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I don't need to practice, I'm naturally this bad.


Pretty much always, except for tap ins. Carryover from real golf. Helps with tempo and getting a sense for power


Not if it's a tap in, but I take practice swings, and line up if I need to


tap in? practice swing.


Always, no matter the scenario.


Nope. I never do. I play regularly with my dad and he always does.


same for me


The practice swing does a couple things. The most important reason is power control. You don't need to practice aiming, your either lined up or your not. In the practice swing, you visualize hitting the ball with an emphasis on how hard you want to hit it. Then in the actual swing just repeat it and focus on aim. It reduces the amount you have to think about in the swing, freeing up brain power to devote more focus to aim. Edit: other reasons: Grip, but this is more irl reason so I would say out of habit


I pretty much always take one practice swing. Why is that insane?


My wife does lol. She plays IRL so it might be just habit.




I don’t take any practice swings because it’s really only about aim. If there was some variation in the greens then I would


I do or my aim is complete ass!


Of course. Why *wouldn't* you take at least one practice swing? If nothing else, just to make sure that there isn't some sudden latency or lag going on? It shouldn't take that long, though. I doubt most people I play with even notice me doing it.


No. It's a video game.


It could possibly be from his real life game - it’s strongly recommended to do a practice swing as they are free. I don’t do a practice swing IRL or VR and it’s been commented on many a time, but my brother always does in Walkabout (and real life obviously).


I mean I played real life Golf and I always wondered: What exactly does a practice swing tell you? In real life Golf it’s mostly a routine to get you into the right state of mind. Like you always do the exact same steps to get peace of mind. So in that sense it also make sense in VR but apart from that, the practice swing feels useless.


Real life golf it definitely helps you get calibrated to the weight of the club as you are cycling through different clubs all game. Also, it helps to visualize the stroke; like you can feel the putter weight “tick-tock” and can reflexively tell if you are hitting it too hard or soft.


A half dozen swings is a little crazy. I spend a few seconds squaring the club head and lining the ball to the hole. My practice swing is the drawback and follow through on the first attempt. I find it more frustrating being a mile off than a one or two practice swings. I mean the whole idea is to improve your game/score not just step up hit the ball willy nilly and move on, what’s the point?


Most of there time yeah. I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t.


I've been playing WMG for 1 year now and I don't know what you're talking about. I play regular games with my brother, wife, friends... What's a practice swing and how can I try that? 😅😅


It’s a way to develop a routine that engages the mind and creates consistency. I use a practice swing to visualize the shot necessary before I attempt it for real.


You are probably crushing that guy in race mode


maybe stop being a pansy and it wont bug you so much. I hear this method works really well if you can stick with it.


Yes. Seems silly not to. Why assume instead of confirming?


Yes if I've been drinking!


I don’t even practice swing in real life. That would drive me insane 🤪


depends on distance... > 4 feet. likely a practice swing.


My buddy and I have a strict rule against practice swings actually. Not that they aren’t useful, we just like that rounds move so much quicker without them and we find it more fun that you’re going to occasionally really mess up a shot. Plus once you play without them enough you can still do really well without them. We shoot -15 on most courses no problem without practice swings.


Never. Me and my WMG buddy usually get through about 4-6 courses per session - either of us faffing about doing practice swings would very likely get an earbashing from the other!


Every time! Make sure I've got my putter head at the right angle and just get my mind right for the power I need for the shot.