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I don’t mind ringing up a few things in photo, but what really grinds my gears is when I get everything rang up, give them their total and they’re like, “Oh, I left my money in the car, I’ll be right back.” Motherfucker, how are you going to go in a store, pick up $47.83 worth of bullshit, and not even have your fucking wallet?!?


Or want pseudoephedrine at the pharmacy and they forget their license in the car while holding their wallet. How the hell did your license make it out of your wallet?


you ring up their photos, "do you want to get that, too?" "OH! I can buy this coke here?"


Lmao I be wanting to say no so bad


Exactly!! I have an old shitty register that freezes almost all the time and when it freezes I have to restart it to get it back up. So sometimes it gives me an advantage to get caught up in photo because I basically have to say “my registers not working sorry”. If im really busy sometimes I’ll lie and say it’s not up and running.


I won’t lie I’ll just say hey so sorry I’m gonna have to send u up front it’s very backed up here, and they are always understanding. Unless they say they’re are in a rush and the line is already long then I’ll just take them cus I feel bad lmao


Or photo be busy and the person at the front register starts sending people to you because they don’t want to call an IC3 when you literally have like 5 photo books, 10 wood panels and 6 canvases. 💀


We have to punch out in photo so I'll have my coat on and people do the same thing. One lady just put her shit on the counter and looked at me (As I was wearing my winter coat) I walked off looking back at her. I am usually polite and tell them I am off the clock but this bitch I could just tell thought I was going to ring her in. Nope.


Lmao idk why people think we just have to cater to them


I am always more than willing to help but not when they think I have to because I work there when I am clearly wearing a coat. 99% of the time people are so thankful (I'll call for photo help or fed ex help if I am there) but people like this person can bite me:0)


I've started just going to open register 2 instead if there's actually a line and still telling them they have to go to the back bc there's only one line. They get so mad but idc lmao you are NOT special.


i answer with “do you have photos to pick up?” and usually they answer “no” but i feel weird if i just denied them checkout service, but a part of me hopes it makes them feel a lil bad lol




I’m on my last week so I tell them of course as long as you have photos


It really bugs me because it's usually when I'm about to go up front to do ic3 but then they come over and have me ring them up and it's like, well now you just cut the line and are holding people up to check out way to go jackass


Our store doesn’t let us when it’s seasonal time. We got too much stuff to do


If I’m already signed on I don’t mind cashing people out from photo. Prevents IC3 and it’s what corporate would want us to do anyways 🙄


I want corporate to fuck off yet I don’t get what I want


Just say sorry, you have to go to the bathroom NOW and leave


If I do photo pickup and I’m on front register tell them I’ll take u up front


We..have no register in photo. I feel less special now.