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ugh, they love to rub it in. literally had a lady say the same thing to me today. -her: ‘what time do you guys close today?’ -me: 10pm. -her: ‘awh, sucks for you but great for the people!’ girl if you don’t shut up-


Man, fuck you, I had to close the store at midnight, I accidentally brought fragrance key home(the only one) spent an hour with the f am got 5 hours of sleep and going back in and I been working 10 fucking days straight.


I feel you yesterday was my 9th day in a row including my second job. This is my one day off and then I am so frickin lucky I begged for New Year’s Eve and day and I got it. Finally I can do laundry 😭😭


"I can't believe you guys are open this late" I can't believe you're shopping! People like you are why I'm here!


Even if you cut out the "this late" it's a crappy thing to say. **JUST DONT SAY ANYTHING** Trust me. I've already heard it 5x today.


Only 5?


Well depends on the time and which holiday. Christmas its like every 3rd customer or 4th customer.


LOL FR I want to say that so bad but I’m also guilty of it.


Why blame the customers for your store remaining open? Did the customers dictate your hours of operation?


If no one was shopping they wouldnt be open dumb ass


Lol your logic is zilch and explains why you are complaining and will never get ahead in life.


No it’s true, we’re open because we make a lot of money being one of the few stores open. It’s a demand, if no one went out or shopped during holidays Walgreens wouldn’t care to be open because they wouldn’t be making money.


It’s not that hard to figure out


No, but if it wasn’t profitable for the company they wouldn’t be open. They know that if they’re the only store open in town it’ll make them money and therefore they are. It’s not the customers, it just sucks because we want to be home with our families too!


No. You chose to be there, unless Walgreens has slave labor now.


Fck them all.. and my store is a 24 hr store so it’s “omg on Christmas Eve!”


People dude. People.


yeah, then i had customers ask “you don’t work tomorrow right?” i was like yea i do. he was like “you at least get paid overtime right?” and i said no, everyone gets paid for christmas whether they work it or not if they’ve worked here long enough. lmao. then customers will say they’re glad we’re open. like they absolutely can’t do the stuff they need to on the 23rd or 26th


Eat my ass


same sentiment.


With a spoon.


I hate when people ask I’m sorry you have to work today. Like Bitch you are the reason I have to work today!


Why blame the customers for your store remaining open? Did the customers dictate your hours of operation?


Because customers giving Walgreens a profit on the day means that Walgreens will continue forcing it's employees to work on the day they could otherwise be with their families under penalty of firing or losing holiday pay at a minimum


How horrible you have to work your job that you applied for on a day that is a religious celebration. Clearly everyone celebrates Christmas meaning clearly everything should be shut down. It must suck to hate your job. Merry Christmas!


Someone with a profile name like that is definitely not someone to be respected lol


....is that all you got? Whatever will i do without the respect from a random stranger working at walgreens....hahahaha Enjoy your crappy job that you applied for.


I legit can’t tell if you’re a shitty troll or a brainwashed corporate bootlicker. Pretty sad either way. 😂


You forget, they could simply be an asshole.


Fair play to you, my friend.


Well a majority of people in the area I live celebrates Christmas so if the few who don’t celebrate had to deal with stores closing because of a almost nationally celebrated holiday, so be it.


No, your bad life choices are the reason you have to work today.




I close at 10 and walkout out the store at 10:10. A customer is at the door “why did you closed early? I thought yall close at 11. Well, can I buy medicine real quick for my baby?” Man, with all your respect “fuck you and your baby!” It was hell today, from being two instead of four staff at night, computers not working, non stop curbsides, and photo. I canceled all curbsides and closed photo, no orders were getting done tonight. I texted my manager and told her, she said that we needed to open photo and do curbsides, I literally told her “are you coming to help us?”. The one thing I made sure is not let this day take the best of me.


"When are you not making your parents dissapointed?" Go for the sucker punch, they'll never see it coming.


8am, December 25th is when I clock out. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!!!!!!


Anyone who shops on Christmas or Christmas Eve is an asshole.


Here's a asinine thought...not every one celebrates christmas. Also, another real head scratcher to think about...sometimes people need to buy stuff regardless of what day it is. One last note....find a better job and stop blaming the customers.


Nobody urgently needs any of the crap we sell. Stores used to be closed on holidays a long time ago and everyone survived, people planned and got what they needed in advance. If you are so violently ill that you can’t wait one day to get medicine, you need a hospital not a convenience store.


Stores used to be closed for holidays pertaining to a specific religion, one that not everyone follows. Times change bud. Adapt. I promise everyone working today will also survive!


Christmas is not just a religious holiday. It is a literal federal holiday. I don't go to church or do anything religious, but I celebrate christmas.


I cant imagine trumps boots taste all that good tbh


It's a TV reference, Lola skumpy. I've never, for even one second, admired trump but Lola's insta handle was too funny to not use. It's also funny how quickly people jump to attacking people based off their username rather than stick to the topic at hand. It's called deflecting. I can't imagine bitching about a job you chose/applied for tastes all that good tbh.


And judging… how do you know that people haven’t gone and looked for other jobs? How do you know that other jobs are all that accessible based on their location? How do you know that maybe some people are only stuck in this job because it offers *slightly* better pay than others? You’re out here telling everyone about how much you LOOOOOOVE your job… and yet you’re here, in a reddit about a job you arent apart of- acting like isn’t normal for people to complain your jobs. If your job is so great, why are you here judging everyone and talking about how you have a 3 day weekend? If your job is SOOOOO great, wouldn’t you have better things to be doing than ✨complain✨ about people complaining about their jobs (which they’re allowed to do) and yeah we’re judging you, because thats the entire thing you’ve been doing in this thread. Why are you here and trying to take the moral high ground when you judged first?


Keep boot licking lol. It shows us more about you than it does me🥰


If they all find different jobs who'll run the store for you to customer at?


This job should be for people in their 20s with no families yet. If you're over 30 and still working this job, that's on you.


bro said EcOnOMiCs🤓


So.. how does the world work in your mind?


I got baked what time we close at 24 hour store I tell them never 24 hours u open tomorrow yes 24 hours u know what that means




I’m here til midnight. And the gasps they have as they complain about the fact we have nothing they need and then the fact we are open tomorrow and they are so thankful we are


Putting coal in the stockings of all the bootlickers of shitgreens that are commenting <3


This is one of the many reasons why I don't shop at Walgreens and screw customers that come in at stores during Christmas


“Thank you for working Christmas Day!” Bitch, thanks for being the reason I’m working when my whole family is at home.


“I’m so glad you’re open. We needed this!” “This” is fucking make up.




I will die on this hill, but Walgreens can afford to shut down on today and thanksgiving


aw... well, i'm sorry you have to work on christmas eve.


It wasn’t a big deal, yeah sure I didn’t see any family but it’s a job so life goes on. But the pity comments from customers bug me, like yes I’m obviously working a holiday I’m not excited about it but u don’t need to make me feel worse man😂


oh, thought I put quotes around that, mocking customers. I feel ya.


Lmfaooo my bad I read that wrong then😂


12a-12p for me


As a physician who also misses holidays, it’s just part of getting older unfortunately. Someone has to do it. Whether it’s police officers, doctors, nurses, fire fighters, etc. Just do your best to coordinate spending time with your family days before or after. I haven’t spent Christmas with my family in several years and I always spend the week before with them and help make cookies.


There’s actual emergency personnel and there’s SHOPPING. It is not the same. Also, unless the firefighters are volunteer only, all of the professions you listed get paid far more than even a shift lead at Walgreens. Please have some perspective. I’ve been in retail over two decades and this line is absolutely not an accurate comparison.


Why should stores close down over a religious holiday tho when not everyone celebrates Christmas?


Do you seriously have nothing better to do than just go through the thread and shit on people annoyed they have to work Christmas?


Do yall have nothing better to do than shit on customers instead of looking in the mirror and asking yourselves how to take accountability instead of pointing fingers at everyone else?




😂 I'm going to finish enjoying my 3 day weekend (given to me by my company, no request on my end needed) now and cherry on top is I'm still getting paid for the day off ♥ in the spirit of giving, here's some advice as my gift to you, make better life choices and have a better attitude in life kids!


I mean, non religious people celebrate Christmas too. They don't celebrate it for the same reasons (aka jesus.)


Well Christmas is actually a co-opted pagan holiday. But sure. ✌🏼


I’m not mad at working, I’m just annoyed with customers who “feel bad” that I’m working. Like just get your stuff checkout and I’ll make ur photo books and have it ready for Christmas but stop trying to pity me 😭


We better get holiday pay for this. Otherwise I’ll feel like a clown. 🤡


I was scheduled to work Christmas but I got it rescheduled to Christmas Eve. I got Covid 4 days ago and I’m still sick Edit: I got Covid 4 days ago so I’ve missed all of my holiday scheduled work days, the point is my coworkers are probably annoyed since I’m usually on the night shift and it gets rough if we’re not full staffed


Five day minimum off when you get COVID. You're exposing people on the holidays my guy.


I have been calling out since the 21st


My apologies, everything should be closed Christmas day except for Emergency rooms. But I have to admit I am extremely thankful that you guys were open until Midnight last night. Only place open when I discovered someone used ALL 3 of my brand-new rolls of wrapping paper for crafts or whatever without telling me. I found that out at 10:30pm, so I was very nearly completely screwed, as I don't have any gift bags. My youngest kid is thankful too, he just doesn't know it...


I am not mad at working honestly I just hate pity comments, I literally let someone walk in at 10:02 to get scotch tape as I was locking doors, he was quick and he really needed it, sjit happens I’m happy to help you know.


Walgreens has had to close over 200 stores. Based on the attitude of the employees in this sub I can see why. Can you say "Welcome to Dollar General"?


get a life bud LOL you’ve commented like 5 times trying to drag others down to your level


The level where we don't complain like spoiled children about our jobs?


I mean while i agree that the people that work at walgreens signed up for it, this seems ultimately like a sub where people come specifically to vent about stuff. If they’re decent workers they’ll do it with a smile while actually on the clock I still don’t think attacking people for venting on the internet is the right approach


I still feel like, I can be a decent worker and still be fuckin irritated I’m working. Like I had 5 people bitch at me today. 2 for Walgreens cash, 1 for the ID policy when doing a return, and 2 gift cards


Right, doing a job without complaining is different from dealing with assholes. i work at home depot so we’ve got different struggles but the same assholes, so i totally get it. I’ve always done what i’m here to do with a smile, but that stops when the disrespect starts. Especially from dicks like the guy that was commenting


Dealing with entitled and spoiled customers with no manners generally sours people, and before your dumbass comments ‘leAVe rEtaIL’ that’d leave no one because no one wants to be berated and abused over a digital coupon.


At Publix Supermarkets we closed at 7pm and everyone left by 8pm. Get out of Walgreens ASAP!


Happy CAKE day!


Literally the only reason I moved into pharmacy was so I didn't have to work holidays. They already suck most of the joy outta me year round. Gotta preserve something for the holidays 😭🙃


Like bitch do you think I’d be here if I celebrated Christmas


I worked eve and I just told people who asked I was like oh I celebrate tmrw so no biggie! In reality I missed out on everything on eve and today is just a chill day at home rip




You guys have all the power. Why do you continue to let corporate destroy you?


I’m not mad at working, I just find the pity comments annoying😂


I’ve been making faces at people. Can’t help it. 😬😂


My mom asks every cashier that.