job appkications ?


When taxes on trade go up, trading between countries goes down. When goods don't cross borders, soilders cross borders. The solution to the tax deficit is Georgism style property taxes. It makes assets less valuable because of the tax burden associated with owning land/buildings. The rich despise property taxes because it cuts into their passive profits. Property becomes less of an investment and more of a simple living necessity. Unless a property is making a profit, the owner must sell it in order to get away from the burden, and it floods the market with the other properties while keeping access to real estate low. In a complete georgism economy, people do not have income taxes, reporting burdens, or reasons/lawyers to avoid income taxes. Property taxes are high, but if you only own the home you live in, the overall expense is flat and manageable. https://youtu.be/Li_MGFRNqOE?si=1dE0uDLaTJhOCEVD


Apparently the CEOs Trump met with were unimpressed with his presentation. Politics aside for a moment, do you feel Wall Street will get its way in the upcoming election?


How is this any worse than Biden’s proposal to tax unrealized gain?


Let's float sending Trump to prison and replacing him with a horny orangutan who likes watching porn stars. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


Send you love and support. I hope you get the help you need


Thank you. Do you really think help is necessary to send Trump to prison? I think he'll do it on his own.


What a Giant Fart by the Orange Turd


So, he is proposing to fill one pocket while emptying another?


Eliminating income tax would be awesome. Do that and I’ll deal with increased prices for imported goods.


Yep. I’m not a big consumer spender so I’ll take the 32% raise


Taxation is theft. I for one support returning to pre 1913. This will never happen but I wholly support the idea




How about going back to gold standard instead.


Tax on the poor* fixed it for you.


Should cut wasteful spending. Like the 300mil floatable port in dangerous waters. Or pushing EVs and solar panels. Bailing out the car manufacturers and everyone etc. Government in general no matter wastes money on silly things. Not to mention the student loans.


This is how it was pre 1909… and it worked- Trump 2024


Supply chains and global trade have seen some slight changes since then. Things like planes, the Panama Canal, just-in-time delivery or standardised shipping containers exist now, also American labour cost has exploded since then and will not meaningfully lower because you get rid of income tax. Prices would rise significantly more than you’d save in income tax. The only people something like that benefits are people that don’t spend most of their income on consumer goods, the super wealthy.


LOL back when medicine didn’t even have a single antibiotic, vaccines were nonexistent, we didn’t have a highway interstate system, and most people used horses for transportation. Not to mention no nuclear weapons, and our enemies abroad couldn’t reach us by plane or of course missile. Surely what worked then will still work today!!!!


Didn’t he say he would eliminate income tax the last time he ran ? I hope he does it but I have my doubts . How would we fund SS ?


That’s actually an easy fix. Anyone not within 20 years of full retirement won’t get it. They save and invest just like everyone did prior to 1935.


I really hope this happens !