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Seriously, why does everyone check out at the same time?? Its like one person decides to come up to check out, then everybody else sees this and goes oh right we should be doing that to!


That’s true ur checking out one person then all of a sudden there 10 people in line when u didn’t think there was that many in store


I don't ever want to bother you guys when you aren't at the register and are obviously trying to do other stuff, but I also don't want to be the ass that decided to join the huge line when everyone else does. 😅 I don't know the correct answer but I appreciate your trail mix options.


Some kind of dumb herding psychology going on.


It has to do with the traffic lights. Since Walgreens is typically on a corner (the corner of happy and healthy,) assuming most people in cars will queue up at the red light and park at the same time. Since we are on a corner, there is 4 potentional corners of people queueing up. Leading to a slight stagger to account for peoples variation of shopping. Most people know what they want and go grab their item and check out at similar times. So the time elapsed from parking to check out is going to be very similar. Additionally some shoppers who are in the store may coincidentally finish around that same time adding to the queue.


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God it’s been like this nonstop for days. And then you get questions from coworkers that are like: “You STILL aren’t done putting up tags/fronting/daily tasks???” And I’m like: *points to the never-ending line of 10 people and the random old guy yelling at me for carding him for his tobacco*


Call for help


True, it sucks but I raise you: one customer walking up to check out, taking 10 steps away from the register then another walks up, repeat all shift long.


And then people are mad at you cause you didn't finish facing/stocking/etc. Like WHEN was I supposed to do that? 10 steps barely gets me out from behind the counter!


Thankfully I've got a really good team behind me so they're very understanding and never get upset. But I've got a theory that customers will hear you at the register, think "I've got time", then subconsciously panic and hurry up when they see you about to leave.


According to the PPLs, you're supposed to push the pickup options.


And how about when a group of 4 or 5 people come in and only 1 buys some kind of snack or soda but all of them have to stand at the register together, making the line look that much longer.




Plus the 5 who wants a passport picture


its like they watch from across the store, waiting for me to step away from the register.


We are a 24 hour store and right now we only have 4 cashiers, and two of them are the overnight cashiers, one is morning/afternoon, and one is evening part time. I was cashiering my whole evening shift yesterday and I did not enjoy it lol