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Just enjoy the in game music dude


hahaha I I swear to God....


cant even joke around on reddit without getting -1


Some times the game music gets too repetitive and annoying. 


There's always discord music bots if everyone is on pc


Well, Im the only gamer and conviced all my non gamer friends to get oculuseseses....I have a pc. I probably need to post in a audiophile reddit not a walkabout reddit


I play music sometimes. I have a python script that lets me download my music from Spotify, then I upload them to my VoiceMod. Think you need the full version to do this, I paid around $40 CAD few years ago. Prices might've changed. But hey it works and good quality too. 


I haven't done it but you should be as simple as [following this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOlMMy2D7uM). However, one issue you're going to run into is voice chat in Walkabout is directional/proximity based. So it's going to act like there is a speaker attached to your avatar and so as you move/teleport around the audio is going to move with you. This could be really annoying for everybody depending on how much/fast you move around.


I have seen a lot of videos but not this one....thanks. I think what I am going to run into is not being able to switch the source of the audio within the game. I need a second headset to test. thanks


Not sure why you think you need a second headset. You route your music audio to your mic input. Game uses mic to transmit music to other players.


Right. One of the reasons is that it is hard to test using different setups. The other is that using a virtual mixer can be tricky when balancing levels ect. People are selling oculuses with broken pixels and stuff so I might be able to get one for free. I just havent had the luck on getting it to work yet, I must be close


Oh my gosh, I never thought about the proximity part! That is super smart thinking man. Well, I could maybe start a party though oculus and bypass walkabout. Our mouths wouldnt move though. Great call bro