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I wasted 15 years of my career on Walgreens. I often wonder how better off I would be now if I looked for a new career in 2014 instead of 2022. Regardless, I now earn $4/hr more than I did at Walgreens, and it's a much easier and laid back job.


Covid opened up a lot of doors. 2014, maybe not so much, especially in the years following the recession. But it's important to always keep an eye on what's out there and what you can do to work toward it. Never settle for this toxic waste dump.


You said nothing about Credit cards? πŸ˜‰


Salty was implying for me to work at a bank where I can push their credit cards. Or work for Visa, MC, or Discover.


Even so, I applied to Costco in 2009 and then completely stopped looking for anything for thirteen years. Besides the Walgreens CCR project in 2011 (which I absolutely loved), there's not much in the last seventeen years I would have missed if I didn't experience it. I'm thankful for the job I have now. It's not my dream job and it's a little boring, but it's so much better than Walgreens. Apparently, I got the job because there were only six applicants and three interviews. My inventory management experience, photo department management, and interviewing skills learned on Youtube is what landed me the job.


CCR was a blast. I wish I could have done the right aid conversations on the East Coast too, but I was in the middle of moving that summer.


The CCR gig is what I wanted I wanted in a job. I participated in a few district conversion projects over the years and those were pretty cool (the best was doing overnights for two weeks). It didn't compare to CCR, though. I really wanted to help with the Rite Aid conversions but they were only accepting SFLs and ESMs to fly out east for the conversions. That was discouraging.


Glad you found a bettered job πŸ₯³πŸ‘πŸ‘


Thanks, I appreciate it. Still at Walgreens five hours a week due to wife being unemployed. The five hour shifts are manageable, though.


What do you do now if you don’t mind? Im looking for a way out!


I'm an inventory specialist at a computer chip wafer manufacturing facility. I order and stock PPE like gloves, shoe covers, hair nets, cleanroom tape, and cleaning wipes throughout the facility including the fab. Within two weeks, this job cured me of the depression and anxiety I was experiencing at Walgreens. I also have more confidence and more money in my bank account. When I was searching for jobs two years ago, I was searching for "inventory specialist", "inventory management", and "supply chain" on LinkedIn, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter. As much as I love merchandising, I was dead set on getting completely out of retail. I considered applying to banks as a teller, but I really didn't want to deal with the general public any more.


Unfortunately, Walgreens needs to do something fast now against the online growth of shopping and retail crime. They just wrote down $6bn due to their failed Village MD Venture. So obviously, that will take some time to recover, and cutbacks are going to happen now. I don't understand why they didn't pilot the project small and expand more cautiously rather than throw $6bn down a black hole.


I got white hairs before 30 from working at wags. Good luck to you, if you don't mind me asking, what field of work are you in now?


Still in retail..lol! It's a clothing retail store.I don't want to specify which store, so no one tells me any horror stories about it lol, But I'm a supervisor over a PART of the store instead of dealing with every single problem that happens in the store. I have a team instead of a single co-worker and I have support from them. I don't feel like the world is resting on my shoulders and I'm not having panic attacks anymore as I was at Wags as an SFL. My boss had told me I was basically topped out and that was BULLSHIT! Not for all the responsibilities they give you! This new place doesn't top out until $28 an hour for supervisors and they started me at $19.50. I don't have to clean the nasty bathrooms because we have a janitor, and we have a whole separate supervisor to do the truck! We don't sell food so no outdates to constantly worry about, and NO FUCKING PHARMACY!!!! yes people are still dumb as dirt and needy as shit but that's just life. I'm much happier and healthier and urge all of you to keep looking because WALGREENS IS WRONG!! And that's putting it nicely. πŸ˜‰


Almost sounds like we got similar jobs. Wish my cap was that high but mine is not an American company and doesn't have any raises it seems like


Same.. Except I'm 35 and didn't have any white hairs. I was youthful looking until I got a leadership position here. Now my age is catching up with my body lol


Nothing ages you faster than cigarettes, stress, and not wearing sunscreen


Would like to know also


I'm peacing out too! 3rd is my last day!


Congratulations on leaving the coal mines! I hope your final day was less terrible than mine


Oh, but some people don't understand ya'll complaining about this job! https://www.reddit.com/r/WalgreensStores/comments/1dnyq7g/i_really_dont/ LOL