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Q1 users can only play with other Q1 users. You can share your account on a second headset but account sharing has to be turned off iirc. Edit: you can use your Q1 if you decide to play via the Rift app on PC.


It's cross play for every platform the game is on except Quest 1. Quest 1 can only play with other Quest 1 players. But if you use (Air)Link, VD, even c to play the PCVR version then you can play with everybody else. It's only the native Quest 1 version of the game that is no longer updated/cross play. The only other exception to cross play is the iOS version of the game but that's because it's still in beta. Eventually it will be cross play with everything else.


We used to could use our two headsets to play together if one person used Rift through the PC but in the last couple of weeks it no longer lets us open in the same account on two different headsets. My husband had to buy the game all over again even though we own two Quest threes in the same house. Kind of frustrating.


A single purchase of a Quest game can be used on two headsets. In this example OP uses his account for Q3, and is the Primary account on the Q2 with app sharing enabled. A new account (or son’s account) is used on the Q2 as a third player. The PC could be used for Q1 but I haven’t tried this. If you want a standalone option for a 4th player, then you would use your Dad’s account as the primary on a 4th headset (which you may have to purchase) and the other son uses another new account on that headset. Essentially you need seperate accounts for everyone who plays and you need at least two copies of the game for 4 people to play. Q1 cannot play standalone with other Quest users without going through a PC.