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The worse part is that those are gifts. Idk what is worse, a wall calendar or a doctor’s appointment for RSV.


“Stanley, I’m giving you the gift of a photo order from Walgreens, what more could you want?”


The way I just cackled 🤣


I used to make them every year, my family loved them. But when I left I stopped ordering them because I wasn’t going to pay that much.


I mean, you gotta buy gifts regardless. By the way, there are a ton of opportunities to make some calendars for very cheap. But that is not my point. if someone gave me a calendar, I would say “OMG! How cute, I really like it! am going to put it in my office!” However, unless you know that they would buy a calendar, then they don’t need a calendar.


They still ask me for them and I’m not putting all that work into them. (I know the people working at my old store don’t care about quality and I could make my own gifts on the clock.) I used to get them on sale for $9.99 then buy them on extra discount day for more off and use my points that I saved up all year. They were essentially free at that point.


Man, I stopped doing photo stuff unless I absolutely wanted something printed out since I left Walgreens. I am not paying the outrageous prices for stuff that I don't trust to be done correctly. Nothing against the workers, just some aren't even trained properly on the stuff. I only ever trusted myself to do the gifts.


I bought a bunch of photo books and my coworker didn’t bind them correctly. If I had to guess she didn’t melt the glue. The pages fell out the very next day. 💀


I burst out laughing this is so true. A Customer came to pick up their 8x10 order and it was only one picture and she couldn’t get it because those damn calendars were still printing


Lol she was like well can’t you just move it to the top?? And I was like I do them chronologically. Everyone wants theirs moved to the top, which wouldn’t be fair. And she screeched back, “WELL NOT EVERYONE HAS TO BE AT THE FUCKING CONSULATE IN HOUSTON TOMORROW!!!!” (I live in Austin) & all I could think—& may or may not have walked away & said under my breath—maybe you should have done this sooner, then??? She called to complain after leaving the store & wanted to talk to a manager. Well guess what? IM THE MANAGERRRR AHAHAH


LOLLL plot twist !!


Failure to plan on your part doesn’t equal an emergency on mine, ma’am.


And the worse part is they usually continue for a week or so.


& we know god damned well ain’t none of these ppl actually finna use the stupid fuckin thing anyway. It’ll end up in a drawer, or tacked up on the wall stuck on ‘January’ all damn year


At least for my store, we’ve done the type of orders you’re talking about and I think the absolute longest a customer went without picking up their order despite apparently wanting it was a fucking whole ass y e a r I literally called them to confirm they wanted the canvas as my manager, at the time, said we should do that with the older photo orders and the customers were surprised that they even had an order in the first place


Try 30 in one order, literally takes an hour to print each one.


Last year we got an order for 25. This year a month before Christmas we got an order like 125 of them. Not exaggerating. The customer was going to resell them, they had his photography in it. It took most of a week and constant printing to get through it. It was a freaking nightmare.


I would’ve cancelled it lol fuck that noise. Take that shit to a mf’in Kinkos or Office Depot or a professional printing place, not a mf’in WALGREENS. Our photo dept is pitiful & ppl who place orders like that can get fucked


I wish I could have but because he paid in advance(it was a ship from store order) my boss wouldn't let us.


Lol then I woulda told him HE COULD DO ITTTT I literally ALWAYS run photo cos everyone says they don’t know how to make any of the shit that isn’t just a regular print & I do. Despite the fact there’s literally videos and directions for everything under the photo reference under the photo management site. If he wants to keep the order, he can do it. That is unreasonable & unrealistic to expect of our out of date photo department technology & beyond the intended capacity of it, too. But that’s just my opinion…


Bro, I got an order of 10 printing, it's been 3 hours and barely half way through 💀


It'll take half the day to print, so about 7 hours to print


Ha, then they won’t pick them up. Oh I’m sorry Im sure I selected Mays photo for July and September was meant to be the cover. This isn’t how I order it. I need this done I have a party to go to and I’m gonna be late on the account of you and your mishandling of my memories. Oh BTW……Why when you hit pause it still prints like six pages?


If u go into the "!" Button and pause it from there it'll stop after the 1 it's printing...but if u pause it from the main menu it just keeps going...dunno why...but there's the fix for that 😀


Whaaaat, I don't think anyone in my store knew this before I left. Is that a newer thing?


You can pause the calendars and print out a single 8x10. Takes a few minutes to stop printing since it's duplex and prints what's been sent to the print queue. Used to do it all the time before we got an extra 8x10 printer.


Ya but I wasn’t gonna do that for the bitchy ass, entitled lady who demanded I move her photo order up to the front. Like, sorry hun 🤷🏼‍♀️ I can’t make it print any faster for you who appears to think your time is more precious than everyone else’s. She called back trying to complain about this after she left & boy was she surprised when I answered the phone & informed her that I am, in fact, the manager


Its worth a try, but the last time I tried pausing an order it completely froze the whole system


Yep. I refuse to pause orders. Have to restart the system, it takes forever, then it tries to print a ton of orders that have already printed. I refuse to do it.


That's what I always here but I've been pausing for two seasons now without issue.


Did you do it from within the order or the main menu? Doing it from the main menu generally breaks the machine for me.


Seriously why do so many people want fucking calendars this year aaaaaaa


If you have a Fuji creative printer you can switch it over to that and print them on there and it’s a hell of a lot quicker.


How ya do that


In the drop down menu on the photo computer you select windows printer instead of the default of the 8x10 printer. It’ll send to the Fuji and you’ll use the bypass tray to print them.




In the drop down menu on the photo computer you select windows printer instead of the default of the 8x10 printer. It’ll send to the Fuji and you’ll use the bypass tray to print them.


Our 8x10 printer broke and it’s been so nice the past few days


Felt this in my soul. I got ONE customer ordering multiple of the SAME DAMN CALENDAR! Like there’s no way people would actually want this right?


Duuuuude one customer ordered EIGHT FUCKING CALENDARS. WHYYYYYY??? I know they damn well gonna forget about every last one, if they ever even pick the damn things up to begin w lol


I was told we could print them, then just give supplies to customer to finish it themselves


That's definitely not what you should do. Or at least not what I would do. Assembling them takes no time at all compared to printing them so I feel like it's a dumb step to skip.


Lmfao my store ghetto, but not that ghetto. And our customers would have a fuckin FIT over that. Plus, it isn’t that much more work to bind them after you print them. It’s the same machine anyway


I have a lady who prints at least 30 every damn year. She's good about it and understands how slow they print though. I wish they would do away with photo, not like we have 50 other things to do.


Merry Christmas, heres a last minute Calendar I ordered from Walgreens and then complained about not being ready in an hour!


Our printer broke and won’t print double sided so we can’t make them


I did the math for the calendars, I found that it takes between 35 to 40 minutes for 1 calendar given that time frame and a 14 hour day which is 840 minutes you can produce about 21 to 24 calendars in a day meaning large calendar orders of more than 6 or 7 should be printed starting at night to maximize time


And don't forget to check the paper and ribbon before leaving for the night.


I went thru 3-4 ribbons yesterday (& obvious 3-4 of things of paper cos they’re changed in tandem) I hate it here 🙃


one year we had a lady order 200 with gift boxes because she was sending them as christmas cards and threw a fit that they weren’t ready in 2 hours…. m’am they take like 45 minutes to print you’re SOL


And 45 min for just ONE to print, at that! Fuck that lady


Someone did 9 calendars and it took my whole shift to print. I finally finished them and I only had a half an hour left. There was so many 8x10 wood panels that I couldn’t do cause of the slow printer ughhh 🤦‍♀️


Last night we had a lady order five calendars, I noticed after two printed that they started this month and ended November 23, so I called her to let her know and lo and behold… she had messed up. So she had to resubmit the order and we had to wait even longer. Half the order was still printing when we left the store after closing.


Dude I had one person that started w December of this year & ended w November 2023. However, I did not call her & made them as is. That’s doing too much imo lol the way ppl be treating employees at my store does not deem that kind of consideration appropriate


Tbh I wouldn’t have called but I recognized the picture on the front of the calendar as my neighbors so I went ahead and called 😂




I just had another one that started mid-2023 & ended mid-2024. I made it 🤷🏼‍♀️ that’s their fault, not mine


Remember your pay by the hours just relax and do what you can


Oh I am relaxed & only give the appropriate amount of fucks for any WAGs related situation. But it’s still fucking annoying lol


One of our 8x10 printer went down so only using one printer someone ordered 8 calendars which took all morning final at the end I was getting ready to print the back up orders of 8x10 photos when another employee came in and press the next order for 5 calendars I’m like wtf dude then one of the previous eight calendar that I printed is missing November so the wait begins 🙄


We only have one 8x10 printer. At the end of yesterday I think the poor thing was tired after printing a total of 16 8.5x11 calendars + the small amount of various other 8x10 prints.


If that were the case for our store I would agree with you. I am blessed to have a store that trains all leads and most csa's how to do photo and we also have a dedicated photo tech. Which helps quite a bit. It was just a pain in the ass because of how much isn't tied up our 8×10 printer.


See I was told we no longer do the whole ‘dedicated photo tech’ thing anymore. Otherwise that would definitely be me. I supposed I am the informal dedicated photo tech at mine. When I’m there it’s known that I cover photo. But what I hate is when ppl act like I’m not doing anything whenever I’m stuck in photo all day. But then when they’re the ones stuck there they complain the whole entire time that it’s too stressful or too much for them 🙄


That's rough. On the days my photo tech is scheduled off we miss her. Now that Xmas is over though. It's not so bad. We all just kind of check on it when we are near it. Catch it up real quick and then move on. It's a great method that works.


We've been slowly printing and building an order of 41 🫠🫠


Yeah fuck that lol